VBA XMLHTTP 'Out-of-memory' state - vba

Here is a piece of code that should connect to a web page with contents as follows: link1, description1, otherdata1, link2, description2, otherdata2, ..., linkN, descriptionN, otherdataN where N is 30 000 +.
From these links, the program finds one link of interest using regex, goes to that link, and downloads a file from there.
My problem is: at htmlWebInterfaceXML.send the program frequently, but not always, runs out of memory ('out-of-memory' error). It is difficult for me to test different solutions because normally the program runs smoothly, and it is difficult to notice changes if any.
Additional info:
It runs smoothly on some PCs and does not work for others
It usually runs until afternoon and throws an error then
Other infos that may be helpful:
the code shown is a private method of class and the class itself is a small part of the source code
other subs called which I do not explain are not relevant and run smoothly, the probelm always appears at htmlWebInterfaceXML.send.
One guess of mine is that I have declared local variable inside of a function that holds a very large object and can cause a stack overflow but it seems unlikely as VBA should handle those things on its own. Maybe you see a problem that I don't? Thank you.
Private Sub FileUpload()
Dim member As Variant
Dim byteCounter As Byte
Dim byteMaxID As Byte
Dim strPathToXMLFile As String
Dim strURLToXMLFile
Dim strXMLFileStorageName As String
Dim domdocXMLText As New MSXML2.DOMDocument
Dim clctStrFoundMatches As New Collection
Dim clctInternalIDs As New Collection
Dim vrntContractID As Variant
Dim htmlHTMLMainPageXMLInterface As New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Dim htmlTagElement As Variant
Dim htmclctFoundXMLs As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection
Dim htmlWebInterfaceXML As MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
Dim intNumberOfTradeUnderProcessing As Integer
UpdateProgressStatus "LOADING SERVER WITH SOURCE XML..." '<----------- UPDATE PROGRESS!
Set htmlWebInterfaceXML = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP
With htmlWebInterfaceXML
.Open "GET", p_cstrWebInterfaceXMLRootDirectory, False
.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic" & Base64Encode( _
p_cstrXMLWebInterfaceAuthenticationUser & ":" & p_cstrXMLWebInterfaceAuthenticationPassword)
.setRequestHeader "Pragma", "no-cache"
.setRequestHeader "Cache-Control", "no-cache"
.setRequestHeader "If-Modified-Since", "Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT"
End With
htmlHTMLMainPageXMLInterface.body.innerHTML = htmlWebInterfaceXML.responseText ' how much text is the htmldocument able to store??
Set htmlWebInterfaceXML = Nothing
SetUpDirectory ' ------------> create or set directory where to store XML files
If Me.ContractiDs.Count <> Me.MailParts.Count And Me.ContractiDs.Count <> Me.MailParts.Count * 2 Then
Err.Raise 1504, "FileUpload", p_cstrError1504Message
For Each vrntContractID In Me.ContractiDs
intNumberOfTradeUnderProcessing = intNumberOfTradeUnderProcessing + 1
UpdateProgressStatus "LOADING XML FOR THE TRADE NUMBER " & intNumberOfTradeUnderProcessing & "..." ' ----------------> UPDATE STATUS BAR
' ------------------------> find the tags containing the needed contract id in their names
Set htmclctFoundXMLs = htmlHTMLMainPageXMLInterface.getElementsByTagName("a")
Set clctStrFoundMatches = New Collection
For Each htmlTagElement In htmclctFoundXMLs
If htmlTagElement.getAttribute("href") Like "*" & vrntContractID & "*" Then
clctStrFoundMatches.Add htmlTagElement
End If
Next htmlTagElement
If clctStrFoundMatches.Count = 0 Then Err.Raise 1506, "FileUpload", p_cstrError1506Message
' -----------------------> exclude the archives from the collection
byteCounter = 0
For byteCounter = 1 To clctStrFoundMatches.Count
If blnContainsPattern("\.gz$", clctStrFoundMatches(byteCounter).innerText) Then
clctStrFoundMatches.Remove byteCounter
End If
Next byteCounter
' ----------------------> extract the contract ids and find the last contract id
Set clctInternalIDs = New Collection
For Each member In clctStrFoundMatches
clctInternalIDs.Add strReturnSingleMatch("\d{9}", member.innerText)
If clctInternalIDs(clctInternalIDs.Count) = "False" Then Err.Raise 1505, "FileUpload", p_cstrError1505Message
Next member
byteMaxID = FindMaximum(clctInternalIDs)
strPathToXMLFile = clctStrFoundMatches(byteMaxID).innerText
' -----------------------> check whether such file exists, and, if not, download it
If blnFileExists(strPathToXMLFile, p_cstrXMLDestination) Then
strURLToXMLFile = p_cstrWebInterfaceXMLRootDirectory & strPathToXMLFile
Set htmlWebInterfaceXML = Nothing: Set htmlWebInterfaceXML = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP
htmlWebInterfaceXML.Open "GET", strURLToXMLFile, False
htmlWebInterfaceXML.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic" & Base64Encode( _
p_cstrXMLWebInterfaceAuthenticationUser & ":" & p_cstrXMLWebIntervaceAuthenticationPassword)
With domdocXMLText
.validateOnParse = False
.async = False
End With
domdocXMLText.LoadXML htmlWebInterfaceXML.responseText
domdocXMLText.Save p_cstrXMLDestination & "\" & strPathToXMLFile
End If
Next vrntContractID
End If
Set htmlHTMLMainPageXMLInterface = Nothing
End Sub

I had a similar problem that i solved. my script ran through a server and looked for a string in thousands of text files.
The way i solved it is (using ascync ServerXMLHTTP60) setting an if condition in the response handler to ABORT the xmlhttp object. After i was done comparing data, the object would get "dropped" out of memory, and now i can query (virtually) any amount of data. (took me about a month to test a lot of solution, and this was the right one)
This might work for you, so just add htmlWebInterfaceXML.abort after you are done with that data set.
Hope this helps! Cheers!


How to call Microsoft Graph API using VBA?

Is it possible to call Microsoft Graph API using VBA code?
If yes, how to handle O365 authorization? I have seen plenty of topics saying to create an application in Microsoft Azure to get a token but I am surprised I must do that for a simple local use.
What I tried
After discovering Microsoft Graph, I tried this API in Graph Explorer
I was able to create a task in planner!
Consequently, in my mind, it was possible to call this API from VBA code executed directly in Outlook.
I created this macro in Outlook:
Sub TaskPlannerCreation()
Dim PlannerService As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
Dim sData As Variant
sData = " { "" ""planId"": ""K9Zv2QHm1U-GSAhd-PTGZfdFeOn"",""bucketId"": ""b6NVNiEIQkGZeBBzn7kWqJvAGvvs"",""title"": ""Outlook task"" } "
With PlannerService
.Open "POST", "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/planner/tasks", False
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
.setRequestHeader "Accept", "application/json"
.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "xx"
.Send (sData)
I have an Authorization error with
error code 401
UPDATE on 12-03-2020 :
Solution found to get a Graph Api token analysing URL when calling Graph Explorer (works perfectly for me) :
Function GetToken()
Dim xml As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
Dim doc As MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Dim urltoken As String
'copy paste the URL you see when calling Microsoft Graph Explorer and add prompt + domain_hint parameters
urltoken = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?response_mode=form_post&nonce=graph_explorer&mkt=fr-FR&client_id={clientid}&response_type=token&scope=openid profile User.ReadWrite User.ReadBasic.All Sites.ReadWrite.All Contacts.ReadWrite People.Read Notes.ReadWrite.All Tasks.ReadWrite Mail.ReadWrite Files.ReadWrite.All Calendars.ReadWrite&prompt=none&domain_hint=organizations"
xml.Open "GET", urltoken, False
If xml.readyState = 4 And xml.Status = 200 Then
Set doc = New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
doc.Body.innerHTML = xml.responseText
GetToken = doc.getElementsByName("access_token")(0).Value
sSuccess = True
MsgBox "Error" & vbNewLine & "Ready state: " & xml.readyState & _
vbNewLine & "HTTP request status: " & xml.Status
sSuccess = False
End If
Set xml = Nothing
End Function
So using VBA for calling Graph API is possible :)
So the code you show is only partially correct. Here is what I found to actually work. (This is with what you provided as I actually found a Json parser to work with the data better than the innerHTML methods, I also had to use a different version of MSXML since the one you reference wasnt working for me.)
Function GetToken()
Dim xml As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
Dim doc As MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Dim urltoken As String
'copy paste the URL you see when calling Microsoft Graph Explorer and add prompt + domain_hint parameters
urltoken = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenent id}/oauth2/v2.0/token"
xml.Open "POST", urltoken, False
xml.Send("client_id={clientid}&scope=https://graph.microsoft.com/.default&grant_type=client_credentials&client_secret=(cleint secret}")
If xml.readyState = 4 And xml.Status = 200 Then
Set doc = New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
doc.Body.innerHTML = xml.responseText
GetToken = doc.getElementsByName("access_token")(0).Value
sSuccess = True
MsgBox "Error" & vbNewLine & "Ready state: " & xml.readyState & _
vbNewLine & "HTTP request status: " & xml.Status
sSuccess = False
End If
Set xml = Nothing
End Function

ADODB Stream not clearing cache when set to Nothing

Hoping someone can help. I am trying to download both MS Access databases and Excel files via URL link, but if the file updates, my download script does not update the stream. The cache is not clearing when the variable is set to nothing. The next time I try to run the code, the original file downloads instead of the updated file.
I have tried adding "set to nothing" in multiple places, but I think my problem, as I found in a similar post here is that I am not more specific with my declaration of the object variables. I'm not very experienced with this aspect of VBA.
Dim sFo as string
Dim oStrm As Object
Dim HttpReq As Object
Dim nwLBUDir As String
sFo = ""
nwLBUDir = Application.CurrentProject.Path
Set HttpReq = CreateObject("microsoft.XMLHTTP")
HttpReq.Open "GET", sFo, False
sFo = HttpReq.responseBody
If HttpReq.Status = 200 Then
Set oStrm = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
oStrm.Type = 1
oStrm.Write HttpReq.responseBody
oStrm.SaveToFile nwLBUDir & "\" & "Locfile.mdb", 2
End If
Set oStrm = Nothing
I would greatly appreciate it if someone could point out what I am failing to do to get the variable to set to nothing. Thank you ahead of time. :)

Trying to integrate an HTTP GET request in my MS-Access database program

I want to import data from Anedot, a credit card processing firm, using a HTTP GET request from an MS Access program. Anedot uses a RESTful API and has provided help on there website: https://anedot.com/api/v2
I want to do this with VBA, and associate the import with a button on an MS Access form. I've read that this only possible with XML. Do I create the XML file with VBA?
I'd greatly appreciate some background information on how to get this done, as most of it is flying over my head. I don't really know where to begin and I'm having trouble finding anything useful on google.
So far I've realized I'll need to reference their API via a URL link (which they provide), and that I'll have to authorize my account using my username and a token ID. But how can I do this in VBA?
First of all try to make a request to API using basic authorization. Take a look at the below code as the example:
Sub Test()
' API URL from https://anedot.com/api/v2
sUrl = "https://api.anedot.com/v2/accounts"
' The username is the registered email address of your Anedot account
sUsername = "mymail#example.com"
' The password is your API token
sPassword = "1e56752e8531647d09ec8ab20c311ba928e54788"
sAuth = TextBase64Encode(sUsername & ":" & sPassword, "us-ascii") ' bXltYWlsQGV4YW1wbGUuY29tOjFlNTY3NTJlODUzMTY0N2QwOWVjOGFiMjBjMzExYmE5MjhlNTQ3ODg=
' Make the request
With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
.Open "GET", sUrl, False
.SetRequestHeader "Authorization", "Basic " & sAuth
Debug.Print .ResponseText
Debug.Print .GetAllResponseHeaders
End With
End Sub
Function TextBase64Encode(sText, sCharset) ' 05 10 2016
Dim aBinary
With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
.Type = 2 ' adTypeText
.Charset = sCharset ' "us-ascii" for bytes to unicode
.WriteText sText
.Position = 0
.Type = 1 ' adTypeBinary
aBinary = .Read
End With
With CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM").CreateElement("objNode")
.DataType = "bin.base64"
.NodeTypedValue = aBinary
TextBase64Encode = Replace(Replace(.Text, vbCr, ""), vbLf, "")
End With
End Function
Put your credentials to sUsername and sPassword variables, choose the appropriate URL from API help page and put it to sURL. Then you can parse JSON response from the server (currently you will see the response for /v2/accounts request in Immediate window).
It's a fairly lengthy question to be honest, but lets start with some code to get you going.
This Class Module ("clsXMLHttpMonitor") should help:
Option Explicit
Dim RequestedVar As String
Dim P As Object
Public Sub Initialize(ByVal uXMLHttpRequest As Object, Optional RequestedValue As String = "")
RequestedVar = RequestedValue
Set XMLHttpReq = uXMLHttpRequest
End Sub
Sub ReadyStateChangeHandler()
If XMLHttpReq.ReadyState = 4 Then
If XMLHttpReq.Status = 200 Then
'Process the response here
Debug.Print "200 recieved"
Set P = JSON.parse(XMLHttpReq.responseText)
If XMLHttpReq.Status = 404 Then
'Handle it
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Function returnResponseHeaders() As String
returnResponseHeaders = XMLHttpReq.getAllResponseHeaders
End Function
Function returnFullText() As String
If XMLHttpReq.ReadyState = 4 Then
If XMLHttpReq.Status = 200 Then
returnFullText = XMLHttpReq.responseText
returnFullText = "-1"
End If
returnFullText = ""
End If
End Function
End Function
Use it like this:
Set XMLHttpReq = New MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP
Set XMLHttpMon = New clsXMLHttpMonitor
XMLHttpMon.Initialize XMLHttpReq
XMLHttpReq.OnReadyStateChange = XMLHttpMon
XMLHttpReq.Open "POST", URL, True
XMLHttpReq.Send strPayload
As you seem to request a Json response from a URL, you can study the Json modules here for a full implementation that collects the Json response in a collection, which you then can use in your code or save to a table. See the demo module for examples:

Rubbish in "GET" response from RallyDev API

I have an function in Excel:
Function getState(Defects As Object) As String
Dim str As String
Dim res As String
Dim was As Boolean
Dim sURL As String
Dim oRequest As Object
Set oRequest = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
was = False
For Each defect In Defects
If was = False Then
str = "(FormattedID = """ & defect & """)"
res = str
was = True
res = res & " OR " & str
End If
Next defect
sURL = "https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/defect?query=(" & res & ")&fetch=FormattedID,State"
oRequest.Open "GET", sURL, True
oRequest.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
' Set Defects = oRequest.ResponseText
Debug.Print (oRequest.ResponseText)
End Function
Unfortunately, i get rubbish instead of json in response like:
? i?ANA0E?=A(utU
¤RoP°irC°%'.o$%·CI{OOYO????uApeaBRM?Zb?u?OWo?"{oSCy5?(}e??e?qBA"qnu~E·Uu?|?aRbE?a>anµ?c?9P=?A[­Oul?0i O {PZS?Af~???^??k??R˜?|©?#iEoPNO|?¦'y?vO^Ol? ]?g?#?AjAa?\aC¤y %©e»]"IHog??#:?· (??"¶E9yog?Az?7bw?/#?eWp^u?ZU?u??3?q?A)cy7µe?E
Could you please take a look at it and provide an solution how it can be fixed?
Thank you in advance!
Larry's answer is correct.
As an aside, if you need to pull data from Rally into Excel, your best bet is the Rally Add-in for Excel:
Since you mentioned VBA, you may be working to build some automation in Excel, which the Excel add-in doesn't support. There is an alpha-level Rally Rest Toolkit for VBA. It handles the authentication and REST serialization/de-serialization for you, so it could ease some of your coding effort.
It is unofficial and not supported by Rally, but could be worth trying. Since it is unsupported though, Rally can't help you out if you run into issues. You'd have to refactor your own code against the VBA toolkit to pull the data you want:
The response is compressed. Either try setting a request header for Accept-Encoding: identity or decompress the response.

Code to Get GPS Coordinates from Address (VB/VB.Net/VBA/VBScript)

I believe the Google API allows you to get coordinates for a given address. However, most (or should I say all) of the examples I've found aren't for vb. Usually it's some javascript example that just leaves me confused.
Here's some code I have that uses a geocoding service. This works great. It's just that I want to query Google Maps directly myself.
Public Function fgGetLatAndLongUsingAddress(sAddress As String) As String
'This function works best with a complete address including the zip code
Dim sResponseText As String, sReturn As String
sReturn = "none"
Dim objHttp As Object, sQuery As String
sQuery = "http://rpc.geocoder.us/service/csv?address=" & Replace(sAddress, " ", "+")
Set objHttp = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
objHttp.Open "GET", sQuery, False
sResponseText = objHttp.ResponseText
gsLastLatLongResponseText = sResponseText
Set objHttp = Nothing
If Len(sResponseText) > 0 Then
If InStr(sResponseText, "Bad Request") > 0 Then
'Do Nothing
ElseIf InStr(sResponseText, "couldn't find this address") > 0 Then
'Do Nothing
If InStr(sResponseText, vbCrLf) > 0 Then
'We got more than one result
End If
If InStr(sResponseText, ",") > 0 Then
Dim aryInfo() As String
aryInfo = Split(sResponseText, ",")
sReturn = aryInfo(0) & "," & aryInfo(1)
End If
End If
End If
fgGetLatAndLongUsingAddress = sReturn
End Function
This should do the job. You need to add a reference to the MSXML6 library (Microsoft XML, v6.0) via Tools > References in Excel
Option Explicit
Function getGoogleMapsGeocode(sAddr As String) As String
Dim xhrRequest As XMLHTTP60
Dim sQuery As String
Dim domResponse As DOMDocument60
Dim ixnStatus As IXMLDOMNode
Dim ixnLat As IXMLDOMNode
Dim ixnLng As IXMLDOMNode
' Use the empty string to indicate failure
getGoogleMapsGeocode = ""
Set xhrRequest = New XMLHTTP60
sQuery = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?sensor=false&address="
sQuery = sQuery & Replace(sAddr, " ", "+")
xhrRequest.Open "GET", sQuery, False
Set domResponse = New DOMDocument60
domResponse.loadXML xhrRequest.responseText
Set ixnStatus = domResponse.selectSingleNode("//status")
If (ixnStatus.Text <> "OK") Then
Exit Function
End If
Set ixnLat = domResponse.selectSingleNode("/GeocodeResponse/result/geometry/location/lat")
Set ixnLng = domResponse.selectSingleNode("/GeocodeResponse/result/geometry/location/lng")
getGoogleMapsGeocode = ixnLat.Text & ", " & ixnLng.Text
End Function
The only real differences to your example are:
changing the URL and parameters of the query to use the Google API
treating the response as an XML document and using XPath to extract the required results
Obviously there's no error handling whatsoever in my code but it should give you an idea of what you need to use the API. You definitely want to consult the API documentation yourself to find out about rate limiting etc
Thanks for that code! It works great. Thanks for the heads up on the rate limits. Here's what Google has to say:
Use of the Google Geocoding API is subject to a query limit of 2,500 geolocation requests per day. (User of Google Maps API Premier may perform up to 100,000 requests per day.) This limit is enforced to prevent abuse and/or repurposing of the Geocoding API, and this limit may be changed in the future without notice. Additionally, we enforce a request rate limit to prevent abuse of the service. If you exceed the 24-hour limit or otherwise abuse the service, the Geocoding API may stop working for you temporarily. If you continue to exceed this limit, your access to the Geocoding API may be blocked.
Note: the Geocoding API may only be used in conjunction with a Google map; geocoding results without displaying them on a map is prohibited. For complete details on allowed usage, consult the Maps API Terms of Service License Restrictions.