How to open an excel file using angular 5 - angular5

I have an excel file, I will get it from service side(from core), I need to open or show the file like a preview option, is it possible in angular 5?


What must be done to make net5.0 usable in Visual Studio Community Mac 2019 for VB.NET console projects?

I want to write a cross-platform console application in VB.NET using Visual Studio Community Mac 2019 [VSCM2019]. It has to be able to be run on all platforms that dotnet 5.x currently supports.
When I create a new VB.NET console application in VSCM2019 it defaults to NET Frameworks 4.8 or lower. When I try to change that to net5.x in the project properties, net5.x is not offered in the dropdown list despite the fact that I have installed the latest dotnet 5 sdk.
Is it the case that I must select net5.x when creating the project? If so, where is this done for VB.NET console applications?
Whether or not VB.NET is supported or not, I managed to hack it into submission. I created a net5 C# project, renamed the .csproj file to .vbproj and replaced the .cs file with a .vb file. Instead of opening VS via the .sln file, I opened it via the .vbproj file. It compiled and ran and the project properties reflected the change to VB.NET. I then replaced the .sln by saving the project.

How can my published folder automatically update when I compile my ASP.NET Core 3 application?

I have an core 3 application deployed on IIS. I made this by publishing the website on a separate folder, and reference that folder when I added a new application in IIS. It works, I can access it from different computers, but this folder doesn't get updated when I'm doing modifications and compile the project. I always have to publish it whenever I make small modifications. How can I overcome this situation?
This is how my folder looks like after publishing my project.

Problems trying to open a word document for editing in Windows store application

I'm tyring to use Microsoft Open XML SDK 2.0 within a Windows 8 store application to edit an existing MS word document.
So, I create a blank windows store application. I then use NuGet to install DocumentFormat.OpenXml. This seems to work OK but when I compile the application I get the following error:
While creating .pri files for portable libraries, sub-task 'GenerateProjectPriFile' failed while processing library 'DocumentFormat.OpenXml'.
Any ideas how to use the Open XML libraries within a windows 8 store application and also how to open word documents from within the application?
After a bit more research it seems the Open XML can't be used with Windows store apps

Assembly Binding Redirection: v4 app using v2 libraries, need to be using v2 redirects

What is the best way to configure my .Net 4 application to use the third party library redirects located in the .Net 2 machine.config other than copying the entries?
If copying the entries is the only way, how can I do that using InnoSetup?
I added a .Net executable to handle copying the entries and launched it from my InnoSetup script.

Getting MVC4 error in Studio 2010 Pro

File C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft Corporation\NuGet Package Manager\1.5.20902.9026\Modules\NuGet\profile.ps1 cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system.
I would like to piggyback another :
Why does a new MVC4 project not come with a unit test project? It is not letting me check the box for that.
And one more thing : why is it not including the MicrosoftMVCAjax scripts in the scripts folder?
I am finding I can write a working JSONapp with partial views and callbacks if I have this one from an older MVC2 or 3 project.
You should be able to create check the unit test project check box for the Internet and Intranet project templates.
We are de-emphasizing the use of Microsoft AJAX scripts in MVC templates and instead focusing on the jQuery family of scripts. However, you can still use the scripts if you copy them from an existing MVC 2 or 3 project.