Will BigQuery finish long running jobs with a destination table if my browser crashes / computer turns off? - google-bigquery

I frequently run BigQuery jobs in the web gui that take 30 minutes or more, saving the results into another table to view later.
Since I'm not waiting for the result to come soon, and not storing them in my computer's memory, it would be great if I could start a query and then turn off my computer, to come back the next day and look at the results in the destination table.
Will this work?
The same applies if my computer crashes, or browser runs out of memory, or anything else that causes me to lose my connection to Bigquery while the job is running.

The simple answer is yes, the processing takes place in the cloud, not on your browser. As long as you set a destination table, the results will be saved there or if not, you can check the query history to see if there were any issues which caused it not to be produced.
If you don't set a destination table it will save to a temporary table which may not be available if you don't return in time.
I'm sure someone can give you a much more detailed answer.

Even if you have not defined destination table - you still can access result of the query by checking Query History. You should locate your query in the list of presented queries and then expand respective item and locate value of Destination Table.
Note: this is not regular table - rather so called anonymous table that is being available for about 24 hours after query was executed
So, knowing that table you can just use it in whatever way you want - for example just simply query it as in below
FROM `yourproject._1e65a8880ba6772f612fbe6ff0eee22c939f1a47.anon9139110fa21b95d8c8729cf0bb6e4bb6452946d4`
Note: anonymous table is being "saved" in a "system" dataset that is started with underscore so you will not be able to see it in UI. Also table name startes with 'anon' which I believe states for 'anonymous'


Azure Data Factory - Rerun Failed Pipeline Against Azure SQL Table With Differential Date Filter

I am using ADF to keep an Azure SQL DB in sync with an on-prem DB. The on-prem DB is read only and the direction is one-way, from the Azure SQL DB to the on-prem DB.
My source table in the Azure SQL Cloud DB is quite large (10's of millions of rows) so I have the pipeline set to use an UPSERT (merge, trying to create a differential merge). I am using a filter on the Source table and the and the Filter Query has a WHERE condition that looks like this:
[HistoryDate] >= '#{formatDateTime(pipeline().parameters.windowStart, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm' )}'
AND [HistoryDate] < '#{formatDateTime(pipeline().parameters.windowEnd, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm' )}'
The HistoryDate column is auto-maintained in the source table with a getUTCDate() type approach. New records will always get a higher value and be included in the WHERE condition.
This works well, but here is my question: I am testing on my local machine before deploying to the client. When I am not working, my laptop hibernates and the pipeline rightfully fails because my local SQL Instance is "offline" during that run. When I move this to production this should not be an issue (computer hibernating), but what happens if the clients connection is temporarily lost (i.e, the client loses internet for a time)? Because my pipeline has a WHERE condition on the source to reduce the table size upsert to a practical number, any failure would result in a loss of any data created during that 5 minute window.
A failed pipeline can be rerun, but the run time would be different at that moment in time and I would effectively miss the block of records that would have been picked up if the pipeline had been run on time. pipeline().parameters.windowStart and pipeline().parameters.windowEnd will now be different.
As an FYI, I have this running every 5 minutes to keep the local copy in sync as close to real-time as possible.
Am I approaching this correctly? I'm sure others have this scenario and it's likely I am missing something obvious. :-)
Sorry to answer my own question, but to potentially help others in the future, it seems there was a better way to deal with this.
ADF offers a "Metadata-driven Copy Task" utility/wizard on the home screen that creates a pipeline. When I used it, it offers a "Delta Load" option for tables which takes a "Watermark". The watermark is a column for an incrementing IDENTITY column, increasing date or timestamp, etc. At the end of the wizard, it allows you to download a script that builds a table and corresponding stored procedure that maintains the values of each parameters after each run. For example, if I wanted my delta load to be based on an IDENTITY column, it stores the value of the max value of a particular pipeline run. The next time a run happens (trigger), it uses this as the MIN value (minus 1) and the current MAX value of the IDENTITY column to get the added records since the last run.
I was going to approach things this way, but it seems like ADF already does this heavy lifting for us. :-)

Controlling the updates in my Database

I came here today to see if someone could give me a suggestion to improve the way I update my database.
Here is the problem, I have one file that I store new scripts every time that I need to change something. For instance, let's say I need to add a new column in a table. I would add the following line in my file called script1.sql:
alter table CLIENTS
add AGE integer
After doing that, I am going to send it to a client with an updated application, and ask him to run script1.sql on his database. That works just fine for me.
The problem shows up when this file starts to get bigger, and the client needs to receive the new updates.
The client would run the script1.sql file again, but now with more updates. He will get errors indicating that a column named AGE already exists in the database.
The biggest problem is when I change the version of my application. If I update my application from Application1 to Application2, I also change the script from script1.sql to script2.sql.
Now, my client will need to run both to get to the correct version without conflicts. He will also get lots of errors, since almost everything from script1.sql was already processed in his database.
What I want is to eliminate the chance to face conflicts. This process has been working for me, but always causing some sort of trouble. Therefore, if anyone has any idea about how I could make it work better, please help me out.
Usually SQL provides something called IF EXISTS ( also IF NOT EXISTS) so eg you can write a statement such as:
Which will only create the users table if it hasn't already been created.
There is usually a variant of this that can be added to all your statements (including updates such as renaming columns etc).
Then if the table has already been added (or column updated etc) then it won't try to run that SQL command again - which means you can run the same file over and over as many times as you like.
(Note: this is called idempotency)
You will need to google for the details on how to use EXISTS for sql-server

How to create a Temporary Table using (Select * into ##temp from table) syntax(For MS SQL) using Pentaho data integration

When I am using the above syntax in "Execute row script" step...it is showing success but the temporary table is not getting created. Plz help me out in this.
Yes, the behavior you're seeing is exactly what I would expect. It works fine from the TSQL prompt, throws no error in the transform, but the table is not there after transform completes.
The problem here is the execution model of PDI transforms. When a transform is run, each step gets its own thread of execution. At startup, any step that needs a DB connection is given its own unique connection. After processing finishes, all steps disconnect from the DB. This includes the connection that defined the temp table. Once that happens (the defining connection goes out of scope), the temp table vanishes.
Note, that this means in a transform (as opposed to a Job), you cannot assume a specific order of completion of anything (without Blocking Steps).
We still don't have many specifics about what you're trying to do with this temp table and how you're using it's data, but I suspect you want its contents to persist outside your transform. In that case, you have some options, but a global temp table like this simply won't work.
Options that come to mind:
Convert temp table to a permanent table. This is the simplest
solution; you're basically making a staging table, loading it with a
Table Output step (or whatever), and then reading it with Table
Input steps in other transforms.
Write table contents to a temp file with something like a Text File
Output or Serialze to File step, then reading it back in from the
other transforms.
Store rows in memory. This involves wrapping your transforms in a
Job, and using the Copy Rows to Results and Get Rows from Results steps.
Each of these approaches has its own pros and cons. For example, storing rows in memory will be faster than writing to disk or network, but memory may be limited.
Another step it sounds like you might need depending on what you're doing is the ETL Metadata Injection step. This step allows you in many cases to dynamically move the metadata from one transform to another. See the docs for descriptions of how each of these work.
If you'd like further assistance here, or I've made a wrong assumption, please edit your question and add as much detail as you can.

BigQuery Table Not Found using the browser tool

I am using the Browser Tool to create a simple dataset with just 1 table with the following schema:
I am uploading the data using a comma separated csv file.
When I proceed to create the table I can see the new dataset and table in the left side column and next to Job History I see 1 running.
Nothing happens for a long time, even with a small csv file. When I click on the newly created table I get the error Table Not Found
When I refresh the page everything is gone, the dataset and the table.
This looks like some kind of bug, but as I am new with BigQuery I want to make sure I am not doing anything wrong.
If this is a bug, how can I skip it in order to be able to actually create a dataset with a table?
Any tip in the right direction will be much appreciated
If you look at the job history (in the top left corner), you should be able to see the load job that you ran. If it failed, it will show an error.
My assumption is that you ended up running this yesterday when our load jobs were temporarily backed up. When you run a load job, the UI shows a table placeholder, but the table won't actually exist until the load completes. That is why when you clicked on the table it showed as 'not found' since it hadn't really been created yet. That is also why it didn't show up when you reloaded.
We're in the process of increasing capacity by an order of magnitude, so that should be less likely to happen again.
If you do have jobs that failed that you think should have succeeded, please send the job ID and we can investigate.

How to resume data migration from the point where error happened in ssis?

I am migrating data from an Oracle database to a SQL server 2008 r2 database using SSIS. My problem is that at a certain point the package fails, say some 40,000 rows out of 100,000 rows. What can I do so that the next time when I run the package after correcting the errors or something, I want it to be restarted from the 40,001st row, i.e, the row where the error had occured.
I have tried using checkpoint in SSIS, but the problem is that they work only between different control flow tasks. I want something that can work on the rows that are being transferred.
There's no native magic I'm aware of that is going to "know" that it failed on row 40,000 and when it restarts, it should start streaming row 40,001. You are correct that checkpoints are not the answer and have plenty of their own issues (can't serialize Object types, loops restart, etc).
How you can address the issue is through good design. If your package is created with the expectation that it's going to fail, then you should be able to handle these scenarios.
There are two approaches I'm familiar with. The first approach is to add a Lookup Transformation in the Data Flow between your source and your destination. The goal of this is to identify what records exist in the target system. If no match is found, then only those rows will be sent on to destination. This is a very common pattern and will allow you to also detect changes between source and destination (if that is a need). The downside is that you will always be transferring the full data set out of the source system and then filtering rows in the data flow. If it failed on row 99,999 out of 1,000,000 you will still need to stream all 1,000,000 rows back to SSIS for it to find the 1 that hasn't been sent.
The other approach is to use a dynamic filter in your WHERE clause of your source. If you can make assumptions like the rows are inserted in order, then you can structure your SSIS package to look like Execute SQL Task where you run a query like SELECT COALESCE(MAX(SomeId), 0) +1 AS startingPoint FROM dbo.MyTable against the Destination database and then assign that to an SSIS variable (#[User::StartingId]). You then use an expression on your select statement from the Source to be something like "SELECT * FROM dbo.MyTable T WHERE T.SomeId > " + (DT_WSTR, 10) #[User::StartingId] Now when the data flow begins, it will start where it last loaded data. The challenge on this approach is finding those scenarios where you know data hasn't been inserted out of order.
Let me know if you have questions, need things better explained, pictures, etc. Also, above code is freehanded so there could be syntax errors but the logic should be correct.