Spring Security 5 + Google OpenID + Rest - google-oauth

I am trying to secure REST API using Google OpenID and Spring Security 5. Is there any example that I can refer to?
I am using Spring Boot and want to learn how can I secure my Rest Api using Google OpenID.

There are numerous examples and tutorials for OAuth and Spring Boot. A Google search for google oauth spring boot finds dozens.
Spring Boot and OAuth2
Spring Boot - Google OAuth2 Sign-In
Getting Started With Google Sign-In and Spring Boot


How does Google's Sign On Work? OAuth2.0? SAML?

I am curious about how Google's Authentication works. Does it use OAuth2.0 for Authorization? Or SAML for authentication? I tried intercepting the requests and responses, but I cannot determine how their authentication/authorization flow works.
Thanks in advance!
Signing in with a Google Account is based on OpenID Connect (OIDC). Google produces wrappers (libraries..) that do a lot of useful things on top of plain protocol. From Google's OIDC page:
If you want to provide a "Sign-in with Google" button for your website or app, we recommend using Google Sign-In, our sign-in client library that is built on the OpenID Connect protocol and provides OpenID Connect formatted ID Tokens.
G Suite also supports SAML for SSO to 3rd party apps. (You still authenticate with your Google Account)

How to handle multiple audiences in auth0

I am using Auth0 for authentication purpose and we are using microservices architecture for API's. Can anyone suggest the ways to authenticate the API's since auth0 is not supporting multiple audiences? I am hosting my API's in azure cloud services

Can't find Google OAuth API in Developer console

I am implementing Login with Google using OAuth API but I can't find it to enable it on Google Developer console.
We need to enable Google+ API to implement Google OAuth in application.

Spring security saml2 SSO

I have an application that is integrated with spring security seperated to two application.I want to get single sign on(SSO) with lowest cost and it compatible with spring security.
I am trying to integrate SAML, but i don't know if i can use a local IDP communicating with LDAP(CAS for example).
Any suggestions or examples?

AWS Cognito in JavaEE for Auth

What's the best way to check if a user is authenticated, and pull her identity & roles for authorization decisions, via AWS cognito within a JAX-RS WebService environment?
I am thinking about the following architecture on AWS:
Server Side: Java EE backend REST-ful services, which requiring authenticated access
Client Side: A variety of apps (mobile / webapps / etc) that consume the services via HTTP
Not wanting to reinvent security, I am thinking about how to integrate AWS Cognito with the JavaEE backend. I am used to Keycloak which provides an AuthAdapter via ServletFilter handling all the integration with the OAuth2 Token Endpoint and leaving me as a developer to work with Java Security Mechanisms.