i'm trying to create a new project in react-native but I still can't because it ask me to choose a template for my project, when I choose blank template, it download it but it still can't extract it. it look like there's a problem with a file named 'zlib'. it's my first project in react-native and i'm new on it. please help me solve it! thanks.
Below is the screenshoot I got when execute the command 'create-react-native-app MoviesAndMe' in order to create a react-native app named 'MoviesAndMe'
I changed the name of a React Native/Expo app and wanted to change the slug to go with it, but got the error "CombinedError: [GraphQL] Experience with name '#-----/newName' does not exist". Using the old slug, it still works. Is there any way to rebuild the app with a different slug?
Just had this same problem.
Check your app.json and look for the field expo.extra.eas.projectId and delete it.
Now try to run your build again, a new projectId will be generated.
This seems to have worked for me, hope it helps.
I have no idea about this error, Can anyone help on this.
React Native application.
Try this
react-native link
Seems like your libraries are not linked correctly. You can check links by doing below steps in android side.
Check android/app/src/main/java/[...]/MainApplication.java. All of your linked libraries should be there. If not follow below steps (But you should have a clear idea about linked module)
Add import com.........Package; to the imports at the top of the file
Add new ReactNative.........Package() to the list returned by the getPackages() method
Add new ReactNative...........Package(MainActivity.class) to he list returned by the getPackages()method instead.
check whether the following lines are available in android/settings.gradle if not add it for link libraries
include ':react-native-...........'
project(':react-native-...........').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir,
'../node_modules/react-native-....your module path/androd')
Check whether the following lines are available in inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle. if not add it to link libraries.
compile project(':react-native-....yourpackage npm name')
Please be careful if you have no idea about linked modules.
When you run above 'react-native link' command, there will be some duplicate code segments in the above three files (only if some linked module not configured correctly). If there are any duplicate remove those as well.
This is the pixel union theme. I am trying to bundle the project using "stencil bundle" but I can't get the successful result. The error is occurring that the following templates are missing but I saw the original theme and found that there is not available the products folder in the original theme.
Please help me.
You should have all three of these files in your template:
Did you delete them by chance? They are certainly in Cornerstone.
I try to add external library to my current project, but my project can't pick up the library.
I have MyLib.java file in other directory.
I want to my current project (/home/project/HelloWorld/HellowWorld.java) to use my MyLib.java
I'm following the steps to add Library to Intellij(15CE)
Menu->Project Structure->Libraries
click (+) symbol->select Java -> select my path(/home/lib/)
Here is the screenshot
Now that you have added your JavaLib directory to the project you should be able to use the code inside JavaLib in your code now. Intellij should offer auto-complete when you start to type the name of a JavaLib class and automatically include the import for you in your code.
The disabled Apply button you circled isn't an issue. I get that in my view too. It just means nothing has changed that needs to be applied currently.
Forgive how simple this might sound but I'm stuck and need help. I am putting In App Purchases into may first app, which is not yet released. (So I'm very new)
I have been using a tutorial by Ray Wenderlich. I have just finished starting the Master Detail Application Template. Now it says I need to create a IAPHelper class which will be my class for the IAP the step I am on says to "create a file with the iOS\Cocoa Touch\Objective-C class template". However when I open Xcode and I select new project, I don't see this option. It has Single View Application etc.. the closest thing I see is Cocoa Touch Static Library.
Can someone tell me how I "create a file with the iOS\Cocoa Touch\Objective-C class template". I'm lost, do I do it from inside the Master Application Template? Or do I use some other template name like utility or empty application or Cocoa Touch Static Library? Or do I not have this in my version of Xcode? Or am I totally coming at this the wrong way? ahhhh!lol
I have Xcode 4.3.2
I know this is probably a no-brainer for some but not for me :(
Thanks for the help :)
In the current project you are working in, right click on a file and click "New File..." or go to File>New>File and then you will probably want a Objective-c class objection under Cocoa Touch
You need to do this in the same project which you have done till now. What you are trying to do is to create new project where as the tutorial is asking you to create new file. You have to do this in the same project which you are working on. In order to do that there is an option in file menu to add a new file to project.