Guide from TornadoFX: how to implement Customer class - kotlin

I am following TornadoFX Guide from here, trying to run the sample wizard:
and have implemented additional class Customer as follows, which is not running:
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.Period
import tornadofx.*
class Customer(name: String, zip: Int, city: String, type: String) {
val zipProperty = SimpleIntegerProperty(zip)
var zip by zipProperty
val nameProperty = SimpleStringProperty(name)
var name by nameProperty
val cityProperty = SimpleStringProperty(city)
var city by cityProperty
val typeProperty = SimpleStringProperty(type)
var type by typeProperty
How can I add Customer.Type as referenced here, these classes are taken from the Guide:
package com.example.demo.view
import tornadofx.*
class CustomerWizard : Wizard() {
val customer: CustomerModel by inject()
override val canGoNext = currentPageComplete
override val canFinish = allPagesComplete
init {
class BasicData : View("Basic Data") {
val customer: CustomerModel by inject()
override val complete = customer.valid(
override val root = form {
fieldset(title) {
field("Type") {
combobox(customer.type, Customer.Type.values().toList()) //Customer.Type, what is it?
field("Name") {
class AddressInput : View("Address") {
val customer: CustomerModel by inject()
override val complete = customer.valid(,
override val root = form {
fieldset(title) {
field("Zip/City") {
textfield( {
prefColumnCount = 5
Error is as follows, leaving me to wonder what Type is? Enum, Class, ...? Error:(26, 50) Kotlin: Unresolved reference: Type

In the example above, Type is an enum, defined inside the Customer class, for example like this:
class Customer(name: String, zip: Int, city: String, type: Customer.Type) {
enum class Type {
Private, Company
val zipProperty = SimpleIntegerProperty(zip)
var zip by zipProperty
val nameProperty = SimpleStringProperty(name)
var name by nameProperty
val cityProperty = SimpleStringProperty(city)
var city by cityProperty
val typeProperty = SimpleObjectProperty<Type>(type)
var type by typeProperty
Note that typeProperty was changed to SimpleObjectProperty<Type> as well.


Kotlin - Ktor - How to handle Optional API resource fields in PATCH calls?

When implementing a REST API with Ktor (and Kotlin), it supports the optional field handling of Kotlin. Which works for POST and GET, but what about PATCH (update)?
For example, you have the following resource:
data class MyAddress(
var line1: String? = null,
var line2: String? = null,
var city: String? = null,
var postal_code: String? = null,
var state: String? = null,
var country: String? = null
So all MyAddress fields are optional (with a default value).
When you create an address with POST:
"line1" : "line1",
"country" : "XX"
and you than want to remove the country with a PATCH:
"country" : null
the end result of the resource should be:
"line1" : "line1"
But how can you determine this by parsing the json of the PATCH request? Because there is no way, as far as I know, to determine if it was null by default, or submitted.
Furthermore, the default null value for the MyAddress is required, because else the parsing will not work.
Code example:
import kotlinx.serialization.decodeFromString
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
data class MyAddress(
var line1: String? = null,
var line2: String? = null,
var city: String? = null,
var postal_code: String? = null,
var state: String? = null,
var country: String? = null
fun main() {
val jsonStringPOST = "{\"line1\":\"street\",\"country\":\"GB\"}"
println("JSON string is: $jsonStringPOST")
val myAddressPost = Json.decodeFromString<MyAddress>(jsonStringPOST)
println("MyAddress object: $myAddressPost")
val jsonStringPATCH = "{\"country\":null}"
println("JSON string is: $jsonStringPATCH")
val myAddressPatch = Json.decodeFromString<MyAddress>(jsonStringPATCH)
println("MyAddress object: $myAddressPatch")
I tried to add Optional<String>? as well, but it complains about missing serialization of Optional, and preferably I do not want to make all my data var's Optionals.
Note: I am looking for a more structured solution, that also works with all other resources in the api (10+ classes).
A second solution, based on Aleksei's example:
data class Address2(val line1: OptionalValue<String> = Undefined, val country: OptionalValue<String> = Undefined)
#Serializable(with = OptionalValueSerializer::class)
sealed interface OptionalValue<out T>
object Undefined: OptionalValue<Nothing> {
override fun toString(): String = "Undefined"
object Absent: OptionalValue<Nothing> {
override fun toString(): String = "Absent"
class WithValue<T>(val value: T): OptionalValue<T> {
override fun toString(): String = value.toString()
open class OptionalValueSerializer<T>(private val valueSerializer: KSerializer<T>) : KSerializer<OptionalValue<T>> {
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = valueSerializer.descriptor
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): OptionalValue<T> {
return try {
} catch (cause: SerializationException) {
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: OptionalValue<T>) {
when (value) {
is Undefined -> {}
is Absent -> { encoder.encodeNull() }
is WithValue -> valueSerializer.serialize(encoder, value.value)
fun main() {
val jsonStringPOST = "{\"line1\":\"street\",\"country\":\"GB\"}"
println("JSON string is: $jsonStringPOST")
val myAddressPost = Json.decodeFromString<Address2>(jsonStringPOST)
println("MyAddress object: $myAddressPost")
val jsonStringUPDATE = "{\"country\":null}"
println("JSON string is: $jsonStringUPDATE")
val myAddressUpdate = Json.decodeFromString<Address2>(jsonStringUPDATE)
println("MyAddress object: $myAddressUpdate")
if( is Absent || is WithValue) {
println("Update country: ${}")
} else {
println("No update for country: ${}")
Output is:
JSON string is: {"line1":"street","country":"GB"}
MyAddress object: Address2(line1=street, country=GB)
JSON string is: {"country":null}
MyAddress object: Address2(line1=Undefined, country=Absent)
Update country: Absent
You can use a sealed interface for a part of an address to represent undefined value, absence of value, and actual value. For this interface, you need to write a serializer that will encode and decode values accordingly to your logic. I'm not good at the kotlinx.serialization framework so I wrote an example as simple as possible.
import io.ktor.serialization.kotlinx.json.*
import io.ktor.server.application.*
import io.ktor.server.engine.*
import io.ktor.server.netty.*
import io.ktor.server.plugins.contentnegotiation.*
import io.ktor.server.request.*
import io.ktor.server.routing.*
import kotlinx.serialization.*
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.PrimitiveKind
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.PrimitiveSerialDescriptor
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.SerialDescriptor
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Decoder
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Encoder
fun main() {
embeddedServer(Netty, port = 4444) {
install(ContentNegotiation) {
routing {
post {
val address = call.receive<Address>()
data class Address(val line1: MyValue = Undefined, val country: MyValue = Undefined)
#Serializable(with = AddressValueSerializer::class)
sealed interface MyValue
object Undefined: MyValue {
override fun toString(): String = "Undefined"
object Absent: MyValue {
override fun toString(): String = "Absent"
class WithValue(val value: String): MyValue {
override fun toString(): String = value
object AddressValueSerializer: KSerializer<MyValue> {
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = PrimitiveSerialDescriptor("AddressValue", PrimitiveKind.STRING)
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): MyValue {
return try {
} catch (cause: SerializationException) {
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: MyValue) {
when (value) {
is Undefined -> {}
is Absent -> { encoder.encodeNull() }
is WithValue -> { encoder.encodeString(value.value) }
With some help from, I came to the following solution:
#Serializable(with = OptionalPropertySerializer::class)
open class OptionalProperty<out T> {
object NotPresent : OptionalProperty<Nothing>()
data class Present<T>(val value: T) : OptionalProperty<T>() {
override fun toString(): String {
return value.toString()
fun isPresent() : Boolean {
return this is Present
fun isNotPresent(): Boolean {
return this is NotPresent
fun isEmpty(): Boolean {
return (this is Present) && this.value == null
fun hasValue(): Boolean {
return (this is Present) && this.value != null
override fun toString(): String {
if(this is NotPresent) {
return "<NotPresent>"
return super.toString()
open class OptionalPropertySerializer<T>(private val valueSerializer: KSerializer<T>) : KSerializer<OptionalProperty<T>> {
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = valueSerializer.descriptor
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): OptionalProperty<T> =
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: OptionalProperty<T>) {
when (value) {
is OptionalProperty.NotPresent -> {}
is OptionalProperty.Present -> valueSerializer.serialize(encoder, value.value)
private data class MyAddressNew(
var line1: OptionalProperty<String?> = OptionalProperty.NotPresent,
var line2: OptionalProperty<String?> = OptionalProperty.NotPresent,
var city: OptionalProperty<String?> = OptionalProperty.NotPresent,
var postal_code: OptionalProperty<String?> = OptionalProperty.NotPresent,
var state: OptionalProperty<String?> = OptionalProperty.NotPresent,
var country: OptionalProperty<String?> = OptionalProperty.NotPresent,
fun main() {
val jsonStringPOST = "{\"line1\":\"street\",\"country\":\"GB\"}"
println("JSON string is: $jsonStringPOST")
val myAddressPost = Json.decodeFromString<MyAddressNew>(jsonStringPOST)
println("MyAddress object: $myAddressPost")
val jsonStringUPDATE = "{\"country\":null}"
println("JSON string is: $jsonStringUPDATE")
val myAddressUpdate = Json.decodeFromString<MyAddressNew>(jsonStringUPDATE)
println("MyAddress object: $myAddressUpdate")
if( {
println("Update country: ${}")
} else {
println("No update for country: ${}")
This prints:
JSON string is: {"line1":"street","country":"GB"}
MyAddress object: MyAddressNew(line1=street, line2=<NotPresent>, city=<NotPresent>, postal_code=<NotPresent>, state=<NotPresent>, country=GB)
JSON string is: {"country":null}
MyAddress object: MyAddressNew(line1=<NotPresent>, line2=<NotPresent>, city=<NotPresent>, postal_code=<NotPresent>, state=<NotPresent>, country=null)
Update country: null

In Kotlin, why the load method from Neo4j OGM returns null if the #Id property is named "id"?

Using the sample below (based on this source but with some changes), if the property #Id is named "id", the Neo4J (latest version) does not recognizes the attribute when the load is executed. But if I named it to any other name, such as "myId", the method works. Please, does anyone know why?
My code:
package sample
import org.neo4j.ogm.annotation.Id
import org.neo4j.ogm.annotation.NodeEntity
import org.neo4j.ogm.annotation.Relationship
import org.neo4j.ogm.config.Configuration
import org.neo4j.ogm.session.SessionFactory
data class Actor(
var id: Long?,
var name:String
) {
constructor() : this(-1, "")
#Relationship(type = "ACTS_IN", direction = "OUTGOING")
var movies = mutableSetOf<Movie>()
fun actsIn(movie: Movie) {
data class Movie(
var id: Long?,
var title:String,
var released:Int
) {
constructor() : this(-1L, "", -1)
#Relationship(type = "ACTS_IN", direction = "INCOMING")
var actors = mutableSetOf<Actor>()
class Sample {
private val uri = "bolt://localhost:7687"
val configuration = Configuration.Builder()
//.credentials("neo4j", "test")
val sessionFactory = SessionFactory(configuration, "sample")
fun save() {
val pack =
val l = java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(pack)
val session = sessionFactory.openSession()
val develsAdvocate = Movie(1, "The Devil’s Advocate", 1997)
val theMatrix = Movie(2, "The Matrix", 1999)
val act = Actor(1, "Carrie-Anne Moss")
val keanu = Actor(2, "Keanu Reeves")
// ** Only works if the entity has a attribute #Id with name different as "id"
val theMatrixReloaded = session.load(,, 2)
println("Found ${theMatrixReloaded.title}")
for (actor in theMatrixReloaded.actors) {
println("Actor ${} acted in ${actor.movies.joinToString { it.title }}")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val neoInstance = Sample()

How to put methods in companion object of parent class so that they can be inherited in children classes?

I have two data classes which are very similar to each other.
I want to write a parent class for both of them so they can inherit the common functionality.
My problem is that some methods I want to inherit are needed to be inside companion object.
A) data class Link
import org.json.JSONArray
import org.json.JSONObject
data class Link(
val name: String,
val url: String
) {
var selected: Boolean = false
fun toggle() { selected = selected.not() }
companion object {
fun fromJson(obj: JSONObject): Link = with(obj) {
Link(getString("name"), getString("url"))
fun fromJson(arr: JSONArray): List<Link> = with(arr) {
List(length()) {
fun toJson(list: List<Link>): JSONArray = JSONArray().apply {
list.forEach {
fun toJson(): JSONObject = JSONObject().apply {
put("name", name)
put("url", url)
B) data class DownloadStatus
import org.json.JSONArray
import org.json.JSONObject
data class DownloadStatus(
val name: String,
val url: String,
val path: String,
var progress: Int = 0
) {
var selected: Boolean = false
fun toggle() { selected = selected.not() }
companion object {
fun fromJson(obj: JSONObject): DownloadStatus = with(obj) {
DownloadStatus(getString("name"), getString("url"), getString("path"), getInt("progress"))
fun fromJson(arr: JSONArray): List<DownloadStatus> = with(arr) {
List(length()) {
fun toJson(list: List<DownloadStatus>): JSONArray = JSONArray().apply {
list.forEach {
fun toJson(): JSONObject = JSONObject().apply {
put("name", name)
put("url", url)
put("path", path)
put("progress", progress)
abstract class Parent
abstract class Parent {
var selected: Boolean = false
fun toggle() { selected = selected.not() }
companion object {
abstract fun toJson(): JSONObject
I am stuck here. How to put the methods in companion object of the parent class?

Retrieve display profiles using UID on a FirestoreRecycler Adapter using Kotlin?

I am having difficulties retrieving the information correctly from Firebase Firestore for my Recycler Adapter. I am not sure what I might be doing wrong but I used a Document Reference to get the required field but now it seems to just copy the same thing over and over, I want it to display each created users profile and display it on my RecyclerAdapter but am not sure what I should do and have tried different methods but get a
"No setter/field error" on my Model Class "Users".
This is my Firebase Schema
This is what it is outputting
This is what I have my code as so far
This is what I have imported
import Models.User
import android.content.Intent
import android.content.res.Configuration
import android.os.Bundle
import android.util.Log
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.MenuItem
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.widget.TextView
import android.widget.Toast
import androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar
import androidx.core.view.GravityCompat
import androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView
import com.firebase.ui.firestore.FirestoreRecyclerAdapter
import com.firebase.ui.firestore.FirestoreRecyclerOptions
import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso
import de.hdodenhof.circleimageview.CircleImageView
auth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance()
val customUserId = auth.currentUser!!.uid
val db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()
val userRef = db.collection("sUsers").document(customUserId)
val userQuery = db.collection("sUsers").orderBy("Full Name", Query.Direction.DESCENDING).limit(10)
//User List Layout
all_users_nearby_list.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
val firestoreRecyclerOptions: FirestoreRecyclerOptions<Users> = FirestoreRecyclerOptions.Builder<Users>()
adapter = UserFirestoreRecyclerAdapter(firestoreRecyclerOptions)
all_users_nearby_list.adapter = adapter
Firestore Recycler Adapter
private inner class UserFirestoreRecyclerAdapter internal constructor
(firestoreRecyclerOptions: FirestoreRecyclerOptions<Users>): FirestoreRecyclerAdapter<Users, UserViewHolder>(firestoreRecyclerOptions) {
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): UserViewHolder {
val userView = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context)
.inflate(R.layout.display_users_profile, parent, false)
return UserViewHolder(userView)
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: UserViewHolder, position: Int, model: Users) {
private inner class UserViewHolder internal constructor (private val pView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(pView) {
internal fun setFullname(fullname: String) {
val username = pView.findViewById<TextView>(
val db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()
val docRef = db.collection("sUsers").document(auth.currentUser!!.uid)
.addOnSuccessListener { document ->
if (document != null) {
Log.d("HomeActivity", "DocumentSnapshot data: ${}")
username.text = document.getString("Full Name")
} else {
Log.d("HomeActivity", "No such document")
.addOnFailureListener { exception ->
Log.d("HomeActivity", "get failed with ", exception)
username.text = fullname
Log.d("HomeActivity", "Current Data: " + fullname)
internal fun setProfileimage(profileImage: String) {
val userProfileImage = pView.findViewById<CircleImageView>(
Model Class
package Models
class Users(
var fullname: String= "",
var profileImage: String= "",
var uid: String? = "",
var haircut: Boolean? = null,
var waxing: Boolean? = null,
var nails: Boolean? = null,
var profileRatingBar: Float? = 1.0f
My onStart and onStop
override fun onStart() {
override fun onStop() {
if (adapter != null) {
This is how I would write your RecyclerView. Key points:
Don't make a 2nd FireStore query inside the ViewHolder
Your Firestore schema must exactly match your model
Use lifecycle owner instead of onStart/onStop
Firebase UI doesn't capture the uid; so do this manually (see apply)
ViewHolder must "hold" the views as fields (to avoid calling find every time)
Model represents 1 object, so I name it "User" not "Users"
Set layoutManager in XML to reduce boilerplate in onCreate
Layout XML
... />
Activity onCreate
val query = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()
.collection("sUsers") // Why not "users" ?
.orderBy("fullname", Query.Direction.DESCENDING)
val options = FirestoreRecyclerOptions.Builder<User>()
.setQuery(query) { it.toObject(!!.apply { uid = } }
all_users_nearby_list.adapter = UserFirestoreRecyclerAdapter(options)
internal class UserFirestoreRecyclerAdapter(options: FirestoreRecyclerOptions<User>) :
FirestoreRecyclerAdapter<User, UserViewHolder>(options) {
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int) =
.inflate(R.layout.display_users_profile, parent, false)
.let { UserViewHolder(it) }
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: UserViewHolder, position: Int, model: Users) =
internal class UserViewHolder(itemView: View) :
RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
// Hold view refs
private val usernameTextView: TextView = itemView.userNameTextView
private val profileUserImage: ImageView = itemView.profileUserImage
internal fun bind(model: User) {
model.apply {
usernameTextView.text = fullname
// Set sensible defaults here (or null if no sensible default)
data class User(
var uid: String = "",
var fullname: String= "",
var profileImage: String= "",
var haircut: Boolean = false,
var waxing: Boolean = false,
var nails: Boolean = false,
var profileRatingBar: Float? = null

Kotlin vert.x parsing a JSON String to a Data class using gson always returns null

I am just playing around with vert.x 3.5.3 Kotlin and I am unable to parse a JSON string into a Data class using gson.
Here is the code
class DataVerticle : AbstractVerticle() {
override fun start(startFuture: Future<Void>) {
data class Product(
#SerializedName("id") val id: Int,
#SerializedName("name") val name: String,
#SerializedName("productCode") val productCode: String
val products: MutableList<Product> = mutableListOf()
val gson = Gson()
val eventBus = vertx.eventBus()
eventBus.consumer<String>("data.verticle") {
when (it.headers().get("ACTION")) {
val prodJson = it.body()
if (prodJson != null) {
val product = gson.fromJson(prodJson,
else -> {
The Problem is the parsed value is always null
Here is my sample json ->
The json string sent over the eventBus is not null.
I am using this package for gson', version: '2.8.5'
You declare your class inside the method body, which Gson doesn't like much.
Extracting it to be nested class will work just fine:
class DataVerticle : AbstractVerticle() {
override fun start(startFuture: Future) {
val gson = Gson()
val eventBus = vertx.eventBus()
eventBus.consumer<String>("data.verticle") {
when (it.headers().get("ACTION")) {
val prodJson = it.body()
if (prodJson != null) {
val product = gson.fromJson(prodJson,
else -> {
data class Product(
#SerializedName("id") val id: Int,
#SerializedName("name") val name: String,
#SerializedName("productCode") val productCode: String
Tested with:
val vertx = Vertx.vertx()
vertx.deployVerticle(DataVerticle()) {
val options = DeliveryOptions()
options.addHeader("ACTION", "ADD_PRODUCT")
vertx.eventBus().send("data.verticle", """{"id":1,"name":"SOAP","productCode":"P101"}""", options)