Can Office Fabric DetailsList column headers be styled? - office-ui-fabric

I was looking through the office fabric documentation, there seems to be clear information on how to style the items/content inside the DetailsList ( has an example) but no information on how to style the column headers (or if it's possible).
It seems like a pretty common use case (I'm trying to center my column headers instead of having them left aligned and make them larger), so not sure if I'm just missing something?

One option to customize column headers would be to override the rendering of headers via onRenderDetailsHeader event and then render header tooltip with a custom styling as demonstrated below
items={sortedItems as any[]}
private renderDetailsHeader(detailsHeaderProps: IDetailsHeaderProps) {
return (
private renderCustomHeaderTooltip(tooltipHostProps: ITooltipHostProps) {
return (
display: "flex",
fontFamily: "Tahoma",
fontSize: "14px",
justifyContent: "center",

You can style the columns headers with the IDetailsColumnStyles interface.
const headerStyle: Partial<IDetailsColumnStyles> = {
cellTitle: {
color: "#c00"
const columns: IColumn[] = [
{ styles: headerStyle, key: 'name', name: 'Name', fieldName: 'name', minWidth: 120 },
Look at the definition of IDetailsColumnStyles to see what can be styled.

The IColumn interface has a property named headerClassName which can be used to style the column header. Example:
/* CSS */
.headerClass > span {
/* right aligned header should have padding */
padding-right: 15px;
.headerClass span {
/* bolder font */
font-weight: 900;
/* Right Align the column header */
justify-content: flex-end;
text-align: right;
/* green color */
color: green;
/* background color */
background: pink;
const columns = [
key: 'column1',
name: 'Name',
fieldName: 'name',
minWidth: 100,
maxWidth: 200,
isResizable: true,
heaerClassName: 'headerClass',
key: 'column2',
name: 'Value',
fieldName: 'value',
minWidth: 100,
maxWidth: 200,
isResizable: true,


assign an ID in each object of array

I have a use case whereby sequential numbers need to be displayed in a table of data in the UI of an app, beginning at 1. The app is built using Vue and Buefy for the UI component library. Here is a screenshot of some sample data in such a table:
This needs to have a third column added and should display 1 in the first row and 2 in the second row.
I looked in the Buefy docs to see if their table component has built-in capability to do this but didn't see anything that fit. If that is the case, the data passed to the table component will need to provide it.
Since the format of the data passed to the table component is an array of objects I was thinking there might be a way to use each object's index, incremented by 1, for this purpose. But I'm not sure how to get this:
const data = [
{ color: 'blue', size: 'large', height: 'tall' },
{ color: 'green', size: 'medium', height: 'short' },
{ color: 'purple', size: 'small', height: 'average' }
to be this:
const data = [
{ id: '1', color: 'blue', size: 'large', height: 'tall' },
{ id: '2', color: 'green', size: 'medium', height: 'short' },
{ id: '3', color: 'purple', size: 'small', height: 'average' }
I tried the following but it does not give the desired outcome:
console.log([, ...Object.keys(data)];
How can the desired end result be achieved? I'm looking for a simple approach, if possible.
Also, I was concerned about what happens if an element gets removed from the original array of objects...would that mess up the sequential numbering that's based on the index number? I tested that situation by executing data.splice(0,1); but examining the results in the console, the objects appear to get re-indexed and therefore it shouldn't be an issue. Unless someone knows otherwise.
If I understood you correctly try with index:
new Vue({
el: '#demo',
data() {
return {
items: [
{ color: 'blue', size: 'large', height: 'tall' },
{ color: 'green', size: 'medium', height: 'short' },
{ color: 'purple', size: 'small', height: 'average' }
methods: {
del(i) {
this.items.splice(i, 1)
<script src=""></script>
<div id="demo">
<div v-for="(item, i) in items" :key="i">
<div>{{ i+1 }} - {{ item.color }}</div>
<button #click="del(i)">delete</button>

Add Font Style and font size in Vue2-editor

I wanted to add font style here like there is an option if you want the font to be arial,san-serif etc... But now the font and font sizes not display in vue2-editor. Can anyone help me?
You can access the code here :
this is the code:
<div id="app">
<vue-editor v-model="content"></vue-editor>
<div v-html="content"></div>
import { VueEditor } from "vue2-editor";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
content: "<p>Some initial content</p>"
#app {
font-family: "Avenir", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
/* text-align: center; */
color: #2c3e50;
margin-top: 60px;
My answer is based of the excellent answers over at How to add font types on Quill js with toolbar options?. The only thing that I need to change is to use const fonts = Quill.import('formats/font');. vue2-editor exports the Quill object, so you can simply import it as such:
import { VueEditor, Quill } from "vue2-editor";
Then, it is mostly copy-and-pasting the solution in this posted answer. The vue2-editor unfortunately does not expose the default toolbar settings, so you will need to copy it verbatim from the source code and then add your font dropdown manually:
customToolbar: [
// Copied from source
[{ header: [false, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] }],
["bold", "italic", "underline", "strike"], // toggled buttons
{ align: "" },
{ align: "center" },
{ align: "right" },
{ align: "justify" }
["blockquote", "code-block"],
[{ list: "ordered" }, { list: "bullet" }, { list: "check" }],
[{ indent: "-1" }, { indent: "+1" }],
[{ color: [] }, { background: [] }],
["link", "image", "video"],
// This is what I have added
[{ 'font': fonts.whitelist }],
See proof-of-concept here:

Mobile scrollbar for react-select defaults to browser style?

I have a react-select component with a custom scrollbar that works in desktop browsers as expected, but on mobile the scrollbar defaults to browser values.
Referencing a similar github issue and a similar stackoverflow issue have not helped resolve this issue.
const styles = {
menu: provided => ({
width: '100%',
height: '240px',
boxShadow: '0px 4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)',
overflowY: 'scroll',
'::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb': {
background: royal, // imported color string
height: '50px',
'::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover': {
background: royal,
height: '50px',
'::-webkit-scrollbar-track': {
background: softGrey,
'::-webkit-scrollbar': {
width: '4px',
background: softGrey,
menuList: () => ({
'::-webkit-scrollbar': {
width: '4px',
onInputChange={() => {}}
The github references using menuList, but I found that using menu and menuList got me the desired style. I tried every variant of:
using !important
moving only to menuList
having in both menu and menuList
using react-select v2 (2.4.1) and v3 (3.2.0)
Apparently iOS 14 webkit doesn't support custom scrollbars anymore.

How to remove the brackets from array

So I have color box: green, blue, orange and red, when I mousehover to different color, the "detailsItem" change regarding the color box.
It's working, but I would like just to know, in the browser, it keeps showing: [ "rare", "comfy" ] include with description, how to remove [" "]
so it's showing only the text, ex: rare, comfy.
el: "#app",
data: {
variants: [
variantDetails: ["soft", "cheap"]
variantDetails: ["rare", "comfy"]
computed: {
detailsItem: function () {
return this.variants[this.selectedVariant].variantDetails
.color-box {
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
margin-top: 5px;
display: inline-block;
margin-right: 10px;
<p>Description: {{detailsItem}}</p>
<div v-for="(variant, index) in variants" class="color-box" v-on:mouseover="updateProduct(index)">
Join the array as a string when returning in detailsItem.
detailsItem: function () {
return this.variants[this.selectedVariant].variantDetails.join(', ')
You can do this in the template as well (assume detailsItem remains as not changed):
<p>Description: {{ detailsItem.join(', ') }}</p>

How to enable button focus on touchStart?

I have created a button, I need some response from button like, on touch of the button, the button focus should enable like change in background color. How can I do that?
My code is,
<Button class="button" id="proceedButton" onClick="openQuestionnaire">Proceed</Button>
width: '50%',
top: '25dp',
borderRadius: 8,
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: '#808080',
backgroundGradient: {
type: "linear",
startPoint: { x: "0%", y:"0%"},
endPoint: { x: "0%", y:"100%"},
colors: [
{ color: "#4F94CD", offset: 0.0 },
{ color: "#4F94CD", offset: 1.0 }
$.proceedButton.addEventListener('touchstart', function() {
$.proceedButton.isFocused = true;
$.proceedButton.addEventListener('touchend', function() {
$.proceedButton.isFocused = false;
The above code is not working. Just I need to slight chage in background color while touch of the button.
Any solution!!
Use this property and pass colour code
backgroundSelectedColor : "RED"
focusable must be true for normal views.
for more you can refer this!/api/Titanium.UI.Button-property-backgroundSelectedColor
I hope it may help you,
Alloy xml would be like this
<Button class="button" id="proceedButton" onClick="openQuestionnaire">Proceed</Button>
Then the button property would be like this
width: '50%',
top: '25dp',
borderRadius: 8,
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: '#808080',
backgroundSelectedColor : "red",
backgroundSelectedImage : "/my_image.png",
backgroundGradient: {
type: "linear",
startPoint: { x: "0%", y:"0%"},
endPoint: { x: "0%", y:"100%"},
colors: [
{ color: "#4F94CD", offset: 0.0 },
{ color: "#4F94CD", offset: 1.0 }
You can set your selected image or background color on touch focus.
You wont need the controller code you have written in the controller.
Also for some object you can also have selectedColor.
You can also set backgroundFocusedImage,
As #CodeForFun mentioned you can use backgroundSelectedColor property of button.
Also following are all the states which can be used by a button in Titanium.
Disabled : backgroundDisabledImage and backgroundDisabledColor
Normal : backgroundImage and backgroundColor
Focus : backgroundFocusedImage and backgroundFocusedColor
Selected : backgroundSelectedImage and backgroundSelectedColor
Hope this would be helpful.
Edit : An example of usage:
View :
<Button class="button" >Proceed</Button>
width: '50%',
top: '25dp',
backgroundSelectedColor : "#4F94CD" //usage