I run powershell script to delete a war file in tomcat8 webapps, then copy a new war to the webapp directory.
(Not allowed to deploy maven on customers production server).
The war file does not unpack.
I have unpackWARs="true" in tomcats server.xml (although this should be default)ยด
This has worked before.
Also have same problem after upgrading to tomcat9.
I use maven to build the application.
I would like to deploy a maven based multi project to Jboss EAP. According to several article I configured output directory to end with ear, like: C:\project\module-ear\target\module-ear-1.0-SNAPSHOT.ear. Ear project contains a war and jar projects
First deploy works fine, although I'm not able to refresh classes and resources directly. If I modify something in war project, I cannot see deployed.
I am having two queries
1. Can I deploy web application as a folder instead of war file in JBoss AS 7?
2. If not ,how to update the JSP or html or js files with out building/deploying the war file again?
JBoss supports the ability to deploy an archive file or as an exploded directory. To explode a Java EE archive, unzip the archive to a directory that is named the same as the archive file. As long as the directory name has the correct extension (.war, .ear, etc.) JBoss will deploy the directory normally. So if your war file has name HelloWorld.war, your exploded directory name should be HelloWorld.war too.
Please also note that it is recommended to edit your deployment-scanner in the standalone.xml configuration file and changing auto-deploy-exploded property back to false for exploded deployment. Quote from JBoss 7.1 Documentation:
Manual deploy mode is strongly recommended for exploded content, as
exploded content is inherently vulnerable to the scanner trying to
auto-deploy partially copied content.
Please see link https://community.jboss.org/thread/200114. Looks like this is a confirmed bug in JBoss 7.1.1 that JBoss ignores the configuration in jsp-configuration and does not reload modified jsp. It is fixed in 7.1.2. You need to build 7.1.2 nightly build yourself. Or talk to JBoss Support if you have Enterprise support.
For some reason our standalone JBoss 7.1.1 undeploys my war file on shutdown/restart.
Deployment happens with maven from a remote machine (jboss-as-maven-plugin).
Stopping happens with local cli 9999 shutdown command.
Any ideas?
I finally got it why this happens. I did not only restart but also replace/update my config file. But in the updated file the deployment part is missing. And then it seams that jboss does not re-deploy the war file.
Kind of a problem that configuration and deployment information are in the same file, there is no separation of concerns here.
Is there a way in glassfish v2 asadmin utility to copy jar files into the server lib or the domain's lib? I want to do a remote deployment using hudson on a different box so i have a script that executes a bunch of asadmin commands.
asadmin deploy moves your deployable code to the autodeploy directory making glassfish aware of its existence to deploy. I believe copying a simple library out there won't net any effect without proper deployment descriptors. In any event I don't think the asadmin deploy would have access to your domain/lib or server/lib directory but rather only your application directory structure itself.
To do what you are trying to achieve, it sounds more like writing a simple ant script.
I have a mercurial repository on my server.
I want to create a script to deploy the project as a war file to a tomcat server.
Is it possible to tell maven to get the latest revision of my project from the repository
and create a war file.
You can use Maven SCM plugin, which has suport for multiple version control systems including Mercurial.