Can a bot send messages automatically to a group without user interaction? - telegram-bot

I would like my bot to write updates in the group, without waiting for an update to arrive. Is that something possible?

Yes! You just need to make a call to the sendMessage method and specify the group id.
How to get your group id? Just send a random message in the group and extract the group id from the update object.


How do I check user by ID or Name?

I want to check if the message what I got comes form the particular user and I want to check him by his Name or ID, because for some users I don't know the Id yet. Is there a good way to do it?

Stripe: webhook events order

How should you handle the fact that events received via webhooks can be received in random order ?
For instance, given the following ordered event:
A: invoiceitem.created (with quantity of 1)
B: invoiceitem.updated (with quantity going from 1 to 3)
C: invoiceitem.updated (with quantity going from 3 to 2)
How do you make sure receiving C-A-B does not result in corrupted data (ie with a quantity of 2 instead of 3)?
You could reject the webhook if the previous_attributes in Event#data do not correspond to the current state, but then you are stuck if your local model was updated already, as you will never find yourself in the state expected by the webhook.
Or you can just use treat any webhook as a hint to retrieve and update an object. You just disregard the data sent by the webhook and always retrieve it.
Even if you receive events ordered as update/delete/create it should work, as update would in fact create the object, delete would delete it, and create would fail to retrieve the object and do nothing.
But it feels like a waste of resources to retrieve data each time when the webhook offers it as event data.
This question was asked before but the answers don't cover the above solutions.
If your application is sensitive to changes like this that can occur close in time, you really should just use the event as a signal to retrieve the object, as #koopajah noted in their comment. That's the only way to ensure you have the latest state.

Which datastructure should I use in Redis for a notification system?

I am trying to make a notification system with Redis rather than using MySQL which is what I use for the rest of the system. The reason for this is that I don't really need to save that much data so it can be saved in memory and I want it to be lightweight and fast.
The notifications will be kept temporarily. What I mean by that is that I do not want to save all notifications, but more like 50 latest unseen notifications for each user. So first thing I thought about was to use a linked list with a capped length of 50.
I would need to save this information for the notification:
So perhaps a JSON serialized string like this:
The notifications would be output like this on the client side:
Alexander commented on your post.
Alexander replied to your comment.
Where the type determines what kind of notification it is. I can handle "type" checks client side and output notification format accordingly. But here is the part I am having difficult with.
1) I need to be able to save the notifications in an ordered way so that I know which notification is newest.
2) I need to be able to know when a notification has been seen, so that it is not registered as not seen anymore.
3) I need to have a count of unseen notifications that I can show to the user. And If the user clicks on a notification, I need to mark that as a seen notification and decrement the count of unseen notifications.
4) I need to be able to mark all notifications as marked seen if the user wishes to do that.
5) I need to be able to get a subset of the notifications, whether seen or unseen, like an offset and limit on MySQL. For example, the user sees the newest 5 notifications, but he could click a next button and see the next 5, and the next 5 and so on.
I have no idea how to do all of this on Redis.
The key for the list or set could be user:1:notification. I know a list is sorted, and we can add and remove from the head and tail. But how do I achieve all these points?
1: You can use redis sorted sets (zset) operations and use timestamp as a score, and event id (or the entire event json) as a member.
ZADD my-set-key timestamp event-id
Then to get a page newest items you use zrevrange command. If you choose to use event id as a member, then you need additional structure to store event fields. I would recommend HSET eventid, field, value.
2: You can remove an item by member (event-id)
ZREM my-set-key event-id
3: Assuming your zset only keeps unseen, then you can use ZCARD to get size of the set
ZCARD my-set-key
4: You can remove an entire set in one shot using
DELETE my-set-key
5: You can paginate using zrange/zrevrange:
ZREVRANGE my-set-key start-position to-position
If you need to keep both seen and unseen items, then you need an extra zset where you only add, but don't remove once an item is seen

How to retrieve group notification_key or delete existing group?

Documentation is very poor concerning anything but the basic example and I cannot find how to retreive group notification_key or, alternatevly, delete a group using its notification_key_name and then create it again so that I could store its notification_key.
The reason I need this is that I forgot to store the notification_key the first time I created a group for a notification_key_name, for which I used a combination of app name and username. When I try to create a group with the same notification_key_name, I get a response that group already exists. I could probably change the key_name into something else (and in retrospect I should have used something like test-johndoe while testing), but it would be much better to somehow retreive the group key or just delete the entire group and create it again. How do I do that?

Can the target of a conversation receive messages from different initiators using the same conversation?

I like this article: because of the receive top (10000) into a table variable. Processing a table variable with 10000 messages would give me a giant boost in performance.
receive top (10000) message_type_name, message_body, conversation_handle<br>
from MySSBLabTestQueue<br>
into #receive
From reading, the receive provides messages given a single conversation_handle. I have 200+ stores all sending messages with the same message type and contract to the same server. Can I implement the server to get all the messages from these stores on a single call to receive?
A target can consolidate multiple conversations into few conversation groups, using the MOVE CONVERSATION. The RECEIVE restricts the result set to one single conversation group so moving many individual conversation into a single group can result in bigger result sets, as you desire.
For the records, initiators can also consolidate conversations using MOVE CONVERSATION, there is nothing role specific here. But initiators can also use the RELATED_CONVERSATION_GROUP clause of BEGIN DIALOG to start the conversation directly in the desired group, achieving consolidation and thus bigger result sets w/o having to use MOVE. This is useful because you can simply reverse the roles in the app, ie. instead of stores starting the dialogs with central server, have the central server start the dialogs with each store (thus reversing the roles) and the central server can start the dialogs in as few conversation groups as it likes, even 1. This removes the need to issue MOVE CONVERSATION.