I cant find MVC 5 template on vs2017 community - asp.net-mvc-4

please i have a issue; two issues as a matter of fact. I will upload screen shots to better explain my ordeal.
I am new to MVC and intend to start using MVC 5. the tutorial i have works with MVC5.
I have installed vs2017 community. When i star a new project, i find the "ASP.NET Web Application" template. which i select. after giving my project a name and selecting .NET framework version, the development frameworks that shows up for MVC, WEB FORMS, WEB API all have '4' on them (meaning version 4?). see attached screen shots
when i select MVC and my project folders are scafolded, in the App_start folder, i do not find the IdentityCOnfig.cs file (see attached screen shot)
can anyone please help me with how i can rectify this? i really do not know what is going on and need your help
thanks identityConfig.cs missing
MVC template showing '4'

Need choose User accounts I attached a Image


Visual Studio Community 2022. Breakpoint not hit in Blazor WebAssembly (Mud Blazor) Application

In my solution Visual Studio Community 2022, In one solution, I have different projects (class library, Web API and one Blazor Web Assembly). On Startup there are two projects
Blazor Web Assembly
I am using Mudblazor in Blazor Web Assembly project.
I have put different break points in different projects and all projects run in Debug mode. All the break points are hitting well except in Blazor project. I am getting following information on break point.
I have looked for a solution from a number of websites but found no solution. I also went through the following post but no benefit:
How do I remedy "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document." warning?
One more thing to share is that during solution execution I cannot find project name in
Debug -> Window -> Modules
I will be grateful, If someone please suggest a useful solution. Thanks
There are 7 console applications and 2 WebAssembly projects. I have just changed Optimize code setting as Release and breakpoints are getting hit.
I don't know the logic behind it but it works. I will go through as it is for the time being as project's deadline is approaching too fast.

Publishing single page from ASP.NET Core project

I have an ASP.NET Core project using Razor pages,
I published the project from Visual studio 2019 to an Azure web app,
Its working fine.
But when I doing a change in a single page, I want to publish the only modified page to the project,
I'm doing this from : Project menu----> Publish page.cshtml, Visual studio is telling me the file has published successfully, but I do not see any change in the online page.
Is there is any missing step after publishing the page?
Kindly help me regarding this issue.
Good morning. Could you please visit https://websiteName.scm.azurewebsites.net and verify that your changes exist. If the latest files exist, then could you please try to stop and start the web app. Please refer to the URL for additional information. https://github.com/projectkudu/kudu/wiki/Kudu-console

Using Blazorise in Project Does Not Show menus

I have used Visual Studio 2019 to create a Blazor server side project.
I then added Blazorise nuget to the project.
I followed the Blazorise quick start to add in the using statements and style sheets and jquery and the registrations.
Unfortunately, once I did that, the project menu (ie Home, Counter, Fetch Data) no longer works.
What am I doing wrong?
I'm using .net core 3.1 and also tried 3.0.
Thanks for any help.
I see what the issue is now.
In the documentation, some css has to be manually copied into the headers of index.html or _Host.cshtml. I inserted these at the end of the headers but it created a problem.
Instead, I should have inserted it just before site.css stylesheet and let site.css be the last statement in the header. Then, everything started working fine.
Thanks everyone!

Error "Unable to load one or more of the requested types" on Telerik ASP.NET MVC Project

I start with Piranha for a week now, after read the documents and questions here I still can't solve the problem, so I post it here. Please help me. (I'm using Visual studio 2013 Update 2, Piranha 2.2.4)
I tested Piranha on the template project. Everything is fine, now I create a Telerik ASP.NET MVC Q3 2014 project and follow the "Getting started" tutorial to add Piranha to an exist project. I got this error message (I also applied this issue https://github.com/PiranhaCMS/Piranha/issues/277)
When I remove Piranha and Piranha.MVC reference and add references from source project I get this error
Please help me. Thanks a lot
Piranha CMS uses MEF to import extensions into the framework. There's been issues before that some other projects don't play to nice with MEF, maybe the Telerik stuff you're using has this issue.
There's a fix coming in 2.3 where you can tell the framework to only scan the Piranha assemblies for extensions which would probably fix your issues. I'll see if I can deploy a patch for this!

MVC4 - AuthConfig.cs missing

I am trying to get started with the OpenAuth features of MVC4 as described here:
I already did start over again a couple of times in order not to miss anything, but even though I am choosing the right template (Internet Application) there is no AuthConfig.cs.
Nor do I find documentation what to do to get the required tasks done manually.
I am pretty sure this is a pretty dumb question, but maybe I don't find the answer because it is so obvious...
I followed these steps:
Open File/New/Project
Select ASP.NET MVC 4 web Application
Then Select internet Application
Once the project was created there should be a AuthConfig.cs file within App_Start folder
unbelievable.. I used the RC Version of Visual Studio and even though I reinstalled MVC4 from scratch the recent version including the openauth extensions wasn't properly available.
Following the same steps on the regular Visual Studio Installation did the trick...