using sparksql and spark dataframe How can we find the COLUMN NAME based on the minimum value in a row - sql

i have a dataframe df . its having 4 columns
| dist1 | dist2 | dist3 | dist4 |
| 42 | 53 | 24 | 17 |
output i want is
seems easy but i did not find any proper solution using dataframe or sparksql query

You may use least function as
select least(dist1,dist2,dist3,dist4) as min_dist
from yourTable;
For the opposite cases greatest may be used.
To detect column names the following maybe used to get rows
select inline(array(struct(42, 'dist1'), struct(53, 'dist2'),
struct(24, 'dist3'), struct(17, 'dist4') ))
42 dist1
53 dist2
24 dist3
17 dist4
and then min function may be applied to get dist4

Try this,
| A| B| C| D|
| 1| 2| 3| 4|
| 5| 4| 3| 1|
val temp_df = df.columns.foldLeft(df) { (acc: DataFrame, colName: String) => acc.withColumn(colName, concat(col(colName), lit(","+colName)))}
val minval = udf((ar: Seq[String]) => ar.min.split(",")(1))
val result = temp_df.withColumn("least", split(concat_ws(":",*),":")).withColumn("least_col", minval(col("least")))
| A| B| C| D| least|least_col|
|1,A|2,B|3,C|4,D|[1,A, 2,B, 3,C, 4,D]| A|
|5,A|4,B|3,C|1,D|[5,A, 4,B, 3,C, 1,D]| D|

RDD way and without udf()s.
scala> val df = Seq((1,2,3,4),(5,4,3,1)).toDF("A","B","C","D")
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [A: int, B: int ... 2 more fields]
scala> val df2 = df.withColumn("arr", array(*))
df2: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [A: int, B: int ... 3 more fields]
scala> val rowarr = df.columns
rowarr: Array[String] = Array(A, B, C, D)
scala> val rdd1 = x=> {val p = x.getAs[WrappedArray[Int]]("arr").toArray; val q=rowarr(p.indexWhere(_==p.min));Row.merge(x,Row(q)) })
rdd1: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = MapPartitionsRDD[83] at map at <console>:47
scala> spark.createDataFrame(rdd1,df2.schema.add(StructField("mincol",StringType))).show
| A| B| C| D| arr|mincol|
| 1| 2| 3| 4|[1, 2, 3, 4]| A|
| 5| 4| 3| 1|[5, 4, 3, 1]| D|

you can do something like,
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val cols = df.columns
val u1 = udf((s: Seq[Int]) => cols(s.zipWithIndex.min._2))
df.withColumn("res", u1(array("*")))

You could access the rows schema, retrieve a list of names out of there and access the rows value by name and then figure it out that way.
It would look roughly like this
row => {
val schema = row.schema
val fieldNames:List[String] = ??? //extract names from schema
fieldNames.foldLeft(("", 0))(???) // retrieve field value using it's name and retain maximum
This would yield a Dataset[String]


Replacing column values in pyspark by iterating through list

I have a pyspark data frame as
| ID|colA|colB |colC|
|ID1| 3|5.85 | LB|
|ID2| 4|12.67| RF|
|ID3| 2|20.78| LCM|
|ID4| 1| 2 | LWB|
|ID5| 6| 3 | LF|
|ID6| 7| 4 | LM|
|ID7| 8| 5 | RS|
My goal is to replace the values in ColC as for the values of LB,LWB,LF with x and so on as shown below.
x = [LB,LWB,LF]
y = [RF,LCM]
z = [LM,RS]
Currently I'm able to achieve this by replacing each of the values manually as in below code :
# Replacing the values LB,LWF,LF with x
df_new = df.withColumn('ColC',f.when((f.col('ColC') == 'LB')|(f.col('ColC') == 'LWB')|(f.col('ColC') == 'LF'),'x').otherwise(df.ColC))
My question here is that how can we replace the values of a column (ColC in my example) by iterating through a list (x,y,z) dynamically at once using pyspark? What is the time complexity involved? Also, how can we truncate the decimal values in ColB to 1 decmial place?
You can coalesce the when statements if you have many conditions to match. You can also use a dictionary to hold the columns to be converted, and construct the when statements dynamically using a dict comprehension. As for rounding to 1 decimal place, you can use round.
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
xyz_dict = {'x': ['LB','LWB','LF'],
'y': ['RF','LCM'],
'z': ['LM','RS']}
df2 = df.withColumn(
F.coalesce(*[F.when(F.col('colC').isin(v), k) for (k, v) in xyz_dict.items()])
F.round('colB', 1)
| ID|colA|colB|colC|
|ID1| 3| 5.9| x|
|ID2| 4|12.7| y|
|ID3| 2|20.8| y|
|ID4| 1| 2.0| x|
|ID5| 6| 3.0| x|
|ID6| 7| 4.0| z|
|ID7| 8| 5.0| z|
You can use replace on dataframe to replace the values in colC by passing a dict object for the mappings. And round function to limit the number of decimals in colB:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
replacement = {
"LB": "x", "LWB": "x", "LF": "x",
"RF": "y", "LCM": "y",
"LM": "z", "RS": "z"
df1 = df.replace(replacement, ["colC"]).withColumn("colB", F.round("colB", 1))
#| ID|colA|colB|colC|
#|ID1| 3| 5.9| x|
#|ID2| 4|12.7| y|
#|ID3| 2|20.8| y|
#|ID4| 1| 2.0| x|
#|ID5| 6| 3.0| x|
#|ID6| 7| 4.0| z|
#|ID7| 8| 5.0| z|
Also you can use isin function:
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, when
x = ['LB','LWB','LF']
y = ['LCM','RF']
z = ['LM','RS']
df = df.withColumn('ColC', when(col('colC').isin(x), "x")\
.otherwise(when(col('colC').isin(y), "y")\
.otherwise(when(col('colC').isin(z), "z")\
If you have a few lists with too many values in this way your complexity is less than blackbishop answer but in this problem his answer is easier.
You can try also with a regular expression using regexp_replace:
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
replacements = [
("(LB)|(LWB)|(LF)", "x"),
("(LCM)|(RF)", "y"),
("(LM)|(RS)", "z")
for x, y in replacements:
df = df.withColumn("colC", f.regexp_replace("colC", x, y))

Split a dataframe string column by two different delimiters

The following is my dataset:
The following is the code I have been trying to use
df.withColumn("item1", split(col("Itemcode"), "/").getItem(0)).withColumn("item2", split(col("Itemcode"), "/").getItem(1)).withColumn("item3", split(col("Itemcode"), "//").getItem(0))
But it fails when there is a double slash in between first and second item and also fails when there is a double slash between 2nd and 3rd item
Desired output is:
item1 item2 item3
DB9450 DB9450 AD9066
DA0002 DE2396 DF2345
GG7183 EB6693
TA444 B9X8X4
You can first replace the // with / then you can split.. Please try the below and let us know if worked
df_b = spark.createDataFrame([('DB9450//DB9450/AD9066',"a"),('DA0002/DE2396//DF2345',"a"),('HWC72',"a"),('GG7183/EB6693',"a"),('TA444/B9X8X4:7-2-',"a")],[ "reg","postime"])
| reg|postime|
|DB9450//DB9450/AD...| a|
|DA0002/DE2396//DF...| a|
| HWC72| a|
| GG7183/EB6693| a|
| TA444/B9X8X4:7-2-| a|
df_b = df_b.withColumn('split_col', F.regexp_replace(F.col('reg'), "//", "/"))
df_b = df_b.withColumn('split_col', F.split(df_b['split_col'], '/'))
df_b = df_b.withColumn('col1' , F.col('split_col').getItem(0))
df_b = df_b.withColumn('col2' , F.col('split_col').getItem(1))
df_b = df_b.withColumn('col2', F.regexp_replace(F.col('col2'), ":7-2-", ""))
df_b = df_b.withColumn('col3' , F.col('split_col').getItem(2))
| reg|postime| split_col| col1| col2| col3|
|DB9450//DB9450/AD...| a|[DB9450, DB9450, ...|DB9450|DB9450|AD9066|
|DA0002/DE2396//DF...| a|[DA0002, DE2396, ...|DA0002|DE2396|DF2345|
| HWC72| a| [HWC72]| HWC72| null| null|
| GG7183/EB6693| a| [GG7183, EB6693]|GG7183|EB6693| null|
| TA444/B9X8X4:7-2-| a|[TA444, B9X8X4:7-2-]| TA444|B9X8X4| null|
Processing the text as csv works well for this.
First, let's read in the text, replacing double backslashes along the way
Edit: Also removing everything after a colon
val items = """
""".replaceAll("//", "/").split(":")(0)
Get the max number of items in a row
to create an appropriate header
val numItems = items.split("\n").map(_.split("/").size).reduce(_ max _)
val header = (1 to numItems).map("Itemcode" + _).mkString("/")
Then we're ready to create a Data Frame
val df =
.option("ignoreTrailingWhiteSpace", "true")
.option("delimiter", "/")
.option("header", "true")
.csv(spark.sparkContext.parallelize((header + items).split("\n")).toDS)
.filter("Itemcode1 <> 'Itemcode'")
|Itemcode1|Itemcode2 |Itemcode3|
|DB9450 |DB9450 |AD9066 |
|DA0002 |DE2396 |DF2345 |
|HWC72 |null |null |
|GG7183 |EB6693 |null |
|TA444 |B9X8X4 |null |
Perhaps this is useful (spark>=2.4)-
split and TRANSFORM spark sql function will do the magic as below-
Load the provided test data
val data =
val stringDS = data.split(System.lineSeparator())
.map(_.split("\\|").map(_.replaceAll("""^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$""", "")).mkString("|"))
val df =
.option("sep", "|")
.option("inferSchema", "true")
.option("header", "true")
.option("nullValue", "null")
* +---------------------+
* |Itemcode |
* +---------------------+
* |DB9450//DB9450/AD9066|
* |DA0002/DE2396//DF2345|
* |HWC72 |
* |GG7183/EB6693 |
* |TA444/B9X8X4:7-2- |
* +---------------------+
* root
* |-- Itemcode: string (nullable = true)
Use split and TRANSFORM (you can run this query directly in pyspark)
df.withColumn("item_code", expr("TRANSFORM(split(Itemcode, '/+'), x -> split(x, ':')[0])"))
.selectExpr("item_code[0] item1", "item_code[1] item2", "item_code[2] item3")
* +------+------+------+
* |item1 |item2 |item3 |
* +------+------+------+
* |DB9450|DB9450|AD9066|
* |DA0002|DE2396|DF2345|
* |HWC72 |null |null |
* |GG7183|EB6693|null |
* |TA444 |B9X8X4|null |
* +------+------+------+

Join PySpark dataframes with unequal numbers of rows

I have two PySpark dataframe which are as given underneath
First is df1 which is given below:
| name| type|timestamp1|score|
|name1|type1|2012-01-10| 11|
|name2|type1|2012-01-10| 14|
|name3|type2|2012-01-10| 2|
|name3|type2|2012-01-17| 3|
|name1|type1|2012-01-18| 55|
|name1|type1|2012-01-19| 10|
Second is df2 which is given below:
| name| timestamp2|string1|string2|
|name1|2012-01-10 00:00:00| A| aa|
|name2|2012-01-10 00:00:00| A| bb|
|name3|2012-01-10 00:00:00| C| cc|
|name4|2012-01-17 00:00:00| D| dd|
|name3|2012-01-10 00:00:00| C| cc|
|name2|2012-01-17 00:00:00| A| bb|
|name2|2012-01-17 00:00:00| A| bb|
|name4|2012-01-10 00:00:00| D| dd|
|name3|2012-01-17 00:00:00| C| cc|
These two dataframes have one common column, i.e. name. Each unique value of name in df2 has unique values of string1 and string2.
I want to join df1 and df2 and form a new dataframe df3 such that df3 contains all the rows of df1 (same structure, numbers of rows as df1) but assigns values from columns string1 and string2 (from df2) to appropriate values of name in df1. Following is how I want the combined dataframe (df3) to look like.
| name| type|timestamp1|score|string1|string2|
|name1|type1|2012-01-10| 11| A| aa|
|name2|type1|2012-01-10| 14| A| bb|
|name3|type2|2012-01-10| 2| C| cc|
|name3|type2|2012-01-17| 3| C| cc|
|name1|type1|2012-01-18| 55| A| aa|
|name1|type1|2012-01-19| 10| A| aa|
How can I do get the above mentioned dataframe (df3)?
I tried the following df3 = df1.join("name", "string1", "string2") , on=["name"], how="left"). But that gives me a dataframe with 14 rows with multiple (duplicate) entries of rows.
You can use the below mentioned code to generate df1 and df2.
from pyspark.sql import *
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df1_Stats = Row("name", "type", "timestamp1", "score")
df1_stat1 = df1_Stats('name1', 'type1', "2012-01-10", 11)
df1_stat2 = df1_Stats('name2', 'type1', "2012-01-10", 14)
df1_stat3 = df1_Stats('name3', 'type2', "2012-01-10", 2)
df1_stat4 = df1_Stats('name3', 'type2', "2012-01-17", 3)
df1_stat5 = df1_Stats('name1', 'type1', "2012-01-18", 55)
df1_stat6 = df1_Stats('name1', 'type1', "2012-01-19", 10)
df1_stat_lst = [df1_stat1 , df1_stat2, df1_stat3, df1_stat4, df1_stat5, df1_stat6]
df1 = spark.createDataFrame(df1_stat_lst)
df2_Stats = Row("name", "timestamp2", "string1", "string2")
df2_stat1 = df2_Stats("name1", "2012-01-10 00:00:00", "A", "aa")
df2_stat2 = df2_Stats("name2", "2012-01-10 00:00:00", "A", "bb")
df2_stat3 = df2_Stats("name3", "2012-01-10 00:00:00", "C", "cc")
df2_stat4 = df2_Stats("name4", "2012-01-17 00:00:00", "D", "dd")
df2_stat5 = df2_Stats("name3", "2012-01-10 00:00:00", "C", "cc")
df2_stat6 = df2_Stats("name2", "2012-01-17 00:00:00", "A", "bb")
df2_stat7 = df2_Stats("name2", "2012-01-17 00:00:00", "A", "bb")
df2_stat8 = df2_Stats("name4", "2012-01-10 00:00:00", "D", "dd")
df2_stat9 = df2_Stats("name3", "2012-01-17 00:00:00", "C", "cc")
df2_stat_lst = [
df2 = spark.createDataFrame(df2_stat_lst)
It would be better to remove duplicates before joining , making small table to join.
df3 = df1.join("name", "string1", "string2").distinct(),on=["name"] , how="left")
Apparently the following technique does it:
df3 = df1.join("name", "string1", "string2"), on=["name"], how="left"
| name| type| timestamp|score|string1|string2|
|name2|type1|2012-01-10| 14| A| bb|
|name3|type2|2012-01-10| 2| C| cc|
|name1|type1|2012-01-18| 55| A| aa|
|name1|type1|2012-01-10| 11| A| aa|
|name3|type2|2012-01-17| 3| C| cc|
|name1|type1|2012-01-19| 10| A| aa|
I am still open for answers. So, if you have a more efficient method of answering the question, please feel free to drop your answer.

PySpark - Get index of row from UDF

I have a dataframe, I need to get the row number / index of the specific row. I would like to add a new row such that it includes the Letter as well as the row number/index eg. "A - 1","B - 2"
#sample data
a= sqlContext.createDataFrame([("A", 20), ("B", 30), ("D", 80)],["Letter", "distances"])
with output
| A| 20|
| B| 30|
| D| 80|
I would like the new out put to be something like this,
| A| 20|A - 1|
| B| 30|B - 2|
| D| 80|D - 3|
This is a function I have been working on
def cate(letter):
return letter + " - " + #index
a.withColumn("index", cate(a["Letter"])).show()
Since you want to achieve the result using UDF (only) let's try this
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, monotonically_increasing_id
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
#sample data
a= sqlContext.createDataFrame([("A", 20), ("B", 30), ("D", 80)],["Letter", "distances"])
def cate(letter, idx):
return letter + " - " + str(idx)
cate_udf = udf(cate, StringType())
a = a.withColumn("temp_index", monotonically_increasing_id())
a = a.\
withColumn("index", cate_udf(a.Letter, a.temp_index)).\
Output is:
|Letter|distances| index|
| A| 20| A - 0|
| B| 30|B - 8589934592|
| D| 80|D - 8589934593|
This should work
df = spark.createDataFrame([("A", 20), ("B", 30), ("D", 80)],["Letter", "distances"])
spark.sql("select concat(Letter,' - ',row_number() over (order by Letter)) as num, * from df").show()
| num|Letter|distances|
|A - 1| A| 20|
|B - 2| B| 30|
|D - 3| D| 80|

Adding an extra column that represents the difference between the closest difference of a previous column

My scenario might be more easily explained through an example. Say I had the following data:
Type Time
A 1
B 3
A 5
B 9
I want to add an extra column to each row that represents the minimum absolute value difference between all columns of the same type. So for the first row, the minimum difference between all times of type A is 4, so the value would be 4 for columns 1 and 3, and likewise, 6 for columns 2 and 4.
I am doing this in Spark and Spark SQL, so guidance there would be more useful, but if it needs to be explained through plain SQL, that would be a great help as well.
One possible approach is to use window functions.
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{lag, min, abs}
val df = Seq(
("A", -10), ("A", 1), ("A", 5), ("B", 3), ("B", 9)
).toDF("type", "time")
First lets determine difference between consecutive rows sorted by time:
// Partition by type and sort by time
val w1 = Window.partitionBy($"Type").orderBy($"Time")
// Difference between this and previous
val diff = $"time" - lag($"time", 1).over(w1)
Then find minimum over all diffs for a given type:
// Partition by time unordered and take unbounded window
val w2 = Window.partitionBy($"Type").rowsBetween(Long.MinValue, Long.MaxValue)
// Minimum difference over type
val minDiff = min(diff).over(w2)
df.withColumn("min_diff", minDiff).show
// +----+----+--------+
// |type|time|min_diff|
// +----+----+--------+
// | A| -10| 4|
// | A| 1| 4|
// | A| 5| 4|
// | B| 3| 6|
// | B| 9| 6|
// +----+----+--------+
If your goal is to find a minimum distance between current row and any other row in a group you can use a similar approach
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{lead, when}
// Diff to previous
val diff_lag = $"time" - lag($"time", 1).over(w1)
// Diff to next
val diff_lead = lead($"time", 1).over(w1) - $"time"
val diffToClosest = when(
diff_lag < diff_lead || diff_lead.isNull,
df.withColumn("diff_to_closest", diffToClosest)
// +----+----+---------------+
// |type|time|diff_to_closest|
// +----+----+---------------+
// | A| -10| 11|
// | A| 1| 4|
// | A| 5| 4|
// | B| 3| 6|
// | B| 9| 6|
// +----+----+---------------+
tested in sql server 2008
create table d(
type varchar(25),
Time int
insert into d
values ('A',1),
--solution one, calculation in query, might not be smart if dataset is large.
select *
, (select max(time) m from d as i where i.type = o.type) - (select MIN(time) m from d as i where i.type = o.type) dif
from d as o
--or this
select d.*, diftable.dif from d inner join
(select type, MAX(time) - MIN(time) dif
from d group by type ) as diftable on d.type = diftable.type
You should try something like this:
val sc: SparkContext = ...
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._
val input = sc.parallelize(Seq(
("A", 1),
("B", 3),
("A", 5),
("B", 9)
val df = input.groupByKey().flatMap { case (key, values) =>
val smallestDiff = values.toList.sorted match {
case firstMin :: secondMin :: _ => secondMin - firstMin
case singleVal :: Nil => singleVal // Only one record for some `Type`
} { value =>
(key, value, smallestDiff)
}.toDF("Type", "Time", "SmallestDiff")
| A| 1| 4|
| A| 5| 4|
| B| 3| 6|
| B| 9| 6|