Add pause after SpeakAsync string - c++-cli

I need to pause a SpeakAsync call for a second (after the end of the reading).
Something like this:
String^ MyString = "AString";
SpeechSynthesizer^ synth = gcnew SpeechSynthesizer();
//pause here
How can I accomplish this task?
Thanks in advance,
Marco L.


How to know which line of code was being executed when a signal is received

I'm trying to do something like this
$SIG{ALRM} = sub {
print $line_number_when_alarm_went_off;
alarm 10;
# rest of the script
I'm using ALRM as an example, I will end up using a different signal to kill from the outside to trigger it. Is there a neat way of doing this sort of operation?
I have some slow scripts and sometimes I would like to send them a signal to know where the code is at that moment.
I want to make this as unobtrusive as possible so I could package it and add it to legacy code.
You can use caller in list context to get the package, file and line number of the place that the current sub got called from.
$SIG{ALRM} = sub {
my ($pkg, $file, $line) = caller;
CORE::say $line;
alarm 2;
while (1) {
This will output 11 (if I counted correctly, in my file it's 1740, and the $SIG line is 1730.
It also works with other signal handlers, like warn.
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
my ($pkg, $file, $line) = caller;
CORE::say $line;
warn 'foo';
This will output 7
Note that your code has a syntax error. You are assigning a hash reference as a signal handler, not a sub reference!

How to convert a handle string to a std::string

I am trying to convert a handle string to a normal string. I though the method I was using was working, but when I look in the debugger it appears that half of my string has been chopped off on the line that creates the chars variable. Any idea why and what the proper way to convert a handle string to a normal string woudl be?
std::string convert(String^ s) {
const char* chars = (const char*)(System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal::
string myNewString = std::string(chars);
return myNewString;
It's probably the debugger that's cutting off the display of the string. You didn't mention how long a string you're using, but the debugger can't display infinite length, so it has to cut it off at some point.
To verify this, try printing myNewString to the console, or to the debugger via Debug::WriteLine or OutputDebugString.
However, there is a significant issue in your code: After allocating memory with StringToHGlobalAnsi, you must free it using FreeHGlobal.
If you want to continue using StringToHGlobalAnsi, I'd fix it up like this:
std::string convert(String^ s) {
IntPtr ptr = Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(s);
string myNewString = std::string((const char*)ptr.ToPointer());
return myNewString;
However, it's probably easier to use the marshal_as methods. This will take care of everything for you.
std::string output = marshal_as<std::string>(managedString);

Infinite loop that reads stdin in JScript

I'm trying to create an infinite loop to poll for midi input. The loop I have here is technically infinite but I think what's happening is it's getting stuck on the WScript.StdIn.ReadLine() method. It seems that it waits each time for the user to enter something before it continues. I think this because when I enter a character, any midi input in that instance will get routed and the WScript.Echo message will go off.
How can I get it to not wait but check in that instance if there's a character or not? so that the loop doesn't get stopped waiting for input. Is there another ReadLine() method that would work for what I'm looking for?
Here's the code:
while (true) {
str = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine();
if (str == 'q')
// WScript.StdOut.Write("the while loop continues..."
WScript.Echo("the while loop continues...")
msgStr = mox.GetMidiInput()
if (msgStr !== "") {
msgArray = msgStr.split(",")
tStamp = msgArray[0]
port = msgArray[1]
stat = msgArray[2]
data1 = msgArray[3]
data2 = msgArray[4]
mox.OutputMidiMsg( 3, stat, data1, data2);
} else {
Right now I just got rid of the ReadLine() because I read on MSDN that it waits for an enter keypress before it returns and I don't think there are any arguments to change that... so I have an infinite loop like I want but I have to resort to ctrl+c to exit it. Anybody have any ideas for a construct that would allow me to quit via the keyboard somehow?
I found out that midiox actually provides a method to be polled to exit the script and it works great.

How to use Process.WaitForExit

I'm calling a 3rd part app which 'sometimes' works in VB.NET (it's a self-hosted WCF). But sometimes the 3rd party app will hang forever, so I've added a 90-second timer to it. Problem is, how do I know if the thing timed out?
Code looks like this:
Dim MyProcess as System.Diagnostics.Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(MyInfo)
What I'd like to do is something like this
If MyProcess.ExceededTimeout Then
MyFunction = False
MyFunction = True
End If
Any ideas?
There have been known issues in the past where apps would freeze when using WaitForExit.
You need to use
dim Output as String = MyProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
before calling
Refer to Microsoft's snippet:
// Start the child process.
Process p = new Process();
// Redirect the output stream of the child process.
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
p.StartInfo.FileName = "Write500Lines.exe";
// Do not wait for the child process to exit before
// reading to the end of its redirected stream.
// p.WaitForExit();
// Read the output stream first and then wait.
string output = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
Check the method return value - - if the call timed out, it will return False.
if(process.WaitForExit(timeout)) {
// user exited
} else {
// timeout (perhaps process.Kill();)
Async process start and wait for it to finish

Exit Sub equivalent in Objective C?

I'm pretty much new to Objective C but I've had some experience in Visual Basic. What's the equivalent of the Exit Sub statement to stop executing code if conditions aren't met? I'm talking along the lines of
If Some.Condition.Is.Not.Met Then
Exit Sub //Please don't execute any more code in this method
Is this the correct way to make it work?
-(BOOL)methodThatQuitsOut {
[SomeCode GoesHere];
Other.code =;
if (condition != present) {
return NO;
Does this code continue to run?;
returning from a function does just that; it returns, and control is passed back to the call-e. So no, the code below the return will not execute.
I would note that this would have taken about 30 seconds to test yourself.