Vuex.js sidebar - vuex

How can using Vuex store action and mutation to implement this sidebar? And need by adding a close button in element aside.
<div id="example-1">
<button #click="show = !show">{{btnText}}</button>
<transition name="slide">
<aside v-show="show">hello</aside>
.slide-enter-active {
transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1);
.slide-leave-active {
transition: all .1s ease;
.slide-enter, .slide-leave-active {
transform: translateX(100%);
new Vue({
el: '#example-1',
data: {
show: false
computed: {
btnText: function() {
if( {
return '✕'
return '☰'

In order to use Vuex for this functionality you will want 3 things
the state of the side bar will be controlled by a getter which can be changed by a mutation
Below is a basic working example of toggling a sidebar with vuex.
Note it is not using getter, if you don't understand how those work I can go into more detail
Below is using a toggle inside aside component with transition effect.
Here is Vue documentation for transitions Vue Transitions


d3 graph rendering with vue

Because of non compatible dependencies, I have to downgrade from vue3 to vue2.
I have created a force directed graph with D3 library. Everything worked find with vue3 using composition api. I am not familiar with vue 2 and adapting my graph to vue2 has not been working out for me.
In vue3 it was very straitforward and ref() made it pretty easy to accomplish.
As for vue2, I have tried making good use of lifecycle hooks such as computed and watch
Any help is more than welcome
Here is a minimalistic representation of my working component in vue3. This component creates the graph in a svg and then renders it in the template.
<div class="col" style="position: absolute; width:100%; height:100%" >
<div class="main-map-container" style="overflow: hidden; width: 100%;">
<div ref="graph" class="canvas">
<script >
import {onMounted, onBeforeMount, ref} from 'vue'
export default {
const graph = ref()
const links = [{src:"Amazon",target:"Aurora"},{src:"Amazon",target:"Aurora"},{src:"Amazon",target:"Zoox"},{src:"Amazon",target:"Rivian"}]
const nodes = [{id:"Amazon"},{id:"Aurora"},{id:"Zoox"},{id:"Rivian"}]
onBeforeMount( async ()=>{
const svgobj = ForceGraph(nodes, links)
function ForceGraph(
// The code for the graph has been removed since it is much too long
return Object.assign( svg.node() );
return { graph }
This is the vue2 component that i have emptied for this post
<div class="col" style="position: absolute; width:100%; height:100%" >
<div class="main-map-container" style="overflow: hidden; width: 100%;">
<div ref="graph" class="canvas">
export default {
methods: {
watch: {
props: {
computed: {
created() {
mounted() {
data() {
return {
You can use Vue3 composition API in vue 2. Install the composition api and then just keep your code the same, with the setup method exactly as it was.
The setup method, lifecycle hooks, and all the reactivity (refs and reactive objects) are made available to you, with very few incompatibilities.
We use d3 with Vue2 in this fashion all the time. 100% compatible.

:hover color in vue components from props

Some of my single-file components need to take hover color from props.
My solution is that i set css variables in the following way (the main part is in the mounted(){...})
<div class="btnWrapper" ref="btnWrapper">...</div>
props() {
color1: {type: String, default: 'blue'},
mounted () {
this.$'--wrapHoverColor', this.color1)
<style scoped>
.btnWrapper {
--wrapHoverColor: pink;
.btnWrapper:hover {
background-color: var(--wrapHoverColor) !important;
This solution seems kind of woowoo.
But maybe there is no better way with pseudo elements, which are hard to control from js.
Do you guys ever take pseudo element's properties from props in vue components?
You have two different ways to do this.
1 - CSS Variables
As you already know, you can create CSS variables from what you want to port from JS to CSS and put them to your root element :style attr on your components created hooks, and then use them inside your CSS codes with var(--x).
<button :style="style"> Button </button>
export default {
props: ['color', 'hovercolor'],
data() {
return {
style: {
'--color': this.color,
'--hovercolor': this.hovercolor,
<style scoped>
button {
background: var(--color);
button:hover {
background: var(--hovercolor);
2 - Vue Component Style
vue-component-style is a tiny (~1kb gzipped) mixin to do this internally. When you active that mixin, you can write your entire style section inside of your component object with full access to the component context.
<button class="$style.button"> Button </button>
export default {
props: ['color', 'hovercolor'],
style({ className }) {
return [
className('button', {
background: this.color,
'&:hover': {
background: this.hovercolor,

How to add/remove class on body tag when open/close modal in vuejs

I have a modal in one of my pages and I want to add a class “active” on body when I open the modal, so I can make the body overflow hidden (no scroll).
Is there a way to toogle a class on the body tag when I click from one component? I can't figure it out...
I use routes
<div id="app">
<Header />
<Footer />
Thx in advance
The correct way of doing this in Vue is to communicate between components, in this case it might not be a simple parent/child communication, so you might want to create an Event Bus.
By using this approach the modal's code is has minimum effects on the rest of your application, it only dispatches events that you can subscribe to from any other component.
Note: In this case you won't add the class on your body tag (because you can't mount Vue on body), but you may just add it to your root div to have a similar result.
const eventBus = new Vue();
Vue.component('modal', {
props: ['isOpen'],
template: `
<div class="modal" v-if="isOpen">This is a modal</div>
Vue.component('wrapper', {
template: `
<modal :isOpen="isModalOpen"></modal>
<button #click="toggleModal">toggle modal</button>
data() {
return {
isModalOpen: false,
methods: {
toggleModal() {
this.isModalOpen = !this.isModalOpen;
eventBus.$emit('toggleModal', this.isModalOpen);
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
active: false,
created() {
eventBus.$on('toggleModal', (isModalOpen) => { = isModalOpen;
.active {
background: grey;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app" :class="{active}">
This should help
document.body.className += 'active'

How to compute styles on <body> or <html> using vue.js?

I am using vuejs style bindings to render changes dynamically as the styles are computed.
This works great for everything within the scope of my Vue instance but how can I compute styles for body or html tags?
This used to be possible when you could bind the vue instance to but vue no longer lets you do it.
I want to dynamically update the background color of using my computed variables in vue.
edit: added code snippet to demonstrate
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
color: '#666666'
computed: {
backgroundColor: function() {
return {
'background-color': this.color
methods: {
toggleBackground: function() {
this.color = '#BDBDBD'
} else {
this.color = '#666666'
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app" :style="backgroundColor">
lots of content...
<button #click="toggleBackground"> Click to toggle </button>
If you really need to style body itself, you'll need to do it with plain JavaScript in a watcher. A simple example is below.
You should (not something I've tried, but I'm hypothesizing) be able to defeat overscrolling effects by making body and your outer container non-scrolling. Put a scrollable container inside that. When it overscrolls, it will show your outer container, right?
The reasons for not binding to body are here (for React, but applies to Vue).
What’s the problem with ? Everybody updates it! Some people have
non-[Vue] code that attaches modals to it. Google Font Loader will
happily put elements into body for a fraction of second, and
your app will break horribly and inexplicably if it tries to update
something on the top level during that time. Do you really know what
all your third party scripts are doing? What about ads or that social
network SDK?
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
isRed: false
watch: {
isRed() {
document.querySelector('body').style.backgroundColor = this.isRed ? 'red' : null;
#app {
background-color: white;
margin: 3rem;
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="app">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="isRed">
I think I found better solution than using jQuery/querySelector
You can add tag style right in your Vue template.
And add v-if on this, smth like that:
<style v-if="true">
body {
background: green;
Thus you can use computed/methods in this v-if and DOM always will update when you need.
Hope this will help someone ;)
Using tag "style" in templates is not best idea, but you can create v-style component, then everything will be fine:
Use style tags inside vuejs template and update from data model
My snippet:
Vue.component('v-style', {
render: function (createElement) {
return createElement('style', this.$slots.default)
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
isRed: false,
color: 'yellow',
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="isRed">
<v-style v-if="isRed">
body {
background: red; /*one more benefit - you can write "background: {{color}};" (computed)*/

Building reusable components with custom methods

I am trying to build a reusable tab component with vuejs. I am still learning some basic consepts of vue and hardly managed to finish tab generation and switch logic. It is OK to switch between tabs in component itself now. But I have some problems with making my component to listen outside triggers.
For now, I can switch my tabs outside of the component with the help of $refs. But as I am trying to make it reusable this method doesn't sound practical. What should I do?
Here is the JSFiddle
Vue.component('tabs', {
template: `
<div class="tabs">
<div class="tab-titles">
<a :class="{'active'}" v-for="tab in tablist" href="#" class="tab-title" #click.prevent="activateTab(tab)">{{tab.title}}</a>
<div class="tab-contents">
data() {
return {
tablist: [],
methods: {
activateTab: function(tab) {
this.tablist.forEach(t => { = false; = false
}); = true; = true;
activateTabIndex: function(index) {
collectTabData: function(tabData) {
Vue.component('tab', {
template: `
<div :class="{'active':is_active}" class="tab-content">
data() {
return {
mounted() {
tab: this,
title: this.title,
is_active: this.is_active
props: {
title: {
type: String,
required: true
active: {
type: [Boolean, String],
default: false
Vue.component('app', {
template: `
<div class="container">
<tabs ref="foo">
<tab title="tab-title-1">
Initial content here
<tab title="tab-title-2" active>
Some content here
<tab title="tab-title-3">
Another content here
<a href="#" #click='switchTab(0)'>switch to tab(index:0)</a>
methods: {
switchTab: function () {
const vm = new Vue({
el: '#inner-body',
#import url('');
font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif;
.tab-titles {
.tab-title {
display: inline-block;
margin-right: 10px;
color: #bbb;
text-decoration: none;
} {
color: #06cd92;
border-bottom:1px solid #06cd92;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
border-width:1px 0;
.tab-content {
display: none;
} {
display: block;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="inner-body">
Vue Components are supposed communicate one-way down to children via Props (where only parents mutate the props on the children, never the children themselves) and children communicate to parents by emitting events. The makes nesting components much easier to reason about, and decouples components properly. So what do you do when the parent wants to change a tab? Let me walk you through a process:
1) Imagine we add a prop called activeTab to the tabs component (I'm not following your code in your question directly here, just basing loosely off it to demonstrate the process easier). The parent will change the value of this prop whenever it wants. The tabs component (aka child component in this case) should not alter the value of the activeTab prop. Instead, inside the tabs component, add a watcher for this prop:
in child component (ie. tabs)
props: {
* Prop parent can use to set active tab
'activeTab': {
type: Number
watch: {
* Watch for changes on the activeTab prop.
* #param {boolean} val The new tab value.
* #param {boolean} oldVal The old tab value.
* #return {void}
activeTab: function (val, oldVal) {
console.log('new: %s, old: %s', val, oldVal)
// do something here to make the tabs change
// and never alter the prop itself.
2) Now on your parent, you should have a reactive data property that can be named the same as your prop if you want:
in parent component (ie. app)
data: {
activeTab: 0
3) Then we need to make it where when you alter the data property above, the prop gets altered too. Here's what it would look like on the tabs component tag:
in parent component (ie. app)
<tabs :activeTab="activeTab" ...
4) What do you do if you want to allow the tabs component to also alter the active tab sometimes? Easy, just emit an event whenever an active tab is changed:
in the child component (ie. tabs)
methods: {
switchTab (newActiveTabValue) {
// store the new active tab in some data property in this component, but not the "activeTab" prop, as mentioned earlier.
this.whatever = newActiveTabValue
// ... now emit the event
this.$emit('switched', newActiveTabValue)
5) Your parent should now listen for this emitted event and update its own data property:
in parent component (ie. app)
<tabs :activeTab="activeTab" #switched="activeTab = arguments[0]" ...
Seems a little bit more effort, but it's all worth it as your app grows in complexity and more things become nested. You can read more on Composing Components in the official docs here.