Issue with SSL cert in WebSphere 6.1 - ssl

I'm adding Google reCaptcha v3 to my J2EE application that runs under WebSphere 6.1. (I know, its no longer supported. A software upgrade is on the plan, just not immediately.)
I've followed the steps below to add the cert to WebSphere's NodeDefaultTrustStore, and after restarting WebSphere, the SSL cert is accepted no problem. My servlet code that does the reCaptcha verify logic works fine and all is well.
However, the following day, the certificate I imported is no longer accepted. When I import it again, I see that the Fingerprint (SHA digest) is different than the previous day. It looks like Google changes their SSL cert on a daily basis. Is this true? If so, how do I get around this problem in WebSphere?
CWPKI0428I: The signer might need to be added to the local trust store.
You can use the Retrieve from port option in the administrative console to retrieve the certificate and resolve the problem.
If you determine that the request is trusted, complete the following steps:
Log into the administrative console.
Expand Security and click SSL certificate and key management.
Under Configuration settings, click Manage endpoint security configurations.
Select the appropriate outbound configuration to get to the (cell):ServerNode01Cell:(node):ServerNode01 management scope.
Under Related Items, click Key stores and certificates and click the NodeDefaultTrustStore key store.
Under Additional Properties, click Signer certificates and Retrieve From Port.
In the Host field, enter in the host name field, enter 443 in the Port field, and in the Alias field.
Click Retrieve Signer Information.
Verify that the certificate information is for a certificate that you can trust.
Click Apply and Save.

"Retrieve from port" adds the leaf certificate. To do something more reliable, trust the issuer. The current issuer for is GlobalSign root CA R2 which you can grab from (GS Root R2)
Unfortunately it is hard to automate grabbing the root CA in tools like "retrieve from port" because many SSL toolkits do not send the root CA over the wire during the handshake -- because the client should already have it.

Here's an approach for WebSphere Liberty that might work for 6.1, I haven't tried it.
Use the openssl method but take the -second- certificate in the list (which doesn't expire until 2021).


Valid certificate signed by intermediate CA(go daddy) doesnt work with few clients(docker alpine)

I have bought a domain and certificate from Azure. The certificate is given by Go Daddy as azure partner and it is signed with the intermediate certificate from Go daddy hence it always needs chaining of certificates till Root CA.
Our website is used as a REST interface for our customers and hence clients use Java SDK or plain scripts. In our case precisely with zulu jdk image(11u5-zulu-alpine) from microsoft and even I tried with ubuntu 16.04 LTS and get the same error.
if we try to even curl to our site with proper certificates we get error as below and its because of the intermediate CA is missing!
curl: (60) server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none
With java SDK we get as
I have 3 questions.
Do we need to bundle the intermediate and root certificate with our domain certificate and deploy it.( the certificate is in pfx format)
Is it a good practice to tell our clients to install the bundle certificates ( root and intermediate) in order to get this working.
Does GoDaddy needs to update the bundle certificate in the packing repositories of Ubuntu ,alpine Or is my understanding wrong
And lastly I have a fair idea of how certificates work w.r.t client and server but with the intermediate CA in picture I am unable to understand exactly where the intermediate CA should be put in. I read few posts on the SO but its still unclear. Please bear with me and if some one can explain me the approach how it works in general and what could be the good practice.
Do we need to bundle the intermediate and root certificate with our domain certificate and deploy it.( the certificate is in pfx format)
You should definitely configure the server to send all required intermediate certs; this is required by the TLS standards. (Although if you don't, clients have the option to try to obtain them by other means, like a cache or repository or AIA, and sometimes they do.) Whether the server sends the root is optional; the standards actually state this in reverse, by saying the server MAY omit the root, where the all-caps 'MAY' invokes the meaning defined in RFC 2119. E.g. for TLS1.2 in RFC5246 7.4.2:
This is a sequence (chain) of certificates. The sender's
certificate MUST come first in the list. Each following
certificate MUST directly certify the one preceding it. Because
certificate validation requires that root keys be distributed
independently, the self-signed certificate that specifies the root
certificate authority MAY be omitted from the chain, under the
assumption that the remote end must already possess it in order to
validate it in any case.
How you do this depends on what web-server software you are using, which you didn't identify. Although from the fact you specify a Java version, I can speculate it might be Tomcat, or something based on Tomcat like Jboss/Wildfly. Even then, Tomcat's SSL/TLS configuration varies substantially depending on the version and which type of connector 'stack' you use (the pure-Java JSSE, or Tomcat Native, aka APR Apache Portable Runtime, which is actually OpenSSL). However, a 'pfx' (PKCS12) file can definitely contain both a privatekey and the matching (EE) certificate PLUS the chain cert(s) it needs, and is a convenient way to deal with the whole kaboodle at once.
For a cert obtained directly from GoDaddy, they provide instructions linked from for many common servers. I don't know if for Azure they use any different chaining that would alter these instructions.
If your server is publicly accessible, at port 443, will check if it is correctly handling the chain certs, as well as many other things. There are other tools as well but I am not familiar with them; for non-public servers I usually just look manually.
Is it a good practice to tell our clients to install the bundle certificates ( root and intermediate) in order to get this working.
Clients should not install intermediate cert(s) because as above the server should send them. The GoDaddy roots have been accepted in most official truststores for several years now, so most clients using default settings should not need to add them. However, some might; in particular Ubuntu 16.04 might be old enough that it doesn't have GoDaddy preinstalled. And any client(s) that wishes to use a customized truststore, and/or a pin, must ensure that it is set to include/allow your cert's trust chain.
Does GoDaddy needs to update the bundle certificate in the packing repositories of Ubuntu ,alpine Or is my understanding wrong
GoDaddy has supplied its roots to (AFAIK all) the major truststore programs, as above. IINM Ubuntu uses the Mozilla/NSS list, which definitely includes GoDaddy today, but as above I can't be sure about 16.04. I don't know for alpine. CAs do not request truststore programs to include intermediates (although a program or user may be able to add selected intermediate(s) as trusted, depending on the software used).

Odd SSL certificate issue

So, I have a wildcard SSL cert from Go Daddy, and it has been installed on a few servers. However, on one particular server I cannot seem to get this thing done. Here's the process that has worked on all servers but this one:
1. Create CSR
2. Having gotten the certificate from the provider, I open the MMC certificates snap-in and import the intermediate cert to the intermediate authority store (or personal store, both have been tried). This is successful, in that I can view the certificate from the MMC
3. Go to the IIS server and under Server Certificates, I complete the CSR, point to the provided certificate and it imports into the web server successfully.
4. I go to an individual web site to assign the certificate to the web site under binding. When I select https and the IP address, the drop-down menu activates, but the certificate I just installed is not available for choosing.
5. I go back to the server Certificates, and the cert I just viewed is no longer there.
Go Daddy says to rekey, however, this makes no sense, since immediately prior to this, I installed that same wildcard cert to a different server, and it works fine. Obviously, this is something with IIS or Windows on this particular server.
Does anyone have any idea how to fix this without rekeying? Server platform is Windows 2008R2, IIS 7.5
If you have followed steps described in then from your side it's done. And for more references, you can also check out this
Otherwise, rekeying is the last option.

COULD NOT CREATE SSL/TLS SECURE CHANNEL: Client certificates, TomCat and .Net

I am having the same issue with client certificates that many people have reported, but none of the solutions I've seen have worked for me. I have a client I wrote in VB.Net (using VS 2010 and .Net framework 4.0) that needs to connect to a web service running on Apache Tomcat/5.0.27. It works fine with SSL when client certificates are not required, but as soon as client certificates are required, it fails with “THE REQUEST WAS ABORTED: COULD NOT CREATE SSL/TLS SECURE CHANNEL”
Testing it with Internet Explorer (8, 9 and 10, on XP and Win7x32), when SSL is enabled (configured on Tomcat by setting sslProtocol="TLS" secure="true" scheme="https" in the system.xml file), but client certificates are disabled (clientAuth="false"), IE is happy after the CA certificate and the server certificate are installed on the client PC. (IE will complain without the certificates, but you can tell it to ignore the warning. When the certificates are installed, it connects without any warnings.) When client certificates are required (clientAuth="true"), IE will not connect. After I import the client certificate file, it still does not connect. IE shows that the client file is installed, and it shows the certificate is ok and it trusts the CA, but it shows it in what seems to be the wrong store: Intermediate Certificate Authorities, and client authentication is not ticked under Purpose. The MMC certificates snap-in shows the client certificate is in the Personal - Current User store.
The certificate was issued to us by the owners of the web service, so in theory it has to work. The properties look ok, and the purpose shows "All application policies".
I need to get this to work with my .Net client. I use a Web Reference to create the connection to the web service. I set PreaAuthenticate=True, and attach the certificate file to the web reference, and can see it attached in the IDE. Using Network Monitor, I can see that the server sends certificates to the client (in two large packets), but the client doesn't seem to send any back to the server.
I have tried various recommendations, e.g. setting ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true and
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3, but this makes no difference.
I have disabled firewalls and proxy servers, so nothing should be blocking the traffic.
I'd appreciate any help.
Ok, it turns out there is a problem with the certificate they supplied, or it is somehow incompatible with the client. I found instructions on using OpenSsl to create a certificate, and it works with their server. They used java's keytool to make the certificate, so either it creates an incompatible certificate, or they didn't use the right procedure, and the procedure I used with OpenSsl is the correct one.
The steps in OpenSsl are to create a private key file (client.key), create a certificate request (client.req), sign the key (client.pem) then export it (client.pfx).

Browser is not prompting for a client certificate

I am updating an internal application to a two-step authentication process. I want to add a client certificate authentication process (via a smart card) on top of a traditional username/password form. The application is written in C#, hosted on IIS7, and targeting Chrome and IE8.
I am having issues with getting the application to prompt the user for a client certificate. I have been debugging the application with the help of Fiddler. When I have a test client certificate saved in Fiddler's user's directory (C:\Documents and Settings\USER\My Documents\Fiddler2), the application works as expected. I am prompted for a PIN number protecting the smart card, and, when entered correctly, takes me to the login form. When I close Fiddler, the application throws a 403 Forbidden error instead (since Fiddler is no longer running and pointing to its certificate). What I haven't been able to figure out is why the application won't prompt for a certificate normally.
Current Server Setup:
Self Signed Certificate was created
443 Binding is pointing at Self Signed Certificate
Anonymous Authentication is Enabled
The Self Signed Certificate was added to both the Trusted Root CA and Intermediate CA (I read that another person had it in both rather than just the Trusted Root CA and that solved their issue, though neither set up has worked for us).
I cleared out the rest of the certificates in the Trusted Root CA that I didn't need (I read elsewhere that having too many certificates would cause SSL to choke).
I am out of ideas to try other than starting from scratch on another server. Does anyone know what the issue might be? This seems like it should be fairly straight forward and that I'm missing something minor. Any ideas are welcomed.
After spending more time with this issue today, I strongly believe it has to do with IIS7 not being configured correctly (I did not set up it originally). I think this because I enabled Failed Request Tracing, looked at the subsequent .xml files being generated, and saw that a 500 error was being thrown.
Chrome is throwing a "Access to the webpage was denied" message rather than a "403 - Forbidden: Access is denied". I don't know if this helps. I do know that when I do not make certificates required, the site will work as intended. Requiring a certificate is where it fails.
The Application Pool is set to .Net 4.0 | Classic | Network Service.
Your problem is that the browser doesn't either get the request to provide client certificate or there is a security related option to block it from happening. IE offers certificate only if the web site is in correct zone (intranet or trusted sites). Please check this before everything.
If that doesn't help then see this answer for next step. The netsh documentation says:
Optional. Specifies whether the negotiation of certificate is enabled or disabled. Default is disabled.
Enable that and even the dumbest browser should notice that it is supposed to offer certificate for authentication. To diagnose your problem further you can use WireShark to see the negotiation in action.
In every browser I've seen, the browser will not prompt you to select a certificate if it does not have any certificates signed by a CA the server trusts. So make sure your server is configured with the correct CAs. As Boklucius suggested, you can use openssl to examine the list of trusted CAs your server is sending to clients and see whether the CA you have signed your client certificates with is among them.
Try openssl s_client -connect yourip:443 -prexit
And see if the CA (your self signed cert) is send to the client in the Acceptable client certificate CA names.
you need to install openssl first if you don't have it
I'll throw in a "try restarting the browser" suggestion, particularly if you installed the certificate while the browser was running.
To add a rather painful lesson to the mix: Make sure you quit Skype (or any other application) that eats port 443.
So the idea here is if you are running a dev environment on the same machine (both client and IIS), and your team uses Skype or some other app to communicate.
Watch the hours go by as you try and debug this problem, seemingly doing everything "right", netsh http sslcerts and such, even rebooting but to no avail. Well, turns out Skype will eat 443 so turn it off and "poof" there goes your certificate prompt.
Then feel free to throw things at the wall, shout obscenities or just "Rage, rage against the dying of the light".
Also, make sure Fiddler isn't getting in the way. If you have it decrypting the SSL, it'll corrupt the message back to IE, and it doesn't have the certificate installed, so it can't offer it. Turn off fiddler, and voila, the certificate prompt appears.
In Firefox, if you press 'Cancel' the first time you're prompted for a certificate, and you left the sneaky 'Remember this decision' box checked, then Firefox will remember that and never offer it again.
You can view and delete your previous remembered decisions in Firefox Preferences -> Privacy & Security (about:preferences#privacy), View Certificates, and check the Authentication Decisions tab.
Just connecting to my VPN and trying showed me the certificate prompt. Needs to be done only the first time.

SSL certificates with unknown domain name

We're having an issue with securing an intranet / internet website with SSL where
we can't know the qualified domain name in advance.
Basically, I'm trying to make a program that will be installed on a webserver
outside my direct control, to be accessable over intra- or internet. In either case
I want it to be secure via SSL (https). To do this, I would like to include and
install a SSL certificate on the target machine. My installer is fully prepackaged
and should not require any particular during- or postinstall intervention from my
end. Problem is, I can't know ahead of time the target machine's name or domain
name, so as far as I can tell the SSL connection will be returning warnings (or
worse?) when accessed, since the certificate I include will (must) have a different
name on it.
I really want to avoid those warnings, but I still want to keep it secure. Is there
any way to install a SSL connection without certificate warnings without the domain
name known ahead of time?
Thanks for any help you folks can give.
What you want to do is not possible. Here's why.
A certificate will include a set of names (Common Name, possibly along with Subject Alternative Names, possibly including wildcard names).
The client's web browser will do the following:
The user wanted to visit "".
The request is via SSL and the domain name in the request is "".
Get the certificate from the Web server.
Ensure that at least one of the names in the certificate is exactly equal to, or wildcard-matches, the domain name in the request.
Display the page.
Therefore, you need a certificate with the exact domain name (or a wildcard matching the exact domain name) by which the application will be used. And the certificate needs to be available at the same time as, or later than, the time when the exact domain name of the website becomes known, and cannot be made available any earlier.
You seem to be under the misapprehension that somehow a certificate can "create" or "install" an SSL connection. That is false. The Web server - Apache, IIS, Nginx, LigHTTPD, or whichever one you happen to use - is the program that knows how to every aspect of SSL connectivity. The certificate is just a file that the Web server sends to the client, without even opening or using in any way.
Additionally, the author of a webapp to be distributed is not responsible for creating or distributing certificates, and should not be under the misapprehension that he is responsible. Only the website maintainer should be responsible for obtaining a certificate for his website. As another person remarked, in your installation process or perhaps in a post-installation process, you may ask the person installing the webapp for a certificate. But that is the best you can do.
The best you can do is to buy a wildcard SSL certificate - but wait, it's not what you think. You still need to know the second-level domain (the TLD being ".com") ahead of time. You can effectively ask for a cert that covers * - then any site,, will be covered. Of course, these certs are more expensive that FQDN certs because you are doing the buggers out of some extra coin.
Each of those sites should have their own SSL certificate. Why not prompt the user to provide the cert file during installation?
In most (if not all) cases, the SSL certificate is associated with the webserver (apache, IIS, etc.) and is not part of your application. It's up to the admin of the web server to install the certificate and not you as the author of the program.
If your installation program does have the ability to modify the web server configuration, and you are willing to have it use a self-signed certificate, you can script the creation of the certificate to allow the domain name to be input. However, I sense this is not really available to you. Also, a self-signed certificate will generally cause certificate warnings.
If I understand you correctly there might be a solution to your problem now. This solution won't help you, however, if you have no control over specifying what SSL certificates are served from the web server where your program is installed (as mentioned by someone else). If your program itself contains a web server you won't have this issue.
If you start with a trusted https website, you can make cross-domain TLS (SSL) XmlHttpRequests to the web servers that are running your application. This is made possible using the opensource Forge project. The project uses a TLS implementation written in JavaScript and a small Flash swf to handle the cross-domain requests. Your program will need to serve an XML Flash policy file that grants the trusted website access to the web server running the application.
Your program will also need to generate a self-signed SSL certificate and upload it to the trusted website. From there, each program's certificate can be included as trusted via the JavaScript TLS implementation. Alternatively, you can have your program upload its certificate to be signed by a CA you create, using a common or subject alternative name that is appropriate for your use (it doesn't have to be the domain name). Then you can use JavaScript to trust the CA certificate and look for the correct name on each certificate.
For more details check out the Forge project at github:
The links to the blog posts at the end provide more in-depth information about how it works.