Outlook persistent saving issue (RoamingSettings.saveAsync) - outlook-addin

For my outlook plugin, it has weird issue when I using Office.context.roamingSettings.saveAsync, it looks like any address change inside the callback will cause the saving operation rollback (e.g. window.location.href, window.location.reload, window.location.replace).
Below is the test code:
Office.initialize = function (reason) {
var testStorageVal = Office.context.roamingSettings.get("testStorageVal");
console.log("onReload", 'val = ' + testStorageVal);
Office.context.roamingSettings.set("testStorageVal", "value1");
Office.context.roamingSettings.saveAsync(function (asyncResult) {
var val = Office.context.roamingSettings.get('testStorageVal');
console.log("onSaveAsync", 'val = ' + val);
The results:
onReload val = undefined OfficeInit.js:10
onSaveAsync val = value1 OfficeInit.js:15
onReload val = undefined OfficeInit.js:10
However, similar code for word plugin using Office.context.document.settings.saveAsync doesn't have the same issue.
Any ideas?


How to call Azure function from Kotlin

I currently have deployed an Azure function used to get an AD token.
Request header:
x-functions-key = {key}
How can I call this function from my Kotlin app?
This is the way I call it from Javascript
function getTokenAzure(onsuccess, onerror) {
var tokenUrl = 'https://getadtokennet.azurewebsites.net/api/getadtokennet';
$.ajax(tokenUrl, {
method: 'GET',
beforeSend: function (request) {
request.setRequestHeader("x-functions-key", "function key");
success: function (data) {
console.log('token: ' + data.token);
error: function (xhr, status, error) {
var failureMessage = "GetToken error: " + status + " - " + error;
In IntelliJ IDEA, select Create New Project.
In the New Project window, select Maven from the left pane.
Select the Create from archetype check box, and then select Add Archetype for the azure-functions-kotlin-archetype.
In the Add Archetype window, complete the fields as follows:
GroupId: com.microsoft.azure
ArtifactId: azure-functions-kotlin-archetype
Version: Use the latest version from the central repository
Select OK, and then select Next.
Enter your details for current project, and select Finish.
For complete information refer to the below links which has same information.
Kotlin Function and Running Kotlin in Azure Functions
I found the way, here it is.
fun getToken(): String {
val tokenUrl = URL("https://getadtokennet.azurewebsites.net/api/getadtokennet")
val connection = tokenUrl.openConnection() as HttpURLConnection
connection.requestMethod = "POST"
connection.setRequestProperty("x-functions-key", "function key")
connection.doOutput = true
val responseCode = connection.responseCode
if (responseCode == HTTP_OK) {
val readerIn = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(connection.inputStream))
var inputLine = readerIn.readLine()
val response = StringBuffer()
do {
} while (inputLine.length < 0)
// Return token
return response.toString()
} else {
val responseError = Error(code = "BadRequest", message = "There was an error getting the token.")
throw IOException(responseError.toString())

rtcmulticonnection: webrtc recordrtc not returning a blob

I am trying to simply record the webrtc video using what I though was a standard example. The library is here: https://github.com/muaz-khan/RTCMultiConnection
rtcMultiConnection.onstream = function(e) {
var mediaElement = getMediaElement(e.mediaElement, {
onRecordingStarted: function(type) {
// www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/startRecording/
onRecordingStopped: function(type) {
// www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/stopRecording/
I can follow the steps through the function calls, the issue is that the callback is never run from recordrtc.js....
It goes to line 100 of https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/blob/master/RecordRTC.js
There it runs:
Which never calls the callback....
Even calling functions directly doesn't work:
I am wondering if two different versions of recordrtc and rtcmulticonneciton are interacting.... Any ideas? Maybe an older recordrtc, but I can't find an older version
Please use blob.video:
var stream = connection.streams['stream-id'];
stream.stopRecording(function(blob) {
var h2;
if (blob.audio) {
h2 = document.createElement('h2');
h2.innerHTML = 'Open recorded ' + blob.audio.type + '';
if (blob.video) {
h2 = document.createElement('h2');
h2.innerHTML = 'Open recorded ' + blob.video.type + '';
Updated at March 29, 2016
Here is the actual documentation:
Please make sure that:
You are using v2.2.2
You called startRecording first
For v3, you can directly use the RecordRTC:
connection.onstream = function(event) {
function recordStream(stream) {
if (!!window.recorder) return;
window.recorder = RecordRTC(stream, {
type: 'video'
btnStopRecording.onclick = function() {
if (!window.recorder) return;
recorder.stopRecording(function() {
var blob = recorder.blob;
// or dataURL
btnStartRecording.onclick = function() {
var stream = connection.attachStreams[0];
// or
var stream = connection.streamEvents['stream-id'].stream;
Above snippet can be used within v2.2.2 as well.

XPages:Saving special character to dojo grid

When ever i try to save special character like ä,ö to my DojoGrid which loads and saves data via xe:restService the character get messedup,
When ever i end the grid directly it save ok, but when ever i work on it in the background and save it, it get messedup.below is the script on my button
var args = {
onComplete: function() {},
onError: function() { alert('Update error'); }
var grid = dijit.byId('#{id:grid}');
var selectedIDs =grid.selection.getSelected();
var store = dataGrid.store;
var Index = grid.selection.selectedIndex;
if(Index != null){
var curEntry = dataGrid.getItem(Index);
var nextEntry = dataGrid.getItem(Index-1);
currentViewIndex = store.getValue(curEntry,"ViewIndex");
nextViewIndex = store.getValue(nextEntry,"ViewIndex");
store.setValue(curEntry, 'ViewIndex',nextViewIndex);
store.setValue(nextEntry, 'ViewIndex',currentViewIndex);

JSON Store in worklight v6.0

I am trying to integrate the JSONStore standalone app in my multipage application. When I am trying to initialize the collection I am getting the following error "Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function". One thing I want to know is, in Worklight version 6.0 I observed that underscore (Lo-Dash) templating was used. But nowhere I found the reference given to the lodash. Also, I didn't find the lodash file anywhere. can anyone please tell me how to do this?
Here is my javascript code
window.$ = window.jQuery = WLJQ;
currentPage = {};
currentPage.init = function(WL, jQuery, lodash) {
alert("current page ::init called");
'use strict';
var $ = jQuery,
_ = lodash;
NAME_FIELD_EMPTY_MSG = 'Name field is empty',
AGE_FIELD_EMPTY_MSG = 'Age field is empty',
ID_FIELD_EMPTY_MSG = 'Id field is empty',
EMPTY_TABLE_MSG = 'No documents found',
DESTROY_MSG = 'Destroy finished succesfully',
INIT_MSG = 'Collection initialized',
ADD_MSG = 'Data added to the collection',
REPLACE_MSG = 'Document replaced succesfully, call find.',
REMOVE_MSG = 'Documents removed: ',
COUNT_MSG = 'Documents in the collection: ',
CLOSE_ALL_MSG = 'JSONStore closed',
REMOVE_COLLECTION_MSG = 'Removed all data in the collection',
LOAD_MSG = 'New documents loaded from adapter: ',
PUSH_MSG_FAILED = 'Could not push some docs, res: ',
PUSH_MSG = 'Push finished',
PASS_CHANGED_MSG = 'Password changed succesfully';
//Log messages to the console and status field
var _logMessage = function (msg, id) {
//Get reference to the status field
var status = _.isUndefined(id) ? $('div#status-field') : $(id);
//Put message in the status div
//Log message to the console
//Show JSONStore document in a table
var _showTable = function (arr) {
if (_.isArray(arr) && arr.length < 1) {
return _logMessage(EMPTY_TABLE_MSG);
//Log to the console
WL.Logger.ctx({stringify: true, pretty: true}).info(arr);
//Get reference to the status field
status = $('div#status-field'),
//Table HTML template
table = [
'<table id="user_table" >',
'<% _.each(people, function(person) { %>',
'<td> <%= person._id %> </td>',
'<td> <%= person.json.name %> </td>',
'<td><%= person.json.age %></td>',
'<td><%= JSON.stringify(person.json) %></td>',
'<% }); %>',
//Populate the HTML template with content
html = _.template(table, {people : arr});
//Put the generated HTML table into the DOM
//Scroll to the top every time a button is clicked
$('button').on('click', function () {
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 'slow');
function initCollection() {
console.log("init collection method called");
alert("init collection method called");
//Get references to the input fields DOM elements
var usernameField = $('input#init-username'),
passwordField = $('input#init-password');
//Get values from the input fields
var username = usernameField.val() || '',
password = passwordField.val() || '';
//Create the optional options object passed to init
var options = {};
//Check if a username was passed
if (username.length > 0) {
options.username = username;
//If if a password was passed
if (password.length > 0) {
options.password = password;
//JSONStore collections metadata
var collections = {};
//Define the 'people' collection and list the search fields
searchFields : {name: 'string', age: 'integer'},
//-- Start optional adapter metadata
adapter : {
name: 'people',
add: 'addPerson',
remove: 'removePerson',
replace: 'replacePerson',
load: {
procedure: 'getPeople',
params: [],
key: 'peopleList'
//-- End optional adapter metadata
//Define the 'keyvalue' collection and use additional search fields
searchFields : {},
additionalSearchFields : { key: 'string' }
//Initialize the people collection
WL.JSONStore.init(collections, options)
.then(function () {
.fail(function (errorObject) {
Thanks in advance
I observed that underscore(loadash) templating was used. But nowhere I
found the reference given to the loadash. Also, I didn't find the
loadash file anywhere. can anyone please tell me how to do this?
You can build your own version of lodash or use underscore.
The version of lodash used by worklight is in the WL_ variable. Looking at your code, maybe you want to replace _ = lodash with _ = WL_. Alternatively when you bring your own version lodash or underscore it will be assigned to the _ variable automatically.
Alternatively, you can use other string template libraries like Handlebars.js or basic string interpolation by modifying the String prototype.

IBM Worklight 6.0 - Getting "Uncaught type error cannot call method 'initCollection' of undefined"

I'm working with Worklight to build an application which uses a local storage. I declared a function createCollection() in common/js/myApp.js.
However when I run it on the browser simulator, the console JavaScript shows:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'initCollection' of undefined.
Any suggestions?
My JavaScript:
function wlCommonInit(){
// Common initialization code goes here
// inizializzazione json
window.onload = createCollection;
var isOpen = true;
var menuboxw = $("#menubox").css("width");
var headerh = $("#header").height();
$("#contentbox").css("top", headerh);
// apertura/chiusura menu principale
function menu() {
$('#contentbox').animate({ left: -5 }, 1);
$("#menubox").css("visibility", "hidden");
isOpen = false;
$('#contentbox').animate({ left: menuboxw }, 1);
$("#menubox").css("visibility", "visible");
isOpen = true;
// creazione collection 'canti' e 'categorie'
function createCollection(){
WL.Logger.debug("Called createCollection");
WL.SimpleDialog.show("Message", "createCollection called", [{text: "Ok"}]);
var collectionCanti = "canti";
var searchFieldsCanti = {titolo: "string", autore: "string", id_categoria: "string", testo: "string"};
var collectionCategorie = "categorie";
var searchFieldsCategorie = {titolo: "string", attiva: "number"};
var success = function(data){
logMessage("Collection created successfully " + data);
var failure = function(data){
logMessage("Collection doesn't created " + data);
var options = {onSuccess: success, onFailure: failure};
canti = WL.JSONStore.initCollection(collectionCanti, searchFieldsCanti, options);
categorie = WL.JSONStore.initCollection(collectionCategorie, searchFieldsCategorie, options);
Do the following:
Remove window.onload = createCollection;
Add createCollection(); inside wlCommonInit()
BTW, that logMessage produces errors. Should probably be changed to WL.Logger.debug (which you are already utilizing in the code...).
Please go over the IBM Worklight Getting Started training material. No skipping.