LiveData vs Observable data object - android-databinding

According to the LiveData documentation, one of the features has been designed to notify data changes using observable pattern.
(Along with this,LiveData offers a number of other promising features)
On the other hand, the Observable data object based on its documentation is capable of notifying others about changes in its data.
As a result, these two features seem are same.
The question is:
isn't it better to use LiveData with its other features?

According to LiveData documentation:
LiveData is an observable data holder class. Unlike a regular observable, LiveData is lifecycle-aware, meaning it respects the lifecycle of other app components, such as activities, fragments, or services. This awareness ensures LiveData only updates app component observers that are in an active lifecycle state.
So it is essentially a lifecycle-aware observable, now it is an advantage, isn't it?
However, there is really no restriction about using only RxJava or LiveData, the two can be used along with each other.
Actually, it better to use RxJava when there is no lifecycle available like Repository in the data layer and keep LiveData in layers that lifecycle is important like the Presentation layer.

LiveData is like an observable but like unlike an observable, it is lifecycle aware. So this means that the live data will only update app component observers that are in an active state. However, you don't always need to use livedata. I would say livedata comes in handy when there are lifecycle components involved such as activities and fragments. For more information look at When to use RxJava in Android and when to use LiveData from Android Architectural Components?

The observable in the question is ObservableFields, not RxJava Obervervable like the other answers mentioned.
It's a good question to compare between LiveData and ObservableFields. Because live data is lifecycle aware, it can do a lot of things. You can observe the live data from the view model and update the UI from the code. You can also extend the live data and use it like an event bus to notify the data change between 2 Android components and you don't need to worry about the lifecycle issue.
But does that mean it is not necessary to use ObservableFields at all? No. Because data binding itself is lifecycle aware, it already checks when the view is active. You can use LiveData or ObservableFields or even Stateflow
In one-way data binding, you can use any of them, but in 2-way data binding, I still prefer observable fields, because it's more flexible, and you can easily write custom logic in the observable field setter, and when the UI changes, it can call the setter to do some additional stuff.
class LoginViewModel : BaseObservable {
// val data = ...
fun getRememberMe(): Boolean {
return data.rememberMe
fun setRememberMe(value: Boolean) {
// Avoids infinite loops.
if (data.rememberMe != value) {
data.rememberMe = value
// React to the change.
// Notify observers of a new value.
And in xml file.


Observer pattern: case of multiple registration of the same instance

I'm studying the observer, a kind of design pattern.
The observable object contains a list of observers. A list can accept redundant an observer instance. So we can limit this redundancy using a hash set instead of a list.
My question is, if we allow redundant registration of the same observer instance, is there any example that the observer is registered more than one time? Why the same observer is registered to the same observable multiple times?
One observable may produce several different types of event notifications. One observer may be interested in registering for a number of these notifications. Obviously you could design this scenario in different ways; but one way is to maintain all registrations in a single list.
The GoF does mention on page 296,
It's up to the observer to handle or ignore a notification.
This implies an observer needs to be aware of any potential for redundancy and react appropriately.

Object models in flux / redux

So i am learning the flux pattern using redux as a framework for it, to generate a mobile application in react-native (no backend).I feel I have been fighting against the pattern for some time due I come from an OO background and was expecting my model to be abstracted and bind somewhere in the pattern.
Last night I think I had an epiphany by thinking that this pattern enforces the idea that all is data and how is treated in reaction to events. So is fully functional programming and no abstractions (that have state) have a place inside this pattern.
So just to map to an OO world I have explain it in this mode to my brain:
internal objects in the store: each is equivalent to the properties of a class.
Event: equivalent to the reaction to something that happen and calls methods from a class.
reducer: the methods that transform the data inside a class.
views: the representation to the user of those abstractions.
My questions then are:
Is this weird theory (models inside the store). valid or just a bad idea?
if not valid, where do my models hook in a redux based application?
if not valid, this means this pattern is just to use on the front-end?

What is a good pattern to access other components' states?

I encounter a situation where component A needs to know about the state of component B when A is asked to perform certain actions (for example, if edit menu is toggled, the save action on the save button should not be performed). My application is structured like a tree with nested components.
I have tried passing all the components I need into the constructor of other components. I find this quite tedious whenever I add more component to the application, I have to pass them all the way down. Furthermore, some components are instantiated under the same constructor, but they need to know about each other. I cannot pass say component A and B into each other since I need to instantiate them in order.
I have also tried using event system to signal between components. (Observer pattern ?) It seems to be more of an overkill and not intended to be used like this.
3rd thing I try is to use singleton through dependency injection. Components register themselves on init to the provider and the provider can be injected to provide access to other components.
The 3rd approach is the most effortless and it is working for me. But I google that Singleton is not a recommended approach since it is just global variable and it entangles the code. But Unity game engine seems to have the same thing ( FindComponentByTag ). What is the general practice for this ?
The standard pattern for handling things like this is MVC (Model View Controller) which usually makes use of the Observer pattern. Components (I guess that you are having GUI components in mind) should not directly access the state of other components. Instead, state should be handled by the model. The components that need to know about the state are registered as observers of the model.

MVC / Observer & Immutable Data Structures

Can You please explain what are analogues of MVC / Observer techniques in two cases:
Immutable Objects (OOP style)
Immutable Data (functional style)
For example let's consider following simple GUI example (You can try it live here click 'Run' button to start it and wait 2 sec for text to appear)
It's built with JavaScript because it's easy to play and MVC / Observer are very natural to it
// Model containing the data.
var Post = Backbone.Model.extend({})
var PostView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
// Registering view rendering method as
// an observer on the model.
this.model.on('all', this.render.bind(this))
// Every time state of model changes
// this method will be called.
render: function() {
// Printing value of model.text attriubute.
return this
// Now, any time the model is updated the view will be also
// automatically updated.
post.set({text: "hello, it's me"})
But I don't quite understand how to do the same with Immutable OOP and Functional styles, what ways are there?
In case of classical MVC and OOP techniques there are implicit identifier for every object - its reference. Observer relies on this reference/identifier to dispatch messages to correct objects.
In Immutable world reference doesn't identify object anymore (there may be multiple references for different versions of object) and in functional world there's no objects at all. So, we need to explicitly supply the object identity.
The analogue of Observer in Immutable/Functional world is a Pub/Sub with explicitly provided object IDs.
Regarding an immutable OOP style I would suggest to apply the following modifications: Instead of "changing the model state" you would have to create a new model state each time there is a state change. Instead of pulling the state in the observing function in the view, I would pass the immutable state as parameter to the observe function (here: the render function).
As inspiration for a more functional approach to the observer design pattern, you might want to have a look at reactive functional programming. Particularly, I would recommend the somewhat controversial paper on Deprecating the Observer Pattern.

Notifying observers from nested structures

Currently, I am trying to dissect some tight coupling between the data model and the UI in an application by introducing the MVC pattern. Basically, this means making the model aware of the associated views in order to have them informed whenever properties inside the model change.
The data model is represented by a nested structure:
- Node
- Leaf
- Leaf
- Node
- Leaf
Each element inherits from a common abstract base class (StructuredNode).
The problem I've been thinking about is: observers should be able to subscribe to the Model (and only the Model), but each element should be able to emit change notifications. This could be achieved in two ways - either notifications are routed up the hierarchy until they reach the Model, where they get pushed to the observers, or by implementing notifications in the base class, with a static observers list, as in this example:
public abstract class Base {
private static Map<IObserver> observers;
protected synchronized void internalSubscribe(final IObserver observer) {
protected synchronized void notifyObservers(final Base obj) {
for (IObserver observer : observers)
// .. other base class operations
In this implementation, only Model would offer a public subscribe method, which internally would delegate to the protected internalSubscribe method of the base class. At the same time, each derivative of the base class could send a change notification, like this:
// Perform some operations that change the object's internal state
// ...
// Then notify all observers
Is this rather good or rather bad practice (using a static observers list)? Any opinions on this? Are there alternative solutions?
A static observer list is not a common solution, and I would not consider it a good practice for a generic use model.
Observers would be notified of changes to models they are not interested in. This means that all the burden of identifying the model firing the notification falls on the observers, which probably have no good and efficient way of doing it other than going up the hierarchy and finding the root node... a lot of code, that must potentially be implemented several times in several observers. In the end it would be simpler for the observer to ignore considerations and just update or recalc, even when the updated model is not the one it's interested in.
Of course all this may not apply in your case. If you know you will not have more than one model of this class in your application, then you can very well go with this solution.
Anyway, the requirement of having only the Model with a public subscribe method should not constrain you to using a static observer container to share among all Model instances. As you said, there is another way. Routing the notifications up the hierarchy is IMHO the correct way to go.
If you want to avoid routing, then you could choose to have the nodes keep a reference to their model. This may be more efficient if you know the tree structure will be deep an not very dynamic. If nodes can be moved from one Model to another, than this is a bit risky and requires some further code to keep the reference updated.