Groovy Script for PhpStorm Live Templates give suggested box? - intellij-idea

So I have a little silly problem. I have a groovy script that reads all files in a folder and then manipulates the files in such a way to output the file names for the user to select the correct one in the live template variable. My problem is that the auto suggestion list only displays 1 item and not multiple items to select from in the IDE.
Here is the live template setup:
This is the output:
This is what I want (without using enum()):
This is the piece of code:
groovyScript("import static;def curPath = _editor.getVirtualFile().getPath().split('/src/')[0];def dir = new File(curPath+'/src/partials');def files = [];dir.traverse(type: FILES, maxDepth: 1) { files.add(it.toString().replace('/src/partials/','').replace(curPath,'').replace('.html','')) }; return files;",methodParameters())
Please help... Since google searches does not yield any proper answers.

As of IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3, the groovyScript() feature does not support generating a list of suggestions. It can only be used to calculate a single suggestion which is then inserted into the editor.


PageNumber in Scripts for ActiveReports 7

I'm not very used to Active Reports and I got an old software using those. The software provide some kind of stripped version of Active Reports Designer 7.
I got a PageFooter section with some fields and I want to remove one to display it only when it's the last page.
Basically, what I want to do is this in scripts :
if (this.PageNumber == this.PageCount) {
Field.Visible = true;
I only find one post here that say this.PageNumber should work, but it dosent.
So I tried to use the ReportInfo using the FormatString as {PageNumber}, but I don't seems to be able to read the value using this.ReportInfo.Value or this.ReportInfo.Text
I also tried to make a TextBox, using SummaryType : PageCount. But I'm still unable to read the Value.
So the question is :
How can I know the Page Number and Page Count in the script section?
Or how can I read the value of those textbox I created ?
Thanks a lot!
I think these docs cover what you are looking for:

IntelliJ Live Template groovy script cut'n paste from clipboard

I know this can be done because I've done it before but can't remember how.
You create a live template in IntelliJ and you set a variable called $GROOVY$ which takes the output of this expression:
groovyScript([Some file path])
Then you write a Groovy script at the file path in question. The idea is that I'm going to copy some Ivy style dependencies and then paste them as maven style dependencies such that colon separated Ivy specs become XML maven when I paste them.
Specifically what I cannot remember is how to get the live template to pull content from the clipboard.
I'm not sure that I completely follow what you are trying to do but I think the crux of it is this:
how to get the live template to pull content from the clipboard.
You can do this by defining a parameter named, for example, $clipboard$ and then associating this variable with the Live Template method: clipboard().
For example, given the following live template:
// Here are the contents of the $clipboard$
With this value in the system clipboard:
Then engaging the live template will result in the following ouput:
// Here are the contents of the foobarbas
Here are some screenshots showing it in action:
Define the live template:
Use the template:
Here's the result:
groovyScript("return _1.replace(\"-\", \".\")", clipboard())
Pull data from example-clipboard-body to example.clipboard.body.

IntelliJ IDEA properties

In my project I'm frequently passing one AccountID in different packages and classes and that accountid is hardcoded wherever it used.
This AccountID may change for some resons in the future. And in order not to go over all files in my my project and replace it, I want to write it in one place.
I heard that there are some properties in IntelliJ where I can do that. I don't know how to google my problem, so if you have any sources, please share.
I think you should use the Properties.class for that purpose.
just write a txt file anywere (I recomend your Resources folder) and name it to "" for instance
The text in your propertiefile would look like the following:
AccountID = "whateverIDyouWant"
to get the data of your propertiefile call:
Properties props = new Properties();
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("G:\\your\\path\\");
String AccountID = props.getProperty("AccountID");
if your AccountID is an int just parse your string using Integer.parseInt(yourString);
if you want to set your properties through hard code, that can also be done:
props.setProperty("AccountID", "whateverIDyouWant");
to create a resources folder, create a folder in your classpath. Afterwards go to the "Project view" in IntelliJ. Rightclick the new folder and select "Mark directory as" -> "Sources Root". Thats how its done.

PHPExcel write html file into existing xlsx file

I have a template file that I fill using PHPExcel. But I have terms and conditions that are saved in database with html tags and inline css. Now these terms and conditions are subject to change so I cant put it into template. So only solution is t take it from database and put it inside created template but I have no clue how to open xlsx file and insert .html file inside it perhaps as second sheet.
This is my current code:
$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
$objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($inputFileName);
$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel2007');
And of course there is lot of code that specifically deal with writing data to excel file but that is working perfectly.
Could someone please explain how could I go about doing it.
You can't simply insert an HTML file inside an xlsx file
The latest develop branch of PHPExcel does include an HTML to Rich Text wizard that will take a block of HTML markup and convert it to a Rich Text object that can then be stored in a cell, and /Examples/42richText.php demonstrates how it can be used. At present, this only covers basic markup tags (<br />, <font>, <b>, <i>, <em>, <strong>, <sub>, <sup>, <ins>, <del>, etc) and doesn't handle inline style in any way. However, it might provide the basis for what you want with some additional work.

Create files using list of filenames and add content to each

I need to make a bunch of redirect pages as I've recently updated my web site which previously used .html files and now all the files are .aspx. I have a tab-delimited file containing a list of original filenames and the corresponding new filename.
It seems like there should be a language out there that I should be able to create a file using the first column for the filename and insert the second column as its content with some additional text for the 301 redirect.
Could someone point me in the right direction as to what language(s) would be able to accomplish this? Also, if you could also point out the name of the method/function I would be using so I know where to begin when creating the file.
I've needed to do this type of thing many times and am willing to learn a new language (Perl, Python, or whatever) to accomplish this, but I just need pointed in the right direction. I am using Windows XP to develop on.
Thank you for your time.
This can be done in a few lines of C# if you already are working with aspx you can process this in the codebehind on a dummy page.
System.IO.StreamReader myreader = new System.IO.StreamReader(Server.MapPath("~/Text.txt"));
while (!myreader.EndOfStream)
//9 is Ascii value of Tab bad idea to split if the second set of values might contain tabs but can reconstruct the data if inputString.length >2
string[] inputString = myreader.ReadLine().Split(char.ConvertFromUtf32(9).ToCharArray());
//construct the path to where you want to save the file, or if the filename is the full path all the better
System.IO.StreamWriter filemaker = new System.IO.StreamWriter(#"C:\" + inputString[0]);