snakemake STAR module issue and extra question - snakemake

I discovered that the snakemake STAR module outputs as 'BAM Unsorted'.
Q1:Is there a way to change this to:
--outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate
When I add the option in the 'extra' options I get an error message about duplicate definition:
EXITING: FATAL INPUT ERROR: duplicate parameter "outSAMtype" in input "Command-Line"
SOLUTION: keep only one definition of input parameters in each input source
Nov 15 09:46:07 ...... FATAL ERROR, exiting
logs/star/se/UY2_S7.log (END)
Should I consider adding a sorting module behind STAR instead?
Q2: How can I take a module from the wrapper repo and make it a local module, allowing me to edit it?
the code:
__author__ = "Johannes Köster"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, Johannes Köster"
__email__ = ""
__license__ = "MIT"
import os
from import shell
extra = snakemake.params.get("extra", "")
log = snakemake.log_fmt_shell(stdout=True, stderr=True)
fq1 = snakemake.input.get("fq1")
assert fq1 is not None, "input-> fq1 is a required input parameter"
fq1 = [snakemake.input.fq1] if isinstance(snakemake.input.fq1, str) else snakemake.input.fq1
fq2 = snakemake.input.get("fq2")
if fq2:
fq2 = [snakemake.input.fq2] if isinstance(snakemake.input.fq2, str) else snakemake.input.fq2
assert len(fq1) == len(fq2), "input-> equal number of files required for fq1 and fq2"
input_str_fq1 = ",".join(fq1)
input_str_fq2 = ",".join(fq2) if fq2 is not None else ""
input_str = " ".join([input_str_fq1, input_str_fq2])
if fq1[0].endswith(".gz"):
readcmd = "--readFilesCommand zcat"
readcmd = ""
outprefix = os.path.dirname(snakemake.output[0]) + "/"
"{extra} "
"--runThreadN {snakemake.threads} "
"--genomeDir {snakemake.params.index} "
"--readFilesIn {input_str} "
"{readcmd} "
"--outSAMtype BAM Unsorted "
"--outFileNamePrefix {outprefix} "
"--outStd Log "

Q1:Is there a way to change this to:
--outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate
I would add another sorting rule after the wrapper as it is the most 'standardized` way of doing it. You can also use another wrapper for sorting.
There is an explanation from the author of snakemake for the reason why the default is unsorted and why there is no option for sorted output in the wrapper:
Regarding the SAM/BAM issue, I would say any wrapper should always output the optimal file format. Hence, whenever I write a wrapper for a read mapper, I ensure that output is not SAM. Indexing and sorting should not be part of the same wrapper I think, because such a task has a completely different behavior regarding parallelization. Also, you would loose the mapping output if something goes wrong during the sorting or indexing.
Q2: How can I take a module from the wrapper repo and make it a local module, allowing me to edit it?
If you wanted to do this, one way would be to download the local copy of the wrapper. Change in the shell portion of the downloaded wrapper Unsorted to {snakemake.params.outsamtype}. In your Snakefile change (wrapper to script, path/to/downloaded/wrapper and add the outsamtype parameter):
rule star_se:
fq1 = "reads/{sample}_R1.1.fastq"
# see STAR manual for additional output files
# path to STAR reference genome index
# optional parameters
outsamtype = "SortedByCoordinate"
threads: 8
I think a separate rule w/o a wrapper for sorting or even making your own star rule rather is better. Modifying the wrapper defeats the whole purpose of it.


snakemake: define parameter based on sample name or other input

Thank you in advance for all of your help on here!
I have a snakemake file defining steps for processing short-read data, mapping, and variant calling. I'm hoping to use different reference sequences for different samples and I'm wondering how you would recommend defining the reference based on an input sample name?
For example, I defined my run and sample names using wildcards. I hope to define my ref based on the sample (or run) name, so that samples are mapped to the correct reference. My rule map_reads is below.
Thank you in advance for your help!
# Define samples:
RUNS, SAMPLES = glob_wildcards("/xyz/{run}/{samp}_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz")
sample_dict = dict(zip(SAMPLES,RUNS))
print("runs are: ", RUNS)
print("samples are: ", SAMPLES)
# Map reads.
rule map_reads:
threads: 8
"/xyz/scripts/ {input.ref_path} {params.mapper} {input.kr1} {input.kr2} {output.bam} &>> {log}"
You can create a file relating your samples and reference genome and then read that into a dictionary (or pandas dataframe).
The dictionary/dataframe can then be accessed in the input to determine the right reference for the given sample.
Here is a dictionary example.
Given a tab separated file samples.txt relating sample to reference like so:
sample_A ref_A
sample_B ref_B
sample_C ref_C
Then, using a lambda function, we can access the wildcards object in the input and use the samp wildcard to find the corresponding reference in our dictionary.
# Define samples:
RUNS, SAMPLES = glob_wildcards("/xyz/{run}/{samp}_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz")
sample_dict = dict(zip(SAMPLES,RUNS))
print("runs are: ", RUNS)
print("samples are: ", SAMPLES)
# Read samples.txt into dictionary.
sample_to_ref = {}
with open("samples.txt") as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip().split("\t")
sample_to_ref[line[0]] = line[1] # sample_to_ref[sample] = reference
# Map reads.
rule map_reads:
ref_path= lambda wildcards: expand('/xyz/refs/{ref}.fasta', ref=sample_to_ref[wildcards.samp]), # lambda allows access to wildcards, to then access dictionary.
threads: 8
"/xyz/scripts/ {input.ref_path} {params.mapper} {input.kr1} {input.kr2} {output.bam} &>> {log}"

My workflow ignores the path decided via Inputfunction

I have two possible path for Trinity, genome free (GF) and genome guided (GG). For deciding which way to go I use the variable GUIDED from a config and depending on it i give the path to files created by either the GG or GF part.
The problem is that no matter what the Input function returns, snakemake always tries to run the GG part. (except for the exception ofc)
def GenomeDependentInput()->str:
guided = config["GUIDED"]
if guided == "GF":
print(rules.aggregate_GF.output.fasta) #this print is run by snakemake and gives the correct path ...Results/trinityGF/{species}_Trinity_GF.fasta
return rules.aggregate_GF.output.fasta
elif guided == "GG":
print(rules.aggregateTrinity.output.fasta) # this is not (good)
return rules.aggregateTrinity.output.fasta
raise ValueError("Please fill in the GUIDED variable in the config")
rule Transdecoder:
fasta = GenomeDependentInput()
pep = path.join(TRANS_DIR, "{species}", path.basename(GenomeDependentInput()) + ".transdecoder.pep")
So I found that down the line another rule uses only the GG part and I had to use the GenomeDependentInput function there too.
Furthermore the Transdecoder rule wasn't even active as the Transdecoder output wasn't yet used as input.
Maybe this will help somebody else so I'll just leave this here.

Snakemake: variable that defines whether process is submitted cluster job or the snakefile

My current architecture is that at the start of my Snakefile I have a long running function somefunc which helps decide the "input" to rule all. I realized when I was running the workflow with slurm that somefunc is being executed by each job. Is there some variable I can access that defines whether the code is a submitted job or whether it is the main process:
if not snakemake.submitted_job:
config['layout'] = somefunc()
A solution which I don't really recommend is to make somefunc write the list of inputs to a tmp file so that slurm jobs will read this tmp file rather than reconstructing the list from scratch. The tmp file is created by whatever job is executed first so the long-running part is done only once.
At the end of the workflow delete the tmp file so that later executions will start fresh with new input.
Here's a sketch:
def somefunc():
all_output = open('tmp.txt').readlines()
all_output = [x.strip() for x in all_output]
print('List of input files read from tmp.txt')
all_output = ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt'] # Long running part
with open('tmp.txt', 'w') as fout:
for x in all_output:
fout.write(x + '\n')
print('List of input files created and written to tmp.txt')
return all_output
all_output = somefunc()
rule all:
rule one:
touch {output}
Since jobs will be submitted in parallel, you should make sure that only one job writes tmp.txt and the others read it. I think the try/except above will do it but I'm not 100% sure. (Probably you want to use some better filename than tmp.txt, see the module tempfile. see also the module atexit) for exit handlers)
As discussed with #dariober it seems the cleanest to check whether the (hidden) snakemake directory has locks since they seem not to be generated until the first rule starts (assuming you are not using the --nolock argument).
import os
locked = len(os.listdir(".snakemake/locks")) > 0
However this results in a problem in my case:
import time
import os
def longfunc():
return range(5)
locked = len(os.listdir(".snakemake/locks")) > 0
if not locked:
info = longfunc()
rule all:
expand("test_{sample}", sample=info)
rule test:
sleep 1
Somehow snakemake lets each rule reinterpret the complete snakefile, with the issue that all the jobs will complain that 'info is not defined'. For me it was easiest to store the results and load them for each job (pickle.dump and pickle.load).

snakemake: how to implement log directive when using run directive?

Snakemake allows creation of a log for each rule with log parameter that specifies the name of the log file. It is relatively straightforward to pipe results from shell output to this log, but I am not able to figure out a way of logging output of run output (i.e. python script).
One workaround is to save the python code in a script and then run it from the shell, but I wonder if there is another way?
I have some rules that use both the log and run directives. In the run directive, I "manually" open and write the log file.
For instance:
rule compute_RPM:
counts_table = source_small_RNA_counts,
summary_table = rules.gather_read_counts_summaries.output.summary_table,
tags_table = rules.associate_small_type.output.tags_table,
RPM_table = OPJ(
"all_{mapped_type}_on_%s" % genome, "{small_type}_RPM.txt"),
log = OPJ(log_dir, "compute_RPM_{mapped_type}", "{small_type}.log"),
OPJ(log_dir, "compute_RPM_{mapped_type}", "{small_type}_benchmark.txt"),
with open(log.log, "w") as logfile:
logfile.write(f"Reading column counts from {input.counts_table}\n")
counts_data = pd.read_table(
logfile.write(f"Reading number of non-structural mappers from {input.summary_table}\n")
norm = pd.read_table(input.summary_table, index_col=0).loc["non_structural"]
logfile.write("Computing counts per million non-structural mappers\n")
RPM = 1000000 * counts_data / norm
add_tags_column(RPM, input.tags_table, "small_type").to_csv(output.RPM_table, sep="\t")
For third-party code that writes to stdout, maybe the redirect_stdout context manager could be helpful (found in, documented at
Test snakefile, test_run_log.snakefile:
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
rule all:
rule test_run_log:
with open(log[0], "w") as log_file:
with redirect_stdout(log_file):
print(f"Writing result to {output[0]}")
with open(output[0], "w") as out_file:
Running it:
$ snakemake -s test_run_log.snakefile
$ cat test_run_log.log
Writing result to test_run_log.txt
$ cat test_run_log.txt
My solution was the following. This is usefull both for normal log and logging exceptions with traceback. You can then wrap logger setup in a function to make it more organized. It's not very pretty though. Would be much nicer if snakemake could do it by itself.
import logging
# some stuff
rule logging_test:
input: 'input.json'
output: 'output.json'
log: 'rules_logs/logging_test.log'
logger = logging.getLogger('logging_test')
fh = logging.FileHandler(str(log))
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
try:'Starting operation!')
# do something
with open(str(output), 'w') as f:
except Exception as e:
logger.error(e, exc_info=True)

Missing wildcards in S4 snakemake Object in R

I'm running a workflow with a main Snakefile including rules from the rules folder and calling rscripts from those included rules.
Here are a few lines and their specific files:
samples = pd.read_table("samples.csv", header=0, sep=',', index_col=0)
rule extract:
include: "rules/extract_expression_single.smk"
rule merge_umi:
expand('summary/{sample}_umi_expression_matrix.tsv', sample=samples.index)
samples = read.csv('samples.csv', header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)$samples
read_list = c()
for (i in 1:length(samples)){
temp_matrix = read.table(snakemake#input[[i]][1], header=T, stringsAsFactors = F)
cell_barcodes = colnames(temp_matrix)[-1]
colnames(temp_matrix) = c("GENE",paste(samples[i], cell_barcodes, sep = "_"))
read_list=c(read_list, list(temp_matrix))
# Little function that allows to merge unequal matrices
merge.all <- function(x, y) {
merge(x, y, all=TRUE, by="GENE")
read_counts <- Reduce(merge.all, read_list)
read_counts[] = 0
rownames(read_counts) = read_counts[,1]
read_counts = read_counts[,-1]
write.table(read_counts, file=snakemake#output[[1]], sep='\t')
The "clean" way to do it would be to call snakemake#wildcard.sample to attribute sample names to the script. But for some reason snakemake#wildcards is an empty vector.
In python:
<class ''>
which means it's also empty.
So right now I have to rely on getting back to the samples.csv file and getting the sample names there. I will also have to double check matching indexes maybe using greps, don't want the samples and the files to get mixed up.
Any idea why this is happening?
I've tried adding the sample_name as params to see if this would work and it actually does.
rule merge_umi:
expand('summary/{sample}_umi_expression_matrix.tsv', sample=samples.index)
sample_name = lambda wildcards: samples.index
I'm gonna use this for now, but my guess is there is still an issue with the scope of wildcards in included rules. Or maybe I'm doing it wrong.
The idea of using wildcards is to call a rule for each value in the wildcards. If you use the expand function in the input of a rule, then your rule will take all of the wildcard values and create a list of strings. Which means, your rule will be invoked just for once (not for each wildcard value). Per default, expand uses the python itertools function product that yields all combinations of the provided wildcard values.
By doing so, you cannot use that wildcard inside your rule any longer. Because when that rule is invoked, it gets all of the wildcard values and convert them into a list that will be given to your R script just for once (not for each wildcard value).
In your case, using wildcards is not suitable, since your merge_count rule will be run only for once (not for each wildcard value).