Injected messages returning null in eclipse e4 - eclipse-plugin

In my plugin, I have created separate packages for maintaining the that same package I have created my class as well. Following is my message class
public class Messages {
public String test1;
public String test2;
Then injected the message in a different package of the same plugin. like follows. The class in which injected is singleton class.
Messages messages;
after I injected it I tried access in the code like follows
But my application is throwing Null-Pointer exception. since the "messages" is null.
even though I injected, I do not know why "messages" is null.
Could any please help me?

You can only use this in classes which are injected.
Injection is only done on classes referenced in the Application.e4xmi, some extension points or created/injected using the ContextInjectionFactory make or inject methods.
For other classes the older style of messages file extending NLS and calling NLS.initializeMessages can be used.


Why does Quarkus complain about my (unused) #ApplicationScoped data class with a #ConfigProperty property?

This kotlin data class is part of an internal library used in some Quarkus microservices (Quarkus 2.0.0.Final):
data class FooConfiguration(
#ConfigProperty(name = "")
val fooBar: String
The library is used in a few microservices, and most of them do use that configuration. But some are not. For those, the property is not defined in the I would expect this to not matter at all, as those services are never injecting a FooConfiguration, so I'd expect that to never be constructed.
However, the application refuses startup with this error message:
SRCFG00014: The config property is required but it could not be found in any config source
I know how to workaround this issue (simply supplying a nonsense value), but I currently wonder why this is an issue in the first place. The configuration bean should never get constructed. Why is this happening?
This is a MicroProfile Config-related issue.
Your property is optional, not required, in the parlance of the MicroProfile Config specification, because a value for it is not present in any configuration source, as you have indicated. To inject a value for an optional MicroProfile Config configuration property, you need to use java.util.Optional. I don't know Kotlin, so here is what it would look like in Java:
#ConfigProperty(name = "")
private Optional<String> fooBar; core dependency injection issue - AddScoped not creating a new instance

I've been using core dependency injection and I have seen an not expected behavior, at least for me. I'm adding a new service to the container like this:
services.AddScoped<IMyClass>(provider =>
return new MyClass(
After that, I inject the class into another class to use it:
public class AnotherClass(IMyClass xxx){
The thing is that there are a couple configurations that are made on the MyClass constructor based on request information. The problem is that I've seen the MyClass constructor be executed at the application startup only. After that, the class seems to use the same instance for all calls. As I'm using Scoped service I'm expecting to have a new instance for each request, am I wrong?
Ok. The problem was that the class that was receiving the injection was added to the container as singleton. I just changed it to Scoped and everything worked well.

Can I create a request-scoped object and access it from anywhere, and avoid passing it around as a parameter in JAX-RS?

Say I have a web service / a REST resource that is called with some HTTP header parameters. The resource method builds a complex data object (currently a POJO) and eventually returns it to the client (via Gson as JSON, but that doesn't matter).
So I have this call hierarchy:
#Path(foo) ProjectResource #GET getProject()
-> new Project()
-> new List<Participant> which contains lots of new Participant()s
-> new Affiliation()
If I want the Affiliation object to be e.g. populated in English or German depending on a header parameter, I have to pass that as a parameter down the chain. I want to avoid having to do that. Maybe this is just fundamentally impossible, but it feels so wrong. All these objects only live inside the request, so wouldn't it be convenient to be able to access information tied to the request from anywhere?
I was hoping I could e.g. define a CDI #RequestScoped object that initialized itself (or gets populated by some WebFilter) and that I can then inject where I might need it.
But obviously that doesn't work from inside the POJOs, and I also had trouble getting hold of the headers from inside the request-scoped object.
I've read many SO questions/answers about EJBs and JAX-RS Context and CDI but I can't wrap my head around it.
Am I expecting too much? Is passing down the parameter really the preferred option?
If I understand what you need, you can try the following (just wrote this solution from the top of my head, but it should work):
Defining a class to store the data you need
Define a class annotated with #RequestScoped which will store the data you need:
public class RequestMetadata {
private Locale language;
// Default constructor, getters and setters ommited
Ensure you are using the #RequestScoped annotation from the javax.enterprise.context package.
Creating a request filter
Create a ContainerRequestFilter to populate the RequestMetadata:
public class RequestMetadataFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
private RequestMetadata requestMetadata;
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
Performing the injection
And then you can finally perform the injection of the RequestMetadata using #Inject:
public class Foo {
private RequestMetadata requestMetadata;
Please, be aware that anywhere is too broad: The injection will work into beans managed by the container, such as servlets, JAX-RS classes, EJB and CDI beans, for example.
You won't be able to perform injections into beans created by yourself neither into JPA entities.

Custom collection type is not being reused on WCF client Proxy side issue

I have defined the following type in a class library project.
public class OperationException:System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,ExceptionData>
public bool ExceptionExists { get; set; }
public class ExceptionData {[DataMember()] public string Msg;}
On my WCF service end, I am returning an object which contains the above class as a child member variable like this.
public class SaveClient
public string Id;
public OperationException ExceptionCollection;
I have the OperationException class library referenced on the client side. The problem is when I generate the proxy using Add Service Reference, a new definition of OperationException of type dictionary is generated. I do have the Reuse Types option set to true. I like to have Actual 'OperationException' type being used since I have to pass this object to other methods.
Thanks in Advance..!
I had the same issue and like you I had applied the CollectionDataContract attribute and told the proxy generator to reuse types from my shared assembly.
The fix was not obvious, you need to supply a hook in the Reference.svcmap file on your client to tell the generator to use your custom collection type.
In Reference.svcmap edit the CollectionMappings element as follows and then update the service reference:
<CollectionMapping TypeName="YourSharedAssemblyNamespace.OperationException" Category="List" />
I think the same objective can be achieved if you are using svcutil from the command line by supplying the collection type argument.
See these posts for more info:
I am not sure why the WCF proxy generator doesn't just use it's common sense to find the shared collection types but there you go, chalk it up as another funny from the WCF tool design.
Does your client proxy assembly have a project reference to the class library where the type is added?
If the proxies generated by svcutil are not what you want, it's also very easy to write them by hand. Just create your own ClientBase-derived class and implement your service interface on it. Then you have control over which assembly types you want to reuse.

How do I pass a service to another plugin?

I have a plugin that I will instantiate at runtime and I want to pass it a WCF service from the application host. The application host is responsible for creating the connection to the service. The reason for this is that a single service can be used by multiple plugins, but the plugins should only know about its interface since there may be several implementation of IMyPluginServices. For instance, the Run method of the plugin instance would be:
public void Run(IMyPluginServices services)
The problem I am running into is that I don't know how to create a service of type IMyPluginServices and pass it to the Run function. The service reference generated by VS 2010 doesn't seem to create an object of type IMyPluginServices that I can pass to it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
When you add a service reference in VS 2010 for a service it generates an interface named IMyService which contains methods for each OperationContract in your service. It also generates a concrete class named MyServiceClient, which can be constructed and then used to invoke your service.
Now, the problem that you're running into, I believe, is that MyServiceClient is a subclass of ClientBase<IMyService>, and does not implement the generated IMyService interface (which is a real pain).
To get around this problem I ended up making a new interface:
public interface IMyServiceClient : IMyService, IDisposable, ICommunicationObject
(Note: IDisposable and ICommunicationObject are only required if you want your module to be able to detect/react to faulted channels and other such things).
I then extend MyServiceClient with a partial class (in the assembly that contains my WCF Service reference):
public partial class MyServiceClient : IMyServiceClient
Now in my modules I can accept an IMyServiceClient instead of an IMyService, and still execute all of the methods that I need to. The application in control of the modules can still create instances of MyServiceClient as it always did.
The beauty of this is that your new interface and partial class don't need any actual code - the definitions suffice to get the job done.