Axiomatics - condition editor - authorization

I have a subject like "accessTo" = ["123", "123-edit"]
and a resource like "interestedId" = "123"
Now I'm trying to write a condition - where it checks "interestedId" concatenated with "-edit" equals "123-edit" in "AccessTo".
Im trying to write rule like this
anyOfAny_xacml1(function[stringEqual], "accessTo", "interestedId"+"-edit")
It is not allowing to do this.
Any help is appreciated.

In addition to the answer from Keerthi S ...
If you know there should only be one value of interestedId then you can do this to prevent the indeterminate from happening:
stringBagSize(interestedId) == 1 && anyOfAny(function[stringEqual], accessTo, stringOneAndOnly(interestedId) + "-edit")
If more than value is present then evaluation stops prior to reaching the function that expects only one value. This condition would return false if more than one value is present.
On the other hand if interestedId can have multiple values then this would work:
anyOfAny(function[stringEqual], accessTo, map(function[stringConcatenate],interestedId, "-edit"))
The map function will apply the stringConcatenate function to all values in the bag.

Since Axiomatics products are compliant with XACML specification, all attributes by default are assumed to contain multiple values(called as 'bags').
So if you would like to append a string to an attribute use stringOneAndOnly XACML function for the attribute to indicate that the attribute can have only one value.
So assuming you mean accessTo has attribute ID as Attributes.access_subject.subject_id, interestedId has the attribute ID as Attributes.resource.resource_id and anyOfAny_xacml1 is equivalent to anyOfAny XACML function, the resulting condition would look like,
anyOfAny(function[stringEqual], Attributes.access_subject.subject_id, stringOneAndOnly(Attributes.resource.resource_id) + "-edit")


Request couchbase with two where conditions

How is it possible to write a couchbase request in order to choose the first condition in where if it is defined or the second one if the first one is undefined.
I tried somethings like :
In this request if[0] is defined, I want to check the length of[0] and if[0] is not defined, I want to check the length of[1].
Condition should look as follows
returns first argument if it is NOT NULL
second argument when first one is NULL

How do I evaluate value which potentially is not supplied?

I'm trying to make Azure monitor workbook with Azure Resource Graph (ARG) query as backend. There is dropdown presented to use to choose datetime value which is passed as parameter to ARG to filter results. It's expressed as {dateCreated:start} value in query. This works fine as long as there is something selected by user in dropdown, problem is that if nothing is selected in datetime field then condition essentially becomes coalesce(todatetime(),todatetime('2016-11-09T02:53:17.4582226Z')) which obviously fails validation logic since todatetime() expects something being passed to it. Is there something in KQL which will allow to overcome this?
| where type == 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
| where tags['datecreated'] > coalesce(todatetime({dateCreated:start}),todatetime('2016-11-09T02:53:17.4582226Z') )
iff() and isempty() will do the trick for you:
| where type == 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
| where tags['datecreated'] > iff(isempty({dateCreated:start}), todatetime('2016-11-09T02:53:17.4582226Z'), todatetime({dateCreated:start}))

Rally custom list query not working on string custom field

I have a custom field being added on user story (HierarchicalRequirement) level.
The WSAPI documentation shows the following details for the field:
Required false
Type string
Max Length 32,768
Sortable true
Explicit Fetch false
Query Expression Operators contains, !contains, =, !=
When trying to create a report using Custom List to identify user stories where this field is empty, I add (c_CustomFieldName = "") to the query.
And yet, the result shows rows where this field is not empty.
How can that be?
I tried querying on null, but it didn't work.
thx in advance
What you're doing should work- are you getting errors, or just incorrect data? It almost seems like it's ignoring your query altogether.
I tried to repro both with the custom list app and against wsapi directly and the following all worked as expected:
(c_CustomText = "") //empty
(c_CustomText = null) //empty
(c_CustomText != "") //non-empty
(c_CustomText != null) //non-empty
It's possible you're running into some weird data-specific edge case in your data. It may be worth following up with support.

Add field/string length to logstash event

I'm trying to add a string length field to an index. Ideally, I'd like to use the kibana script feature as I can 'add' this field later but I keep getting a null_pointer_exception with the following code... I'm trying to sort in a visualization based on the fields length.
doc['field'].value ? doc['field'].length() : 0
Is this correct?
I thought it was because my field isn't always set (sparse data), but I added the ?:0 to combat that (which didn't work)
Any ideas?
You can define an scripted field in Kibana, of type int, language painless, and try this:
return (doc['field'].value != null? doc['field'].value.length(): 0);

Using a filter in part of a string

I have a filter that formats a number based on what stat type it is (percent, integer, currency, etc). I want to use this filter on a value as part of a string. See below:
v-on:click="this.selectedReportId = key"
:selected="this.selectedReportId == key"
:stat="report.current | stat report.statType"
:description="'Previous value: '+(report.past | stat report.statType)">
As you can see in the :stat parameter, I can use the filter if it is the only thing in the expression. But when it tries to evaluate the :description parameter, I get Error when evaluating expression. Is it possible to use a filter in this way?
It's been very long since the question was asked, but if someone searches, I happen to know the solution.
First there is a way to call a filter from inside the vue component. Actually all filters are stored in the
collection. So if you want to call a filter from inside the component you should do
this.$options.filters.stat(report.past, report.statType)
And if you want to do the same from the markup, you should also call filter not like filter (| syntax), but like the component method
v-on:click="this.selectedReportId = key"
:selected="this.selectedReportId == key"
:stat="report.current | stat report.statType"
:description="'Previous value: '+ $options.filters.stat(report.past, report.statType)">
Or, better, with template string
:description = "`Previous value: ${$options.filters.stat(report.past, report.statType)}`"
The filter is something available outside of the expression you are evaluating – so that's not going to work syntactially
I would use a computed property instead. For more information, see