sending a post request, but server receives empty data - vuejs2

I'm doing an http request with "Vue.http", but the data is not sent.
On the server side, the controller method is hit, but the request is empty.
console.log(email, username, password) // NOT EMPTY
url: 'auth/signup',
method: 'POST',
data: {
email: email,
username: username,
password: password
Is there something wrong with "data:" ?

This works :'auth/signup', {
email: email,
username: username,
password: password
I must have used an older "Vue.http" syntax.


Authorize to a 3rd party service within Postman request

Want to create request in Postman to cover authorization to a 3rd party within request. In application it works this way:
Client clicks the button
Application checks whether there is a token, if not it returns link to the 3rd party service to authorize there
Client follows the link, inputs credentials, submits form
Service redirects client back to the application with authorization code as a query parameter.
Client pushes another button to receive token by the authorization code.
So, is there a way to proceed this scenario within the Postman, not to copy link from response and pasting it to browser in order to complete authorization?
Tried to make request from Test script tab like:
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
if ( {
pm.sendRequest(, function (err, response) {
return response;
But that was not actually useful
There is a way to get token before request.
You can use Pre-request Script bookmark.
Write JS code to get token and save it to variable (collection / environment).
In specific request open Authorization bookmark and call your variable.
For Bearer:
My Pre-Request Script for example:
let collUsername = pm.variables.get("username");
let collPassword = pm.variables.get("password");
let collClient_id = pm.variables.get("client_id");
let collClient_secret = pm.variables.get("client_secret");
const postRequest = {
url: pm.variables.get("url"),
method: 'POST',
header: {
'Accept': '*/*',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
body: {
mode: 'urlencoded',
urlencoded : [
{ key: 'username', value: collUsername},
{ key: 'password', value: collPassword},
{ key: 'grant_type', value: 'password'},
{ key: 'client_id', value: collClient_id},
{ key: 'client_secret', value: collClient_secret},
{ key: 'user_type', value: 'System'}
pm.sendRequest(postRequest, (error, response) => {
console.log(error ? error : response.json());
let jsonRes = response.json();
pm.collectionVariables.set("token", jsonRes.access_token);
I don't know your authentication method so your script can be different.
If you want to refresh only expired token you can add variable with date and check if appropriate time has passed to get new token.
Edit: Scripts written in Tests are executed after getting response so not proper place for your case.

Apollo GraphQL Client formatting requests improperly

I have an Apollo GraphQL client running in react native. It connects to a lambda instance running graphQL. My problem is that I am trying to send a mutate request to the server (have not setup queries yet), and the server is getting the following and declaring a syntax error(Expected Name, found String \"operationName\").
When I was testing the graphQL server, the requests looked like the ones specified below. Is Apollo Client not formatting the requests properly (if so why not) or is it functioning as intended?
Body sent from Apollo client to graphQL lambda:
"operationName": "createUser",
"variables": {
"firstName": "Jane",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "",
"username": "",
"provider": "none"
"jwt": "none"
"query": "mutation createUser($firstName: String!, $lastName: String!, $email: String!, $username: String!, $provider: String, $jwt: String!) {
createUser(firstName: $firstName, lastName: $lastName, email: $email, username: $username, provider: $provider, jwt: $jwt) {
A Normal request that works from Postman.
mutation {
createUser(firstName: "Jane", lastName: "Doe", email: "", username: "", jwt: "none", provider: "none") {
Code from react-native app
// The mutation in the render function
<Mutation mutation={createUserMutation}>
{(createUser, error) => {
console.log('error-----------', error);
// If there is an error throw the error
if (error) {
console.log('error----------', error);
if (createUser) {
// If the response has data load the response data via the createPlayer property.
return (
onPress={() => {
// By default it is loading the result so just return loading...
return <Text>Loading...</Text>;
// The signin function called when the user presses the login button
async signIn(createUser) {
try {
Auth.signIn(un, password)
.then(data => {
// The create user function called from the signin function
createUserFunc = (func, firstName, lastName, email, username, provider, jwt) => {
const newUser = {
func({variables: newUser});
// The gql syntax mutation
const createUserMutation = gql`
mutation createUser(
$firstName: String!
$lastName: String!
$email: String!
$username: String!
$provider: String
$jwt: String!
) {
firstName: $firstName
lastName: $lastName
email: $email
username: $username
provider: $provider
jwt: $jwt
) {
Most GraphQL servers that accept requests over HTTP are listening to two different types of content (indicated with the Content-Type header): application/graphql and application/json. You server seems to only listen to requests with a application/graphql body.
The problem with Content-Type: application/graphql is that GraphQL execution consist out of up to three parameters that can be supplied by the client:
The query (required)
The variable values of the query
The operation name
This enables query documents to be entirely static. But if the content of the request is only the GraphQL query, the other parameters need to go somewhere else. In theory they could be supplied as GET parameters but usually all clients use the JSON format to supply all three as outlined here.
As Daniel has pointed out you can use a GraphQL server implementation for your framework/technology of choice to handle that for you.
Alternatively you would have to react to the header of the request yourself (which could be a good exercise but you are probably going to miss an edge case that the library authors have thought of).

Request undefined with Postman test

I have just started learning Node.js and I want to insert a new user in a database. When I try to test the code with Postman I get req undefined.
Here is my json in Postman:
//userController.js'/user/new', function (req, res) {
var newUser = {
first_name: req.first_name,
last_name: req.last_name,
phonenumber: req.phonenumber,
password: req.password
User.createUser(newUser, function(err, user){
Any suggestions?

How to send the IP Address of a visitor along in Auth0?

I'm using auth0 in the back-end as part of a signup/login system, everything's working great so far.
But i have noticed that all the users' accounts are apparently based in Ireland ( which is where my server's located at ).
I have pinpointed this issue to be due to the fact that it's my server sending the requests and not the front-end.
As such i was wondering if there was a way to pass the Remote IP of my visitor along with the calls to Auth0?
If you are using the password grant, you can send the auth0-forwarded-for header (similar to x-forwarded-for) along with the request. This IP will be used for brute force detection, etc.
More info here:
As a example you can use something like below
var request = require("request");'/api/auth', function(req, res, next) {
var options = {
method: 'POST',
url: 'https://YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN/oauth/token',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json',
'auth0-forwarded-for': req.ip // End user ip
body: {
grant_type: 'password',
username: 'USERNAME',
password: 'PASSWORD',
audience: 'API_IDENTIFIER',
scope: 'SCOPE',
client_id: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
client_secret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET' // Client is authenticated
json: true
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) return next(error);
// ...

Backand: Sign user in immediately after registering?

Having trouble doing this - is it even possible?
Sign-up Email Verification is off, and I'm doing this in the config:
BackandProvider.setAppName( 'test' );
BackandProvider.runSigninAfterSignup( true );
// ... tokens, etc.
Getting this back in the response after hitting the /1/user/signup endpoint:
data : {
currentStatus : 1,
listOfPossibleStatus : [...],
message : "The user is ready to sign in",
token : "...",
username : ""
Do I need to make another API call? Can't find where and with which params.
Yes, you must make another API call to get token after sign up. If you use the Backand SDK by default it makes the second call.
$scope.signup = function (form) {
return Backand.signup(form.firstName, form.lastName,
form.username, form.password,
.then(function (response) {
return response;
If you lool at the SDK code, this is what happens there:
self.signup = function (firstName, lastName, email, password, confirmPassword, parameters) {
return http({
method: 'POST',
url: config.apiUrl + urls.signup,
headers: {
'SignUpToken': config.signUpToken
data: {
firstName: firstName,
lastName: lastName,
email: email,
password: password,
confirmPassword: confirmPassword,
parameters: parameters
}).then(function (response) {
if (config.runSigninAfterSignup
&& === 1) {
return self.signin(email, password);
return response;