How to use sql statement in django? - sql

I want to get the latest date from my database.
Here is my sql statement.
select "RegDate"
from "Dev"
where "RegDate" = (
select max("RegDate") from "Dev")
It works in my database.
But how can I use it in django?
I tried these codes but it return error. These code are in
Version 1:
lastest_date = Dev.objects.filter(reg_date=max(reg_date))
'NoneType' object is not iterable
Version 2:
last_activation_date = Dev.objects.filter(regdate='reg_date').order_by('-regdate')[0]
"'reg_date' value has an invalid format. It must be in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM[:ss[.uuuuuu]][TZ] format."
I've defined reg_date at beginning of the class.
What should I do for this?

You make things too complicated, you simply order by regdate, that's all:
last_activation_dev = Dev.objects.order_by('-regdate').first()
The .first() will return such Dev object if it is available, or None if there are no Dev objects.
If you only are interested in the regdate column itself, you can use .values_list(..):
last_activation_date = Dev.objects.order_by('-regdate').values_list('regdate', flat=True).first()
By using .filter() you actually were filtering the Dev table by Dev records such that the regdate column had as value 'reg_date', since 'reg_date' is not a valid datetime format, this thus produced an error.


Prisma queryRaw returning date as string

Issue: When I use prisma.$queryRaw, it returns my date as a string, even though I specify the query's return type. If I use prisma.find then it returns it correctly. But, I have to use queryRaw because of the complexity of the query.
schema.prisma has the date defined like such:
effectiveDate DateTime? #map("effective_date") #db.Date
So, the model object has the field defined like effectiveDate: Date | null
The query looks something like this:
const catalogCourses: CatalogCourse[] = await prisma.$queryRaw<CatalogCourse[]>`
effective_date as "effectiveDate", of the query ommitted here because it's not important
If I then do something like
console.log(`typeof date: ${typeof catalogCourses[0].effectiveDate}, value ${catalogCourses[0].effectiveDate}`)
The result shows typeof date: string, value 2000-12-31. Why isn't it a date? I need to be able to work with it as a Date, but if I do effectiveDate.getTime() for example, it errors during runtime, saying 'getTime is not a function', which it is doc. If I try and do new Date(effectiveDate), that doesn't work either because typescript sees the field as a Date object already. EDIT: I was incorrect about why the previous statement wasn't working; doing new Date(effectiveDate) does work.
I do see in the prisma docs that it says:
Type caveats when using raw SQL When you type the results of
$queryRaw, the raw data does not always match the suggested TypeScript
Is there a way for queryRaw to return my date as a Date object?

Fetching attribute from JSON string with JSON_VAL cause "<attribute> is invalid in the used context" error

A proprietary third-party application stores JSON strings in it's database like this one:
I need the timestamp and found out that
DB2 offers JSON functions. Since it's stored as string in the PROF_VALUE column, I guess that converting with SYSTOOLS.JSON2BSON is required, before I can use JSON_VAL to fetch the timestamp:
WHERE PROF_PROPERTY_ID = 'touchpointState'
This causes an error that timestamp is invalid in the used context ( SQLCODE=-206, SQLSTATE=42703, DRIVER=4.26.14). The same error is thown when I remove the JSON2BSON call like this
Also not working with the same error (different data-types):
I don't understand this error. My syntax is like the documented JSON_VAL ( json-value , search-string , result-type) and it is the same like in the examples, where they show how to fetch the name field of an object.
I also played around a bit with JSON_TABLE to use raw input data for testing (instead of the database data), but it seems not suiteable for that.
FROM TABLE(SYSTOOLS.JSON_TABLE( SYSTOOLS.JSON2BSON('{"state":"complete","timestamp":1614776473000}'), 'state','s:32')) DATA
This gave me a table with one row: Type = 2 and Value = complete.
I had two problems in my query: First it seems that double quotes " are for object references. I wasn't aware that there is any difference, because in most databases I used yet, both single ' and double quotes " are equal.
The second problem is, that JSON_VAL needs to be called without SYSTOOLS, but the reference is still needed on SYSTOOLS.JSON2BSON(PROF_VALUE).
With those changes, the following query worked:
WHERE PROF_PROPERTY_ID = 'touchpointState'

org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Unknown data type: "DATEADD"; SQL statement

I'm using h2 to inject the db during run time and testing, everything was working fine until I started trying to make the date field current, not hard-coded.
I thought it was related to the jdbc version I've and updated spring jdbc library to be the latest, but that didn't solve the problem.
This is the code I'm using to inject the data both on run-time and testing :
This code runs during run-time, and it works perfectly before I tried to make the date current.
ResourceDatabasePopulator resourceDatabasePopulator = new ResourceDatabasePopulator();
resourceDatabasePopulator.addScript(new ClassPathResource("schema.sql"));
resourceDatabasePopulator.addScript(new ClassPathResource("data.sql"));
DatabasePopulatorUtils.execute(resourceDatabasePopulator, dataSource); // This is what the DataSourceInitializer does.
For testing purpose, I'm using this code, as I mentioned, it was working perfectly before I tried to make the date current.
DataSource dataSource = new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder().setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType.H2)
data.sql file
(CONVERT(char(50), DATEADD('DAY', -1,CURRENT_DATE()),126),'xxx')
Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLNonTransientException: Unknown data type: "DATEADD"; SQL statement:
INSERT INTO TABLE_X ( dayxx, xxx ) VALUES (CONVERT(char(50), DATEADD('DAY', -1,CURRENT_DATE()),126),'XXX') [50004-200]
at org.h2.message.DbException.getJdbcSQLException(
at org.h2.message.DbException.getJdbcSQLException(
at org.h2.message.DbException.get(
at org.h2.message.DbException.get(
at org.h2.command.Parser.parseColumnWithType(
at org.h2.command.Parser.readFunctionParameters(
at org.h2.command.Parser.readFunction(
at org.h2.command.Parser.readTerm(
at org.h2.command.Parser.readFactor(
at org.h2.command.Parser.readSum(
at org.h2.command.Parser.readConcat(
at org.h2.command.Parser.readCondition(
at org.h2.command.Parser.readExpression(
at org.h2.command.Parser.parseValuesForCommand(
at org.h2.command.Parser.parseInsertGivenTable(
at org.h2.command.Parser.parseInsert(
at org.h2.command.Parser.parsePrepared(
at org.h2.command.Parser.parse(
at org.h2.command.Parser.parse(
at org.h2.command.Parser.prepareCommand(
at org.h2.engine.Session.prepareLocal(
at org.h2.engine.Session.prepareCommand(
at org.h2.jdbc.JdbcConnection.prepareCommand(
at org.h2.jdbc.JdbcStatement.executeInternal(
at org.h2.jdbc.JdbcStatement.execute(
at org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.init.ScriptUtils.executeSqlScript(
... 53 more
As reported in the docs, Convert function looks like this:
CONVERT ( value , dataType )
Converts a value to another data type.
Since you're passing
CONVERT(char(50), DATEADD('DAY', -1,CURRENT_DATE()),126)
The error states that DATEADD isn't a valid data type, since it's the value, not the type, so try using the right syntax.

Linq to entities if in select statement

I have this linq query
Dim chiamateAperte = From statoRic In
dbVulcano.StatoRic.Where(Function(s) s.RFStato >= 11 And s.RFStato <= 13 And s.Attuale = 1 And s.RFTecnico = rfTecnico)
From richiesta In
dbVulcano.Richieste.Where(Function(r) r.IDRic = statoRic.RFRic).DefaultIfEmpty()
From cliente In
dbVulcano.Clienti.Where(Function(c) c.IDCliente = richiesta.RFCliente).DefaultIfEmpty()
Select statoRic.ID, statoRic.RFRic, statoRic.RFStato, statoRic.Attuale, richiesta.Descr, cliente.RagSociale, statoRic.DataAss, statoRic.Data, dataf = If(statoRic.DataAss.HasValue, statoRic.DataAss, statoRic.Data), statoRic.OraDalle, statoRic.OraAlle
Order By dataf Descending, statoRic.OraDalle Ascending
It's working fine but I want to add an order condition on "OraDalle" field.
OraDalle it's sort of a time field, but sadly on db it's defined as smallInt (and I cannot change it), so the format is like "800" to say "eight o'clock". This field can be null.
So instead of statoRic.OraDalle I tried this:
orad=if (statoRic.OraDalle.HasValue,statoRic.OraDalle,2359)
And then
Order By dataf Descending, orad Ascending
But it throws an ugly error: cannot cast system nullable 1 to system object of type 'system.nullable'. Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context
Then I tried this:
But it also throw an error like: linq to entities does not recognize the method 'Int16 GetValueOrDefault(Int16)'
So... how can I achieve what I want? This whole mess is to get a list ordered by time, where null time values are at the bottom (and not on the top, as default). Thank you all!
Instead of if (statoRic.OraDalle.HasValue,statoRic.OraDalle,2359) use if (statoRic.OraDalle,2359)
This is the equivalent of C#´s null-coalescing-operator ??:
statoRic.OraDalle ?? 2359 which was the solution for a similar question.

How to fix error "Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string" in SQL Query?

The error that I found at the log is the one below.
'Illuminate\Database\QueryException' with message 'SQLSTATE[22007]:
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Conversion
failed when converting date and/or time from character string. (SQL:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS aggregate
FROM [mytable]
WHERE [mytable].[deleted_at] IS NULL
AND [created_at] BETWEEN '2015-09-30T00:00:00' AND '2015-09-30T23:59:59'
AND ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [mytable_translation]
WHERE [mytable_translation].[item_id] = [mytable].[id]) >= 1)
On the database, the DataType is datetime and is not null
Based on marc_s's answer I tried to change the format that I'm sending to the database. So I tried without the T on and [created_at] between '2015-09-30 00:00:00' and '2015-09-30 23:59:59'.
In my local, I'm using mysql, and the code works just fine. If I test the query above on the SQL Server client, both (with and without the T) works too.
How can I fix this problem without create any changes on the database itself?
The PHP/Laravel code:
$items = $items->whereBetween($key, ["'".$value_aux."T00:00:00'", "'".$value_aux."T23:59:59'"]);
With #lad2025 help, I got it to work.
Based on the point of his comments on my question, I changed in the code part (Laravel/PHP in this case) the format that I was passing. (In reality, I "removed" the format it self, and just added fields to a variable before passing to the query. This way, I let the database decide the format that he wants)
Instead of
$itens = $itens->whereBetween($key, ["'".$value_aux."T00:00:00'", "'".$value_aux."T23:59:59'"]);
I changed the code to this:
$sta = $value_aux."T00:00:00";
$end = $value_aux."T23:59:59";
$itens = $itens->whereBetween($key, [$sta, $end]);