Parsing XML Response In GateWayScript - apiconnect

Hi i am new to API connect ... i have a use case where i have to merge responses coming from two endpoints in XML format based on certain conditions.
My flow in the assemble section is like this
(i make my
first service call
and capture the response
in a custom 'Response
object varibale' -XMLResponse1
(i make my
second service call
and here i am not using any
custom 'Response object varibale'
Instead i am using apim.getvaribale('message.body') to get the response
Here i want to write my script for parsing the xml and merging the two responses
and send back the merged response to the consumer
I observed that the xml response is not getting captured in a custom Response object variable when i try to capture it like below
var test1= apim.getvariable('XMLResponse1');
it throws me an exception like this
test1.item is not a function
now for the second response like below where i am not capturing the response in a custom Response object variable it works well
var test2= apim.getvariable('message.body');
My question:
1)How do i capture the xml responses in a custom Response object variable?
2)How can i parse the response into a javascript object? are there any libraries supported in api connect?

Below is the samples found from IBM community. Hope this may help you.
**** Sample XML ****
<partner name="Partner A" key="1">
<partner name="Partner B" key="2">
<partner name="Partner C" key="3">
**** Corresponing Gateway Script *****
var response = apim.getvariable('XMLResponse1.body');
var objType = response.item(0);
var string = objType.getElementsByTagName("partner").item(0).getElementsByTagName("from_ID").item(0).textContent;
output ---> string = PartnerA-KEY1-INT

Why do you want to merge them in a GatewayScript node??
You could merge them in a mapping node, in wich you have 2 variables as input (refered to the output objects of your invokes) and one XML object as output...
If you have to apply some conditions or comparisons, you could do them in the code part of the mapping nodes


How to set http response code in Parse Server cloud function?

A parse server cloud function is defined via
Parse.Cloud.define("hello", function(request, response) {..});
on the response, I can call response.success(X) and response.error(Y), and that sets the http response code and the body of the response.
But how do I define a different code, like created (201)?
And how do I set the headers of the response?
thanks, Tim
You are allowed to return any valid JSON from response.success(). Therefore, you could create an object with fields such as code, message, and value, so you can set the code, give it a string descriptor, and pass back the value you normally would, if there is one. This seems to accomplish what you need, though you will have to keep track of those codes across your platforms. I recommend looking up standard http response codes and make sure you don't overlap with any standards.

Use Response of a wcf request as request in another receive port

Is there any way to use the response of a wcf service method request as an input for the next request in same orchestration and return the response of the first request as well as the response of the second request as out put in BizTalk?
Eg :
My first request gives a response as "a"
Give this response "a" as request to the 2nd request and gets the response as "b"
Return the response as "a" and "b".
Is this possible?
Yes. You could either create a map from Response 1 to Request 2, and also create a multiple input message map from Response 1 and Response 2 to your final output message.
If the messages involved don't have any repeating structures, it may be enough to distinguish the fields that you need to be concerned with and just use a ConstructMessage with an XmlDocument, i.e.
// construct shape code
varXmlDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
varXmlDoc.LoadXml("<webSvcRequest2 xmlns=''><ParamB>" + msgWebSvcResp1.ParamA + "</ParamB></webSvcRequest2>");
msgWebSvcReq2 = varXmlDoc;
And similar code for producing the final output message. If you go this route, I'd advice creating some C# utility methods to actually store the strings/message templates.

ShopStyle API - How to Invoke an HTTP request

How do I Invoke an HTTP request with a particular URL and process the body of the response as XML?
Information Provided by ShopStyle:
Choose the method that returns the data your application needs. For example, the /products method is used to get products that match a given category or brand.Construct a URL for that method with the appropriate host, method name, and query parameters. Invoke the URL as an HTTP GET.
When the HTTP response arrives, extract the required data elements from the response's body.The rest of this document describes the details of constructing the right URL for each of the API methods. The XML format of the responses may be seen by clicking on the sample URLs shown for each method. The responses in JSON format contain identical information, just in a different format.
All ShopStyle API URLs have the following form:
The METHOD_NAME is taken from the list of methods in the various API shown at left (Press Link To View List of Methods-
All methods in the API accept these parameters:
API_KEY (my unique key is ******************)
pid Unique API_KEY string that is assigned to the caller. You can find your API Key on the Account Settings page.
The format of the response. Supported values are:
json - The response is in JSON format with UTF-8 encoding. This is the default if the parameter is absent.
xml - The response is in XML format with UTF-8 encoding.
jsonp - The response is in JSON format with UTF-8 encoding wrapped in a JavaScript method called padding. The padding must be specified with the query parameter 'callback'. Only single expressions (function reference, or object property function reference) are accepted as valid padding.
When set to 1 or 'true' the HTTP status will always be 200. Use the field "errorCode" in the response to detect whether the API Call was successful. By default, when an error occur the HTTP Status of the response will be different than 200
Again I am a beginner, so please provide detailed information on how to retrieve CATEGORY data (Examples: Dresses, Tops, Buttoms, etc) in XML format.**
Thank you!!!
Here's a simple example to get your started. Copy the code below and put it into a file, say "cat.php". Then run it by typing "php cat.php" at a command prompt (assumes you have php on your machine):
// don't show dom parse errors
// grab the xml from the api
$response = file_get_contents("");
$doc = new DOMDocument();
// grab all the categories
$elements = $doc->getElementsByTagName('categories');
foreach($elements as $node){
foreach($node->childNodes as $child) {
// get the name out of the category
$nodes = $child->getElementsByTagName("name");
foreach ($nodes as $name) {
echo $name->nodeValue . PHP_EOL;

after receiving soap response modify xml and send to anther service using http adapter

while using http adapter I need to call first service that return XML,
after receiving the response I want to change values and send back to anther service,
how can I do it ?
do http adapter has json to xml function ?
WL adapter will automatically convert XML to JSON for you, however it doesn't have any manual JSON<->XML conversion APIs.
In your case possible solution might be to retrieve XML as plaintext by supplying returnedContentType:"plain" in invocation options. Alter whatever you need using regex/string replace. Use resulting string in 2nd procedure invocation as post body.
Alternatively, you can use 3rd party library to parse/convert/do whatever you need with XML, e.g. (more info about how to use it in your adapter -
After checking number of solutions, I state the the http result will be a plain text,
then made a call to java function sending the xml as String, and used
javax.xml to hold and alter the XML.
XPath to retrieve the correct node using org.w3c.dom.*
Hope this will help you too.

Calling a webservice using google closures jsonp and sending json as parameter

I want to call a webservice using google closures, via jsonp since i am performing a cross domain webservice.
And i am calling it in the following manner
var url = "http://myurl/";
var jsonp = new;
callback, callbackfailed);
But in this method the url is converted as a normal get method string as the follows
But i need to send this url as a json object in the following manner
How can i do this, i searched google and i couldnt find proper documentation regarding ?this.
The function that is used to encode the object says:
#param {!Object} payload A map of value name pairs to be encoded.
A value may be specified as an array, in which case a query parameter
will be created for each value, e.g.:
{"foo": [1,2]} will encode to "foo=1&foo=2".
This is exactly what is happening. So, why not initialize your url with the query? e.g.
var url = "http://myurl.php?" + goog.json.serialize({"name":"jessi","action":"initaction","gameId":"123"});
var jsonp = new;
Untested but maybe this works.