Overriding a props type in child component? - vue.js

I'm using a third party component, and it expects a prop to be a particular type.
I wish to use a different type.
Is there a way to override the type of a child component prop?
Or would I have to use a computed property and modify the prop in the parent component to the type the child component requires?

In general i think the best way would be to do as you proposed: To "use a computed property and modify the prop in the parent component to the type the child component requires". If you have to do so in several places, you could outsource the logic into a mixin that will be imported whenever the given third-party component is used.
If modifying the type of the property in the parent component isn't an option, the best way to fulfill your needs would be creating your own component that extends from the third party component and overriding the needed property. (https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/api/#extends)
Keep in mind however that the dependency containing the third-party might get updated over time. You should probably stick to a fixed version if following this approach.
I created a simple example on how to extend and override components (You can check it out as CodeSandbox here: https://codesandbox.io/s/qq9y7nm8n4
<div id="app">
<h2>ExtendedComponent: </h2>
<extended-component :message="1" />
<h2>BaseComponent: </h2>
<base-component message="This shall be a string" />
import ExtendedComponent from "./components/ExtendedComponent";
import BaseComponent from "./components/BaseComponent";
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
<h3>prop type: {{ typeof message }}</h3>
export default {
name: "BaseComponent",
props: {
message: {
type: String,
required: false
import BaseComponent from "./BaseComponent";
export default {
name: "ExtendedComponent",
extends: BaseComponent,
props: {
message: {
type: Number,
required: false


vue3: extends missing parent's setup

<input :type="computedType"/>
<script setup>
import { ref, computed } from 'vue';
const props = defineProps({
type: {
required: false,
type: String,
default: 'text',
const showPassword = ref(false);
const computedType = computed(() => {
if (props.type === 'password') {
return showPassword.value ? 'text' : 'password';
return props.type;
export default {
data() {
return {
uuid: getRandomUuid(),
<input :type="computedType"/>
import Parent from '~/components/parent.vue'
export default {
extends: Parent
In Vue3, I have a child.vue component which is inherited from parent.vue, I defined a computedType computed attribute in parent.vue, but it's missing in child.vue, however, uuid which is defined in parent.vue is accessible in child.vue.
[Vue warn]: Property "computedType" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance.
How to get computedType and any other attributes defined in <script setup> of parent.vue in child.vue?
Really appreciate any help provided!
Only if I define all the attributes in <script>(but not in setup()) instead of <script setup>, they could be accessible
There are a few specific instances where you can have more than one script tag, and they are all outlined here in the documentation. Still, besides those 3 specific use cases, you shouldn't use more than one script tag. Your case of a separate script tag for one data variable is not a valid use case.
I recommend writing the component entirely with the options API (the only API that supports the "extends" option), or writing entirely with the composition API where you would use composable functions to effectively extend your component
try this

Calling function inside child component without an event?

Currently trying to use a method belonging to the parent
<p class="message-date text-center">
{{ $emit('format_date_day_month_year_time', message.date) }}
However I am getting the error.
Converting circular structure to JSON
--> starting at object with constructor 'Object'
How can I call a function inside a child component that does not rely on an event? I apologize for asking such a simple question but everything I was able to find on google is using $emit and using an event.
$emit was designed to only trigger an event on the current instance of vue. Therefore, it is not possible to receive data from another component this way.
For your case, I would suggest to use Mixins especially if you need to use certain functions among multiple vue components.
Alternately, let the child component call the the parent through $emit then receive the result from the parent through a prop.
Your code could be something as follows:
Child component
<p class="message-date text-center">
{{ date }}
export default {
name: 'Child',
props: {
date: String,
mounted() {
this.$emit("format-date", message.date);
Parent component
<Child :date="childDate" #format-date="formatChildDate" />
import Child from '#/components/Child';
export default {
components: {
data: () => ({
childDate: '',
methods: {
formatChildDate(date) {
this.childDate = this.formatDateDayMonthYearTime(date)
formatDateDayMonthYearTime(date) {
//return the formatted date
with $emit you call a function where the Parent can listento.
where you are using it i would suggest a computed prop of the function.
But back to your Question here is a example of emiting and listen.
<MyComponent #childFunction="doSomethingInParent($event)"/>
<button #click="emitStuff">
this.$emit(childFunction, somedata)
with the event you can give Data informations to a Parentcomponent.

Vue props not passing correctly

I have a component
In the component I have
export default {
name: "Modal",
props: ['showFooter'],
Then in the template i have
<div class='modal'>
<div class='footer' v-if='showFooter'>This is the footer</div>
THe footer doesnt display at all, if i pass the prop or not. It just says
[Vue warn]: Property or method "showFooter" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render.
Whats the issue here??
Ive also just tried
<div class='modal'>
<div class='footer' v-if='showFoot'>This is the footer</div>
export default {
name: "Modal",
props: ['showFooter'],
return {
Then I get told showFoot isnt defined. Which is even wierder because Im defining it right there in the data!??
Even if I just remove the property totally, and just define it in data
export default {
name: "Modal",
return {
I still get
[Vue warn]: Property or method "showFoot" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render.
So wierd and I cant for the life of me figure it out
Its almost like the template has no access to anything I define in the data() or props of the componenet. Never seen this before
i think so you are not passing props from parent component. Ideally you can pass it from parent component and receive it in Children.
<childComponent :yourPropNameInChild="anyDataFromParentYouWantToPass" />
here this ChildComponent is rendered in your parent component.
to receive it in children you can do
export default {
name: "Modal",
props: ['yourPropNameInChild'],
as of for your example
<modal :showFooter="showFooter" />
in your parent you have to write above line of code
and in your child you have to receive it as you are doing
also in your example you were missing script tag

Vue js how to use props values to v-model

I have two component namely App.vue and hello.vue
In App component I import the hello component and use props to pass relevant data to the hello component.
there I bind data which are took from the App component.
In my hello component I have a input box bind to the passed value.
My final goal is pass values as props to the hello component and change it and finally
pass that edited values to the backend using the save method.
How do I achive this?
This is what I have done up to now.
<div id="app">
<hello-world :msg="'hello good morning'"></hello-world>
import helloWorld from "./components/HelloWorld";
export default {
components: {
<input type="text" :value="msg">
export default {
name: "HelloWorld",
props: {
msg: String
In my hello component's input field v-model is not possible. I want something similar to the v-model.
You cannot use prop to bind to v-model. Child component is not supposed to modify prop passed by the parent component.
You will have to create a copy of prop in your child component if you wish to use prop with v-model and then watch prop like this:
<input type="text" #input="onInput" v-model="msgCopy">
export default {
name: "HelloWorld",
props: {
msg: String
data() {
return { msgCopy: '' };
methods: {
onInput(newInputValue) {
this.$emit('msgChange', newInputValue);
watch: {
msg(newVal) {
this.msgCopy = newVal;
Also, notice the use of event handler #input to pass changed prop back to the parent component via event. As a syntax sugar, you can make your Hello component work as a custom form input control by adopting to v-model lifecycle.

Using v-model and refs in a slot in Vue2

I have a component that takes a main <slot> from a form that is generated elsewhere in my application. I'm trying to use v-model on the form inputs but my vue component just spits out a warning about the properties not being defined, when in fact they are.
I admit it's a weird way of doing things, but it seems to be the easiest way for me to do this since my form is being generated by Symfony.
<input ref="start" v-model="start"/>
my component:
export default {
data() {
start: null
mounted() {
console.log(this.$refs) // === {}; expected {"start":{...}}
... other stuff here
console log:
Property or method "start" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render
I cannot use $refs or v-model in the html. Am I doing something wrong? Or is this just not possible.
If you declare v-model="start" in the parent then it belongs to the parent and needs to be declared there. It looks like instead you declare it in the component instead as null.
If you reorder things it should work as you expect:
<input v-model="start" :start="start"/>
export default {
data() {
start: null // Important to define start here if it's used in this component's html
... other stuff here
export default {
props: ['start'], // Receive the prop from the parent
data() {
mounted () {
console.log(this.start) // Should echo the value of the prop from the parent