Azure Devops workitem migration from one account to another - migration

We have been trying to migrate the workitems from one AzureDevops account to our enterprise AzureDevops account using the vsts-work-item-migrator mentioned below. But the "Discussion Field" information is not getting migrated. Is this expected behavior or we missing something here.


Unable to Modify Azure DevOps Project "Process". I just provisioned a free cloud server instance. I am an admin

I just created a new Azure DevOps cloud/instance. I am the project admin, but I am unable to update the Organization Settings -> "Process". When I try to add a custom field into a work item or try to change the "States", It seems I don't have the permission to do so.
Please help.
I figured it out. I created a Process that inherited the default Process. Then I changed the Process for the Project. Poof, now I can make changes to my Project's Process, e.g. add new work item types.

Log Analytics - Pricing tier doesn't match the subscriptions billing model

I have a log analytics resource setup on perGB and I am trying to deploy a solution that uses an Azure Automation account.
When deploying, I see the error in my log analytics resource :Pricing tier doesn't match the subscriptions billing model.
It is my understanding that something recently changed in OMS that may cause this. I have already tried to install the Upgrade Readiness solution but that didn't solve the problem.
Use Sku PerGB2018 instead of standard or free.

DACPAC Deployment in Azure

I am trying to deploy my SQL Server project into another database using Execute Azure SQL Tak:Dacpactask in VSTS. But I am getting a error that can't find the user that was in Source Database. I am using Admin credentials to deploy the scripts in target environment, But it shows that the source user is not available in target environment. Since user and logins are database specific, I don't want to make any changes in the users and logins. I want it to remain same. I have attached error in below link.
[Error that I recieved during deployment]
[1]: Please let me know how to solve . I have added below Additional SQL Package.exe arguments,
/p:DropObjectsNotInSource=False/p:DropObjectsNotInSource=True /p:ExcludeObjectTypes=Users;Logins;RoleMembership;Permissions
Do we need to provide any delimiter for multiple arguments?

Visual Studio LightSwitch HTML project will not deploy database schema to Azure SQL Database

I ran into deployment issues, so I created a test app to prove out the deployment process. I've kept everything as "out of the box" as possible:
I've created a simple (one table and one screen) VS2013 LightSwitch HTML client app, but the deployment fails, because it will not deploy the database schema.
I've created the Azure website and linked it to my Azure SQL Database, also the "Deploy database schema" checkbox is checked in the wizard.
It seems that my only option at the moment is to manually create the DB objects, which seems kind of absurd.
I have found a workaround to this issue.
It seems that the problem stems from not having the deployment credentials. What I have found is that if I attempt to deploy the server project there is a drop down list box that's supposed to be populated with available destinations. At the first attempt the list comes up blank but if I proceed to publish a message flashes up confirming a new set of credentials has been downloaded. After that I found I am able to publish the main project itself database objects as well.
In short; make sure you are properly logged in even if you have to log out and then in again, and also have deployment credentials up to date.

User credential verification failed when configuring Visual Studio MVC authentication

When creating a new MVC app and clicking "change authentication".
After choosing "multiple organisations" clicking finish and logging in with my Microsoft account (the one used for Azure) I receive the following error:
User credential verification failed.
Error: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: entity
Any ideas?
The error is very generic so has proved tricky to find a hint of what to try next.
I have remembered that I have Update 2 RC installed, so it's possible it's just a bug in the pre release.
Ok, I believe I have the answer to the issue.. Seems like this login dialog lets you log in using the Azure AD accounts, but also using Microsoft's accounts. And if you log in using the Microsoft account, it will give this error (even if this MS account has full access to your Azure account).
The solution is to go to the Active Directory in Azure and create a brand new account, mark it as a Global Administrator, then use that to log in when prompted in Visual Studio.
Microsoft has a write-up on the issue, describing the steps to go around it here:
Restart VS. So that you wont get the same error again and clears the logged in user. You would need a user with Global Admin Rights in your Azure AD to login again.