I would like to create a calculated field, which would substract metrics total events from the event with more total events to event with less total events. Afterwards, I would like to create a line graph of this in DataStudio.
Basically, I would like to substract total events of the following events:
Event Category: Game
Event Action: Game Session Started
Event Category: Game
Event Action: Game Session Finished
I was trying in CASE with functions such as ABS, SUM etc.. however, I can't seem to find a solution. Thank you.
Here is an example:
WHEN Event_Category = 'Game' and Event_Action='Game Session Started' THEN 'Total Events'
WHEN Event_Category = 'Game' and Event_Action='Game Session Finished' THEN 'Total Events'
You may need to split into 2 calculated metrics and then use a 3rd to minus the finished from the started.
I think this may not be feasible to do, however as you requested:
Field 1 - SUM(CASE WHEN Event Category = 'Game' and Event Action ='Game Session Started' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
Field 2 - SUM(CASE WHEN Event Category = 'Game' and Event Action ='Game Session Finished' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
Field 3 - (Field 1 - Field 2)
Field 4 - Count(Event Category)
in my case, recommendations with SUM(CASE WHEN Event Category = 'Game' and Event Action ='Game Session Started' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) didn't work because basically, we need to mix dimensions with metrics...
in the best case it has to be something like this:
CASE WHEN Event Category = 'Game' and Event Action ='Game Session Started' THEN {{UNIQUE EVENTS}} ELSE 0 END
but it does not work because we mix Event Category / Event Action (dimensions) with calculated result {{UNIQUE EVENTS}} (metric) - maybe in the future, it will work...
To fix this task, I did next:
1 created 2 independent tables, each of them filtering by a specific event
2 blend data adding 3rd table with a date for the shared timeline
3 in blended data source - calculated SUM(Total Events (game start))-SUM(Total Events (game finished))
data blending settings
filter for one table
I am using PSQL.
I have a table with a few columns, one column is event that can have 4 different values - X1, X2, Y1, Y2. I have another column that is the name of the service and I want to group by using this column.
My goal is to make a query that take an event and verify that for a specific service name I have count(X1) == count(X2) if not display a new column with "error"
Is this even possible? I am kinda new to SQL and not sure how to write this.
So far I tried something like this
service_name, event, count(service_name)
service_table st
group by
(service_name, event);
I am getting the count of each event for specific service_name but I would like to verify that count of event 1 == count of event 2 for each service_name.
I want to add that each service_name have a choice of 2 different event only.
You may not need a subquery/CTE for this, but it will work (and makes the logic easier to follow):
WITH event_counts_by_service AS (SELECT
, COUNT(CASE WHEN event='X1' THEN 1 END) AS count_x1
, COUNT(CASE WHEN event='X2' THEN 1 END) AS count_x2
FROM service_table
GROUP BY service_name)
SELECT service_name
, CASE WHEN count_x1=count_x2 THEN NULL ELSE 'Error' END AS are_counts_equal
FROM event_counts_by_service
Sorry if this sounds very basic; bear with me.
I need to determine the conversion rate of 3 ads, each representing a product; that would be subscription divided by the number of people who clicked the ad.
person_id - unique identifier of the person
date - date they were shown the ad
ad_id - content of the ad: ad_1_product1, ad_2_product2, or ad_3_product3
clicked (TRUE/FALSE) - clicked on the ad
signed_up - (TRUE/FALSE) created an account
subscribed (TRUE/FALSE) - started a paid subscription
I set clicked, signed_up and subscribed as boolean.
SELECT ad_id, (count(subscribed) / count(clicked)) as CR
FROM videoadcampaign
WHERE subscribed = 'TRUE' AND clicked = 'TRUE'
GROUP BY ad_id;
Of course, the code above gives me a ratio of 1, because SQL is still counting the total and dividing by the same number because of those conditions.
I am totally stuck.
I will also need to calculate other KPIs for clicks and signed_up, so filtering those booleans and put them into a ratio is the core of what I need to do.
Is there a way I can tell SQL to compute CR = SUBS (TRUE) / SUBS (TRUE + FALSE) [or total count] and then filter by CLICK = TRUE?
Thank you tons for your help!
It depends on your database, but the general notion would be:
SELECT ad_id,
(SUM(CASE WHEN subscribed = 'TRUE' THEN 1.0 ELSE 0 END) /
) as CR
FROM videoadcampaign
GROUP BY ad_id;
In many databases, you can do something like this if the columns are integers (0 = false, 1 = true):
SELECT ad_id, SUM(subscribed) / SUM(clicked) as CR
FROM videoadcampaign
WHERE clicked = 'TRUE'
GROUP BY ad_id;
Or even:
SELECT ad_id, AVG(subscribed) as CR
FROM videoadcampaign
WHERE clicked = 'TRUE'
GROUP BY ad_id;
I am creating calculated metrics in Data Studio and I am having trouble with the results.
Metric 1 uses this formula:
COUNT_DISTINCT(CASE WHEN ( Event Category = "ABC" AND Event Action = "XXX" AND Event Label = "123" ) THEN ga clientId (user) ELSE " " END )
[[To count the events with distinct clientIds]]
Metric 2 uses this formula:
COUNT_DISTINCT(CASE WHEN ( Event Category = "ABC" AND Event Action = "YYY" AND Event Label = "456" ) THEN ga clientId (user) ELSE " " END )
[[To count the events with distinct clientIds]]
Metric 3 uses this formula:
COUNT_DISTINCT(CASE WHEN ( Event Category = "ABC" AND Event Action = "ZZZ" AND Event Label = "789" ) THEN userId(user) ELSE " " END )
[[To count the events with distinct userIds]]
The formulas work fine and when I do Metric 2/ Metric 1 the number is correct for a one day time span. When I do Metric 3/Metric 2 the number is wrong. Why is this? It doesn't make sense to me since they are both numerical values.
Also, when I increase the date range the Metric 2 / Metric 1 is incorrect too! Any ideas why these are not working?
If you are aggregating over a certain amount of data, then these calculations will not be exact; they will be approximations.
I have noticed that Google Data Studio is more accurate with data properly loaded into BigQuery rather than data loaded through something else like a PostgreSQL connector. Otherwise, APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT may be used.
I am using Firebase for collecting events from my application.
For example lets say I have an event print_attempt and it has 2 parameters page_count and copies. Something like this..
event {
name: print_attempt
param {
name: copies
int_value: 10
param {
name: page_count
int_value: 5
Now in Google Data Studio, I want to have a metric total page printed. How do I multiply 2 param values?
SUM(CASE WHEN Event Param Name = "page_count" THEN Event Param Value Int ELSE 0 END)
returns me the sum of page_count but in this scenario copies value is ignored.
I tried following, but this gives me error.
WHEN Event Param Name = "page_count" THEN (
Event Param Value Int * CASE WHEN EVENT PARAM NAME ="copies" THEN
Event Param Value Int ELSE 1 END)
Any pointers?
I got the answer from here.
It is not possible directly because the connector works with a flattened schema where the int values that I am trying to multiply will be in different records.
I ended up adding another int parameter in the event ex. total_pages with the value of page_count*copies.
Other solution could be to make a view or table where page_count and copies are as separate column of a row.
Trying to automatically produce a piechart in access which will show me 3 values (completed, pending and queued)
However in my status field I have several values for pending (sent, monitoringStage1, monitoringStage2, finalApproval)
My query at present gives me the count of each item individually:
SELECT Status, Count(*) AS [Count]
FROM StatusTable
ORDER BY Status;
How would I edit it to count sent, monitoringStage1, monitoringStage2, and finalApproval as one item called pending?
Also on a side note, does anybody know how to put a line at a certain point on a piechart by percentage? So in the piechart created I could have a line to indicate the target number of completed items to compare against current progress.
You can't use CASE in a query, only in VBA.
This will take care of it:
SELECT qryTestx.ThisStatus, Count(qryTestx.Status) AS CountOfStatus
FROM (SELECT (IIf([StatusTable.Status] in ("sent","monitoringStage1","monitoringStage2","finalApproval"),"Pending",[StatusTable.Status])) AS ThisStatus, StatusTable.Status
FROM StatusTable) qryTestx
GROUP BY qryTestx.ThisStatus;
Try this and don't forget to vote ;)
when Status in ( 'sent', 'monitoringStage1', 'monitoringStage2', 'finalApproval') then 'pending'
else status
end as status
from StatusTable
group by
when Status in ( 'sent', 'monitoringStage1', 'monitoringStage2', 'finalApproval') then 'pending'
else status