dynamic text change in react-native - react-native

Hi I am looking for the solution to change text dynamically.
I am writing code to show processing results on screen.
After some googling, I found there is a code to update text dynamically as follows.
But I would like to update text without any internal event. I want to change text from outside of the class. But I don't know how to implement it as I am a javascript and react-native beginner. There are other classes to process some functions so that I need to show the updated results using Results class which is an another component of the screen.
How can I deliver 'result' to Results class and how to update it dynamically and automatically?
class Results extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
log: 'Processing results'
updateText = (result) => {
this.setState({log: result})
render() {
return (
<Text onPress = {this.updateText}>

This sounds to me that props can solve your problem.
Basically when you try to render Results class, pass along the value as a prop like below:
<Results dynamicText='HI' />
Then, from your Results class, access this external value via this.props.dynamicText as below
class Results extends Component {
render() {
return (

In addition to what #Issac answered, you can also hook up your current class to Redux and dispatch actions from another class to force state changes.
React Native and ReactJS has a different concept of how classes react to each other. Most other languages use inheritance based interactions to affect changes in classes other than itself. React itself is more composition based where changing the value/state/variable of one class requires either a state change or a prop change. The caveat to that us using Redux, which utilizes an overarching Store where any component that's connected to it can pull values or dispatch actions to change values.


Simplified style change onPress React Native

The following is a first attempt at learning to simply change the style of an element onPress in react native. Being well versed in web languages I am finding it difficult as it is not as straight forward.
For reasons as yet unknown, the element requires two clicks in order to execute.
export class NavTabItem extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
active: false
this.NavTabAction = this.NavTabAction.bind(this)
NavTabAction = (elem) => {
elem.setState({active: !elem.state.active})
render() {
return (
style={this.state.active ? styles.NavTabItemSelected : styles.NavTabItem}
onPress={()=> {
<View style={styles.NavTabIcon} />
<Text style={styles.NavTabLabel}>{this.props.children}</Text>
Other issues:
I also have not worked out how a means of setting the active state to false for other elements under the parent on click.
Additionally, Is there a simple way to affect the style of child elements like with the web. At the moment I cannot see a means of a parent style affecting a child element through selectors like you can with CSS
eg. a stylesheet that read NavTabItemSelected Text :{ // active style for <Text> }
Instead of calling elem.setState or elem.state, it should be this.setState and elem.state.
NavTabAction = (elem) => {
this.setState(prev => ({...prev, active: !prev.active}))
And instead of passing this in the onPress, you should just pass the function's reference.
You should also remove this line because you are using arrow function
// no need to bind when using arrow functions
this.NavTabAction = this.NavTabAction.bind(this)
Additionally, Is there a simple way to affect the style of child elements like with the web
You could check styled-component, but I think that feature don't exists yet for react native. What you should do is pass props down to child components.
Thanks to everyone for their help with this and sorting out some other bits and pieces with the code.
The issue in question however was that the style was changing on the second click. A few hours later and I have a cause and a solution for anyone suffering from this. Should any of the far more experienced people who have answered this question believe this answer is incorrect or they have a better one, please post it but for now here is the only way I have found to fix it.
The cause:
Using setState was correctly re rendering the variables. This could both be seen in the console via console.log() and directly outputted in the render making them visible.
However, no matter what was tried, this did not update the style. Whether it was a style name from the Stylesheet or inline styles, they would update on the second click rather than the first but still to the parameters of the first. So if the first click should make a button turn from red to green, it would not do so even though the new state had rendered. However if a subsequent click should have turned the button back to red then the button would now go green (like it should have for the first click). It would then go red on the third click seemingly always one step behind the status passed to it.
To fix this, take the style off the the primary element (forgive terminology, someone edit), in my case, the TouchableOpacity element. Add in a child View element and place the styles on that View element instead along with the ternary operator and wallah.
It seems any change to status on the effective master element or container if you prefer, only takes affect after another render, not that contained in setStatus.
Final code:
export class NavTabItem extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
active: false
NavTabAction = () => {
this.setState({active: !this.state.active})
render() {
this.state.active == true ? console.log("selected") : console.log("unselected")
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={this.NavTabAction}>
// added View containing style and ternary operator
<View style={this.state.active == true ? styles.NavTabItemSelected : styles.NavTabItem}>
<View style={styles.NavTabIcon} />
<TextCap11 style={styles.NavTabLabel}>{this.props.children}</TextCap11>
// End added view

SectionList re-renders everything unexpectedly

I'm new to React-Native, currently working a project that displays photos and its related information. The project uses the standard SectionList(RN 0.55).
The problem I have is that each time I add a photo, all the subcomponent in the list will be re-rendered. And I've noticed a significant slow down when the list grows to 50 something.
I have the following setup:
I have a redux store which contains Data(basically a wrapper around photo information), each time user does some action, the Data will be copied, modified, then reassigned back to redux store.
Then I have a class like following to render SectionList
class PhotoList extends PureComponent {
render() {
onRenderItem(item) {
return <View>
// two nested level components to hold information
driveData(data) {
// do a lot of data transformation and calculate derived value
return derivedData;
// data is redux connected
My primary confusing point is that, when SectionList takes in section in my case, the data(as a whole) is already a new copy and is modified(since a new photo is added), so it causes SectionList to re-renders everything?
I want SectionList to only additionally render the photo I just added, any suggestions?
Can you change the data ("data transformation and calculate derived value") at action and update that on redux 'data'. Then change like the following.
class PhotoList extends PureComponent {
render() {
sections={this.props.data} // Directly call data
onRenderItem(item) {
return <View>
// two nested level components to hold information
If you use redux then you have to handle data updating on redux. Then only the result will get.

react-native: Memory when using conditional render

For example I have View and in this View we have another View2 which is rendered conditionally. So if I will show and hide this View2 1000 times will it affect memory?
{condtion && <View><Text>2<Text><View>
First react and react-native has a different concept of how classes react to each other. here is more details about that
Also, you can use redux or other statement manager library like mobix flux and another alternative solution you can use props you code in main render function you can create/write a component like this
<ChangeTextComponent condition={you_condition}/>
When change you condition only render ChangeTextComponent component render.
class AnotherPage_Test extends Component {
render() {
return (
<ChangeTextComponent condition={you_condition}/>

Accessing redux store via child component in react native

I am using Redux with React Native and I'm having problem in accessing a specific index of the redux store array with the key.
Here's a rough idea of what I'm trying to do. I have a ParentComponent that accesses the reduxStore for a state data and data contains an array of id,title in it.
class ParentComponent extends Component {
dataArray() {
return Object.keys(this.props.data).map(key => this.props.data[key])
Consider the dataArray has elements which are an array of `id` & `title`
render() {
return (
<ScrollView style={styles.fragmentContainer}>
{this.dataArray().map((element) => {
id={element.id} />
Now I wanna access title of each element of the array via the ChildComponent. This is what I'm trying to do to access it:
class ChildComponent extends Component {
return (
Obviously the above doesn't work. It's just an idea of what I'm trying to do. I am unable to access the redux store data using a given key. I tried to find out how one can access it but I found no solution. Is my method of accessing the state for the ChildComponent wrong. Can anyone refer me to how I can achieve this?
NOTE: I specifically want to access the state via the ChildComponent. If that's not how it's supposed to work like, please refer me to some other way or some documentation that explains how this is supposed to be done.
If your child component is a class component, you can import connect, set up your reducer in mapStateToProps and bind them in your export.
You can also send the reducer prop value as props from parent to child component. Something like this <Child value={this.props.myData} />. Now in your child component you can refer it as this.props.value. If you use this approach, it doesn't matter if your child is a class component or not. Don't forget to also instance value in your child component creation.
Hope it helps.
First of all I don't see you passing a data prop from your parent to child. Thus you won't get this.props.data in your child component.
I don't understand why would you want to extract title that way when you can pass it as a prop just like you passed id.
If you specifically want to access redux store, then you use connect from react-redux.
Here's a link to see how to do that

State Management with Multiple Inputs (Lists)

I'm trying to figure out the best place to manage the state for lists of input in react-native but haven't found any good, thorough examples or clear guidance and I can see a few options.
For simplicity not including specifics about the tool for managing state, as my understanding is how the state is stored doesn't impact the component where it's managed.
A screen component that receives an array of items as props to be displayed in a List of ListItems. Each ListItem includes a input, for simplicity imagine a switch (boolean).
Use cases include an array of form questions or settings to be displayed in a list and allowing user input. Pseudocode:
class SettingsView extends Component {
render () {
return (
<List style={styles.list}>
{this.props.inputArray.map((item, index) => (
onSwitchChange = {this.onChange}
Option 1
Based on the Thinking in React page, one option that comes to mind is managing state at the Screen (SettingsView) level by creating an array of (inputArray).length in the SettingsView constructor state and have the onChange function update that array based on key.
Option 2
The second option I see is having each ListItem manage the state it's displaying. This makes sense from an encapsulation perspective to me, but then less so for managing of the state, given that the onSwitchChange function is in the SettingsView and I'm not as clear how this would work.
Are there other options I'm not considering? Admit that experience in React/RN is limited and def coming from a more object mindset like iOS's list datasource model.
Note: Another option is having the entire inputArray in state, instead of passed as props. My understanding is that state should be minimized, so was designing that only the inputs to each item in inputArray should be in the state. i.e. Form Labels (i.e. questions) are props not state.
Option 1 would be the better choice, there is this concept "Smart Components and Dumb Components"
Smart Components: typically holds the state of all the child components associated with it, it also defines the functions that is passed down to child components to modify its state.
Dumb Components: These are components that receives props which includes data and functions they typically don't have their own state and relies heavily on the parent component.
The problem is that when you create a component you need to decide whether it's smart or dumb, usually I associate a screen to a smart component, in your example it would be the SettingsView(smart) that will hold the state and function and it's children will be the dumb components but this is really application specific decision because you might have a SettingsView that are dynamic based on context and so it would be much better to make it a dumb component let's use your example above
Since Settings View relies on this.props.inputArray passed from a parent
component(I will call this ParentComponent) you couldn't modify
inputArray directly in SettingsView what you could do is pass another prop from
ParentComponent to SettingsView which is a function that modifies inputArray
class ParentComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
inputArray: [],
this.onSwitchChange = this.onSwitchChange.bind(this); // when passing fn
onSwitchChange(index) { // index will come from the child component
// do some logic here based on the index then update the state
this.setState('inputArray' updatedState); // updatedState is just an example variable
render() {
return (
onSwitchChange={(index) => () => this.onSwitchChange(index)}
(index) => () => this.onSwitchChange(index)
this is a function that will return another function
we need this because we want to delay the execution of onSwitchChange
and capture index and associate it with that method, typically this
is used if were passing function to child component(SettingsView) which will be used as
a handler for events.
class SettingsView extends Component {
render () {
return (
<List style={styles.list}>
{this.props.inputArray.map((item, index) => (
This example might be pointless because you could just use SettingsView as the parent of ListItem and other components but since SettingsView state is now managed by ParentComponent it is now a dumb component and can be used in other screens that have the specific state that SettingsView needs to operate. the general goal is to create as many dumb components as possible the reason being is that these type of components are highly reusable because you just need to pass them props to properly work.