Running IIS Express in 32-bit crashes my ASP.NET Core web application -

I have an ASP.NET Core web application which I'm trying to run in 32-bit with IIS Express. I followed other guides and tips to make IIS run in 32-bit, but every time i try to run the application it crashes with the error message:
System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly. An
attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
I have tried the following:
Set the build and debug to run x86
And unchecked the Use the 64 bit version of IIS Express for web sites and projects
But my project still closes almost immediately with the error mention above. Is there a setting that I am forgetting about or something else I need to do before the project can run in 32-bit.
I'm using visual studio 2017 on Windows 10 with IIS Express version 10.0.14393.0 and AspNetCore 2.1


"Failed to launch debug adapter" when using x86 with Blazor

I am trying to debug Blazor WebAssembly App with ASP.NET hosted (Just basic template app) in x86.
App is normally running in case I use x64 platform for debugging. But if I switch all projects (Server,Client and Shared) to x86, and I start debugging, application do not load. It freezes on 12 MB of process memory and then i will get error
Failed to launch debug adapter.
Unable to launch browser
I am testing this with basic template to limit inpact of my code. I need 32 bit app, because I need to get data from old ODBC driver that is only 32 bit.
I have tried to run server without debugging
If using x64 I can access web
If using x84 I receive following error
HTTP Error 500.0 - ANCM In-Process Handler Load Failure
You are missing sdk 32 bit in your system.
You can download the last version via this link:
Using Visual Studio 2019 16.8.5 - Installing the SDK 32 bit fixed it for me immediately. I tried installing the 64 bit SDK first assuming that would be correct for my system but I was wrong - you need the 32bit version.

How to run a .NET Core Web App on Apache without Core Runtime?

I developed a web application in .NET Core in VS 2017 for Windows. I published it on Linux Mint using the independent mode (Self-contained deployment). How to run it on Apache without installing .Net Core runtime?
With Console App (Self-contained deployment) it's possible with this Linux command ./DllName.
I found the problem, the error was caused by a Visual Studio bug that generated dll in the wizard but was corrupted. publishing the application via cmd works. core compilation issue with VS2017 community edition

I have installed VS 2017 Community edition with below workload on my machine (Windows-7 64 bit).
ASP.Net and Web Development.
Azure Development
.Net Desktop Development.
.NET Core cross-platform development.
I'm getting error message as 'Unable to attach to application 'dotnet.exe' (PID:2472) using 'xxxx-user' The address is not valid for this context'
while compiling the simple core application.
Tried some workarounds like repairing the VS installation, deleting bin and obj folder still facing same issue.

Cannot run an ASP.NET Core app on IIS Express

I am working on an application using the ASP.NET Core - I am using latest update for VS2015 and Windows 10. Now I want to deploy some demo version to some other computer.
How can I host my ASP.NET Core application in IIS Express when there is NO VisualStudio installed on the other side? I downloaded the most recent IIS and Microsoft .NET Core SDK from the Microsoft's website. However, I am still getting this error in the event log:
Dynamickou knihovnu C:\Program Files\IIS Express\aspnetcore.dll modulu se nepodařilo načíst. Data obsahují chybu.
That is in czech "...the aspnetcore.dll is missing...".
The error message is definitely right, there is no such file in this folder nor in the x86 version.
Every hint how to fix it contains upgrading VisualStudio toolkit that is not suitable for me since there is no VisualStudio on target machine. If it is important, target machine is running Windows 7 or Server 2012.

Error Occurs to run local IIS in visual studio 2013 ultimate

I have configure the IIS server 8.5 in my windows 8.1. But when i tried to run my mvc project on Local IIS server an error occurs. A dialog box appears having the statement "cannot debug some of the code in process w3wp.exe[3276]. IntelliTrace code failed. The System cannot find the file specified. Managed (v4.5, v4.0) code succeeded"
What I supposed to do now?
Check your App Pool on your IIS is set to Enable 32bit Applications to True, Rebuild your Project and try again.