I've just started looking at Piranah as a way to jump start a personal project. It looks great, but I would like to extend some of the models. For example, have an physical address field for every bog post.
What is the best way to add that, without causing issues when upgrading later?
Given that you’re using the latest version of Piranha for .NET Core the content types are very flexible and you can extend them in many ways through the framework. You can find good documentation on this here:
If you’re using the legacy version of Piranha (2.x) you can read about it here.
The content model of the latest version of Piranha is far more flexible.
Best regards
There are plenty of good addons, developed for vaadin 7 and vaadin 8 non compatible with flow. Searching for solution i found - vaadin docs on MPR (multiplatform runtime) - where LegacyWrapper class is available which provides integration for legacy components into flow engine. The MPR is available for Prime (paid) subscription users only, so does the LegacyWrapper class as well.
Could anybody please give any hints how to make a simple wrapper implementation for using legacy components into flow layouts. I believe, supposed CustomLegacyWrapper class should inherit from vaadin.flow.component and contain (as a composition, maybe?) vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent. How the baseline solution might look like?
Thanks in advance.
I've got an answer to my question on the vaadin forum from one of the contributors that there is no simple workaround for my purpose, integration of old components into flow engine is one of multiplatform features and its not possible to implement it in easy way.
We have website which built in yii 1.1 version, now we would like to convert it to version 2. But we already have a lots of functionality and we do not have much time to do everything by scratch in yii 2. please do suggest.
I don't think there is a fast way of converting or migrating from Yii 1.1 to Yii2. They are similar in some ways but different enough.
I would recommend you first read most of The Definitive Guide to Yii 2.0, which includes Upgrading from Version 1.1.
In my opinion the best you can do is try to replicate the same modules and their functionality one at a time, trying to reuse as much code as you can from the 1.1 version. A few things that i think would be important are:
Create the new Yii2 models using Gii and adapt methods from your Yii 1.1 models. Edit and add validation rules as needed. There are many rules that might not have been available in Yii 1.1, however it can also be true the other way around.
Generate Yii2 modules with Gii. Just need these to create a better project structure. If you didn't use modules on Yii 1.1 i would recommend doing so for Yii2.
Generate Yii2 CRUDs with Gii inside the corresponding modules. This will help generate the controller, actions, views and search model needed for basic CRUD functionality. After that, you will need to edit the views and controller to fit your needs, which you can use your 1.1 code for reference.
Install needed extensions and widgets using composer. Many extensions from Yii 1.1 have updated versions for Yii2, but for those that do not you will have to find substitutes, which shouldn't be too difficult, although you will most likely have to read the documentation for both familiar and new extensions.
In the end you will need to spend time to have a Yii2 version of your website, there is no easy and fast way to jump
You don't need to convert your application completely you can use both at same time please have a look to
Later i worked with symfony framework. In this framework we can easily build a multi language project by using FOSUserBundle. But i do'nt know what to do in phalcon! In the Phalcon documentation (multi-lingual-support) explained a way for it! But if i have many languages this way is too difficult!
Do yo know about any provided library for multi language projects?
You can either use the Phalcon\Translate to translate all your strings in respective arrays - one file per language. The reference in the documentation as you correctly posted is here and it refers to the native array adapter.
There are additional adapters in the incubator repo, for PO files or database driven.
You might also want to see the internationalization area in the documentation.
take a look at this piece of code
We have an existing site that we would like to convert to an Orchard module. The module will need to continue to use it's own database and data access.
Is it possible to use a different version of NHibernate (3.2) to that of the Orchard Framework and what extension points can be used to hook into Begin/End requests so that ISessions can be managed?
Sorry, no, that is not possible. Or at least very very very difficult. Probably not worth it.
We are in the middle of a relatively large project which uses ExtJS3 and have already invested ~4 man-years, using several plugins and we have written some plugins ourselfs. After a quick glance at ExtJS4, it seems that we would have a lot of work to do to migrate the project to ExtJS4. Are there any strong reasons to switch to ExtJS4? Currently, it seems to me that compatibility with future browsers (or the lack thereof) is the only one.
We're in similar situation and our conclusion was to wait a bit more as Ext 3 is doing it's job. We experienced many problems in our "test" migration and I would say that it's more a rewrite of the application than a migration :(. Also, our experience showed that Ext JS 4 has some performance problems, forms are a bit different, store cannot reject changes, it's bigger. There are some very good new features like the new class system, mixins, new charts, ...
We have upgraded our application to ExtJS4 without fail.We are happy to say that ExtJS4 is fast compare to ExtJS3.A new class system,mixins,plugin-free charts,focus management...etc.,. But if you want to upgrade you need to change a lot of code because class system and config options are changed.We have tested the performance of our application using ExtJS3 and ExtJS4,so as per our observation ExtJS4 is fast and it will not break.As per our observation,CSS selectors are also changed if you want to customize the component you can easily do the thing in ExtJS4.
We tried to migrate from ExtJS3 to ExtJS4 previous week. Unfortunately I must say it is like translate english to german. A lot of work. From our point of view more or less just the charting system is plus, minus - a lot of components that we use are not supported, a lot of css customization shoud be done, working code in ExtJS3 breaks easily and there is sometimes almost impossible to find an error.
Not an expert but personally I'd start new project with extjs4 but leave exiting project alone. The charting stuff is amazing in 4!