WSL terminal forgets to update and loses focus - windows-subsystem-for-linux

I'm trying to use the WSL console in Windows 10 (version 1909) for some development work, but I find that often running processes will simply appear to have hung, but when I send a keystroke to the terminal it will update back to the bash terminal (as if had completed all along but hadn't updated).
I am running the latest version of the debian package from the store.
Is there anyway to make this problem go away or am I wasting my time trying to use the default terminal?

Just a hunch, but I am guessing you are ending up in select mode. If you click anywhere in the terminal the title of the window will change to be prefixed with "select" and the terminal output will freeze so that you can select text without it changing while you try to highlight it. Pressing any key will cause you to exit select mode.
If this bothers you you can turn it off by right clicking on the title bar, clicking properties, and disabling quick-edit mode. Alternately, might I recommend the new Windows terminal, which handles selection and the clipboard in a more intuitive way.


IntelliJ doesn't display... at all

I have a bug which is completely over the planet. IntellIJ doesn't display. It's on, yet doesn't display.
It worked well before, last thing I did was re-setting up new dependencies on my code and (nothing to do with that) re-setting SDK for other reasons, both of which shouldn't be linked to display properties.
As you can see it's working, I see the pop up windows:
But doesn't display:
Yet I can see IntelliJ windows with Shift + Tab:
and yes, my screen doesn't duplicate, so it's not hidden in another dimension or something
I tried:
restart computer
uninstall install IntelliJ
uninstall install IntelliJ without previous parameters
try other JetBrains software, like DataGrip, it works and displays well
call a homeopathic doctor
Unsuccessfully. So I knee and await before your judgement of this critical situation.
I have this exact same behavior happen to me when I use IntelliJ at work and then go home and try to use it via Remote Desktop. Its very strange (regardless of which monitor I leave it on at work when I leave).
If I hover over it in the task bar and then hover over the thumbnail for the running app, I can right click and tell it to maximize and it magically comes back into focus. Sometimes I have to tell it to restore and then to maximize before this works.
Occasionally even this doesn't work and I have to close it, re-open, and do the same. It makes no sense, so I understand your frustration.
It works
As John Humphreys - w00te mentionned, click right over the thumbnail (I insist: the thumbnail ! Not the taskbar icon) and then select maximize and voilà.
Bon appétit.
Thanks for your contribution and I hope it will help some people in need here.
I have had this issue when I have moved from a dual monitor setup to a single monitor setup or a different dual monitor set up. The issue here that intellij window seems to save and use the coordinates of the last dual window setup to render the window. It doesn't matter you restart your computer, it will always try and render to that position, even if that position is not visible on the new monitor set up. On windows there is an easy way to fix this issue. Go to your display setting and flip the order of the windows. The intellij window should now be visible. you can drag the window to the your other monitor and re-arrange the windows back to the order you had previously. After that, you can place the intellij window wherever you want.
In my case I noticed there is a 1 pixel thick gray line on my screen, turns out that was the IDEA window and I could resize upon hovering that line. Needless to say it wasn't me shrinking it.
I have this same behavior, It happens to me when I connect a monitor in extended mode and move the intellij window to the monitor, then disconnect without moving it back. No other solution other than to connect to monitor again and bring it back to the original window for me works.
On mac, select the app from the app tray so that the menu for it appears up top. Then on the menu up top, go to Windows->Zoom and it should expand to fill the viewport.
From there you can drag it down to size and reposition.

Toggle between embedded terminal and editor while keep the terminal open

I have IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3.2 on OSX.
I understand ⌥F12 allows us to toggle between embedded terminal and editor, but in this way the terminal disappears when focus moves to editor. Sometimes I'd like to switch focus from and to terminal with shortcut keys and still have the terminal opened so that I can tail logs.
My current workaround is to use both and IntelliJ IDEA and switch over by ⌘+Tab, but to me it's handy if I can do both in IntelliJ IDEA. Probably the embedded terminal and its use cases are designed to suite lightweight task that requires minimal attention, though.
Your problem here is that the ⌥+F12 shortcut isn't toggle focus, but toggle open. So essentially you are just opening and closing it.
After opening the terminal you should use the same command you use to switch between tabs in the editor (I believe it's ⌘+` on OSX).
Your window mode is correct though - docked mode keeps it attached to the side/bottom of the window, and pinned mode keeps it from collapsing when losing focus, so keep those set.

Restrict core usages PyCharm

I have this program that I've written in PyCharm. This program should be running for a week or so, and it is very processor-needy. So when I run it I pretty much have no use of my notebook, as it becomes very laggy.
Is there a way to somehow tell PyCharm to use first three of my cores and leave one for other programms so they can operate normally?
Go into task manager
Find the running task (it probably won't be the main pycharm window)
Right click and select "go to details"
Right click on the details and click "set affinity"
Select whatever cores you wish the program to use
Alternatively you can use the "set priority" sub-menu and set it to "below normal". All other processes are normal priority by default, so it shouldn't interfere with anything, but still use any other available processing power. You can do the same thing with long installations or automatic windows updates so they don't slow you down.
I should also note that both of these selections will be reset upon restarting the program. Additionally, if you are using windows 7, you don't need to "go to details". Everything will appear in the context menu for the process.
Unfortunately, I don't know how to do this in pycharm.

GNU screen: output that causes the screen to scroll leaves garbage at the bottom of the window

I'm configuring GNU screen in a cygwin environment. Re-configuring actually--it always just worked before, and when I upgraded to cygwin-64 the same config files give me unexpected behavior.
What happens is that whenever I do something in the terminal that overflows a full screen the terminal does not scroll. Instead, each new line "overwrites" the last one on the bottom row of the window. Even when the process is through, if I CTRL+l, there's a bunch of garbage left on the last three lines of the terminal. Also, when I use a program that takes up the entire screen, such as vim or irssi, the "caption" line disappears.
I suspect that there's some discrepancy between my xterm settings and screen's 'term' setting, but I'm a little at sea here and, as I said, all the same configuration files worked fine (and do work fine on other machines--both cygwin and native linux). Can anyone recommend a way to get my beloved screen to behave again?
Here's my .screenrc:
shell /bin/bash
screen -t bash 0
select 0
escape ^Zz # Instead of Control-a, make the escape/command character be Control-z
autodetach on # Autodetach session on hangup instead of terminating screen completely
startup_message off # Turn off the splash screen
defscrollback 30000 # Use a 30000-line scrollback buffer
nethack on
# Misc h4x to make scrollback work
terminfo * te#:ti#
termcapinfo xterm|xterms|xs|rxvt ti=\E7\E[?47l
# Bells are annoying
bell_msg ''
vbell off
caption always '%{= kG}[ %{G}%H %{g}][%= %{= kw}%?%-Lw%?%{r}(%{W}%n*%f%t%?(%u)%?%{r})%{w}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{g}][%{B} %d/%m %{W}%c %{g}]'
You're running screen under xterm (something I do all the time myself). The screen process "knows" how big the terminal is, but that information can be out of sync with reality. I find this happens a lot when I run screen -dr from a different window.
Resizing the xterm windows causes it to send a SIGWINCH signal to the process running under it, which typically causes that process to re-query the tty settings.
Click the maximize button twice. If you're already maximized, that will restore it to a normal window and then re-maximize it; if it's not already maximized, it will do the opposite. In either case, it should cause screen to recompute the window size.
I encountered the same problem today. Thank everyone for the heads-up. The final solution I found out is that to set the mintty term type to: vt220. There must be something not right about the "xterm". After that, everything is good.
I'm answering my own question here because, while #Keith Thompson's answer does resolve the symptom of the problem, it didn't keep the symptom from occurring. He did set me on the right path, which was to install the xterm package in cygwin-64. That appears to have resolved the issue.
I downgraded screen version to Screen version 4.02.01 (GNU) 28-Apr-14 and it worked.

Display icon overlay without restart explorer

Please help me how can I display the icon overlays without restarting the explorer.exe?
The problem Im in stuck here is the fact that I must always close the explorer.exe in taskbarmanager and re-open it. I want the way no need to restart shell like that. Any way in C++ ?
Have a shortcut to a batch-file that kills explorer.exe and restarts it. Restart it twice, once for the desktop and then for the explorer window itself (if needed (or just press Windows+E)).