{{settings.phone_number}} will return the phone number from https://store-xxx.mybigcommerce.com/manage/settings/store-profile in stencil
Similarly; How can i get the store email address in Stencil? {{settings.email}} did not work. And i dont see any mention in the docs. The value i want in the theme was set on this page https://store-xxx.mybigcommerce.com/manage/settings/store-profile
The store profile email isn't available as a {{settings}} property on the storefront, but it is accessible through the Store Information API:
The store profile email address is the "from" address on transactional emails that are sent out from the store. It's not necessarily the publicly visible customer service email, unlike the Administrator's email under Misc. Store settings, which appears on the order confirmation page. Both the profile email and the admin email can be pulled through the Store Info API.
Could I ask: Is the goal to have a handlebars expression that can pull the customer service email address dynamically and display it on the storefront without hardcoding, or did you plan to use it in a different way?
Where are located the email message on AWS, it is in Cognito?
When a user ask to change his email, it calls this function:
But I can't find where to change the email message (the body, the content).
Currently is a custom message that the previous developer did but I can't find where is it
You can customise email verification messages under the Message Templates heading in the Messaging tab of your user pool.(For small changes)
Need fully customise use the following link
You cant change your email address if the email address is your credential. if you use a username as a credential then you can update the email.
I am making an app which will be a public app and will put it on Shopify App Store.
I have completed with the OAuth process and I get access_token and scope in return which is good. I can now use this token and send API requests with X-Shopify-Access-Token in the header.
But, for my database design, I need the user details as well, like user ID or email ID for example. However, I read the docs(scroll up a bit) and it suggested in the caution section that email address is not reliable to identify the user(merchant). I also gave a read on access modes which is online and offline, and in my case, I would need an offline access token.
How would I get a User ID from Shopify during app install so that I could uniquely identify each merchant?
One of the reasons I would want to have this is because a single merchant could have(or see) multiple stores linked with my app and I wish to show them details for each store under a single user account.
When a merchant installs your App, during the oAuth flow, you are presented with the shop name. That is unique, and will always be present for incoming calls to your App from Shopify.
You do not mess around with email, or user ID's. You simply persist the access token you got in your data store, with the shop name.
If you wanted to group by a merchant name, you know each Shop object provides the shop owner details. So you can always dig those out and store them along with the shop name, allowing you to show one merchant, many stores.
The Bigcommerce admin area shows a Receive Marketing Emails field for a Customer. This field does not appear in the API response data or the documentation for the Customer entity in the documentation.
Is there some way to access this value through the API?
I learned from Bigcommerce support that the Receive Marketing Emails field cannot be accessed through the API and that it does not represent opt-in to a store's email newsletters. The value is set for all customers by default and it refers to whether or not they will receive the "Abandoned Cart" or "Product Review" emails, if those are enabled in the store. If a customer opts out of those emails through the link in the email they receive, then this value will be changed to 'No'.
I've noticed that my android phone, the iphone, outlook.com, and yahoo mail all can import my friends' email addresses (and sometimes phone numbers) from facebook. However, I don't see anywhere in the documentation of the API to suggest that you can get email.
Do these services have special agreements with Facebook or am I just not finding the specific api for "contact" importing? I've not had any luck using "email" field with friends api.
Any ideas?
These services have some special agreements with Facebook and thus are able to retrieve the Email Ids of the Friends of the User. Most of them don't allow further exporting of data obtained from there directly.
And as per Email Permissions documentation here it clearly states that for App Developers
Note: There is no way for apps to obtain email addresses for a user's friends.
As per the phone number, there is no access to it no matter what permission. You may though ask the user to fill those for you.
I would like to create a feedback form for users to give feedback for the app. Is there access to the users email address from the app? can the app ask for permissions? If I don't have access how can i hyperlink to the users email client for a windows8 app store app?
If you want to open up the users mail client you can do something like this:
await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("mailto:support#email.co.uk?subject=App Feedback"));
That's what I've used for our support link and it opened up the Mail app with the subject set correctly :o)
You can get the user's email address by getting the principal name - this is documented to be typically the address but you cant be sure so use an email validator to check If its actually the email address. If not prompt the user to enter it for you.
var principalName = await Windows.System.UserProfile.UserInformation.GetPrincipalNameAsync();
The best you can do is ask them for their email address or use the Contact Picker. Like John mentioned you may be able to get a valid email address from the display name but do not rely on this to be true as its not an email address field.