In NativeScript, why do I get an error 'Invalid character #'? - vue.js

I'm trying to get the following codebase:
working in the NativeScript Playground.
So far, I have:
but the following line in the .scss file:
#import '~nativescript-theme-core/scss/skins/light/index';
is generating an error "Invalid character: #"
How do I fix this error?

You need to update {NS} and all the dependencies here. That codebase is 5 months old and still using older version of CSS loader where this problem was there.
Run the tns update and follow the instructions here.


How to fix relative module error for a newly created nuxt.js app with starter template?

I tried to create a nuxt app with the guide from the official website, chose default options because I wanted the starter template but on running npm run dev, I keep encountering the error:
This relative module was not found:
* ./components/nuxt-error.vue in ./.nuxt/index.js
I've tried searching about it but I couldn't find any useful resource/fix. I've also tried vue init nuxt-community/starter-template for the installation but I still get the same error.
Any fixes?
So I found a solution. I couldn’t figure out the error because the nuxt-error.vue file was actually imported correctly. Turns out “npm” installations have been giving me issues (had issues with TailwindCSS too).
So if you ever encounter this error on loading the base nuxt app, recreate the project using “yarn” instead. Works like magic!
This Error basically means, that in one of your files you are trying to import another file with the relative path of ./components/nuxt-error.vue but no file with this path exists.
I just read that vue init nuxt-community/starter-template is deprecated and no longer maintained. Instead of fixing this Error you should restart your project with npx create-nuxt-app <yourAppName>.

Error using mismatched PostCSS dependencies

Anyone know how to get composes working in gatsby css modules.
I've tried using.
.dog {
composes: dog from "styles/common.scss"
I get this error.
Your current PostCSS version is 5.2.18, but postcss-nesting uses
6.0.23. Perhaps this is the source of the error below.
I've tried installing postcss-nesting
But that doesn't seem to stop the above error in gatsby
Your current PostCSS version is 5.2.18, but postcss-nesting uses 6.0.23. Perhaps this is the source of the error you're running into.
Try upgrading PostCSS to at least 6.0

React Native Android fails: error 3

Hope you could help me here:
I'm currently building an app which I created through CRNA and then ejected. I get the ios version right on but I'm currently struggling a lot with the android version.
When running react-native run-android all I can get is the following error:
Error type 3
Error: Activity class {com.myapp/com.myapp.MainActivity} does not exist.
I've checked app/build.gradle, app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml, app/src/main/java/com/myapp/ and app/src/main/java/com/myapp/ for name errors on package. I've tried moving from com.myapp to com.mebius.myapp and com aswell.
Seems this comes from the only plugin I'm using. I'm keeping on the investigation
Any hints?
There are 3 possible reasons for the android app build fails to make
1. You need to define sdk path in android/
if doesn't place then make a file names with that
sdk.dir = home/user/AndroidApp/local/Sdk
You can match with their system path..
2. Your genymotion or avd must enable with the android studio
3. You must have to go with the following command
npm start
in new terminal .
Please go through with it.
Actually I had a problem with my gradle config which look like:
include ':react-native-sensors'
project(':react-native-sensors').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-sensors/android') = 'accelapp'
I needed to add: include ':app'
I don't know if it's due to the process of ejecting from CRNA or if it's due to react-native link react-native-sensors though.
EDIT After some investigation, I couldn't reproduce this issue. This leads me to say it was a faulty copy/paste...

Error installing bundle in Mura (Mura newbie)

Just to preface this, I'm a Mura newbie.
I am attempting to create a new site in Mura 6.2 by importing the 'MuraBootstrap3' bundle - .
Once I create the site and import the bundle, I immediately get the following error message:
It appears to be an issue with SQL executing the insert command, but I'm not entirely sure why. Am I missing something in the setup? What am I not doing correctly?
Edit: I should mention that The database has already been setup and my default installation is running just fine.
Guust was correct, however the bundle you're looking for is here:
The bundle you've downloaded is for Mura 7.
I believe the last version of the bundle for Mura 6.x is the following commit:
This is the file I believe you'll need:

Use of undeclared identifier 'UIUserInterfaceIdiomTV'

After installing fbsdk on my React-Native app, I got this error:
Use of undeclared identifier 'UIUserInterfaceIdiomTV'
This is in the file Pods > FBSDKCoreKit > FBSDKOrganicDeeplinkHelper.m
I got this even though I helped a friend doing exactly the same than me, and she didn't get it.
I tried to reinstall everything from scratch to check if the error didn't come from me not using the latest versions, but I still got this error.
A quick fix was to simply delete the case from the the switch (device.userInterfaceIdiom), but I hope someone met this error before or has an idea of where it could come from.
Thank you!
I had the same error. You can fix this error by updating Xcode to the last version, currently 7.3.1.