Is there a way to use Ngx-Charts with Aurelia framework? - aurelia

I want to use some of the charts by ngx-chart in my Aurelia application, is there a way to do this?

There is a way to use ngx-chart within an Aurelia application but to make it work, you will need to bring in the whole runtime of Angular to support it, and it's not going to be small. You can use a dedicated charting library like Chart.js or use a wrapper for it.


Is there any package to show highlighted vector maps in VueJS?

I want to implement a map like this:-
in which vector layers of countries are highlighted according to some metric value. I tried to search for some package but found JQuery based JQVMaps and jvectormap, which I want to avoid to use since my framework is VueJS.
Can someone suggest some package for this? Or should I go for integrating these Jquery based packages itself?
Leaflet is great and simple to learn library to work with maps. Fortunately there is a wrapper called vue2-leaflet that make it work with Vue. Regarding your Image this part of docs may useful for you.

Is there a way to turn an app into a website in React Native?

I built an application in React, is there a way that the same code will be used for a website?
I know Instagram is built on React and it also has a website, I wonder maybe you should add some link or something that it will open for me as a website?
Or maybe there is no such way and I have to build a website separately?
First off all, If you have written any code which is related to native functionality, then it can be challenging.
If you have only worked with views, images, and some of the basic functionality.
It can be done with react-native-web you can easily migrate your project to react-native-web.
If you project is created with expo they already provide react-native-web support.
Option 2: If you have some of the code you want to share and some is that you don't want to share or can't share.
You can use renderProp or customHooks pattern to reuse your logical code and seperate your view for react-native and react js apps.
If you want to reuse your views too, you can do those with primitives.
you can use styled-component primitives for that.
You can get some idea here as well.

How To Do A Popup Context Menu Like DroneDeploys

How can I include a popup context menu in my app, just like the ones DroneDeploy use?
What's the CSS, JS lib that you use???
I know how to do this using vanilla JavaScript, but I want it to look like yours, to keep the theme in tact!
I've looked at the source and can see you are using Angular CDK's OverlayModule to provide popups.
I'm not using Angular, so I'll have to just style the popup so it looks like you themes myself.
The doc is the best way to follow up in this case. There you can see what's possible or not. Did you see this point? Here you can follow a checklist to apply in your App and build App in Drone Deploy style. You'll need to follow another way to interact with users.

How to use the front camera with react-native-document-scanner?

Working on a react-native app, I'm using react-native-document-scanner because I need to detect documents. However I need to switch between the front and the back camera. Is there a way to simply implement that or is there a package allowing it ? (react-native-camera does not suits my needs)
The creator of this package nicely implemented this feature especially for the need of this project. Many thanks to him !
Now the boolean props "useFrontCam" is available.

How do you enable Core Spotlight to index app content in React Native

What's the easiest way to go about indexing a React Native app so that content within the app appears in Spotlight searches?
If you're still interested in indexing your app content using React Native, I've written a plugin to do just that.
As you've figured out, there's no built-in react-native support for this. The only option for you to utilize the Core Spotlight framework capabilities is to create your own native module which will expose this functionality to your react-native code. You can also try to find someone who already wrote this module and made it open source, but I guess you've already tried that.
Since this is the only way, it is also the easiest... That said, it should be pretty easy to implement it yourself, assuming you have some experience with iOS development. If you run into problems you can post your code and I can point you in the right direction if necessary.