Erlang/OTP upgrade lose existing RabbitMQ messages - rabbitmq

I had Erlang/OTP 17 and RabbitMQ Server 3.4.3 installed on my local windows box. Before upgrading to the newer versions in production, I wanted to give it a try on my local box to see if upgrade won't cause any problem. I am trying to upgrade them to the latest versions - Erlang/OTP 21 and RabbitMQ Server 3.7.8. When I do upgrade, I lost all my existing messages.
I had some existing messages in multiple queues. As soon as I upgraded Erlang/OTP (21), I see all my existing messages are gone. I even tried installing the newer RabbitMQ Server (3.7.8), still I don't see my old messages in the queues. I thought mnesia database would help in restoring the messages. I guess either I don't understand the concept or I am missing some settings.
I don't want our production clients complain about the messages being lost. I couldn't find much help online on this topic. But, surely RabbitMQ documentation talks about Blue-Green Deployment Strategy, never did that, so was not sure if that would help in our case, or it is an overkill and has a simpler solution. Also, want to add that I did all manual upgrade. If anyone know a better process of upgrade for single node without losing the existing messages, please guide and help me.

The documentation clearly states that you can't upgrade directly from version 3.4.3 to version 3.7.8: link. You must first upgrade to 3.6.16.
In your case, using a blue-green upgrade would be the only way to avoid having to first upgrade to version 3.6.16 prior to 3.7.8.


Has anyone identified issues when using Blue Prism version 6.2?

I am attempting to begin building an automation sequence for a client however they are only able to use Blueprism version 6.2 right now. Does anyone know of installing, coding, scheduling, or running issues with this version? Can you also link where the issue has been discussed/resolved?
Ensure they are using the latest patch level for 6.2 (which is 6.2.2) in order to ensure they do not experience issues around scheduling. Details will be available in the Release Notes for 6.2.2 on the Blue Prism portal.

Quorum migration to the latest version

I have a Quorum network setup with an older version where constellation is being used. I am trying to migrate the whole network to the latest version of Quorum.
I successfully migrated the constellation data to mysql using the tessera migration script provided in git.
But I am facing a typical problem when I am trying to migrate the data from geth i.e. the leveldb part. I copied the chaindata and lightchaindata folder from the old datadir/geth to new datadir/geth.
Now when I am trying to start the geth it is throwing an error stating that chainid cannot be used as 1, unfortunately the chainid of my existing network, which I want to migrate, is 1. I analysed the source code of the latest version of Quorum and found an explicit exception is thrown if the chainid is set as 1.
May you please help me to find a solution for this.
Still unanswered
I think the manual migration is the only option here.

Upgrading from Glassfish 2.1.1 to Glassfish 4.1

Can someone please enlighten me. I'm trying to upgrade my Glassfish 2.1.1 to Glassfish 4.1. I've decided to do a side by side install as indicated here:
Question are:
(1) What is "as-install"? There's no such directory as-install\bin in my extracted glassfish4 so I assumed it is the installation directory? Is it glassfish4\bin or glassfish4\glassfish\bin?
(2) I can't see the asupgrade.bat file in my glassfish 4.1 so I'm not able to proceed with the steps on the above link. I'm not sure if the version is related since the document specifically says "upgrade to GlassFish Server 3.1". I can see a pkg directory, and there's also an updatetool.bat. I can't run the upgrade tool though since I'm in a closed environment (no internet).
(3) Is it okay to just delete the Sun folder (for Sun Glassfish Enterprise Server v2.1.1) and replace it with the glassfish4 folder (for Glassfish4.1)? Then I will just run my updated installer that supports the new server. Fresh install works, however we also want to try upgrade.
(4) Assuming #3 is not possible, are there any other way?
Sorry to ask this here since I'm not familiar to any Oracle/Sun community. Google search' top results doesn't specifically answer these questions.
UPDATE: Apparently, I found a similar unanswered thread here: Where is the Glassfish 4 upgrade tool . Same issue, upgradetool is no where to be found. Also, tried to connecting to internet and I still can't update it via updatetool.bat.
UPDATE2: Apparently, updatetool.bat doesn't work for Glassfish4.1. I tried running it/installing it so that the upgradetool might be visible but it seems it can't download the application packages.

Is AMQP transport 3.6.2 compatible with Mule 3.7.*?

I've got some strange unexplained problems with a couple of apps after upgrading to Mule 3.7.0. I haven't conclusively proven that they fail because of anything to do with AMQP - the error messages are really nondescript and don't point the finger at any particular component, but AMQP is the only additional component I'm using, and although I see that it's been upgraded to 3.7.0-SNAPSHOT, that version doesn't seem to have been published anywhere yet.
Does anyone have experience running like this, either good, or bad?
The answer is yes, it's completely compatible.
As mentioned in my comment above, my problem was actually ApiKit which needed manually upgrading. Now my apps deploy and run correctly again on Mule 3.7.1

When do we get an "AssertionError: HDF dataset not available. Check your clearsilver installation"

I am trying to install a dbauth plugin for trac. I know that I probably should be chasing this on other trac and trac-hacks related forums but still I am wondering, why do one get this error? What exactly is happening?
In my case the dbauth plugin is trying to read things like: "trac_permissions" and "trac_users" from a sqlite or mysql database. I have checked the databases, the values are in there but neither of them work. clearsilver is installed and running as well.
So what is usually causing this error? Is it that the HDF parser is receiving wrong info? Please do not take this as a trac question, just explain me why these types of errors occur.
a Google Search should get you started. You should also consider an alternative, because DbAuth is deprecated.
What version of Trac are you running? Recent versions use Genshi instead of Clearsilver, which means that Clearsilver-based plugins likely won't work correctly (not without modifications, at least). According to the Trac wiki, Trac version 0.11 still had the infrastructure to support Clearsilver-based plugins, version 0.12 retained this support in an unsupported form (meaning use at your own risk, you're on your own if something doesn't work), and version 0.13 dropped support for Clearsilver-based plugins entirely. Unless you're still running an older Trac install that's version 0.10 or 0.11, I'm inclined to say that this problem is due to the phasing out of Clearsilver support.
According to this trac-hacks ticket, you may want to try re-compiling Clearsilver with the Python bindings (this would only be useful if you're running Trac 0.11 or older).