Docusign - Embedded Signing with multiple recipients in single document - ASP.Net Core -

I'm trying to implement docusign with embedded signing approach in ASP.Net Core using DocuSign.eSign.dll (3.0.1). I have been able to do it with single recipient but now I want that document to be signed by multiple recipients. Does anyone has working example who can share?
Thank you in advance!

I do have an example for you, but using node.JS and not C#, it's the same thing, just translate it to your lang. You can actually either see the live code here - and select the right most option (sailboat loan).
The source code is here - The specific one you looking for is here - and I can copy/paste here the relevant code:
// Recipients
var signer = new docusign.Signer();
signer.routingOrder = 1; = body.inputEmail; = body.inputFirstName + ' ' + body.inputLastName;
signer.recipientId = '1';
signer.excludedDocuments = ['3'];
if(body.inputSigningLocation == 'embedded'){
signer.clientUserId = '1001';
if(body.inputAccessCode && body.inputAccessCode.length){
signer.accessCode = body.inputAccessCode;
if(body.inputAuthentication == 'phone'){
app.helpers.addPhoneAuthToRecipient(signer, body.inputPhone);
var appraiserSigner = new docusign.Signer();
appraiserSigner.routingOrder = 2; = body.inputAppraiserEmail; = body.inputAppraiserFirstName + ' ' + body.inputAppraiserLastName;
appraiserSigner.recipientId = '2';


Crunchbase Data API v3.1 to Google Sheets

I'm trying to pull data from the Crunchbase Open Data Map to a Google Spreadsheet. I'm following Ben Collins's script but it no longer works since the upgrade from v3 to v3.1. Anyone had any luck modifying the script for success?
var USER_KEY = 'insert your API key in here';
// function to retrive organizations data
function getCrunchbaseOrgs() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Organizations');
var query = sheet.getRange(3,2).getValue();
// URL and params for the Crunchbase API
var url = '' + encodeURI(query) + '&user_key=' + USER_KEY;
var json = getCrunchbaseData(url,query);
if (json[0] === "Error:") {
// deal with error with fetch operation
else {
if (json[0] !== 200) {
// deal with error from api
sheet.getRange(6,1,1,2).setValues([["Error, server returned code:",json[0]]]);
else {
// correct data comes back, filter down to match the name of the entity
var data = json[1].data.items.filter(function(item) {
return == query;
// parse into array for Google Sheet
var outputData = [
["Short description",data.short_description],
["City name",data.city_name],
["Blog url",data.blog_url],
["Crunchbase URL","" + data.web_path]
// clear any old data
// insert new data
// add image with formula and format that row
sheet.getRange(5,2).setFormula('=image("' + data.profile_image_url + '",4,50,50)').setHorizontalAlignment("center");
This code no longer pulls data as expected.
I couldn't confirm about the error messages when you ran the script. So I would like to show about the clear difference point. It seems that the endpoint was changed from to So how about this modification?
From :
var url = '' + encodeURI(query) + '&user_key=' + USER_KEY;
To :
var url = '' + encodeURI(query) + '&user_key=' + USER_KEY;
Note :
From your script, I couldn't also find query. So if the script doesn't work even when you modified the endpoint, please confirm about it. You can see the detail of API v3 Compared to API v3.1 is here.
References :
API v3 Compared to API v3.1
Using the API
If this was not useful for you, I'm sorry.

DSocuSign Reminders & NOtifications

I have enabled reminders and expiration in DocuSign. But when a document is sent to a user, it does not seem to work.
I'm using SOAP APIs on C#.
DocuSignAPI.Notification ntf = new DocuSignAPI.Notification();
DocuSignAPI.Reminders rem = new DocuSignAPI.Reminders();
rem.ReminderEnabled = true;
rem.ReminderEnabled = true;
rem.ReminderDelay = 5;
rem.ReminderFrequency = 3;
DocuSignAPI.Expirations exp = new DocuSignAPI.Expirations();
exp.ExpireEnabled = true;
exp.ExpireAfter = 90;
exp.ExpireWarn = 3;
I set the values to 2016 and noticed that expiration was working but reminders are not. After sending the documents, I could not see the reminders set on the DS web site, if I tried to correct the document.

Google API for getting maximum number of licenses in a Google Apps domain

I have a Google Apps Script function used for setting up accounts for new employees in our Google Apps domain.
The first thing it does is makes calls to the Google Admin Settings API and retrieves the currentNumberOfUsers and maximumNumberOfUsers, so it can see if there are available seats (otherwise a subsequent step where the user is created using the Admin SDK Directory API would fail).
It's been working fine until recently when our domain had to migrate from Postini to Google Vault for email archiving.
Before the migration, when creating a Google Apps user using the Admin SDK Directory API, it would increment the currentNumberOfUsers by 1 and the new user account user would automatically have access to all Google Apps services.
Now after the migration, when creating a Google Apps user, they aren't automatically assigned a "license," so I modified my script to use the Enterprise License Manager API and now it assigns a "Google-Apps-For-Business" license. That works fine.
However, the currentNumberOfUsers is now different from the number of assigned licenses, and "Google-Apps-For-Business" is only one of several different types of licenses available.
I can get the current number of assigned "Google-Apps-For-Business" licenses by running this:
var currentXml = AdminLicenseManager.LicenseAssignments.listForProductAndSku('Google-Apps', 'Google-Apps-For-Business', '', {maxResults: 1000});
var current = currentXml.items.toString().match(/\/sku\/Google-Apps-For-Business\/user\//g).length;
But the number that produces is different from currentNumberOfUsers.
All I really need to do now is get the maximum number of owned "Google-Apps-For-Business" licenses so the new employee setup script can determine whether there are any available.
I checked the API Reference documentation for the following APIs but...
Enterprise License Manager API → Doesn't have a method for getting the maximum or available number of licenses.
Google Admin Settings API → Doesn't deal with licenses, only "users."
Admin SDK Directory API User resource → Doesn't deal with licenses.
Google Apps Reseller API → This API seems to have what I need, but it's only for Reseller accounts.
I know I can program my new employee setup script to just have a try/catch seeing if it would be able to create the user and assign the license, and end the script execution gracefully if it can't, but that doesn't seem efficient.
Also, part of the old script was that if there were less than X seats available, it would email me a heads-up to order more. I can program a loop that attempts to repeatedly create dummy users and assign them licenses and count the number of times it can do that before it fails, then delete all the dummy users, but, once again, that's not efficient at all.
Any ideas?
Update 3/11/2020: Since the Admin Settings API had shut down a few years ago I've been using the Enterprise License Manager API to get the current number of used licenses, like this:
function getCurrentNumberOfUsedGoogleLicenses(skuId) {
var success = false, error = null, count = 0;
var adminEmail = '';
var gSuiteDomain = adminEmail.split('#')[1];
// for more information on the domain-wide delegation:
// the getDomainWideDelegationService() function uses this:
var service = getDomainWideDelegationService('EnterpriseLicenseManager: ', '', adminEmail);
if (skuId == 'Google-Apps-Unlimited') var productId = 'Google-Apps';
else return { success: success, error: "Unsupported skuId", count: count };
var requestBody = {};
requestBody.headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + service.getAccessToken()};
requestBody.method = "GET";
requestBody.muteHttpExceptions = false;
var data, pageToken, pageTokenString;
var maxAttempts = 5;
var currentAttempts = 0;
var pauseBetweenAttemptsSeconds = 3;
do {
if (typeof pageToken === 'undefined') pageTokenString = "";
else pageTokenString = "&pageToken=" + encodeURIComponent(pageToken);
var url = '' + productId + '/sku/' + skuId + '/users?maxResults=1000&customerId=' + gSuiteDomain + pageTokenString;
try {
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, requestBody);
var result = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
if (result.items) {
var licenseAssignments = result.items;
var licenseAssignmentsString = '';
for (var i = 0; i < licenseAssignments.length; i++) {
licenseAssignmentsString += JSON.stringify(licenseAssignments[i]);
if (skuId == 'Google-Apps-Unlimited') count += licenseAssignmentsString.match(/\/sku\/Google-Apps-Unlimited\/user\//g).length;
currentAttempts = 0; // reset currentAttempts before the next page
} catch(e) {
error = "Error: " + e.message;
if (currentAttempts >= maxAttempts) {
error = 'Exceeded ' + maxAttempts + ' attempts to get license count: ' + error;
break loopThroughPages;
} // end of try catch
if (result) pageToken = result.nextPageToken;
} while (pageToken);
if (!error) success = true;
return { success: success, error: error, count: count };
However, there still does not appear to be a way to get the maximum number available to the domain using this API.
Use CustomerUsageReports.
jay0lee is kind enough to provide the GAM source code in Python. I crudely modified the doGetCustomerInfo() function into Apps Script thusly:
function getNumberOfLicenses() {
var tryDate = new Date();
var dateString = tryDate.getFullYear().toString() + "-" + (tryDate.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "-" + tryDate.getDate().toString();
while (true) {
try {
var response = AdminReports.CustomerUsageReports.get(dateString,{parameters : "accounts:gsuite_basic_total_licenses,accounts:gsuite_basic_used_licenses"});
} catch(e) {
dateString = tryDate.getFullYear().toString() + "-" + (tryDate.getMonth() + 1).toString() + "-" + tryDate.getDate().toString();
var availLicenseCount = response.usageReports[0].parameters[0].intValue;
var usedLicenseCount = response.usageReports[0].parameters[1].intValue;
Logger.log("Available licenses:" + availLicenseCount.toString());
Logger.log("Used licenses:" + usedLicenseCount.toString());
return availLicenseCount;
I would recommend exploring GAM which is a tool that gives command line access to the administration functions of your domain.

How To Validate a Devexpress Textbox inside an Devexpress Gridview in Javasacript

i am not able to figure out why the focusout validation that uses the assigned regex is not working in the devex textbox. when i am using the textbox out of the grid it starts working as required. Kindly suggest the solution.
#Html.DevExpress().GridView(settings =>
settings.Columns.Add(column =>
column.FieldName = "InYear";
column.Caption = "In Year";
column.Width = 100;
column.ColumnType = MVCxGridViewColumnType.TextBox;
column.SortOrder = DevExpress.Data.ColumnSortOrder.Ascending; // Default
column.SortIndex = 1;
column.CellStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left;
var txtProperties = column.PropertiesEdit as TextBoxProperties;
txtProperties.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
txtProperties.MaxLength = 4;
txtProperties.DisplayFormatInEditMode = true;
txtProperties.ValidationSettings.RequiredField.IsRequired = true;
txtProperties.ValidationSettings.ValidateOnLeave = true;
txtProperties.ValidationSettings.RegularExpression.ValidationExpression = #"\d{4}";
txtProperties.ValidationSettings.RegularExpression.ErrorText = "Expected format is: YYYY";
txtProperties.ClientSideEvents.ValueChanged = String.Format("function (s, e) {{ OnValueChanged(s, e, '{0}', {1}); }}", "InYear", "0");
column.SetDataItemTemplateContent(c =>
if (!(bool)DataBinder.Eval(c.DataItem, "ReadOnly"))
Html.DevExpress().TextBox(txtSettings =>
txtSettings.Name = "txtInYear_" + c.KeyValue.ToString();
txtSettings.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
txtSettings.Properties.MaxLength = 4;
txtSettings.Properties.DisplayFormatInEditMode = true;
txtSettings.Properties.ValidationSettings.ValidateOnLeave = true;
txtSettings.Properties.ValidationSettings.ValidationGroup = c.KeyValue.ToString();
txtSettings.Properties.ValidationSettings.RegularExpression.ValidationExpression = #"[0-9]{4}";
txtSettings.Properties.ValidationSettings.RegularExpression.ErrorText = "Expected format is: YYYY";
txtSettings.Properties.ClientSideEvents.ValueChanged = String.Format("function (s, e) {{ OnValueChanged(s, e, '{0}', {1}); }}", c.Column.FieldName, c.KeyValue);
}).Bind(DataBinder.Eval(c.DataItem, c.Column.FieldName)).Render();
Html.DevExpress().Label(lblSettings =>
lblSettings.Name = "lblInYear_" + c.KeyValue.ToString();
lblSettings.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
}).Bind(DataBinder.Eval(c.DataItem, c.Column.FieldName).ToString()).Render();
EDIT : I am using a button out of the gridview to trigger the update command. How can i trigger only validate event of the EditRow. Please view attached image.
Thanks in advance
When do you need to validate the TextBox? In browser mode or when editing? Currently your TextBox is required when you edit a row. Try to set the IsRequired property for your TextBox in the template as well.
txtSettings.Properties.ValidationSettings.RequiredField.IsRequired = true;
It should work.
Go through this thread - MVC GridView - Client validation in default EditForm.
In case if you are working with ajax form then i suggest you use
built-in validation instead:GridView - How to use Microsoft
validation with an AJAX form to validate the Model properties on the
client side.
More References:
GridView - How to enable the client-side validation in the Edit Form
How to correctly enable Model, Unobtrusive or jQuery Client validation
Client Validation in MVC3 with Gridview Template Form
After a long struggle i got the following answer :
Assign a validation group property to the nested controls as below
txtSettings.Properties.ValidationSettings.ValidationGroup = c.KeyValue.ToString();
Iterate through the keyvalues on client side and call the devexpress validate function ASPxClientEdit.ValidateEditorsInContainer as following, i represent validation group name
var isValid =!ASPxClientEdit.ValidateEditorsInContainer(GridName.GetMainElement(), i)
My approach might not be the best but it helped me a lot, i think this would also be helpful for others having the same issue.

API to update users image - Identity Extended Properties not saving

I'm trying to write a small script to set all users images to their AD image, I did some jumping around in ILSpy and found out what to set using the TFS Server API, however the code needs to be a bit different because I'm using the client API instead.
The code I have below can succesfully iterate through all the users in tfs, look them up in AD, grab the thumbnail, set the property on the TFS identity. But I can't for the life of me figure get the extended property to save back into TFS.
The code doesn't exception, but the property isn't set to the value I set it to when I next run the application.
Does anyone know the way to save extended properties via the client api?
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TeamFoundationServer teamFoundationServer = new Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TeamFoundationServer("{URL TO TFS}");
FilteredIdentityService service = teamFoundationServer.GetService<FilteredIdentityService>(); ;
IIdentityManagementService2 service2 = teamFoundationServer.GetService<IIdentityManagementService2>();
foreach (var identity in service.SearchForUsers(""))
var user = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain), identity.UniqueName);
if (user == null) continue;
var de = new System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + user.DistinguishedName);
var thumbNail = de.Properties["thumbnailPhoto"].Value as byte[];
identity.SetProperty("Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity.CandidateImage.Data", thumbNail);
identity.SetProperty("Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity.CandidateImage.UploadDate", DateTime.UtcNow);
Figured it out, needed to set some additional properties.
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TeamFoundationServer teamFoundationServer = new Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TeamFoundationServer("http://urltotfs");
FilteredIdentityService service = teamFoundationServer.GetService<FilteredIdentityService>(); ;
IIdentityManagementService2 service2 = teamFoundationServer.GetService<IIdentityManagementService2>();
foreach (var identity in service.SearchForUsers(""))
var user = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain), identity.UniqueName);
if (user == null) continue;
var de = new System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + user.DistinguishedName);
var thumbNail = de.Properties["thumbnailPhoto"].Value as byte[];
identity.SetProperty("Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity.Image.Data", thumbNail);
identity.SetProperty("Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity.Image.Type", "image/png");
identity.SetProperty("Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity.Image.Id", Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray());
identity.SetProperty("Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity.CandidateImage.Data", null);
identity.SetProperty("Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Identity.CandidateImage.UploadDate", null);