Convert Date to formatted date - sql

I have a column for dates and the values are like this 1181202 and i want to convert it to normal date format "02-12-2018" so i can compare it with another date however when i am trying the following it returning wrong year and date
SELECT CONVERT(Datetime, Text_UPD_DATE,106) -- i have tried all numbers
From Notes
it's returning 5134-01-09 00:00:00.000
Can you please advise on the correct command

At a total guess, based on your one example:


how to change date format to just year and month but must stay as a date value not varchar, or char..?

I read other similar question where the answer is to use FORMAT(getdate(),'yyy-MM') or something similar. However the problem for me in using anything like this, is that it changes the date type to a varchar or char. I need it to stay as datetype but just want Year and Month.. I tried the following..-> FORMAT(a.completeddate,'yyy-MM') which works to change to year and month but the date is no longer a datetype or date format. So when I try to do the following -> select #FirstCompletion = (A.completeddate) i get this error..Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string. Basically I need to convert the date column to year and month as date format so I can then pass values to variables using select #FirstCompletion = (A.completeddate) and set #secondMonth = DATEADD(month, 2, #FirstCompletion) which are Datetype variables.. Would appreciate any help I can get.. Thanks..

Extract year from timestamp in hive

I am writing the query to show the data entries for a specific year. Date is stored in dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.(Date TIMESTAMP - e.g. 12/2/2014 0:00:00).
I am trying to display the two columns(name, orderdate) filtered by a specific year(year from orderdate). The requirement is to enter the specific year(2010 or 2020 etc) not the entire date. I tried using date_format() and regexp_replace() with WHERE but nothing helped.
Can someone help me?
If your are storing the date -- incorrectly -- as a string, then you can use string functions to do what you want:
where orderdate like '__/__/2010%'
However, you should really put your effort into storing the date using a correct format -- YYYY-MM-DD for strings at least.

Oracle SQL - convert a varchar2 into a date

I have a problem with converting a varchar2 fields into a date format.
I got 2 columns with the datatyp varchar2, one is called qtime the other is called ztime. Both fields contain strings in this format (f.e. 152015 -> would be a timestamp 15:20:15).
For reporting reasons I need to convert this fields into a date format, afterwards I want to substract (qtime-ztime) the fields an convert them into the format [hh] (f.e. after the operation 01:20:00 would be -> 01). Is it possible to to this within Oracle SQL 12c? The biggest problem for me right now is that I don't get those Strings converted into a date format.
select TO_DATE(qtime,'MM/DD/YYYY hh24:mi:ss') just gives me
ORA-01861:"literal does not match format string"
select TO_DATE(qtime,'hh24mmss') gives me a wrong Date
select TO_TIMESTAMP(qtime,'hh24mmss') gives me a wrong Date
01.03.2018 BUT the correct time with f.e. 15:20:15,0000000
Thank you in advance, any help is appreciated
Note: I only have reading rights on the database Oracle 12c, so I need to to this within Statements
"The Database contains another column with the correct date for each time"
The missing piece of the puzzle! Concatenate the two columns to get something which can be converted to an Oracle DATE:
select to_date(qdate||qtime, 'yyyymmddhh24miss') as qdatetime
, to_date(zdate||ztime, 'yyyymmddhh24miss') as zdatetime
from your_table
Once you have done that you can perform arithmetic of the dates e.g.
select id
, zdatetime - qdatetime as time_diff
from ( select id
, to_date(qdate||qtime, 'yyyymmddhh24miss') as qdatetime
, to_date(zdate||ztime, 'yyyymmddhh24miss') as zdatetime
from your_table
If you want the number of hours in the difference you can include this expression in the projection of the outer query:
, extract( hour from (zdatetime - qdatetime) day to second) as hrs_ela
First off, if you are trying to convert a varchar2 into a date without specifying neither day nor month, it will default to the first day of the current month:
If you specify a date value without a date, then the default date is the first day of the current month.
You can read up more here
Also in 2nd and 3rd your example, you are using 'hh24mmss' for specifying hour, minute and second components, but do note that correct format for minutes is 'mi' and not 'mm', which is used for months.
So the solution is to concatenate both date and time component when creating the date as the other answer suggested, tho I would recommend using a single date field as it can store the information you need.

Comparing a date and getting result of records having further dates

I am using sql for database connectivity. I am filtering records in database on date basis using sql query which consists of function convert(varchar(100),column name,106). I am comparing it with date having dd/MMM/yyyy format. As a result I get records of next all the dates.
Example: If I try to filter the table by 01/June/2017 then inspite of having records of that date, I get records of next all the dates. I am not able to get records of 01/June/2017.
I have used greater than or equal to expression.
It is better to convert it to this yyyymmdd number format and do the comparison as below:
select convert(int,convert(varchar(10),[your column],112))
Don't convert your dates into any format (=strings) when doing comparison. Always use the date (or datetime etc) format. That way you will be comparing the actual values, not string or numeric comparison. Here the problem is that format 106 is dd mon yyyy so it will never match your date because it's a string dd/MMM/yyyy but you will get any dates starting with 02 anyhow, for example 02/Jan/1990, because in alphabetical order that will come after your given date.

Find record between two dates

When I write below query it gives record .
SELECT [srno],[order_no],[order_date],[supplier_name],[item_code],[item_name],[quntity]
FROM [first].[dbo].[Purchase_Order]
WHERE order_date BETWEEN '22/04/2015' AND '4/05/2015'
In this query if I don't add 0 in '4/05/2015' it returns record.
But when I add 0 to the date i.e. '04/05/2015' it doesn't give any records.
SELECT [srno],[order_no],[order_date],[supplier_name],[item_code],[item_name],[quntity]
FROM [first].[dbo].[Purchase_Order]
WHERE order_date BETWEEN '22/04/2015' AND '04/05/2015'
The reason it's not working because SQL is trying to do a string comparison because both your types are string types, But what you really want to do a date comparison.
You should do something like this. Since you only need date part you can strip off the time and use style 103 for your format dd/mm/yyyy.
Alternately you can use this as well if your order_date has dates like this 5/4/2015 03:20:24PM
WHERE CONVERT(DATETIME,LEFT(order_Date,CHARINDEX(' ', order_Date) - 1),103)
A long term solution is to change your column order_date to DATE/DATETIME
It Better to Cast it to date rather than depend on IMPLICIT conversion
SELECT [srno],[order_no],[order_date],[supplier_name],[item_code],
[item_name],[quntity] FROM [first].[dbo].[Purchase_Order] where
convert(date,order_date,105) BETWEEN cast('22/04/2015' as Date) AND cast('04/05/2015' as date)