Sub fails to find long sentences if there is not a space between the period and endnote citations (superscripts) - vba

I have a simple loop (below) that looks for sentences over 30 words long. If found, it adds a comment box to the selected sentence. It worked fine in testing. Then I added some test endnote citations...and it fails to find the long sentences.
However, it only fails when there is no space between the period and the citation superscript. If I add a space, it finds it and works perfectly. The problem is, there is not suposed to be a space between the period and the citation, per the style guide I have to follow at work.
This related Stack thread discusses the need for a space after a period to delineate the end of a sentence. I am assuming the space must be directly after the period, because I have spaces in my citations like this 1, 2, 3
How can I find instances of period+superscript (with no space like this --> This is a sentence.1, 2, 3) and add a space? Ideally I would like this to happen within the below loop so I can remove the space after the comment gets added.
Sub Comment_on_Long_Sentences ()
Dim iWords as Integer
iWords = 0
For Each MySent in ActiveDocument.Sentences
If MySent.Words.Count > iWords Then
'find and delete space
ActiveDocument.Comments.Add Range:= Selection.Range, Text:= "Long Sentence: " & iWords & " words"
'put the space back
End if
Next MySent
End Sub

There appears to be issues in VBA when trying to access Sentences that end with a superscript character. Your code also has problems with non-declared variables, so I have no idea how it ever worked for you in the first place.
Try this following VBA routine, it works in my environment. Also notice the special handling that I found is required for 1st sentences in paragraphs and when that sentence ends with a superscript character.
Sub Comment_on_Long_Sentences()
Dim doc As word.Document, rng As word.Range, para As word.Paragraph
Dim i As Long
Set doc = ActiveDocument
For Each para In doc.Paragraphs
Debug.Print para.Range.Sentences.Count
For i = 1 To para.Range.Sentences.Count
Set rng = para.Range.Sentences(i)
If i = 1 And rng.Characters.First.Font.Superscript = True Then
rng.MoveStart word.WdUnits.wdSentence, Count:=-1
End If
If rng.words.Count > 30 Then
doc.Comments.Add Range:=rng, Text:="Long Sentence: " & rng.words.Count & " words"
End If
End Sub

Here is an alternative solution. Note the option explicit at the start. Its good VBA practice to put this at the top of every module.
The problem you have is very common. Find something then rather than do a replace, do some other non replace related stuff. The subs to add and remove spaces before citations implement this pattern and are well worth studying.
If you don't understand anything then in the VBA IDE just put your cursor on the relevant keyword and press F1. This will bring up the relevant MS help page.
Option explicit
Sub Comment_on_Long_Sentences()
Dim iWords As Integer
Dim my_sentence As Variant
iWords = 30
For Each my_sentence In ActiveDocument.Sentences
If my_sentence.Words.Count > iWords Then
my_sentence.Comments.Add Range:=my_sentence, Text:="Long Sentence: " & iWords & " words"
End If
Next my_sentence
End Sub
Sub AddSpaceBeforeCitations()
With ActiveDocument.Content
With .Find
.Format = True
.Text = ""
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Font.Superscript = True
End With
Do While .Find.Found
With .Previous(unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1).characters
If .Last.Text = "." Then
.Last.Text = ". "
End If
End With
.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd
.Move unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
End With
End Sub
Sub RemoveSpaceBeforeCitations()
With ActiveDocument.Content
With .Find
.Format = True
.Text = ""
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Font.Superscript = True
End With
Do While .Find.Found
With .Previous(unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=2).characters
If (.Last.Text = ".") Then
.Last.Next(unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1).characters.Last.Text = vbNullString
End If
End With
.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd
.Move unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
End With
End Sub

No matter what approach you take, any code that relies on the VBA .Sentence property or .Word property is going to produce unreliable results. That's because .Sentence has no idea what a grammatical sentence and .Word has no idea what a grammatical word is. For example, consider the following:
Mr. Smith spent $1,234.56 at Dr. John's Grocery Store, to buy 10.25kg of potatoes, 10kg of avocados, and 15.1kg of Mrs. Green's Mt. Pleasant macadamia nuts.
For you and me, that would count as one, 26-word sentence; for VBA it counts as 5 sentences containing 45 words overall. For an accurate word count, use .ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticWords). Sadly there is no .ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticSentences) equivalent for sentences.


How to print row of found string?

I'd like to find several strings within Word document and for each string found, I like to print (debug.print for example) the whole row content where the string is found, not the paragraph.
How can I do this? Thanks
Sub FindStrings
Dim StringsArr (1 to 3)
StringsArr = Array("string1","string2","string3")
For i=1 to 3
.Text = Strings(i)
Debug.Print CurrentRow 'here I need help
End With
End Sub
The term Row in Word is used only in the context of a table. I assume the term you mean is Line, as in a line of text.
The Word object model has no concept of "line" (or "page") due to the dynamic layout algorithm: anything the user does, even changing the printer, could change where a line or a page breaks over. Since these things are dynamic, there's no object.
The only context where "line" can be used is in connection with a Selection. For example, it's possible to extend a Selection to the start and/or end of a line. Incorporating this into the code in the question it would look something like:
Sub FindStrings()
Dim StringsArr As Variant
Dim bFound As Boolean
Dim rng As Word.Range
Set rng = ActiveDocument.content
StringsArr = Array("string1", "string2", "string3")
For i = LBound(StringsArr) To UBound(StringsArr)
With rng.Find
.Text = StringsArr(i)
.Wrap = wdFindStop
bFound = .Execute
'extend the selection to the start and end of the current line
Do While bFound
Selection.MoveStart wdLine, -1
Selection.MoveEnd wdLine, 1
Debug.Print Selection.Text
rng.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
bFound = .Execute
End With
Set rng = ActiveDocument.content
End Sub
Since it's easier to control when having to loop numerous times, a Range object is used as the basic search object, rather than Selection. The found Range is only selected for the purpose of getting the entire line as these "Move" methods for lines only work on a Selection.
Before the loop can continue, the Range (or, if we were working with a selection, the selection) needs to be "collapsed" so that the code does not search and find the same instance of the search term, again. (This is also the reason for Wrap = wdFindStop).

Removing characters from the start of multiple style paragraph in VBA for Word

This is a follow-up question to my question (How to search/find for multiple format styles in VBA for Word?). This time instead of inserting a text to the beginning of each heading, we want to remove a few characters from the start of each heading after navigating to a heading titled 'Appendix'.
Trying to get rid of the first number along with the following white space or a period for multi-style paragraphs. For example, we would have headings with '4 Appendix A', '5.1 Intro', '10.2.3 Glossary...', which would be renamed to 'Appendix A', '1 Intro', '2.3 Glossary...'.
I removed the Selection.TypeText Text:=" *Test* " Selection.MoveStart wdParagraph, 1 lines after navigating to the Appendix section and replaced Selection.TypeText Text:=" *Test* " in the If found Then statement with the code seen below.
`If found Then
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine
If IsNumeric(Selection.Characters(2) = True) Then
Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=3
Selection.MoveStart wdParagraph, 1
ElseIf IsNumeric(Selection.Characters(1) = True) Then
Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=2
Selection.MoveStart wdParagraph, 1
Selection.MoveStart wdParagraph, 1
End If
End If`
Getting run-time error '5941' - The requested member of the collection does not exist. If IsNumeric(Selection.Characters(2) = True) Then seems to be the cause of the error. If I change the '2' to a '1' and Count:=3 to Count:=2 in the If statement and '1' to a '2' and Count:=2 to Count:=3 in theElseIf, then the code is executable. This is a problem because it doesn't recognize theElseIf` and only deletes 2 characters for a double-digit number leaving an unwanted white-space or period, i.e., '.2.3 Glossary...' or ' Appendix G'.
The reason for the error 5941 due to Characters(2). This is not doing what you imagine. That gets the second character, only, from the selection, not two characters. And the selection is a blinking insertion point so does not contain two characters. The error says: You're telling me to get the second character, but there aren't two characters, so I can't give you what you require.
Another problem in that line (that you're not seeing, yet): The parenthesis should be before the =, not after the True: If IsNumeric(Selection.Characters(2)) = True.
Since it's necessary to test multiple characters, the selection (or Range) needs to be extended. Word VBA offers a number of "Move" methods; the equivalent to holding Shift and pressing right-arrow on the keyboard is MoveEnd, and there are variations of this such as MoveEndWhile and MoveEndUntil that allow you to specify conditions. Optionally, these can return the number of characters that were moved (as done in the code below).
The following approach uses MoveEndWhile to first get numeric characters (until the next is no longer numeric): MoveEndWhile("0123456789", wdForward)... Followed by extending until the next character is no longer a ..
This Range is then deleted. (There's also a Debug.Print line in there to print out the content of the Range and the number of characters moved, in case that information interests you - just remove the comment mark ').
Note that I've included the entire code, in case others are interested in seeing it in its entirety. The parts from the previous question that are no longer relevant have been removed. You'll find the new part marked as '''NEW CODE HERE.
Sub AppendixFix()
' Declaring variables
Dim multiStyles As String, i As Integer
Dim aStyleList As Variant
Dim counter As Long, s As String, found As Boolean
Dim rngStart As Range
multiStyles = "Heading 1,Heading 2,Heading 3,Heading 4,Heading 5,Heading 6,Heading 7,Heading 8,Heading 9"
aStyleList = Split(multiStyles, ",")
' Start at the top of document and clear find formatting
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory
' Navigate to Appendix section = ActiveDocument.styles("Heading 1")
With Selection.Find
.Text = "Appendix"
.Forward = True
.wrap = wdFindStop
.Format = True
End With
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine
Set rngStart = Selection.Range.Duplicate
' Loop through all the styles in the list
For counter = LBound(aStyleList) To UBound(aStyleList)
'Loop as long as the style is found
s = aStyleList(counter)
With Selection.Find
.style = ActiveDocument.styles(s)
.Text = "^p"
.Forward = True
.wrap = wdFindStop
.Format = True
found = .Execute
End With
Dim rngStartOfLine As Range
Dim charsMovedNumeric As Long, charsMovedDot
If found Then
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine
Set rngStartOfLine = Selection.Range
charsMovedNumeric = rngStartOfLine.MoveEndWhile("0123456789", wdForward)
charsMovedDot = rngStartOfLine.MoveEndWhile(".")
'Debug.Print rngStartOfLine, charsMovedNumeric, charsMovedDot
Selection.MoveStart wdParagraph, 1
End If
If Selection.Start = ActiveDocument.content.End - 1 Then
'End of Document, then loop to next style in list
Exit For
End If
Loop Until found = False
'start back at the Appendix for the next style
End Sub

Iterate through paragraphs and trim spaces in MS Word

I need to create a macros which removes whitespaces and indent before all paragraphs in the active MS Word document. I've tried following:
For Each p In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
p.Range.Text = Trim(p.range.Text)
Next p
which sets macros into eternal loop. If I try to assign string literal to the paragraphs, vba always creates only 1 paragraph:
For Each p In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
p.Range.Text = "test"
Next p
I think I have a general misconception about paragraph object. I would appreciate any enlightment on the subject.
The reason the code in the question is looping is because replacing one paragraph with the processed (trimmed) text is changing the paragraphs collection. So the code will continually process the same paragraph at some point.
This is normal behavior with objects that are getting deleted and recreated "behind the scenes". The way to work around it is to loop the collection from the end to the front:
For i = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.Count To 1 Step -1
Set p = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(i)
p.Range.Text = Trim(p.Range.Text)
That said, if the paragraphs in the document contain any formatting this will be lost. String processing does not retain formatting.
An alternative would be to check the first character of each paragraph for the kinds of characters you consider to be "white space". If present, extend the range until no more of these characters are detected, and delete. That will leave the formatting intact. (Since this does not change the entire paragraph a "normal" loop works.)
Sub TestTrimParas()
Dim p As Word.Paragraph
Dim i As Long
Dim rng As Word.Range
For Each p In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
Set rng = p.Range.Characters.First
'Test for a space or TAB character
If rng.Text = " " Or rng.Text = Chr(9) Then
i = rng.MoveEndWhile(" " + Chr(9))
Debug.Print i
End If
Next p
End Sub
You could, of course, do this in a fraction of the time without a loop, using nothing fancier than Find/Replace. For example:
Find = ^p^w
Replace = ^p
Find = ^w^p
Replace = ^p
As a macro this becomes:
Sub Demo()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveDocument.Range
.InsertBefore vbCr
With .Find
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
.Format = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.Text = "^p^w"
.Replacement.Text = "^p"
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
.Text = "^w^p"
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
.Characters.First.Text = vbNullString
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Note also that trimming text the way you're doing is liable to destroy all intra-paragraph formatting, cross-reference fields, and the like; it also won't change indents. Indents can be removed by selecting the entire document and changing the paragraph format; better still, modify the underlying Styles (assuming they've been used correctly).
Entering "eternal" loop is a bit unpleasant. Only Chuck Norris can exit one. Anyway, try to make a check before trimming and it will not enter:
Sub TestMe()
Dim p As Paragraph
For Each p In ThisDocument.Paragraphs
If p.Range <> Trim(p.Range) Then p.Range = Trim(p.Range)
Next p
End Sub
As has been said by #Cindy Meister, I need to prevent endless creation of another paragraphs by trimming them. I bear in mind that paragraph range contains at least 1 character, so processing range - 1 character would be safe. Following has worked for me
Sub ProcessParagraphs()
Set docContent = ActiveDocument.Content
' replace TAB symbols throughout the document to single space (trim does not remove TAB)
docContent.Find.Execute FindText:=vbTab, ReplaceWith:=" ", Replace:=wdReplaceAll
For Each p In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
' delete empty paragraph (delete operation is safe, we cannot enter enternal loop here)
If Len(p.range.Text) = 1 Then
' remove whitespaces
Set thisRg = p.range
' shrink range by 1 character
thisRg.MoveEnd wdCharacter, -1
thisRg.Text = Trim(thisRg.Text)
End If
p.LeftIndent = 0
p.FirstLineIndent = 0
With Selection
End With
End Sub
I saw a number of solutions here are what worked for me. Note I turn off track changes and then revert back to original document tracking status.
I hope this helps some.
Option Explicit
Public Function TrimParagraphSpaces()
Dim TrackChangeStatus: TrackChangeStatus = ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions
ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = False
Dim oPara As Paragraph
For Each oPara In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges(wdMainTextStory).Paragraphs
Dim oRange As Range: Set oRange = oPara.Range
Dim endRange, startRange As Range
Set startRange = oRange.Characters.First
Do While (startRange = Space(1))
startRange.Delete 'Remove last space in each paragraphs
Set startRange = oRange.Characters.First
Set endRange = oRange
' NOTE: for end range must select the before last characted. endRange.characters.Last returns the chr(13) return
endRange.SetRange Start:=oRange.End - 2, End:=oRange.End - 1
Do While (endRange = Space(1))
'endRange.Delete 'NOTE delete somehow does not work for the last paragraph
endRange.Text = "" 'Remove last space in each paragraphs
Set endRange = oPara.Range
endRange.SetRange Start:=oRange.End - 1, End:=oRange.End
ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = TrackChangeStatus
End Function

In microsoft word for replacing words with blanks

I want to make a macro that will do the following:
Highlight every nth selection.
Check that selection to ensure it is a word (and not numerical or punctuation).
Cut the word and paste it into another document.
Replace the word with a blank space.
Repeat until the end of the document.
The hard part is checking a selection to validate that it is indeed a word and not something else.
I found some code written by someone else that might work, but I don't understand how to implement it in my macro with the rest of the commands:
Function IsLetter(strValue As String) As Boolean
Dim intPos As Integer
For intPos = 1 To Len(strValue)
Select Case Asc(Mid(strValue, intPos, 1))
Case 65 To 90, 97 To 122
IsLetter = True
Case Else
IsLetter = False
Exit For
End Select
End Function
Sub Blank()
Dim OriginalStory As Document
Set OriginalStory = ActiveDocument
Dim WordListDoc As Document
Set WordListDoc = Application.Documents.Add
sPrompt = "How many spaces would you like between each removed word?"
sTitle = "Choose Blank Interval"
sDefault = "8"
sInterval = InputBox(sPrompt, sTitle, sDefault)
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory
Do Until Selection.Bookmarks.Exists("\EndOfDoc") = True
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=sInterval, Extend:=wdMove
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
If IsLetter = True Then
Selection.TypeText Text:="__________ "
Selection.PasteAndFormat (wdFormatOriginalFormatting)
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=wdMove
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
End Sub
The function should sit 'above' the rest of the code right? But I get an error 'argument not optional' when I run it.
Any ideas or tips much appreciated.
I think the code below will do most of what you want. Note that some of the comments relate to the reasons for which I discarded some of your code while others may prove helpful in understanding the present version.
Sub InsertBlanks()
' 02 May 2017
Dim Doc As Document
Dim WordList As Document
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Interval As String, Inter As Integer
Dim Wd As String
' you shouldn't care which Window is active,
' though it probably is the one you want, anyway.
' The important thing is which document you work on.
' Windows(OriginalStory).Activate
Set Doc = ActiveDocument
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set WordList = Application.Documents.Add
' If you want to use all these variables you should also declare them.
' However, except for the input itself, they are hardly necessary.
' sPrompt = "How many spaces would you like between each removed word?"
' sTitle = "Choose Blank Interval"
' sDefault = "8"
Interval = InputBox("How many retained words would you like between removed words?", _
"Choose Blank Interval", CStr(8))
If Interval = "" Then Exit Sub
Loop While Val(Interval) < 4 Or Val(Interval) > 25
Inter = CInt(Interval)
' you can modify min and max. Exit by entering a blank or 'Cancel'.
' You don't need to select anything.
' Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory
Set Rng = Doc.Range(1, 1) ' that's the start of the document
' Set Rng = Doc.Bookmarks("James").Range ' I used another start for my testing
Do Until Rng.Bookmarks.Exists("\EndOfDoc") = True
Rng.Move wdWord, Inter
Wd = Rng.Words(1)
If Asc(Wd) < 65 Then
Inter = 1
Set Rng = Rng.Words(1)
With Rng
' replace Len(Wd) with a fixed number of repeats,
' if you don't want to give a hint about the removed word.
.Text = String(Len(Wd) - 1, "_") & " "
.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End With
With WordList.Range
If .Words.Count > 1 Then .InsertAfter Chr(11)
.InsertAfter Wd
End With
Inter = CInt(Interval)
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
In order to avoid processing non-words my above code tests, roughly, if the first character is a letter (ASCII > 64). This will preclude numbers and it will allow a lot of symbols. For example "€100" would be accepted for replacement but not "100". You may wish to refine this test, perhaps creating a function like you originally did. Another way I thought of would be to exclude "words" of less than 3 characters length. That would eliminate CrLf (if Word considers that one word) but it would also eliminate a lot of prepositions which you perhaps like while doing nothing about "€100". It's either very simple, the way I did it, or it can be quite complicated.
Variatus - thank you so much for this. It works absolutely perfectly and will be really useful for me.
And your comments are helpful for me to understand some of the commands you use that I am not familiar with.
I'm very grateful for your patience and help.

VBA Adding Single Quotes Around Text in Word

I have created the following to comma separate a list of numbers within a ms-word document. However, I also want to wrap each number with single qoutation marks - which I am struggling to get right. I have managed to wrap the first number however I cant execute it for the others. Each number is 12 digits long. Can someone assist?
Sub Macro1()
With Selection
.Find.Text = "^p"
.Find.Replacement.Text = ","
.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
.TypeText Text:="'"
.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=12
.TypeText Text:="'"
End With
End Sub
Alternative and quicker solution is to use wildcards for another find-replace. Complete code will look as follows:
Sub Macro1()
With Selection
'1st step- replacement paragraph marks into commas
.Find.Text = "^p"
.Find.Replacement.Text = ","
.Find.MatchWildcards = False
.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
'2nd step- adding single quotation marks
.Find.Text = "([0-9]{12})"
.Find.MatchWildcards = True
.Find.Replacement.Text = "'\1'"
.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
End Sub
You need to move the transformation outside of the With block, I think.
I am not a Word VBA expert, so this is an approach that uses common string functions, rather than replicating keyboard input. So, there are likely different approaches to accomplish the same task :) I suspect this is the "correct" way to do it, since it's generally advisable not to mimic "input" but rather to work directly with the objects.
Revised so that you do not need to physically "Select" the text
Note: this uses all text in the document, so you may need to modify.
Sub Test()
Dim doc As Document
Dim arr As Variant
Dim txtRange As Range
Dim i As Long
Set doc = ActiveDocument
Set txtRange = doc.Range(0, doc.Characters.Count)
'First, replace the paragraph breaks with commas
With txtRange.Find
.Text = "^p"
.Replacement.Text = ","
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
arr = Split(Left(txtRange.Text, Len(txtRange.Text) - 1), ",")
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
arr(i) = "'" & arr(i) & "'"
txtRange.Text = Join(arr, ",")
End Sub
I have confirmed absolutely that this is working. Please double-check that you have implemented the code correctly. Here is an example of some text which meets your description:
I select that text, and run the macro, stepping through it using F8. At the end of the With block, observe that the paragraph breaks have been replaced with commas:
After the For...Next loop has exited, I confirm using the Locals window, that the new array now contains numbers enclosed in single quotes:
The next line prints out those items from the array, and replaces the Selection.Text, confirmed:
I have re-worked my original code, and this runs really quickly over large data sets. I've now added in brackets at the start and end of the code too.
Sub TestN()
Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceQuotes = False
'Replace the paragraph breaks with commas and single quotes
With ActiveDocument.Range(0, ActiveDocument.Range.End - 1).Find
.Text = "^p"
.Replacement.Text = "','"
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceQuotes = True
'Cap body of data with single quotes and brackets
ActiveDocument.Content.Text = "('" & ActiveDocument.Range(0, ActiveDocument.Range.End - 1).Text & "')"
End Sub