How to access the instance of a component from another component? - vue.js

In a certain component A, I want to access $refs property (not sure if "property is the right term) of another component B. To do that, I need access to the instance of component B in order to obtain its $refs, sort of like that: instanceOfB.$refs
But how to access instanceOfB, that is, how to access instances of components?
For the record, the code I want to execute injects a new instance of a certain component (Button) into some sibling component (no parent-child relationship), so it's more complicated than simply passing a variable:
import Button from 'Button.vue'
import Vue from 'vue'
var ComponentClass = Vue.extend(Button)
var instance = new ComponentClass()


How I can get the slot name in which the component is rendered

I want to create a high order component which renders differently depending in which slot the component is. Is there any service where I can get the information in which slot the component is rendered?
You can inject the ancestor PageSlotComponent in your custom component and get the slot name by accessing its public property position$: Observable<string>:
export class CustomComponent {
constructor(#Optional() protected pageSlotComponent: PageSlotComponent) {}
slot$ = this.pageSlotComponent.position$;
In Angular you can inject the closest parent component of a given type, by passing it as a constructor dependency.
You might want to add #Optional() decorator if you plan to use your component outside the content slot (i.e. as a static component). It will help avoid crashing app in the runtime, but will just resolve PageSlotComponent instance safely to null.

Vuejs root and component structure

In the documents, the root element is created as follows:
const RootComponent = {
/* options */
const app = Vue.createApp(RootComponent)
const vm = app.mount('#app')
However, soon I realized createApp() can be left blank:
const app = Vue.createApp({})
app.component('component-a', {
/* ... */
In the second example, what is the root element? A default one?
A side question, I understand it is better to use props and $emit to pass data around, but is there any way to directly access a component through its $data?
Root Component is always app instance.
RootComponent variabile contains global options (property) for app Component. (Component Instance Properties)
About the side question, You should consider if the component handle application data (shared between different component inside your page) or local data between the component and it's parent.
In the first case is better to use a State Management Library as Vuex, otherwise you should use $emit to change parent data passed via props to the child component.

What is proper component composition and use of props in Vue.js?

I'm struggling with this concept in vue.js..
I'm assuming that a component in Vue is an entity with some (html) representation and internal data or state. The component can then change it's internal data based on user's interaction with the template and inform the 'outer world' about its internal changes via events.
But then to put the component in context of the application as a whole most components need to receive data from the 'outer world' which would be done via props. So for a component to be useful it most often needs to change not only it's internal state but also some data it was given from the outer context - but props cannot be mutated directly. The internal data is for the internal working of the component but the real purpose of a component is to transform the data in props.
Lets say we have a component which is, via props, given an object representing a user profile for instance. The role of the component is to let the user edit their profile.
- to avoid mutating the prop (or a subproperties of the prop), i'd add a local copy of the prop which the component could work with freely - but i'd also have to add a watch to update the local copy every time the prop gets updated by the parent via v-bind.
<input v-model=""/>
export default {
props: {
userProfile: {
type: Object,
required: true
data: function () {
return {
localUserProfile: this.userProfile
watch: {
userProfile (newVal) { this.localUserProfile = newVal }
I could replace the watch with a computed property based on the given prop and let the component work over the computed property but then where to assign the edited values? Use the computed property's setter and 'emit' on changes?
Both these cases seem like a lot of extra code for a very common and repetitive task. What are some other common approaches to this? Are any of my assumptions wrong?
You should not update the prop from the children component :
All props form a one-way-down binding between the child property and the parent one: when the parent property updates, it will flow down to the child, but not the other way around. This prevents child components from accidentally mutating the parent’s state, which can make your app’s data flow harder to understand.
In addition, every time the parent component is updated, all props in the child component will be refreshed with the latest value. This means you should not attempt to mutate a prop inside a child component. If you do, Vue will warn you in the console.
You can read more about it here
If you have no other solution than updating if from the children component, it might be worth thinking about a different data flow strategy or design. (Components Basics)

Dynamically instantiating a component in Vue.js

Following this tutorial, I'm trying to programmatically create instances of a component on my page.
The main snippet is this:
import Button from 'Button.vue'
import Vue from 'vue'
var ComponentClass = Vue.extend(Button)
var instance = new ComponentClass()
However I get two errors:
The component I'm trying to instantiate contains references to the store, and these don't work: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'state' of undefined".
For the last line of the snippet (this.$refs.container.appendChild(instance.$el)) I get this error: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'container' of undefined"
I'm really not sure how to troubleshoot this, if anyone strong in Vue.js could give me some hint as to why I'm getting these errors and to solve them that would be terrific.
1) Since you're manually instantiating that component and it doesn't belong to your main app's component tree, the store won't be automatically injected into it from your root component. You'll have to manually provide the store to the constructor when you instantiate the component ..
import ProjectRow from "./ProjectRow.vue";
import Vue from "vue";
import store from "../store";
let ProjectRowClass = Vue.extend(ProjectRow);
let ProjectRowInstance = new ProjectRowClass({ store });
2) In a Vue Single File Component (SFC), outside of the default export this doesn't refer to the Vue instance, so you don't have access to $refs or any other Vue instance property/method. To gain access to the Vue instance you'll need to move this line this.$refs.container.appendChild(instance.$el) somewhere inside the default export, for example in the mounted hook or inside one of your methods.
See this CodeSandbox for an example of how you may go about this.
This is another way to instantiate a component in Vue.js, you can use two different root elements.
// Instantiate you main app
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
message: 'Hello Vue!'
// Then instantiate your component dynamically
// Create a component or import it.
const Hello = {
props: ['text'],
template: '<div class="hello">{{ text }}</div>',
// Create a componentClass by Vue.
const HelloCtor = Vue.extend(Hello);
// Use componentClass to instantiate your component.
const vm = new HelloCtor({
propsData: {
text: 'HI :)'
// then mount it to an element.
It works by assigning "this" to the property "parent". By setting the parent you also have access to the $store in the new instance. (Provided that "this" is another Vue instance/Component and already has access to the store, of course)
new (Vue.extend(YourNewComponent))({
parent: this,
propsData: {
whatever: 'some value',
If you don't need the reference to the parent, you can just leave "parent: this," out.
Important note: When mounting many (like 500+) items on the page this way you will get a huge performance hit. It is better to only give the new Component the necessary stuff via props instead of giving it the entire "this" object.
I went down this path, following all the examples above, and even this one:
While I got far, and it works (I made a lot of components this way), at least for my case, it came with drawbacks. For example I'm using Vuetify at the same time, and the dynamically added components didn't belong to the outer form, which meant that while local (per component) validation worked, the form didn't receive the overall status. Another thing that did not work was to disable the form. With more work, passing the form as parent property, some of that got working, but what about removing components. That didn't go well. While they were invisible, they were not really removed (memory leak).
So I changed to use render functions. It is actually much easier, well documented (both Vue 2 and Vue 3), and everything just works. I also had good help from this project:
Basically, to add a function dynamically, just implement the render() function instead of using a template. Works a bit like React. You can implement any logic in here to choose the tag, the options, everything. Just return that, and Vue will build the shadow-DOM and keep the real DOM up to date.
The methods in here seems to manipulate the DOM directly, which I'm glad I no longer have to do.

Vue multiples components

I'm doing a project with ElementUI Tabs (just HTML and JS files, no .vue files) and I want to open a new Tab, and add html inside, like I've always used to do in Jquery and SemanticUI, for example, the user clicks the menu called "Person" and the Person View (a Vue component) opens in the tab (id = "tab1") to add a new person register, and if the user clicks again the "Person" menu, another tab opens (id = "tab2") with the Person View.
First Question: Because the Vue Component has no "el:" selector, how can I tell to component (Person View) to open inside the "tab1", and another click to open inside the "tab2" ? There is any selector like "el" in Vue.component()?
Second Question: Using Vue instance ( new Vue ({options}) ), it works, because is possible to use the selector "el", but I've read before in some blogs, that is not good practice, because the app must have only one instance of Vue. Is correct add more than one Vue instance ( new Vue () ) as used to be done adding many Vue.component ({}) in the project?
Third Question: I've read before that Vue.component() is a Vue instance, and so would be correct to say that Vue.component() and Vue() is the same thing, but with different sintax ?
Question 1:
Actually, a component does have an el. Your template determines what el is.
For example, I created an inline template for my select2 that look like this:
Vue.componet("select2", {blah blah blah});
in this case el is the select box directly.
If I did:
the component el would be the div.
Question 2: what you heard from those blogs is nonsense, at least as far as Vue 2 is concerned (never worked with ver 1)
You, as a coder, determine what el is in your code so it is safe to use as a selector. I do it all of the time.
Vues cannot overlap but you can have as many on a page as makes sense. On one set of my tabs, each tab is completely different from each other and independent of each other so each has its own Vue instance. On another, each tab is the same so a made a single component and generated it inside each tab as part of the parent Vue instance.
question 3:
Think of Components as parts and the Vue instance as the whole containing the parts. I personally use components to reduce and compartmentalize code. For example, I have a DataTables component, a select2 component and a tab component, in all cases I have a number of each on each page. Then all I need to do is include them in my Vue instance definition.
After almost two weeks trying, I got it !
First i created an object that has a component structure in a JS file
(personview.js) that i load with requireJS, and pass as a parameter to a
method of Vue Instance called appVue:
appVue.addComponent(componentName,{name:"personview",template:"<div>html tags...</div>",methods:...});
In appVue i added the method:
var appVue=new Vue({
data() {
return {
components: {},
instances: {}
methods: {
When the user clicks on menu, the method openViewByClickOnMenu is called
and executes:
methods: {
//id to identify the components and scripts to load
var componentName="personView"; //for this example i forced the name
//call a method that adds the new tab, and inside the tab adds
//<div id="divX"></div> and return the counter ever increased.
//X in id attribute is the number genereate by the counter
var ctTab=body.addTab({label:menuItem.label});
// will be used to identify an instance of compoment
var componentId=componentName+ctTab; //will be personView1, personView2, etc..
// will be used to identify the div where i want to show component
var divTabId="div"+ctTab;
//load the personview.js with component body
//creates a new instance of component
app.$data.instances[componentId]=new app.$data.componentes[componentName];
//mounts the component in the div that i want
I think the Vue team could add a method in Vue instance to add
components dinamically more easily, sometimes there's no need to
load all html and js files because the user has no acess/permissions
to see some views. And i miss a way to load html native, like
Angular does, because sometimes we need generate html from template engine
inside a SpringBoot for example.