Xamarin forms Carrousel and take a picture async - xaml

I have been trying to replace my carrousel images with t new photos from my phone camera or album, but for some binding reason, they don't display on the carousel.
I am using Xamarin Media Plugin.
any picture I select should display on the carousel. I have been trying everything in here. IMAGE URL works fine, stored images in the resources folder, works as well. but, for some reason display the images from the media is been a nightmare.
You can clone my sample project # GITHUB
I will appreciate Any help.

Looking at the GITHUB project, easy to understand why no relevant code here, it will require the whole sample project. It seems the carousel is not getting updated when uploading an image, binding?? I am still checking.


React native image annotations containing a link to a site

I am a complete beginner at react-native. I am trying to create an app where i can take multiple photos and add a tag/label with a link to a website to each of the photos. These links when tapped need to take the user to the specified website. I also want to be able to save all of the tags along with the images for later in the app. I have found some resources(components) regarding this but as a beginner, i do not know how to use any of them. I am listing these below. If anyone can help to use these or give me any direction as to how i can make this project, i would be really grateful.
resources i found:

What is the best approach for building a Quran reading app?

I'm building a Quran reading option in an React-native app. I have some troubles finding the right approche concerning using pdf or png images.
I have tried react-native-pdf but i have some issues. The png option gives the best rendering result in 'PORTRAIT' but in 'LANDSCAPE' the image cant be scrolled vertically to see the entire image; ive tried scrollView inside FlatList.
Avoid PDF.
Check this repository:
It contains everything you need to build a quran app in react and host everything in your own server or offline
Use this if you want more control:
But it will require the user to be online

I'm trying to implement a Xamarin local image on my App, but it's not working

I'm trying to add a local image in my Xamarin app, but it's not working. Do you know what I could've have missed?
I have added the XAML and c# code but that still does not work.
XAML - <Image x:Name="Background_Image" Source="backgroundimage.png"/>
C# - var image = new Image { Source = "backgroundimage.png" };
I have followed the proper practices to a tee from the Xamarin Images documentation, but it's still not working. Link to Xamarin Documentation on Images - (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/xamarin-forms/user-interface/images?tabs=vswin#Local_Images)
I have made sure the file name is
All in lowercase,
The build action is AndroidResource of the image
The image has been placed in the Resources/drawable folder.
Which are all the conventions you must follow, but it doesn't seem to work.
The image's file size is 1.28mb and resolution is 1920x1080 if that matters. I have tested with a much smaller 4KB image but does not work either.
I am using the Xamarin Live Player to show the app, the phone uses API 19, Android 4.4
I apologise if this is a duplicate, but I have read many topics here but I have not been able to fix it.
It does seem to be a issue or limitation with Xamarin's own Live player. I have launched the App with the Android Emulator and the Image is displaying, I'll report it as a bug.

How to create a custom chart with Appcelerator Titanium (Alloy) for Android

How I create a custom chart like this
with Titanium's Alloy elements (xml, tss, js - no SVG or canvas)? Any suggestion?
One approach which worked for me was the using of a webview and Google Charts.
I stored my "skeleton html page" as local asset, and inside it I wrote the minimum necessary javascript to get the json (from the controller) and to draw the chart.
I didn't need to show data offline so I directly linked the online library but I'm almost sure it's possible to use it offline too.

Has anyone been able to use web images with the Tiles and Badges App sample?

I've been trying to get my app's tile to display an image from the web, but couldn't get it to work. I then tried the Tiles and Badges app sample, where in scenario 3 you can send a tile notification that uses a web image. No matter which image url I paste in the text box, the tile refuses to get updated. So apparently, the sample isn't working either, or something is very wrong.
The images are all smaller than 1024x1024 and less than 200KB. Fun fact: if I download one of the images I unsuccesfully tried to feed the sample, add it to the project and then send a notification using it as a local image, the tile gets updated. So apparently the image isn't the problem.
Has anybody been able to get this working? I don't get what I'm doing wrong.
Do have internet permission ticket in app manifest? Maybe only your app dont have permission to download your image from web.