Active Directory: Add New User C# / VB -

I browsed other questions and couldn't find the answer.
What is the appropriate way to add a new user to a active directory specific group when the "current user" running the application does not have access rights to add new users?
I am currently authenticating as the domain Administrator to do it, but obviously that is a security no-no and I don't want the Administrator user's credentials hard-codeded in my code.
I assume the answers is not in my code itself but that I have to create a user in the Active Directory that has privileges to add users.
So my question is a combination of a AD and a Coding question:
1) How do I create a AD user that ONLY has access rights to add users to specific OU and CN security group?
2) Is their any way possible to not hard-code the password for this user?
Or... am I going about this entirely wrong?
Here is my current VB.NET code:
Public Function CreateUser(ByVal UserName As String, ByVal Password As String, ByVal DisplayName As String) As Boolean
'Dim catalog As Catalog = New Catalog()
Dim de As DirectoryEntry = New DirectoryEntry()
de.Path = "LDAP://OU=TS2xUsers,DC=dc,DC=example,DC=com"
de.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationTypes.Secure
de.Username = "Administrator"
de.Password = "foopassword"
'1. Create user accountd
Dim users As DirectoryEntries = de.Children
Dim newuser As DirectoryEntry = users.Add("CN=" & DisplayName, "user")
newuser.Properties("givenname").Value = DisplayName
newuser.Properties("name").Value = DisplayName
newuser.Properties("displayName").Value = DisplayName
newuser.Properties("SAMAccountName").Value = UserName
newuser.Properties("userPrincipalName").Value = UserName & ""
'newuser.Properties("OU").Value = "TS2xUsers"
Dim ret As Object = newuser.Invoke("SetPassword", Password)
Dim exp As Integer = CInt(newuser.Properties("userAccountControl").Value)
exp = exp And Not &H2 'enable acccount
exp = exp Or &H10000 'dont expire password
newuser.Properties("userAccountControl").Value = exp
''' 5. Add user account to groups
If MakeTSUser(newuser) = False Then
Return False
End If
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Failed to create user due to the following reason: " & ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
Return False
End Try
End Function
Private Function MakeTSUser(ByVal deUser As DirectoryEntry) As Boolean
Dim deRBGroup As New DirectoryEntry
deRBGroup.Path = "LDAP://CN=TSUsers,CN=Builtin,DC=dc,DC=example,DC=com"
deRBGroup.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationTypes.Secure
deRBGroup.Username = "Administrator"
deRBGroup.Password = "foopassword"
Dim deDomainUsers As New DirectoryEntry
deDomainUsers.Path = "LDAP://CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=dc,DC=example,DC=com"
deDomainUsers.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationTypes.Secure
deDomainUsers.Username = "Administrator"
deDomainUsers.Password = "foopassword"
Dim primaryGroupToken As Object = Nothing
deRBGroup.Invoke("Add", New Object() {deUser.Path.ToString()})
'Get Primary Group Token of MYGROUP
deRBGroup.Invoke("GetInfoEx", New Object() {New Object() {"primaryGroupToken"}, 0})
primaryGroupToken = deRBGroup.Properties("primaryGroupToken").Value
'Assign Primary Group Token value of MYROUP to the User's PrimaryGroupID
deUser.Properties("primaryGroupID").Value = primaryGroupToken
'Remove the User from "Domain Users" group
deDomainUsers.Invoke("Remove", New Object() {deUser.Path.ToString()})
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
End Function

What is the appropriate way to add a new user to a active directory specific group when the "current user" running the application does not have access rights to add new users?
Run the app as a user that does have those permissions... but you already know this:
I assume the answers is ... to create a user in the Active Directory that has privileges to add users.
Is their any way possible to not hard-code the password for this user?
Good question. One way to do this by setting up a Windows Scheduled Task. You can setup a task to run on demand, with no actual schedule, and to run as any user you want, including your new service account. You will have to put in the password for that user when you setup the task, but only when you first setup the task, and the actual password won't be stored... only the authentication token, which is not transferable. Then your desktop application can trigger the task to start.
Another way to do this is to grant the unprivileged HR or helpdesk users who run your app permissions to create new users just within your specific OU. In the case of a web app, you can also do this for the user account that runs the web site, as long as you have appropriate logging and auditing in place.
The other option is to create a separate service to create the users, which runs as the appropriate user. This could be a web service, where less-privileged authenticated users can post the new account information, or it could be a Windows service doing something like watching a file share, where your unprivileged users then have the ability or write to the file share. Then your program can know how to call the service or write the correct file formats into the share.


Google Calendar - To manage multiple users calendar

I have a module in my .NET system that manage multiple user's Google Calendar which written base on their V2 API that was depreciated few days ago.
My question is, how can I access and manage multiple users calendar? As in V2 API we can just pass in UserID and Password to access the resources. But in V3, OAuth2 is used. I manage to authenticate for one user at a time. How can I access the another user calendar after this? (eg:logut user1 and login with user2 again?). I can't find any relevant example so far.
Sub Main()
Dim secret As New ClientSecrets
secret.ClientId = ""
secret.ClientSecret = "MyClientSecret"
Dim init As New Flows.AuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer("", "")
init.ClientSecrets = secret
Dim flow As New Flows.AuthorizationCodeFlow(init)
Dim token As Responses.TokenResponse = flow.LoadTokenAsync("", CancellationToken.None).Result
Dim credential As New UserCredential(flow, "", token)
credential = GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync(secret, {CalendarService.Scope.Calendar}, "user", CancellationToken.None, New FileDataStore("CAS.GoogleConnector")).Result
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
' Create the calendar service using an initializer instance
Dim initializer As New BaseClientService.Initializer()
initializer.HttpClientInitializer = credential
initializer.ApplicationName = "Clinic Assist"
Dim service As CalendarService
service = New CalendarService(initializer)
Dim a As CalendarsResource.GetRequest = service.Calendars.Get("")
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...")
Dim key As ConsoleKeyInfo = Console.ReadKey
If key.Key = ConsoleKey.N Then
ElseIf key.Key = ConsoleKey.D Then
ElseIf key.Key = ConsoleKey.C Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub NewEvent(service As CalendarService)
Dim startDateTime, endDateTime As New Data.EventDateTime
startDateTime.DateTime = "2014-12-01T16:00:00"
endDateTime.DateTime = "2014-12-01T17:00:00"
Dim eventData As New Data.Event
With eventData
.Start = startDateTime
.End = endDateTime
.Location = "ALocation"
.Summary = "TRY"
End With
Dim insertRequest As InsertRequest = service.Events.Insert(eventData, "")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
I tried to change the userId from "" to "" it seems to have accessing the user1 calendar as well. Appreciate if anyone could help this out.
If all the users are on single domain you can use Service Accounts. Service account belongs to your application instead of to an individual end user. Your application calls Google APIs on behalf of the service account, so users aren't directly involved.
If users are not on the same domain, you will need to store credentials for each user in your application. Here is the link which helps you.

Finding user name of current logged in user using VB.NET

I'm trying to get the user name of the current user. When I log in as Johnny Smith and run my application without administrator privileges it will return me the correct user name, Johnny Smith. But the problem is that when I right click and choose "Run as Administrator", Windows will prompt me with a login screen for the administrator and after login my application returns user name admin, not the user which is logged in currently.
I have tried:
strUserLabel.Text = Environment.UserName
Dim WSHNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Dim strUser = ""
While strUser = ""
strUser = WSHNetwork.Username
End While
strUserLabel.Text = strUser
Both return me the administrator user name when prompted as administrator.
In the MSDN documentation, I discovered they changed the definition of property Environment.UserName.
Before .NET 3
Gets the user name of the person who started the current thread.
Starting from version 3
Gets the user name of the person who is currently logged on to the Windows operating system
I think the accepted answer above is a VERY resource intensive way to find a username. It has nested loops with hundreds of items. In my 8GP RAM PC this takes 2+ seconds!
How about:
Username: SystemInformation.Username, and
DomainName: Environment.UserDomainName
Tested in VS2017
I have figured it out. I used this function which will determine which process which the user is using. In my code I defined that look for username of the explorer.exe process.
Function GetUserName() As String
Dim selectQuery As Management.SelectQuery = New Management.SelectQuery("Win32_Process")
Dim searcher As Management.ManagementObjectSearcher = New Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(selectQuery)
Dim y As System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection
y = searcher.Get
For Each proc As Management.ManagementObject In y
Dim s(1) As String
proc.InvokeMethod("GetOwner", CType(s, Object()))
Dim n As String = proc("Name").ToString()
If n = "explorer.exe" Then
Return s(0)
End If
End Function
Index of 0 will return username
Index of 1 will return domain name of user
SystemInformation.Username doesn't work for certain applications. In my case, code is being run as System but explorer.exe is being run as Daniel. SystemInformation.Username reports System.
if using Identity
Dim UserEmail As String = Context.User.Identity.Name.ToString

Request admin credentials for part of a project

I have a fairly basic VB.NET project that allows users to restore certain parts of their profiles, should it ever need to be recreated (IE Favourites, Quick Launch, that sort of thing).
I have added to the project the ability to restore these profile parts on behalf of other users, but for this you should have Administrator privileges for our Domain, and I wish the project to prompt for appropriate credentials.
Is this possible for only part of a project? I've looked in to manifests, but from my (limited) understanding it seems that they are only appropriate for for projects as a whole, as opposed to components of a project. Thanks.
If Username = "" Then
Return False
ElseIf Not Username = CurrentUsername Then
'** Require admin privilages *'
Return True
End If
Answering your comment i got this:
If My.User.IsInRole(ApplicationServices.BuiltInRole.Administrator) Then
End If
It tells if your application is being runned as admin or not.
I figured this out in the end (almost). The code below uses a Username and Password supplied in an optional 'Settings' form to check whether the current user is a member of the built-in Administrators group in our Domain.
Public Function IsAuthenticatedUser(ByVal Username As String,
Optional ByVal Group As String = "Administrators") As Boolean
Dim IsAuthenticated As Boolean = False
Using RootContext2 As New PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain,
Me.formSettings.txtPassword.Text & "XXX"), _
TheGroup As GroupPrincipal = GroupPrincipal.FindByIdentity(RootContext2, IdentityType.Name, Group), _
TheUser As UserPrincipal = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(RootContext2, IdentityType.SamAccountName, Username)
If TheGroup IsNot Nothing AndAlso TheUser IsNot Nothing Then
For Each SingleGroup As Principal In TheGroup.GetMembers(True)
If SingleGroup.Name = TheUser.DisplayName Then
IsAuthenticated = True
Exit For
End If
IsMember = False
End If
End Using
Catch Ex As Exception
Dim ErrorForm As New formError(Ex, "Ensure that valid Administrator Credentials are specified in the application Settings.")
End Try
Return IsAuthenticated
End Function

ASP.NET - Deleting Computer Accounts Within AD

I'm building out a decommissioning application that will allow an individual to provide an computer name and the utility will go out and purge the computer record from various locations. I'm running into a problem when attempting to delete a computer account from Active Directory. I'm impersonating a service account that only has rights to "Delete All Child Objects" within a particular OU structure. The code below works if I run it with my domain admin account; however fails with an "Access Denied" when I run it with the impersonated service account. I have verified that the permissions are correct within AD as I can launch Active Directory Users and Computers using a "runas" and providing the service account credentials and I can delete computer objects perfectly fine.
Wondering if anyone has run into this before or has a different way to code this while still utilizing my current OU permissions. My gut tells me the "DeleteTree" method is doing more then just deleting the object.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Sub Main()
Dim strAsset As String = "computer9002"
Dim strADUsername As String = ""
Dim strADPassword As String = "password"
Dim strADDomainController As String = ""
Dim objDirectoryEntry As New System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
Dim objDirectorySearcher As New System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher(objDirectoryEntry)
Dim Result As System.DirectoryServices.SearchResult
Dim strLDAPPath As String = ""
objDirectoryEntry.Path = "LDAP://" & strADDomainController
objDirectoryEntry.Username = strADUsername
objDirectoryEntry.Password = strADPassword
objDirectorySearcher.SearchScope = DirectoryServices.SearchScope.Subtree
objDirectorySearcher.Filter = "(&(ObjectClass=Computer)(CN=" & strAsset & "))"
Dim intRecords As Integer = 0
For Each Result In objDirectorySearcher.FindAll
Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("DN: " & Result.Path)
Dim objComputer As System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry = Result.GetDirectoryEntry()
intRecords += 1
If intRecords = 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("No Hosts Found")
End If
Catch e As System.Exception
Console.WriteLine("RESULT: " & e.Message)
End Try
End Sub
If you're on .NET 3.5 and up, you should check out the System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement (S.DS.AM) namespace. Read all about it here:
Managing Directory Security Principals in the .NET Framework 3.5
MSDN docs on System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement
Basically, you can define a domain context and easily find users and/or groups in AD:
' set up domain context
Dim ctx As New PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "DOMAIN", strADUsername, strADPassword)
' find a computer
Dim computerToDelete As ComputerPrincipal = ComputerPrincipal.FindByIdentity(ctx, strAsset)
If computerToDelete IsNot Nothing Then
' delete the computer, if found
End If
The new S.DS.AM makes it really easy to play around with users and groups in AD!
Delete Tree is different from delete. You're going to need the Delete Subtree permission on the child computer objects for this to work.

Is it possible to authenticate an Active Directory User with an Expired password?

I have a web form that uses AD to authenticate users. I want to be able to authenticate users with expired password, and redirect them to the password change page after authentication.
if for instance, a site admin reset a users password, I use the method below, to make the user reset their password on next logon.
Public Shared Sub ForceUserToResetPassword(ByVal LDAP_URI As String, ByVal UserName As String, ByVal Auth_UserName As String, ByVal Auth_Password As String)
Dim LDAPEntry As DirectoryEntry = Nothing
LDAPEntry = New DirectoryEntry(LDAP_URI, Auth_UserName, Auth_Password, AuthenticationTypes.Secure)
Dim LDAPSearch As New DirectorySearcher()
LDAPSearch.SearchRoot = LDAPEntry
LDAPSearch.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=" & UserName & "))"
LDAPSearch.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree
Dim results As SearchResult = LDAPSearch.FindOne()
If Not (results Is Nothing) Then
LDAPEntry = New DirectoryEntry(results.Path, Auth_UserName, Auth_Password, AuthenticationTypes.Secure)
End If
LDAPAccess.SetProperty(LDAPEntry, "pwdLastSet", 0)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Doing this makes the user's password expire. If the user try to logon with their new password the authentication fails with "Logon failure: unknown username or bad password".
This is my auth. method:
Public Shared Function AuthADuser(ByVal LDAP_URI As String, ByVal UserName As String, ByVal password As String, ByVal Auth_UserName As String, ByVal Auth_Password As String) As Boolean
Dim IsAuth As Boolean = False
Dim LDAPEntry As DirectoryEntry = Nothing
LDAPEntry = New DirectoryEntry(LDAP_URI, UserName, password, AuthenticationTypes.Secure)
Dim tmp As [Object] = LDAPEntry.NativeObject
IsAuth = True
Catch ex As Exception
If ex.Message.StartsWith("The server is not operational") Then
IsAuth = False
ElseIf ex.Message.StartsWith("Logon failure:") Then
Throw New ApplicationException("The Username and password combination are not valid to enter the system.")
End If
End Try
Return IsAuth
End Function
Is there a way around this?
Thanks for your help.
In my understanding, if a user is required to Change his Password at Next Logon (User's password has expired) Active-Directory will not allow us to use LDAP to determine if his password is invalid or not. This is due to the fact that a user must change password. I found here the following solution :
To determine if password is expired, you may call Win32:LogonUser(), and check the windows error code for the following 2 constants:
I have a non official answer. As administrator you put pwdLastSet to -1 for the user where pwdLastSet is set to 0. The effect of this is to make Active-Directory believe that the password has just been changed. Then, you check the password with your AuthADuser method. Then you put back pwdLastSet to 0. I do not test it, but just imagine it, it's not so clean on the security point of view (in France we call that "bricolage").
Just tell me if it works ?
I hope it helps;