Unable to install Sylius 1.3 in prod env, nelmio_alice error - sylius

Unable to install Sylius in prod env(Edited $APP_ENV = prod in .env file), getting this error when executing : sudo php bin/console sylius:install
But I am able to install in dev environment, please help!
ubuntu#ip:/var/www/pwsstore_prod/Sylius$ sudo php bin/console sylius:install
In FileLoader.php line 168:
There is no extension able to load the configuration for "nelmio_alice" (in
/var/www/pwsstore_prod/Sylius/config/packages/nelmio_alice.yaml). Looked f
or namespace "nelmio_alice", found "framework", "monolog", "security", "swi
ftmailer", "twig", "doctrine", "doctrine_cache", "sylius_order", "sylius_mo
ney", "sylius_currency", "sylius_locale", "sylius_product", "sylius_channel
", "sylius_attribute", "sylius_taxation", "sylius_shipping", "sylius_paymen
t", "sylius_mailer", "sylius_promotion", "sylius_addressing", "sylius_inven
tory", "sylius_taxonomy", "sylius_user", "sylius_customer", "sylius_ui", "s
ylius_review", "sylius_core", "sylius_resource", "sylius_grid", "winzou_sta
te_machine", "sonata_core", "sonata_block", "sonata_intl", "bazinga_hateoas
", "jms_serializer", "fos_rest", "knp_gaufrette", "knp_menu", "liip_imagine
", "payum", "stof_doctrine_extensions", "white_october_pagerfanta", "doctri
ne_migrations", "doctrine_fixtures", "sylius_fixtures", "sylius_payum", "sy
lius_theme", "sylius_admin", "sylius_shop", "fos_oauth_server", "sylius_adm
in_api" in /var/www/pwsstore_prod/Sylius/config/packages/nelmio_alice.yaml
(which is loaded in resource "/var/www/pwsstore_prod/Sylius/config/packages
In YamlFileLoader.php line 657:
There is no extension able to load the configuration for "nelmio_alice" (in
/var/www/pwsstore_prod/Sylius/config/packages/nelmio_alice.yaml). Looked f
or namespace "nelmio_alice", found "framework", "monolog", "security", "swi
ftmailer", "twig", "doctrine", "doctrine_cache", "sylius_order", "sylius_mo
ney", "sylius_currency", "sylius_locale", "sylius_product", "sylius_channel
", "sylius_attribute", "sylius_taxation", "sylius_shipping", "sylius_paymen
t", "sylius_mailer", "sylius_promotion", "sylius_addressing", "sylius_inven
tory", "sylius_taxonomy", "sylius_user", "sylius_customer", "sylius_ui", "s
ylius_review", "sylius_core", "sylius_resource", "sylius_grid", "winzou_sta
te_machine", "sonata_core", "sonata_block", "sonata_intl", "bazinga_hateoas
", "jms_serializer", "fos_rest", "knp_gaufrette", "knp_menu", "liip_imagine
", "payum", "stof_doctrine_extensions", "white_october_pagerfanta", "doctri
ne_migrations", "doctrine_fixtures", "sylius_fixtures", "sylius_payum", "sy
lius_theme", "sylius_admin", "sylius_shop", "fos_oauth_server", "sylius_adm

Move the nelmo_alice.yml file from config/packages/nelmo_alice.yml into config/packages/dev/nelmio_alice.yml
(Create the dev folder in packages directory and add the nelmio_alice file)
Then, run the installation command as usual!


Vite manifest: resources/css/app.css on Cpanel server

Laravel Jetstream Livewire Vite Cpanel Deployment
My SetUp:
Laravel: v9.22.1
PHP: v8.1.8
Everything works perfectly on local enviorement but when I deploy the app on Cpanel I get this error:
Unable to locate file in Vite manifest: resources/css/app.css.
I think is something related with Vite because if I dont run npm run build in my local it shows the same error:
Unable to locate file in Vite manifest: resources/css/app.css.
In my chase this problem was caused because in my manifest inside the build folder I had this error :
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/2jAVk.png
Correcting the \ to /
"resources/js/app.js": {
"file": "assets/app.ab93cf8a.js",
"src": "resources/js/app.js",
"isEntry": true
"resources/css/app.css": {
"file": "assets/app.9fa9f508.css",
"src": "resources/css/app.css"
fix the problem.

Creating a Perl 6 module containing Perl 5 utility scripts in bin/

Perl 6 script in a Perl 5 module distribution
I can include a Perl 6 script in a Perl 5 module distribution:
# Create a new module
dzil new My::Dist
cd My-Dist/
# Add necessary boilerplate
echo '# ABSTRACT: boilerplate' >> lib/My/Dist.pm
# Create Perl 6 script in bin directory
mkdir bin
echo '#!/usr/bin/env perl6' > bin/hello.p6
echo 'put "Hello world!";' >> bin/hello.p6
# Install module
dzil install
# Test script
# Hello world!
# See that it is actually installed
which hello.p6
# ~/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.20.1/bin/hello.p6
Perl 5 script in a Perl 6 module distribution
However, I'm having a hard time including Perl 5 scripts in a Perl 6 distribution.
In the module directory is a META6.json file and a subdirectory called bin. In bin is a Perl 5 file called hello.pl.
zef install . runs without error in the top directory. But when trying to run hello.pl, I get an error. Come to find out, a Perl 6 wrapper script had been installed for hello.pl and that is what is giving me the error. If I run the original hello.pl directly, it works fine.
"perl" : "6.c",
"name" : "TESTING1234",
"license" : "Artistic-2.0",
"version" : "0.0.2",
"auth" : "github:author",
"authors" : ["First Last"],
"description" : "TESTING module creation",
"provides" : {
"depends" : [ ],
"test-depends" : [ "Test", "Test::META" ]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.10;
use strict;
use warnings;
say 'Hello world!';
This installs without error, but when I try to run hello.pl, I get the following error:
Could not find Perl5 at line 2 in:
which hello.pl from the command line indicated that it was installed in /path/to/perl6/rakudo-star-2017.07/install/share/perl6/site/bin/hello.pl. That file is actually the following code:
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
sub MAIN(:$name is copy, :$auth, :$ver, *#, *%) {
CompUnit::RepositoryRegistry.run-script("hello.pl", :dist-name<TESTING1234>, :$name, :$auth, :$ver);
I filed a Rakudo bug report (https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=131911), but I'm not totally convinced that there isn't a simple work around.
As an example, I created a simple cat replacement in Perl 5 and created a Perl 6 module that "wrapped" around it (see the GitHub repository for it if you'd like to download the code and try it yourself).
Below are copies of the relevant files. After creating these files, running zef install . installs fine with my Rakudo Star 2017.07 installation. This installs a run_cat executable in your Rakudo bin directory.
It seemed like the secret was to make a Perl 6 module file to wrap the Perl 5 script and a corresponding Perl 6 script to use the Perl 6 module.
Perl 5 script
#!/bin/env perl
use v5.10;
use strict;
use warnings;
while(<>) {
Wrapper scripts
module: lib/catenate.pm6
unit module catenate;
sub cat ($filename) is export {
executable: bin/run_cat
#!/bin/env perl6
use catenate;
sub MAIN ($filename) {
Boilerplate and tests
"perl" : "6.c",
"name" : "cat",
"license" : "Artistic-2.0",
"version" : "0.0.9",
"auth" : "github:author",
"authors" : ["First Last"],
"description" : "file catenation utility",
"provides" : { "catenate" : "lib/catenate.pm6" },
"test-depends" : [ "Test", "Test::META" ],
"resources" : [ "scripts/cat.pl" ]
#!/bin/env perl6
use Test;
constant GREETING = 'Hello world!';
my $filename = 'test.txt';
spurt($filename, GREETING);
my $p5 = qqx{ resources/scripts/cat.pl $filename };
my $p6 = qqx{ bin/run_cat $filename };
is $p6, $p5, 'wrapped script gives same result as original';
is $p6, GREETING, "output is '{GREETING}' as expected";
unlink $filename;
Thanks #moritz and #ugexe for getting me pointed in the right direction!

"Error: cannot file config find .jshintrc " in cli after cloning the git repo and running grunt

When i try to run grunt , i am getting error as "cannot file the config file .jshintrc". I tried to install the config dependencies but nothing is working out.Can anyone tell me how to resolve this particular error. Do i need to define any particular rule in my grunt.js file as I believe this should be generated automatically in the root folder after running grunt.
The piece of lines for jshint task in grunt.js is-
src: ['src/']
jshint: { // configure the task
all: ['src/app/**/*.js'],
options: {
reporter: require('jshint-html-reporter'),
reporterOutput: 'out/jshint-report.html',
//force report
force: false,
// JS Validation rules are configured in .jshintrc file.
jshintrc: '.jshintrc'
Any help is much appreciated.

Running DOH on the command line with node.js

My first attempt to run tests using Dojo 1.8.3 on the command line with
node was thwarted by this error message:
ode:function(){return _25;},guardCheckComplete:_37};};if(1){var _38=location.p
ReferenceError: location is not defined
The workaround is to use the uncompressed source instead of the release,
since the optimized version only seems to work in a browser. Next I tried a configuration script
// bootstrap.js
dojoConfig = {
baseUrl: ".",
packages:[{name: 'dojo', location: '../dojo_src'}],
deps: ['./ui_test.js']
And a simple test
// ui_test.js
doh.register("test_1", [
function four_eq_4() {
var x = 4;
doh.is(x.toString(), "4");
When I run the tests doh.run() does not seem to have an effect
$ node bootstrap.js
My directory structure:
What is the correct way to use DOH on the command line?
The answer is simple, but not obvious. Run with load=doh to invoke the test runner.
$ node bootstrap.js load=odh

Using translations of Behat predefined steps (Phar install)

I've run some tests with the predefined step definitions of Mink Extension. They work as long as they're in english language.
Now I've tried the following scenario with german steps:
# language: de
Funktionalität: Demo
Szenario: Test 1
Angenommen I am on "/"
Angenommen ich bin auf "/"
Behat now tells me that the german step definition is undefined, while the english version works.
According to the CLI help, behat --lang de -dl should display the translated definitions, but it only shows me the english ones ...
What am I doing wrong here?
Here's a script to rebuild the scenario. It follows the install steps from the docs (http://extensions.behat.org/mink/#through-phar) in a temporary directory and runs the test feature file.
set -e
mkdir $TEMPDIR
curl http://behat.org/downloads/behat.phar >behat.phar
curl http://behat.org/downloads/mink.phar >mink.phar
curl http://behat.org/downloads/mink_extension.phar >mink_extension.phar
cat >behat.yml <<EOF
mink_loader: 'mink.phar'
base_url: 'http://behat.org'
goutte: ~
mkdir features
cat >features/test.feature <<EOF
# language: de
Funktionalität: Demo
Szenario: Öffne Startseite DE + EN
Angenommen I am on "/"
Angenommen ich bin auf "/"
php behat.phar
Basically you didn't do anything wrong.
Although the translation of Behat/Gherkin itself is included in the behat.phar file, the translations of the step definitions from MinkExtension are missing in the mink_extension.phar archive.
This seems to be the case because the build script only includes the files in MinkExtension/src/ without MinkExtension/i18n/. You could open an issue for MinkExtension at to get this fixed.
As a workaround I suggest to install Behat/Mink using composer instead of working with phar archives.
Create the following composer.json file:
"require": {
"behat/behat": "2.4.*#stable",
"behat/mink": "1.4.*#stable",
"behat/mink-extension": "*",
"behat/mink-goutte-driver": "*",
"behat/mink-selenium2-driver": "*"
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"config": {
"bin-dir": "bin/"
and then install it with:
curl http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar install