Create table Routine definition - sql

I've been using this table INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES which has the routine definition for procs and functions, i was wondering if there is a similar table for create table and create view routines.

I would just skip using INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES entirely. Instead look at sys.sql_modules. It has the ddl for everything you are looking for except tables. But my question is why do you need to find the ddl for all these things?

You can use sys.sql_modules to find the definition of views. For tables, one option is SMO objects. The C# example below returns the DDL for a table in the listed database. This will require references to the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc, Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo, and Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo namespaces. System.Collections.Specialized is also used, but only for StringCollection in this example. This can be filtered using the Name property of the Table class as noted below.
//set source server and database using SMO objects
Server srv = new Server(#"YourServer");
//for Windows Authentication
srv.ConnectionContext.LoginSecure = true;
srv.ConnectionContext.StatementTimeout = 600;
Database db = srv.Databases["YourDatabase"];
//configure Scripter for DDL
Scripter script = new Scripter(srv);
ScriptingOptions scriptOpt = new ScriptingOptions();
//this can changed to views, stored procedures, or other objects
foreach (Table t in db.Tables)
//check for system objects
//use t.Name to check table name if needed
if (!t.IsSystemObject)
StringCollection sc = t.Script(scriptOpt);
foreach (string s in sc)
//DDL is here, it can accessed/used as needed


TSQL | Create Database

I have two databases on my local. I wish to use tsql to script out one of the two databases in its entirety (schema only) and save it in one .sql script. Is this possible for SQL 2012? And if so, how may I go about doing it? I am using GUI to do this right now but want to use tsql query if possible. I can't use any 3rd party tools.
Thank you
UPDATE: I am using the RIGHT CLICK > GENERATE script method right now. I want to avoid that and find a way to generate the database generation tsql script by some way other than using SSMS GUI. Also, I want to script the entire database and not just tables.
You can do it in the following 2 ways.
Use Powershell.
Use the SMO classes, the Scripter class in particular. The GUI Tools are wrappers around this class.
Here's the solution for #1.
Using Powershell to Generate Table-Creation Scripts. By Robert Sheldon on
Here's a solution for #2.
See this MSDN Example scripting all tables in a database with SMO.
Relevant code below. Change the database name and other details as appropriate.
//Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server.
Server srv = default(Server);
srv = new Server();
//Reference the AdventureWorks database.
Database db = default(Database);
db = srv.Databases("AdventureWorks");
//Define a Scripter object and set the required scripting options.
Scripter scrp = default(Scripter);
scrp = new Scripter(srv);
scrp.Options.ScriptDrops = false;
scrp.Options.WithDependencies = true;
//Iterate through the tables in database and script each one. Display the script.
//Note that the StringCollection type needs the System.Collections.Specialized namespace to be included.
Table tb = default(Table);
Urn[] smoObjects = new Urn[2];
foreach ( tb in db.Tables) {
smoObjects = new Urn[1];
smoObjects(0) = tb.Urn;
if (tb.IsSystemObject == false) {
StringCollection sc = default(StringCollection);
sc = scrp.Script(smoObjects);
string st = null;
foreach ( st in sc) {
If you want to script out ALL the DB objects, and not just tables, take a look at the powershell script in this page where it says "Full Script". It takes care of table and relationship dependencies also.

ASP.NET MVC 4 Deferred query execution not retrieving data from database

I am new in ASP.NET MVC 4. In my project I am using Code First technique in of EF. I want to retrieve some data from database and I used following code for this :
List<SelectListItem> ls = new List<SelectListItem>();
var lm = from m in db.BOs //fetch data from database
select m;
foreach (var temp in lm)
ls.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = temp.Name, Value = temp.Id.ToString() });
But when execution pointer move inside foreach it immediately come back out of the loop showing return ls value Count = 0. Code does not giving me any error while running that's why I am not getting where is going wrong.
UPDATE: I found something new this problem. When I kept mouse pointer over var lm; it shows me query and in query table name in FROM clause is not that one in my SQL database. My SQL table name is BO and in query it is taking BOes. I don't know from where this name is coming. So How I overcome this??
decorate your BO class with Table("BO") to specify the table name (attribute is in System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema namespace)
public partial class BO
Write following code inside DbContext class :
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
The modelBuilder.Conventions.Remove statement in the OnModelCreating method prevents table names from being pluralized. If you didn't do this, the generated tables would be named Students, Courses, and Enrollments. Instead, the table names will be Student, Course, and Enrollment. Developers disagree about whether table names should be pluralized or not. This tutorial uses the singular form, but the important point is that you can select whichever form you prefer by including or omitting this line of code.

Raven db: creating a new database

I am new to raven db. I have read the API and try to create a database . It has something like EnsureDatabaseExists function which creates the database if it does not exist. It actually uses DocumentDatabase type to create that database. I use it and it creates the database but I want to use this object directly so that using this object I can directly work with documents. Am i doing right? Or can there be any better approach then this to work with documents.Thank you.
I think you're confusing the database document and querying documents.
The database document is a document on the default database, which just represent a database in RavenDB which is not the default database. It stores some data like the database name and location. You, as a consumer of ravendb as nothing to do with this document. And this has nothing to do with querying any other documents.
Look here in order to learn how to query ravendb for documents. In order to query a specific database, if you work just with that database than you better just specify the database name in the connection string. If you work against multiy databases at once, you can specify the database name that you want when you open a session, store.OpenSession("database-name").
Three methods are available on store.DatabaseCommands.GlobalAdmin.
GetDatabaseNames: lists database names
EnsureDatabaseExists: creates database if it does not exists
CreateDatabase: creates database
Note that DocumentStore.Initialize() already ensures that the database is created. You can pass a boolean false to avoid this behavior.
// init store object, you pass the service URL + the database name
var store = new DocumentStore("http://localhost:8001/databases/MyNewDataBase");
// most simple thing is:
var dbName = store.DefaultDatabase;
If you want to check without creating:
// there is a method to list the database names
bool exists = false;
for (int i = 0; i < int.MaxValue; i++)
var names = store.DatabaseCommands.GlobalAdmin.GetDatabaseNames(100, i * 100);
if (names.Contains(dbName))
exists = true;
if (names.Length < 100)
// no more databases
if (exists)
// database exists, do something

Using NHibernate to execute DDL statements

How can I execute a DDL statement via NHibernate?
To be clear, I don't want to auto-generate my schema from my mapping files. My DDL is stored in plain text files along the lines of:
I want to cycle through these in order and execute each of them. I could just open a SqlConnection and execute via a SqlCommand but I'd like to go through NHibernate if there is a nice way to do this. This is mainly because I want to remain as database agnostic as possible: I have a SQL db now but I might need to implement Oracle or DB2 later...
I'm using .Net v3.51 and NHibernate v2.1. I looked at the NHibernate SchemaExport class but couldn't see a way to use this for this purpose.
I've used session.Connection.CreateCommand and session.Transaction.EnlistCommand before with success to run raw SQL.
Here's a snippet of something similar that I've done:
using (var command = _session.Connection.CreateCommand())
command.CommandText = "select foo from bar where id = #id";
var versionIdParameter = command.CreateParameter();
versionIdParameter.ParameterName = "id";
versionIdParameter.Value = id;
using(var reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess))
while (reader.Read())
// ...
You can get an IDbConnection from an ISession's Connection property but you'll need to do this with SqlCommand. Executing DDL is outside of NHibernate's scope.

NHibernate - How do I change schemas during run time?

I'm using NHibernate to connect to an ERP database on our DB2 server. We have a test schema and a production schema. Both schemas have the same table structure underneath. For testing, I would like to use the same mapping classes but point NHibernate to the test environment when needed and then back when in production. Please keep in mind that we have many production schemas and each production schema has an equivalent test schema.
I know that my XML mapping file has a schema property inside it, but since it's in XML, it's not like I can change it via a compiler directive or change the schema property based on a config file.
Any ideas?
Thank You.
No need to specify schema in the mappings: there's a SessionFactory-level setting called default_schema. However, you can't change it at runtime, as NHibernate pregenerates and/or caches SQL queries, including the schema part.
To get what I wanted, I had to use NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes.
[NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes.Class(0, Table = “MyTable”, Schema = MySchemaConfiguration.MySchema)]
In this way, I can create a class like MySchemaConfiguration and have a property inside of it like MySchema. I can either set the property's value via a compiler directive or get it through a configuration file. This way I only have to change the schema in one place and it will be reflected throughout all of the other mappings.
I have found following link that actually fixes the problem.
How to set database schema for namespace in nhibernate
The sample code could be
cfg.ClassMappings.Where(cm => cm.Table.Schema == "SchemaName")
.ForEach(cm => cm.Table.Schema = "AnotherSchemaName");
This should happen before you initialize your own data service class.
#Brian, I tried NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes, the attribute value you put inside should be a constant. So it could not be updated during run time. How could you have set the property's value using a parameter value in configuration file?
The code to fix HBM XML resources.
// This is how you get all the hbm resource names.
private static IList<string> GetAllHbmXmlResourceNames(Assembly assembly)
var result = new List<string>();
foreach (var resource in assembly.GetManifestResourceNames())
if (resource.EndsWith(".hbm.xml"))
return result;
// This is how you get the stream for each resource.
// What you need to do next is to fix schema name in this stream
// Replacing schema name.
private Stream FixSchemaNameInStream(Stream stream)
StreamReader strStream = new StreamReader(stream);
string strCfg = strStream.ReadToEnd();
strCfg = strCfg.Replace(string.Format("schema=\"{0}\"" , originalSchemaName), string.Format("schema=\"{0}\"" , newSchemaName));
return new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strCfg));
Take a look at SchemaUpdate.