ScrollMagic - always animate first item first - gsap

Is there a way to ensure that the first item that appears always scrolls in first - using this code? At the moment it fires depending on the order of the elements. I am asking because the order of the elements changes throughout the site - I would rather not create a new scene for every different scenario. Someone might see a clever way of doing this. Thanks for any help in advance.
$('.data-scrollIn').each(function(index, elem) {
// Init ScrollMagic Controller
var controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller();
// Create Animations
h2 = $(elem).find('h2');
h3 = $(elem).find('h3');
btn = $(elem).find('.btn');
p = $(elem).find('p');
img = $(elem).find('img');
span = $(elem).find('span.js-fade-order');
var tl = new TimelineMax({
pause: true
tl.add("start") // add timeline label
.fromTo(span, 0.6, {
opacity: 0,
y: "40px",
}, {
opacity: 1,
y: "0",
ease: Power0.easeInOut
}, 0.3, "start")
.fromTo(h2, 0.6, {
opacity: 0,
y: "40px",
}, {
opacity: 1,
y: "0",
ease: Power0.easeInOut
}, 0.6, "start")
.fromTo(img, 0.6, {
opacity: 0,
y: "40px",
}, {
opacity: 1,
y: "0",
ease: Power0.easeInOut
}, 0.9, "start")
.fromTo(h3, 0.6, {
opacity: 0,
y: "40px",
}, {
opacity: 1,
y: "0",
ease: Power0.easeInOut
}, 1.2, "start")
.fromTo(p, 0.6, {
opacity: 0,
y: "40px",
}, {
opacity: 1,
y: "0",
ease: Power0.easeInOut
}, 1.5, "start")
.fromTo(btn, 0.6, {
opacity: 0,
y: "40px",
}, {
opacity: 1,
y: "0",
ease: Power0.easeInOut
}, 1.8, "start")
// Create the Scene and trigger when visible
var sceneFade = new ScrollMagic.Scene({
triggerElement: elem,
offset: -100 /* offset the trigger Npx below scene's top */

$('.data-scrollIn').each(function(index, elem) {
// Init ScrollMagic Controller
var controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller();
// Create Animations
fadeElem = $(elem).find('h2, h3, .btn, p, img, span.js-fade-order ');
var tl = new TimelineMax({
pause: true
tl.add("start") // add timeline label
.staggerFromTo(fadeElem, 0.6, {
opacity: 0,
y: "40px",
}, {
opacity: 1,
y: "0",
ease: Power0.easeInOut
}, 0.6, "start")
// Create the Scene and trigger when visible
var sceneFade = new ScrollMagic.Scene({
triggerElement: elem,
offset: -100 /* offset the trigger Npx below scene's top */


Can't trigger beforeDraw with Vue-Chartjs (or any other plugins)

I'm trying to add custom text to the Chartjs chart (using vue-chartjs), what I've found out so far is that I need to do this via beforeDraw (or similar) plugin. I included the plugin in the options.plugins, but it doesn't get triggered.
What am I doing wrong? Here's the code
import {Scatter} from "vue-chartjs";
export default {
extends: Scatter,
props: {
chartdata: {
type: Object,
default: null
options: {
type: Object,
default: null
mounted () {
this.renderChart(this.chartdata, {
scales: {
xAxes: [{
ticks: {
max: 100,
min: -100
type: 'linear',
yAxes: [{
display: true,
type: 'linear',
ticks: {
max: 100,
min: -100
elements: {
point: {
pointStyle: 'circle',
radius: 16,
backgroundColor: "#dc005a"
layout: {
padding: {
left: 25,
right: 25,
top: 25,
bottom: 25
plugins: [{
id: "AddLegend",
beforeDraw(chart) {
Plugins can optionally be registered globally through Chart.plugins.register. You can register any of the hooks provided by the Plugin Core API and provide your custom code. The afterDraw hook for example would have to be registered as follows:
afterDraw: chart => {
// your code
mounted () {
id: 'my-plugin',
afterDraw: function (chart) {
var ctx = chart.ctx;
ctx.font = "bold 20px FiraGO";
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.fillText("ლიბერალური", chart.width/2, chart.height - 25);
ctx.font = "bold 20px FiraGO";
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.fillText("ავტორიტარული", chart.width/2, 25);
ctx.font = "bold 20px FiraGO";
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.fillText("გეგმიური ეკონომიკა", chart.width/(-2), 25);
ctx.fillText("თავისუფალი ეკონომიკა", chart.width/(-2), chart.height - 25);
// ctx.rotate(Math.PI/(-2))
this.renderChart(this.chartdata, {
scales: {
xAxes: [{
ticks: {
max: 100,
min: -100
type: 'linear',
yAxes: [{
display: true,
type: 'linear',
ticks: {
max: 100,
min: -100
elements: {
point: {
pointStyle: 'circle',
radius: 16,
backgroundColor: "#dc005a"
layout: {
padding: {
left: 50,
right: 50,
top: 50,
bottom: 50

How to trigger TimelineMax animation when ScrollToPlugin is scrolling (ScrollMagic)?

I have a section with button which on click triggers scroll to the next section.
What I want to do is when this scroll event is happening I want to trigger my tl.from animations.
Right now animations tl.from are triggered only on user scroll but not on button pressed.
const button = document.getElementById('cta');
let tl = new TimelineMax({ onUpdate: updatePercentage })
function scrollToNextSection() {, 2, { scrollTo: '#section-1'});
tl.from('.section__left', .5, { x: 200, opacity: 0, ease: Power4.easeOut })
tl.from('.section__right', .5, { x: -200, opacity: 0, ease: Power4.easeOut })
tl.from('.section__img', 1, { x: 400, opacity: 0 })
// init controller
var controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller();
// create a scene
new ScrollMagic.Scene({
triggerElement: '#section-1',
triggerHook: 'onLeave',
duration: '100%',
function updatePercentage() {
button.addEventListener('click', scrollToNextSection);
Try to change your code like that :)
const button = document.getElementById('cta');
let tl = new TimelineMax({ onUpdate: updatePercentage }).from('.section__left', .5, { x: 200, opacity: 0, ease: Power4.easeOut })
.from('.section__right', .5, { x: -200, opacity: 0, ease: Power4.easeOut })
.from('.section__img', 1, { x: 400, opacity: 0 });
function scrollToNextSection() {, 2, { scrollTo: '#section-1'});
// init controller
var controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller();
// create a scene
new ScrollMagic.Scene({
triggerElement: '#section-1',
triggerHook: 'onLeave',
duration: '100%',
function updatePercentage() {

How to change chart series line color in Dojo?

I am now using Dojo to show a line chart. but I don't know how to change the series line color, would anyone help? thx.
var chart1 = new dc.Chart("test1");
chart1.addPlot("default", { type: "Default", lines: true, markers: true, tension: 1 });
chart1.addAxis("x", { majorTick: { stroke: "black", length: 5 }, minorTick: { stroke: "black", length: 1} });
chart1.addAxis("y", { vertical: true, majorTick: { stroke: "black", length: 5 }, minorTick: { stroke: "black", length: 1} });
chart1.addSeries("Series A", [{ x: 0.5, y: 5 }, { x: 1.5, y: 1.5 }, { x: 2, y: 9 }, { x: 5, y: 0.3}]);
chart1.addSeries("Series B", [{ x: 0.3, y: 8 }, { x: 4, y: 6, tooltip: "Custom tooltip" }, { x: 5.5, y: 2}]);
chart1.addSeries("Series C", [{ x: 0.8, y: 6 }, { x: 8, y: 1, tooltip: "Custom tooltip" }, { x: 7, y: 2}]);
chart1.addSeries("Series D", [{ x: 0.1,y: 5}, { x: 2, y: 3, tooltip: "Custom tooltip" }, { x: 4, y: 5}]);
var anim1a = new dc.action2d.Magnify(chart1, "default");
var anim1b = new dc.action2d.Tooltip(chart1, "default");
for Series A, Series B,Series C,Series D,I want to use my-defined color to show them, anyone can help?
You can probably also provide the color in your series for it to be used by the plot. Something like the following:
chart1.addSeries("Series A",
[{ x: 0.5, y: 5 }, { x: 1.5, y: 1.5 }, { x: 2, y: 9 }, { x: 5, y: 0.3}],
{ stroke: "green" });
You can change the colors by using the setTheme() function while defining your chart.
Must look like :
require(["dojox/charting/Chart", "dojox/charting/themes/Shrooms", "dojox/charting/plot2d/Areas", ...],
function(Chart, Shrooms, Areas, ...){
new Chart(node)
addPlot("default", { type: Areas, tension: "X" })
addSeries("Series A", [1, 2, 0.5, 1.5, 1, 2.8, 0.4])
addSeries("Series B", [2.6, 1.8, 2, 1, 1.4, 0.7, 2])
addSeries("Series C", [6.3, 1.8, 3, 0.5, 4.4, 2.7, 2])
In this example the Theme "Shrooms" will be loaded.
Here you can see, what themes are available for Charts:
and in the dojo API you can find them under dojox/charting/themes.
Here's a good tutorial how you can define themes by yourself:
Regards, Miriam

How to create surface for Ext js draw component

I created a rectangle by using this code:
var drawComponent = Ext.create('Ext.draw.Component', {
autoSize: true,
viewBox: false,
x: 200,
y: 100,
draggable: true,
viewBox: false,
renderTo: document.body
surface = drawComponent.surface;
sprite = surface.add({
type: 'rect',
fill: 'white',
stroke: 'red',
x: 10,
y: 5,
'stroke-width': 3,
width: 100,
height: 50
After that I've add it to window.
Now I want to create many draw components so I created a custom class like this:
Ext.define('DrawComponent', {
extend: 'Ext.draw.Component',
autoSize: true,
viewBox: false,
draggable: true,
renderTo: document.body
I'm using this custom class like this:
var drawComponent = Ext.create('DrawComponent', {
x: 200,
y: 100
surface = drawComponent.surface;
sprite = surface.add({
type: 'rect',
fill: 'white',
stroke: 'red',
x: 10,
y: 5,
'stroke-width': 3,
width: 100,
height: 50
But here it is showing surface is undefined...
You can see my custom class am extending Ext.draw.component class why it is showing error
Surface is only available after rendering. So you may add an event handler for event afterrender in the initComponent method, and use the surface.

how to keep the highligh on a bar chart?

var colors = ['url(#v-1)',
var baseColor = '#eee';
Ext.define('Ext.chart.theme.Fancy', {
extend: 'Ext.chart.theme.Base',
constructor: function(config) {
axis: {
fill: baseColor,
stroke: baseColor
axisLabelLeft: {
fill: baseColor
axisLabelBottom: {
fill: baseColor
axisTitleLeft: {
fill: baseColor
axisTitleBottom: {
fill: baseColor
colors: colors
}, config)]);
var win = Ext.create('Ext.Panel', {
width: 1000,
height: 300,
hidden: false,
maximizable: true,
title: 'Column Chart',
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
enableToggle: true,
pressed: true,
layout: 'fit',
items: {
id: 'chartCmp',
xtype: 'chart',
theme: 'Fancy',
animate: {
easing: 'bounceOut',
duration: 750
store: store,
background: {
fill: 'rgb(17, 17, 17)'
gradients: [
'id': 'v-1',
'angle': 0,
stops: {
0: {
color: 'rgb(212, 40, 40)'
100: {
color: 'rgb(117, 14, 14)'
'id': 'v-2',
'angle': 0,
stops: {
0: {
color: 'rgb(180, 216, 42)'
100: {
color: 'rgb(94, 114, 13)'
'id': 'v-3',
'angle': 0,
stops: {
0: {
color: 'rgb(43, 221, 115)'
100: {
color: 'rgb(14, 117, 56)'
'id': 'v-4',
'angle': 0,
stops: {
0: {
color: 'rgb(45, 117, 226)'
100: {
color: 'rgb(14, 56, 117)'
'id': 'v-5',
'angle': 0,
stops: {
0: {
color: 'rgb(187, 45, 222)'
100: {
color: 'rgb(85, 10, 103)'
axes: [{
type: 'Numeric',
position: 'left',
fields: ['Quantidade'],
minimum: 0,
// maximum: 100,
label: {
renderer: Ext.util.Format.numberRenderer('0,0')
title: 'Numero de Processos',
grid: {
odd: {
stroke: '#555'
even: {
stroke: '#555'
}, {
type: 'Category',
position: 'bottom',
fields: 'Range',
title: 'Espaço temporal'
series: [{
type: 'column',
axis: 'left',
highlight: true,
highlightCfg: {
fill: '#a2b5ca'
label: {
display: 'insideEnd',
'text-anchor': 'middle',
//Numero que aparece em cima da barra
field: 'Quantidade',
orientation: 'horizontal',
fill: '#fff',
font: '17px Arial'
renderer: function(sprite, storeItem, barAttr, i, store) {
barAttr.fill = colors[i % colors.length];
return barAttr;
style: {
opacity: 0.95
listeners: {
'itemmousedown': function(item) {
if(!flag) return flag;
flag = false;
var cmp = Ext.getCmp('chartCmp');
var series = cmp.series.get(0);
index = Ext.Array.indexOf(series.items, item);
selectionModel = grid.getSelectionModel();
selectedStoreItem = item.storeItem;
var as =;
storeDadosFiltrados.proxy.extraParams.range = as;
xField: 'Range',
yField: ['Quantidade']
image of the chart-->
I am selecting the first column, and i don't click it, just with the mouse over it. The higlight color is a variante of blue. But in the code i use itemmousedown, and i don't understand why the bar changed color only by passing by the mouse? how can i put it only highlight only in mouse click?
What about highlight: false?
If you just want the bar to be highlighted by a click, you should add a listener which highlights it on clicking the bar.