GraphQL API - any automation tool for testing it? [closed] - api

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to test a GraphQL API.
For now, I'm using GraphiQL, but I'm looking for any automated tool...
It seems that SOAPUI does not support GraphQL testing.
Any ideas?

You basically have a few options that I've seen:
Apollo's GraphQL Platform. It gives you full-blown telemetry on your individual resolvers, and can integrate with VS Code to let your developers know how expensive their query is in real time. You'll pay for it though.
An observation tool such as HoneyComb or DataDog, also paid.
Write your own. For a simple enough use-case it may make sense, but if you're looking for a rich feature set it probably makes more sense to buy rather than to build.

I am using SoapUI 5.4.0 (community edition) and have no trouble testing GraphQL requests.
Treat them as a Rest request and add a header, e.g. Content-Type: application/graphql
see image for all details.

What, specifically, do you want to test?
We have a number of automated sanity-check tests that we run on every build:
Is the schema valid (according to graphql-js)? This can be surprisingly easy to mess up if your implementation allows for e.g. multiple definitions of the same type name, or any other number of subtle bugs.
Is this a breaking schema change? If so, break the build unless there's a specific git commit message acknowledging and accepting it. With graphql-js this is fairly easy - run the introspection query against current production, run it against the current build, and use the built in findBreakingChanges function.
Note that the graphql-js tests don't mean your server has to be written in JS - ours is written in ReasonML using ocaml-graphql-server, and then on build we use a node test suite to hit it as any other client would.
Finally, beyond that, we have some tests that run queries/mutations for an end-to-end API server test. Overall, this has been quite robust against regressions so far.
And keep in mind that you can simply hit your GraphQL server with any http client, there doesn't have to be GraphQL-awareness in your test suite. I'd recommend this route on top of the sanity checks I mentioned above.

For automated testing there is It's written in go but as a standalone application it can be used with any GraphQL server. We use it for unit testing and CI.

Karate is the only open-source tool to combine API test-automation, mocks and performance-testing into a single, unified framework.


Which testing tools and approaches support 12 factor app [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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To follow the 12 factor app in my (Java) microservice development, I want to construct my testing infrastructure to
be conform to the 12 factor app
test/push the system under test towards the 12 factor app.
What are good test harnesses (tools and approaches) for this?
To have effective microservices, I want to follow the 12 factor app. To find as many bugs as possible, I want a test harness that is effective for 12 factor microservices -- mine is not.
For instance, when I am developing microservices, I often introduce bugs that are not caught by my unit tests -- cannot be caught since they do not occur in local logic but in plumbing, i.e. only when putting together many pieces (Java code, Javascript code, Helm chart, Docker file, environment variables). Thus I want to strengthen my coarse-grained tests (integration, component and acceptance/end-to-end tests), which leads me to multiple questions related to the 12 factor app, e.g.
should I have more coarse-grained tests that run directly in the production environment?
Which parts can I mock in my integration and component tests without breaking dev/prod parity?
How can I test that my system under test follow the 12 factor app?
I have found a lot of tools and material for testing (Java) microservices, e.g.
The book Testing Java Microservices
How do I write useful unit tests for a mostly service-oriented app?
Unfortunately, none of them give advice on the 12 factor app -- it isn't even mentioned. Hence any advice on testing approaches that support the 12 factor app is appreciated!
In my experience, the problem is the "shitty" difference between unit-tests and integration-tests.
There are in-betweens, imhO you should design your tests to check the complete service-functionality as it is defined by the contract, by simulating,mocking the services it consumes and calling it at the interfaces it provides. To do that you need a framework like springunit, cdi-unit, ioc-unit or arquillian.
Testing only single (or a few) classes of the service and mocking the rest exposes too much internals of the code to the testcode which prevents refactoring and also often leads to tests which just copy the businesslogic somewhat so they don't really test the functionality.

Server & API load testing [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have custom API included in a website which creates new UID on new unique user visit like Google Analytics and sends the UID data to the backend server(NodeJs) for computation.
I need to check concurrent users and max the limit of users can be created/handled per current cloud config.
Also, need to check, is there any limit on API creating and sending users data. The API is on CDN(fastly)
Please suggest some testing tools, to check for above scenario.
SoapUI is a kind of standard for web services functional testing, it has also certain load testing capabilities
Web Services are basically JSON or SOAP over HTTP so any tool which supports HTTP protocol will suit. Here you can find the list of free and open source load testing tools. Narrowed down to the most powerful ones it will look like:
Apache JMeter
Check out Open Source Load Testing Tools: Which One Should You Use? article for the main features comparison, sample scripts and reports.
I agree with Dmitry that those four (Grinder/Gatling/Tsung/Jmeter) are good tools, with a lot of functionality, but they are also fairly complex, require dependencies and can be somewhat painful to get started with. It all depends on your requirements which tool is best for you.
It sounds to me like you want to test one or two REST API end points powered by NodeJS. If you want a simple-to-get-started with tool that can be scripted, there are some good command-line tools available:
Wrk - very fast, scriptable in Lua
Artillery - NodeJS-based, scriptable in JS
k6 - our own newly released tool, currently the fastest tool scriptable in JS
There is also Locust which is scriptable in Python, but very low-performing.
I like these tools because they offer simple command-line usage and can be scripted in a real language, as opposed to Jmeter and Tsung, where you'll have to resort to XML if you want to do something slightly out of the ordinary. Gatling is a bit better, offering a DSL based on Scala classes where you can do most things but it is still not "real" Scala. The Grinder is the only one of those other tools that offers true scripting (in Jython), but again, it is not a simple one-line command to get started.

Linking requirements with function tests [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm building a command line tool where I can execute commands like this on the input:
where userName is a string type and zodiacSign is of type enumerator.
I also have auto-complete such that I can hit the tab key and get clues, like this
The thing is that I'm getting more and more subtle requirements which I'm finding more and more difficult to document into User Stories. For example, I just received the requirement where if I hit carriage-return for the following:
The software should then auto-complete the command zodiacSign=Cancer and execute it since it is the only option.
I will put in place function tests to test each of these nuances. By doing this, I can demo User Stories via my Function Tests.
But what convenient tool would you recommend where I can store requirements / user stories, perhaps even linking them to function tests? Perhaps this tool includes coverage graphs.
Who is the audience for the requirements? If it is a developer, I'd say that the version control system is a great place to store them. :-)
I would recommend the use of Cucumber or FitNesse. Using the tests as requirements is the way to go.
Cucumber example:
If a single match is available and the carriage return is pressed
auto-complete should accept the match
Given valid Zodiac Signs are "Cancer,Capricorn"
When the user enters "zodiacSign=Can<CARRIAGE-RETURN>" at the prompt
Then the shell should auto-complete to "zodiacSign=Cancer"
This is a completely executable test and does well to describe the required functionality.
Hope that helps!
Take a look at FitNesse. It's a combination of a requirements Wiki and functional test execution framework.
When you write the requirements, you put them in a table where you have sample data and expected results. Click "test" and FitNesse parses the table, and makes the call. Pretty cool.
FitNesse is indeed a popular tool, but some would argue that FitNesse is evil (it can be misused easily, and suffers from numerous issues). A good open-source cross-platform alternative would be soapUI.
soapUI can manage functional testing, as well as keep track of your system's requirements, use cases and user stories, and link them to the tests.
It has a nice GUI with what-not (including coverage graphs, like you want!). Most of the features are included in the free version.
For your need, take a look at QMetry.
It's a very complete tool that allow you to define requirements, test cases, test scenarios and also the launching of test scenarios.
Reporting is also nice and HMI is very user friendly.
Hope this help

How should we automate system testing? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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We are building a large CRM system based on the cloud. I am trying to put together a test plan for the system but I am unsure how to create system-wide tests. I want to use some behaviour-driven testing techniques for this, but I am not sure how I should apply them to the platform.
For the custom parts we will build in the system I plan to approach this with either Cucumber of SpecFlow driving Selenium actions on the UI. But for the SalesForce UI Customisations, I am not sure how deep to go in testing. Customisations such as Workflows and Validation Rules can encapsulate a lot of complex logic that I feel should be tested.
Writing Selenium tests for this out-of-box functionality in SalesForce seems overly burdensome for the value. Can you share your experiences on System testing with the platform and how should we approach this?
That is the problem with detailed test plan up front. You trying to guess what kind of errors, how many, and in what areas you will get. This may be tricky.
Maybe you should have overall Master Test Plan specifying only test strategy, main tool set, risks, relative amount of how much testing you want to put in given areas (based on risk).
Then when you starting to work on given functionality or iteration (I hope you are doing this in iterations not waterfall), you prepare detailed test plan for this set of work. You adjust your tools/estimates/test coverage based on experiences from previous parts.
This way you can say at the beginning what is your general approach and priorities, but you let yourself adapt later as project progresses.
Question about how much testing you need to put into testing COTS is the same as with any software: you need to evaluate the risk.
If your software need to be
Validated because of external
regulations (FDA,DoD..)
you will need to go deep with your
tests, almost test entire app. One
problem here may be ensuring
external regulator, that tools you
used for validation are validated
(and that is a troublesome).
If your application is
mission-critical for your company,
than you still need to do a lot of
testing based on extensive risk
If your application is not concerned
with all above, you can go with
lighter testing. Probably you can
skip functionality that was tested
by platform manufacturer, and focus
on your customisations. On the other
hand I would still write tests (at
least happy paths) for
workflows you will be using in your
business processes.
When we started learning Selenium testing in 2008 we created Recruiting application from SalesForce handbook and created a suite of tests and described our path step by step in our blog. It may help you get started if you decide to write Selenium code to test your app.
I believe the problem with SalesForce is you have Unit and UI testing, but no Service-level testing. The SpecFlow I've seen which drives Selenium UI is brittle and doesn't encapsulate what I'm after in engineering a service-level test solution:
( When I navigate to "/Selenium-Testing-Cookbook-Gundecha-Unmesh/dp/1849515743"
And I click the 'buy now' button
And then I click the 'proceed to checkout' button)
That is not the spirit or intent of Specflow.
Given I have not selected a product
When I select Proceed to Checkout
Then ensure I am presented with a message
In order to test that with selenium, you essentially have to translate that to clicks and typing, whereas in the .NET realm, you can instantiate objects, etc., in the middle-tier, and perform hundreds of instances and derivations against the same BACKGROUND (mock setup).
I'm told that you can expose SF through an API at some security risk. I'd love to find more about THAT.

Selenium Keyword Driven Testing [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is keyword driven testing something that could be implemented using Selenium? If so, how exactly and where can I learn more about it? A simple example might help me get started :)
The Page Object Model is a way to represent your pages using Selenium 1 or 2/webdriver that might be of interest to you. With proper setup your tests become human readable and within an IDE that supports code completion, simple to write.
I know this isn't quite what you are asking for, but it provides excellent abstraction and makes tests readable and powerful. You can mock your test flow with somewhat plain language and then fill it in later.
U can look into "robotframework". The documentation also available in the wikipage.
It promises to replace the code to keyword.
Yes. But keyword driven testing is not something particular to Selenium. Selenium is just the tool/framework for interacting with the browser UI elements in an automated fashion. Keyword driven testing frameworks are typically independent from the automation tool. Try googling keyword driven test automation frameworks to get started.
Using TestPlan with Selenium as a backend is a good option for such testing. I have written several scripts which load CSV files, have hand-coded tables, or use automatic generators to drive the testing.
The language in TestPlan is however clear enough that a typical non-programmer can pick it up and work with it. This further alleviates the trouble. For example, the below is a simple script to submit a form.
SubmitForm with
%Params% with
%name% Tom
%age% 45
Check //p[#class='success']
That goes to a page, submits the form, and ensures that the result has a specific element (XPath is used, but there are other predicates to locate things).
Open2Test is like add-on style keyword driven framework.
It aims to replace from writing test code to keyword.
But... I'm not sure anybody really using it. There are too little info on the web.
Take a look at Test Automation Framework which comes with plug-n-play Keyword driven model.