Which OOP concept describes how a Class alters or customises behaviours inherited from a parent Class? - oop

Am almost new to programming and i need your help to answer some multi-choice questions. Thanks
Which OOP concept describes how a Class alters or customises behaviours inherited from a parent Class? (Polymorphism or Inheritance)


Difference between abstract class and interface in Objective-C

One of the most frequently asked questions on iOS developer interview is - difference between abstract classed and interface.
I don't know an answer and i don't get it neither. Interface is a section of class, when you declared methods. it could be open for other classes (public, .h file) or hidden in implementation.
Abstract class is a class, that is only used to create hidden subclasses and it should not have own init methods (if i understand correct).
So, what exactly is answer for that question? And what does that question mean?
I did spend time searching for an answers, but answers wasn't related to Obj-C, so i can't figure out by myself.
I hope someone could provide clear answer and that question would be helpful for those guys, who want to pass an interview.
A good way to approach this problem is first think about it in general programming theory, and then in more concrete Objective-C context.
Abstract Class - is a class intended purely for subclassing, one must not instantiate it. Abstract class declares something and has also the implementation for that.
What is the reason for having such special class? It is modelled after real life! :)
Imagine an abstraction - an animal. What has each animal in common? They are all alive (and can die). They need to eat. The can move in space. These traits are common and fundamental to all animals. I heaven't heard about an animal that doesn't needs food, cannot move and lives forever. Other then that there is a LOT of not so fundamental differences between various animals.
There is no animal on the planet which is purely an abstract animal like that. That set of fundamental behaviours, traits is simply not enough to be a concrete animal..
There is an implied principle, that to be a concrete animal, you have to have some additional traits besides those fundamental ones.
Now, in programming, we need to be able to somehow
express these fundamentals (interface declaration)
have a way of describing how they work (implementation)
attribute them to a class
prevent instantiation
ensure that any concrete animal will have them (inheritance)
We know, what these fundamentals are (declared public interface) and we know in practice how they manifest themselves concretely (implementation of those declared traits). We want them to be inherited by all concrete entities. So we do it in the abstract class because it satisfies these condition I mentioned. It contains all the fundamentals, has their implementation, but cannot be instantiated on its own.
Abstract class is an abstraction over a set of related entities that captures what is fundamentally common between all of them., tells us how it is done..and ensures all more concrete entities will inherit this.
Interface - is something less. Let's a have a real life analogy. Person, robot, animal, wind (a force of nature).
Some people can sing. A robot has a voice synthesizer module embedded so it can sing. The autumn wind touching my teracce glass "sings" a lot I can tell you. And Tinka (r.i.p) my dog, was actually a good singer too.
But really, "singing" between these four has the only thing in common - you can hear it as pleasing sound in your ears. How the singing happens for those four, differs a lot in reality. (implementation)
Another complication is, certainly not all people, dogs, winds, or animals can sing. Some of them can.
So how would we reflect this situation in programming? Via interface :)
You can have an interface called "SingInterface" which in our case has one behaviour/trait/functionality declared and it is sing. Interface simply declares something and that's it. Interface doesn't say how that something is done, there is no concrete implementation. Nor does it say who can do it, the trait in the interface is not limited to one type or one class really. (see http://www.nasa.gov/centers/goddard/universe/black_hole_sound.html)
Interface is a list of 1 to N traits/functionalities without knowing how concretely will they be realized, and that list of traits/functionalities that can be arbitrarily (no rules exist to who) attributable to entities from disparate sets that are fundamentally different (animals or robots).
Object oriented programming borrows many concepts from real life. That's why these analogies work so well.
In Objective C, contrary to some other languages (C# etc),
there is no language level support for abstract classes. It is not possible to enforce that a class is abstract during compilation. A class is abstract only by convention and respecting that convention by developers.
As for interfaces, a word "protocol" is used in objective C. It's just a different word for the same thing.
In objective C you can
code against the interface ..by declaring some object as
add additional functionality to classes by declaring that they conform to protocol which you do in the class interface
#interface ClassName <protocolName>
So, there might possibly be even a case where your class is a subclass of abstract class, and it also conform to some protocol.
Thanks to Rob Napier's comment at here. My answer is:
An interface is just the outside view of a class. What it reveals publicly.
In Swift you just write a class in a single .Swift file, and if ask Xcode to show you can generate its interface. Xcode will only then show properties/functions that are public/internal.
In Objective-C. You first have to manually write the interface...declaring what of the class is public and then manually write the implementation. An interface without implementation is not compilable. It's like you saying this is how my class will look like, but then you have provided nothing for how it implements the public methods or how you manipulate your properties—when you must (provide).
Abstract relieves you of how it implements
For abstract classes, you shouldn't provide any implementation, only that it would have such parameters or it would have such functions with such signatures. However an abstract class is compilable on its own. Because you don't need to provide anything more than that.

What is the correct term for an 'overridden' class attribute in a child class?

While exploring basic Object Oriented Design principles I was wondering: What is the correct term for an 'overridden' class attribute in a child class?
I believe it's just that: an overridden property/attribute. I don't think it has a specific term.

Why is the key idea behind OOP polymorphism?

In the book C++ Primer, the author wrote: "The key idea behind OOP is polymorphism". I am not sure I understand what the author meant. What about other important stuff: Abstract, Inheritance, etc.
Can anyone elaborate on that, please?
I do not ask "What is polymorphism". I am asking "Why polymorphism is the key behind OOP"? Why not inheritance is the key?
I'm not sure that it's the key to OOP. That's just someone's opinion.
I think there are four keys: abstract data types, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. They belong together.
Each idea depends on the previous ones. ADT is the only one that stands on its own. Encapsulation needs ADT. Polymorphism requires inheritance.
Polymorphism helps to eliminate if, switch, and case statements. You don't have to write code to figure out what to do based on object type; the virtual table simply calls the right method for you behind the scenes.
The Author may be saying this because :
When class B inherits from A then class B can be typecasted to A ----> Which is also called as polymorohism. So Inheritance directly allows polymorphism.
When A implements interface I*something* then A can rome around as I*something* which is also called as polymorphism. So Interfaces makes polymorphism come true.
Abstract : Abstract class is just another class which cannt be instantiated and act as base class (generally). Non abstract Child classes can be type casted to Abstract class and hence polymorphism.
So infact its seen that most concept of OOP can be seen as polymorphism and due to this Author might have said that.
Generally it's the idea of creating objects (with their fields, methods, etc) which can have more than one form - derived (abstract) classes, implemented interfaces and so on.
And you would have had your answer in few seconds only, if you would've had asked google, wikipedia and so on, first ;)

Is there an OOP principle against a concrete class extending another concrete class?

I have read that this should be avoided, though I can't recall the source. Inheritance should used with abstract classes in the middle of the hierarchy, and concrete classes showing only as leaves.
Where can I find a good explanation of the reasoning behind this? (Opposite opinions are also welcome)
This shouldn't be taken too strictly.
I think the underlying idea is more to focus on programming to an interface, either a pure interface or an abstract class, as this enables looser coupling of your design, polymorphism, encapsulation,...
Also mind to not violate the Liskov substitution principle

Using inheritance purely to share common functionality

I recently encountered a situation in some code I am working on that doesn't make sense to me. A set of classes are inheriting from a base class purely to share some methods in the base class. There is no method overriding, just child classes calling methods from the parent class.
It seems to me that this would be better modeled by having the child classes reference the parent class rather than inheriting from it, which I think would reduce unnecessary complexity. Is this reasonable, or am I missing some benefit of using inheritance like this?
If the parent class methods are there purely as 'utilties' then yes, I agree.
The question (for me at least), would be if the parent class could be modified in the future to have benefit. Meaning, what is the current relationship logically? If it's an "is a" between child and parent then leave it. If the parent is just a collection of methods, refactor to a utility class or use delegation.
You are correct. Unfortunately inheritance is used a lot when it is not actually needed.
If there isn't is-a relationship between the child and parent class then inheritance should not be used.
Inheritance can be used (and abused!) in different ways. Here are the three big categories.
Conceptual hierarchy:
conceptually related classes can be
organized into a specialization
hierarchy :
people, employees, managers
geometric objects ...
Objects of distinct, but related
classes may be uniformly treated by
array of geometric objects
Software reuse:
Related classes may share interfaces,
data structures or behaviour.
geometric objects ...
For a complete study of the different forms of inheritance, read On the notion of inheritance.
The case that you mention, is software reuse. There is no is-a relationship, at most a has-a relationship. The goal is mostly to reuse the same code.
As you suggest, this can be refactored with delegation, or even into a utility class if the methods are essentially static.
I can suppose that the inheritance you can observe is just a result of refactoring.