Kotlin's 'let' plus elvis, and accidental null return values - kotlin

I was surprised today to learn that this take on apparently idiomatic code fails:
class QuickTest {
var nullableThing: Int? = 55
var nullThing: Int? = null
fun `test let behaviour`() {
nullableThing?.let {
print("Nullable thing was non-null")
nullThing?.apply { print("Never happens") }
} ?: run {
fail("This shouldn't have run")
It happens because, combined with implicit return, nullThing?.apply{...} passes null to the let, and therefore the elvis operator evaluates on null and runs the second block.
This is pretty horrible to detect. Do we have an appropriate alternative beyond conventional if/else without this pitfall?

You could use also instead of let. also will return nullableThing, whereas let will return whatever the lambda returns.
See this article: https://medium.com/#elye.project/mastering-kotlin-standard-functions-run-with-let-also-and-apply-9cd334b0ef84 (point "3. Return this vs. other type").

Your case is a candidate for also thematic. Compare two block actions:
fun <T> T.also(block: (T) -> Unit): T
fun <T, R> T.let(block: (T) -> R): R
nullableThing?.also {
print("Nullable thing was non-null")
nullThing?.apply { println("Never happens") }
} ?: run {
fail("This shouldn't have run")
Another idiomatic way is to use when statement
when (nullableThing) {
null ->
print("Nullable thing was non-null")
nullThing?.apply { println("Never happens") }
else -> fail("This shouldn't have run")


Kotlin ? vs ?.let {}

Consider this nice utility extension function i wanted to use :
inline infix fun <T> T?.otherwise(other: () -> Unit): T? {
if (this != null) return this
return null
It could be very useful for logging stuff when expressions evaluated to null for example:
val x: Any? = null
x?.let { doSomeStuff() } otherwise {Log.d(TAG,"Otherwise happened")}
but I see that it wont work for :
val x: Any? = null
x?.otherwise {Log.d(TAG,"Otherwise happened")}
see here for running example
Well when thinking about it i guess that makes sense that if x is null the ? makes the postfix not be executed, but i dont understand why the let in the first example is any different?
Is it possible to fix the utility to be more robust and work without having to have let in the chain?
First, you can simplify the implementation:
inline infix fun <T> T?.otherwise(other: () -> Unit): T? {
if (this == null) { other() }
return this
inline infix fun <T> T?.otherwise(other: () -> Unit): T? =
also { if (it == null) other() }
When you do this:
null?.otherwise { println("Otherwise happened") }
?. means "execute if not null", so otherwise is not executed.
What you need to write is:
null otherwise { println("Otherwise happened") }
Note this is very similar to the ?: operator (as Vadik pointed out in the comments):
null ?: println("Otherwise happened")
The difference is that otherwise always returns the value on the left (the same as also), but ?: returns the value on the right when the value on the left is null.
In my opinion, otherwise is confusing, especially as it always returns the left value despite the name. You would be better to use the ?: operator. Or perhaps rename it to something like alsoIfNull.
The let example executes because, when you don't utilize the infix feature, it looks like this:
x?.let {}.otherwise {println("1")}
Notice that it's not ?.otherwise; therefore, it always executes.
So to use otherwise without let, you can omit the ?.
x.otherwise { ... }
x?.let { doSomeStuff() }.otherwise {Log.d(TAG,"Otherwise happened")}
// ⬇️
val value = if (x != null) {
} else {
value.otherwise {Log.d(TAG,"Otherwise happened")}
x?.otherwise { Log.d(TAG,"Otherwise happened") }
// ⬇️
if (x != null) {
otherwise { Log.d(TAG,"Otherwise happened") }
} else {
?. means if the value is not null then execute the method and return the result otherwise return null

Kotlin extension function - compiler cannot infer that nullable is not null

Let's say I have a simple class Foo with a nullable String?
data class Foo(
val bar: String?
and I create a simple function capitalize
fun captitalize(foo: Foo) = when {
foo.bar != null -> runCatching { foo.bar.capitalize() }
else -> ""
which works fine, because the compiler infers that foo.bar cannot be null eventhough it's type is nullable. But then I decide to write the same function as an extension of Foo
fun Foo.captitalize2() = when {
bar != null -> runCatching { bar.capitalize() }
else -> ""
and all of a sudden the compiler is no longer able to infer that bar is not null, and IntelliJ tells me that "only safe (?.) or non-null asserted (!!.) calls are allowed on a nullable reciever of type String?"
Can anyone explain why?
I think it's because in the first case you are calling this function:
public inline fun <R> runCatching(block: () -> R): Result<R> {
return try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
but in the second case you are calling function with receiver:
public inline fun <T, R> T.runCatching(block: T.() -> R): Result<R> {
return try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
For me, it looks like an issue in the Kotlin compiler because if you inline code of this function by yourself it will work fine:
fun Foo.captitalize2() = when {
bar != null -> try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
else -> ""
btw, if I were you I would like to write my capitalize2 function like this :)
fun Foo.captitalize2() = bar?.capitalize() ?: ""
So, finally I found an alternative approach that allows us to use runCatching without having the problem you shows.
As in my comment to the answer of #Andrei Tanana, in your code type parameters of fun <T, R> T.runCatching(block: () -> R) : Result<R> are inferred as <Foo, String> and the compiler can't use the information that this.bar is not null.
If you rewrite the capitalize2 function as follows
fun Foo.capitalize2(): Serializable = when {
bar != null -> bar.runCatching { capitalize() }
else -> ""
T is inferred as String (thanks of the bar != null case of the when expression) and the compiler does not complain about this.capitalize() invocation in the block passed to runCatching.
I hope this can help you, both as an approach than allows you to solve the problem and as explanation of the problem itself.

Is there any difference in null checking quality between `?.apply`, `?.run` and `?.let` in Kotlin?

I know the convention is to use ?.let for null checking mutable variables because ?.let will make sure that the variable we're checking doesn't change to null in the middle of the block that's being executed. Will the same hold true for ?.apply and ?.run?
One last thing, if the variable is immutable is it recommended to just use a simple if?
Is there any difference in null checking quality between ?.apply, ?.run and ?.let in Kotlin?
Yes, they're all essentially the same when it comes to null checking quality. In fact, if you open the code for the apply, let, with, also & run. They're 'nearly' identical, they mainly differ on how the block get's executed, what argument is passed to the block and what value is returned.
inline fun <T, R> with(receiver: T, block: T.() -> R): R {
return receiver.block()
inline fun <T> T.also(block: (T) -> Unit): T {
return this
inline fun <T> T.apply(block: T.() -> Unit): T {
return this
inline fun <T, R> T.let(block: (T) -> R): R {
return block(this)
inline fun <T, R> T.run(block: T.() -> R): R {
return block()
They're really just syntactic sugar, that said it'd be a good idea for you to follow some basic rules/conventions on when to use what. Take a look at article I & article II, they explain the difference between them in much greater detail than I can elaborate in this answer, along with basic conventions on when to use what.
if the variable is immutable is it recommended to just use a simple if?
Yes, in fact, if you make an if check on a val variable, then the compiler will automatically understand that the variable will never be null inside the if block.
val user: User? = null;
if (user != null) {
// user not null
val name = user.name // won't show any errors
var user: User? = null;
if (user != null) {
// user might be null
// Since the value can be changed at any point inside the if block (or from another thread).
val name = user.name // will show an error

How can you call different versions of similar extension methods with kotlin

I have the following functions to simulate the ternary operator for kotlin
fun Boolean.then(action: () -> Unit): Boolean {
if (this)
return this
fun Boolean.otherwise(action: () -> Unit) {
if (!this)
fun <T> Boolean.then(func: () -> T): T? {
if (this)
return func.invoke()
return null
fun <T> T?.otherwise(action: () -> T): T {
return this ?: action.invoke()
they are supposed to be used like this :
(check).then { doHello() }.otherwise { doWorld() }
val answer = (check).then { "hello" }.otherwise { "world" }
however when I try to assign a value using the above operators like this:
val visibility: Int = (show).then { View.VISIBLE }.alt { View.GONE }
I get an error saying that the required reply was Int but it actually got Unit which means that it called the first version of the methods instead of the second
Other than renaming the methods (when I changed the first two to thenDo and otherwiseDo it worked), can I write the above code in some way so that the compiler will know to call the second version?
I don't think you need both overloads. If you remove the ones that return Unit, then both your lines of code work:
(check).then { doHello() }.otherwise { doWorld() }
val answer = (check).then { "hello" }.otherwise { "world" }
That's because the first line, where the lambdas return Unit, e.g. doHello(), can still use the generic versions of then and otherwise, as they are still considered functions with a return value, namely Unit.
Although I agree with some the comments above: do you really need this? Why not just use if, which is an expression which returns a value (like the ternary operator). See discussion here for more info.

how to implement an applyif for Kotlin?

I'd like to have an applyif to work like:
builder.applyif(<condition expression>) {
to be equal with:
builder.apply {
if (<condition expression>) {
Is that possible?
Yes, of course. You can nearly program anything, but don't reinvent the wheel. Look at the bottom of the answer to see a standard Kotlin approach without own extension function(s) which may already suffice your needs (not exactly applyIf though).
Now, however, lets see how an applyIf might be implemented:
inline fun <T> T.applyIf(predicate: T.() -> Boolean, block: T.() -> Unit): T = apply {
if (predicate(this))
Don't forget the inline if you are implementing extension functions with lambdas.
Here is an example usage of the above.
// sample class
class ADemo {
fun isTrue() = true
// sample usage using method references
ADemo().applyIf(ADemo::isTrue, ::println)
// or if you prefer or require it, here without
ADemo().applyIf( { isTrue() } ) {
If you just want to supply a boolean instead, you can use the following extension function:
inline fun <T> T.applyIf(condition : Boolean, block : T.() -> Unit) : T = apply {
if(condition) block(this)
and call it with:
val someCondition = true
ADemo().applyIf(someCondition) {
And now a possible Kotlin standard way with which more people could be familiar:
// or
ADemo().takeIf { it.isTrue() }
?.apply { println(this) }
If they do remember (I actually didn't until I saw Marko Topolniks comment) they should immediately know what's going on.
However, if you require the given value (i.e. ADemo()) after calling takeIf this approach might not work for you as the following will set the variable to null then:
val x = ADemo().takeIf { false }
?.apply { println(this) /* never called */ }
// now x = null
whereas the following will rather set the variable to the ADemo-instance:
val x = ADemo().applyIf(false) { println(this) /* also not called */ }
// now x contains the ADemo()-instance
Chaining the builder calls might not be so nice then. Still you can also accomplish this via standard Kotlin functions by combining the takeIf with apply or also (or with, let, run, depending on whether you want to return something or not or you prefer working with it or this):
val x = builder.apply {
takeIf { false }
?.apply(::println) // not called
takeIf { true }
?.apply(::println) // called
// x contains the builder
But then again we are nearly there where you were already in your question. The same definitely looks better with applyIf-usage:
val x = builder.applyIf(false, ::println) // not called
.applyIf(true) {
println(this) // called
// x contains the builder
Sure you can, you just need an extension function so you can call it on the builder, and you need it to take a Boolean parameter and the lambda to execute.
If you look at the source of the apply function itself, it will help with most of the implementation:
public inline fun <T> T.apply(block: T.() -> Unit): T {
return this
Based on this, applyIf can be as simple as:
inline fun <T> T.applyIf(condition: Boolean, block: T.() -> Unit): T {
return if (condition) this.apply(block) else this
Usage looks like this:
builder.applyIf(x > 200) {
fun <T> T.applyIf(condition: Boolean, block: T.() -> T) = if (condition) block() else this
fun main() {
println("a".applyIf(true) { uppercase() }) // A
println("a".applyIf(false) { uppercase() }) // a