Vuejs 303 redirect - vuejs2

In my Vuejs application on calling API to make a payment and I get 303 as status code and In the header, I can see Location:
In the browser's network console, I can see log for
but the page doesn't redirect to payment-success page and show following error on the console
Failed to load
Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested
resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access.
Thank you in advance.

You are running into CORS issues. There are several ways to fix/workaround this.
Turn off CORS. For example how to turn off cors in chrome
Use a plugin for your browser


Requestly chrome extension mock api response to 503

I want to change HTTP Status Code to 503 with a custom response body on URL ending with .mpd. I am using Requestly chrome extension to intercept the request and have it failed with 503.
Here is the Modify API Response rule screenshot
Here's Requestly logs in devtools which shows that request was correctly intercepted.
The rule looks like it kicks in but is not showing the correct response code. Looking at the network tab it looks like the interception did not work
Need help with mocking the status code to 503 and custom response body.
HTTP Status Code can not be changed by Chrome Extension. Chrome doesn't provide any APIs which allow Chrome Extensions to change the status code.
You should be able to solve this problem using the Requestly desktop app where you can also specify the status code while defining your mocked API response.
A desktop app-based solution is more reliable however if you really want to work with Chrome extension only. Here's a workaround that you can try
Setup a new API Mock with 503 Status Code and the Response Body
Setup a new Redirect Rule to redirect your actual URL to the Mock URL
More details are covered in this SO answer

Error while fetching data from GitHub API

I'm trying to get user details from the Github API using fetch, but it's showing the following error in the console
Access to fetch at '' from origin
'' has been blocked by CORS policy: No
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested
resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's
mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
How to solve this problem
Even if the error message includes "CORS", there are other things wrong.
The following content that is my original answer has nothing with this question.
It is the problem of the browser and localhost not GitHub API.
(To tell the truth, GitHub API allow CORS)
Normal browsers must disturb the connection between localhost and http(s)://*.
If you want to avoid it, you should use http-server (npm install http-server -g).

Safari CORS issue - host not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

Hi I am having an issue with CORS on safari. My request is working fine in every other browser except safari. I keep getting the error message [host] not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin although the api specifically sets the request url in the response for both the OPTIONS request and the POST request.
I have researched this endlessly but nothing I have found has worked.
I have attached a screenshot from chrome which you can see all of the request and response headers and a screenshot from Safari where you can see the error. It is exactly the same request with exactly the same parameters.
Thanks in advance!
Cross Origin Resource Sharing calls are generally blocked by browsers and thus API calls made from a website (in your case localhost:3004) to a remote host (I think you have hosted it in Amazon's API Gateway).
What you need to do to enable CORS .
If you are using AMazon's API Gateway .
Click on the resources and in the Action , you have an option where you can enable CORS . Do that and it will add the headers to enable CORS .
Option on AWS API Gateway to enable CORS
Once you do this your response header of OPTIONS call will have "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" as "*" .
Thus your browser / web site will be able to make cross origin calls.
Hope this helps.

Ionic2 project with Apache PHP REST service on localhost

I have a PHP REST service and a Ionic2 project that 'out of the box' runs on Node.js localhost:8100. The REST service runs on my computer on localhost:80. When I want to do calls from Ionic2 (Angular2) to my server on localhost I get this error in the browser console:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost/app_dev.php/login.
Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check:
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Origin 'http://localhost:8100' is therefore not allowed access.
The response had HTTP status code 404.
Wat I understand is that this is a CORS issue (Cross origin resource sharing). As I understand A way to solve this would be to change the build script in ionic to point to a front end distribution location in my Apache project and run the whole project from localhost:80. Another solution is to change the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header.
What is the most simple straight forward solution for this problem?
Checked the possible duplicates, and there was an potential ANSWER to which I want to add some more detail:
Since you are dealing with PHP, the following has worked for me by just adding on top of your php script the following:
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); // this!
header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type'); // and this!
//more code here
During development, you might very possibly need to enable CORS in your browser, here's an extension for CHROME
Hope this helps! :)

Jmeter error 404

I am trying to load test a webapp, which has following functonality
1. Login in app (setting some cookie variables )
2. Serach customer with some parameter
3. Get detail of particular customer
4. Logout from webapp
When i am running Jmeter i am getting status code 404
Any reference or help will be appriciated.
After googling i found 4** says you have sent bad request.
To check what request has been sent i am using fiddler and capturing original request (which is working from browser ) and request sent by Jmeter , I am comparing data under Inspector tab in Headers in fiddler, Is this right way to resolve the issue of 4**. What else i can do to fix this issue ?
Screen shots attached
I think, the HTTP header manager and HTTP cookie manager must be pushed up just before Recording Controller. Otherwise the requests are made without these header or cookie informations.
If you doing localhost testing should in the cookie manager config domain
You can see the request/response in View Results Tree. Just click on the tab Request or Response data respectively. If you're getting a 404, chances are the Response data tab will contain the 404 with (hopefully) information about the values that are invalid or missing.