How to use to run Hive query? - hive

So I'm trying to execute a hive query using the subprocess module, and save the output into a file data.txt as well as the logs (into log.txt), but I seem to be having a bit of trouble. I've look at this gist as well as this SO question, but neither seem to give me what I need.
Here's what I'm running:
import subprocess
query = "select user, sum(revenue) as revenue from my_table where user = 'dave' group by user;"
outfile = "data.txt"
logfile = "log.txt"
log_buff = open("log.txt", "a")
data_buff = open("data.txt", "w")
# note - "hive -e [query]" would normally just print all the results
# to the console after finishing
proc =["hive" , "-e" '"{}"'.format(query)],
I've also looked into this SO question regarding vs subprocess.Popen, and I believe I want .run() because I'd like the process to block until finished.
The final output should be a file data.txt with the tab-delimited results of the query, and log.txt with all of the logging produced by the hive job. Any help would be wonderful.
With the above way of doing things I'm currently getting the following output:
[ralston#tpsci-gw01-vm tmp]$ cat log.txt
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Using the ParNew young collector with the Serial old collector is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Using the ParNew young collector with the Serial old collector is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/home/y/share/hadoop-!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/home/y/libexec/tez/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.10.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: See for an explanation.
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
Logging initialized using configuration in file:/home/y/libexec/hive/conf/
[ralston#tpsci-gw01-vm tmp]$ cat data.txt
hive> [ralston#tpsci-gw01-vm tmp]$
And I can verify the java/hive process did run:
[ralston#tpsci-gw01-vm tmp]$ ps -u ralston
14096 pts/0 00:00:00 hive
14141 pts/0 00:00:07 java
14259 pts/0 00:00:00 ps
16275 ? 00:00:00 sshd
16276 pts/0 00:00:00 bash
But it looks like it's not finishing and not logging everything that I'd like.

So I managed to get this working with the following setup:
import subprocess
query = "select user, sum(revenue) as revenue from my_table where user = 'dave' group by user;"
outfile = "data.txt"
logfile = "log.txt"
log_buff = open("log.txt", "a")
data_buff = open("data.txt", "w")
# Remove shell=True from proc, and add "> outfile.txt" to the command
proc = subprocess.Popen(["hive" , "-e", '"{}"'.format(query), ">", "{}".format(outfile)],
# keep track of job runtime and set limit
start, elapsed, finished, limit = time.time(), 0, False, 60
while not finished:
outs, errs = proc.communicate(timeout=10)
print("job finished")
finished = True
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
elapsed = abs(time.time() - start) / 60.
if elapsed >= 60:
print("Job took over 60 mins")
print("Comm timed out. Continuing")
Which produced the output as needed. I knew about process.communicate() but that previously didn't work. I believe the issue was related to not adding an output file with > ${outfile} to the hive query.
Feel free to add any details. I've never seen anyone have to loop over proc.communicate() so I'm skeptical that I might be doing something wrong.


snakemake: how to implement log directive when using run directive?

Snakemake allows creation of a log for each rule with log parameter that specifies the name of the log file. It is relatively straightforward to pipe results from shell output to this log, but I am not able to figure out a way of logging output of run output (i.e. python script).
One workaround is to save the python code in a script and then run it from the shell, but I wonder if there is another way?
I have some rules that use both the log and run directives. In the run directive, I "manually" open and write the log file.
For instance:
rule compute_RPM:
counts_table = source_small_RNA_counts,
summary_table = rules.gather_read_counts_summaries.output.summary_table,
tags_table = rules.associate_small_type.output.tags_table,
RPM_table = OPJ(
"all_{mapped_type}_on_%s" % genome, "{small_type}_RPM.txt"),
log = OPJ(log_dir, "compute_RPM_{mapped_type}", "{small_type}.log"),
OPJ(log_dir, "compute_RPM_{mapped_type}", "{small_type}_benchmark.txt"),
with open(log.log, "w") as logfile:
logfile.write(f"Reading column counts from {input.counts_table}\n")
counts_data = pd.read_table(
logfile.write(f"Reading number of non-structural mappers from {input.summary_table}\n")
norm = pd.read_table(input.summary_table, index_col=0).loc["non_structural"]
logfile.write("Computing counts per million non-structural mappers\n")
RPM = 1000000 * counts_data / norm
add_tags_column(RPM, input.tags_table, "small_type").to_csv(output.RPM_table, sep="\t")
For third-party code that writes to stdout, maybe the redirect_stdout context manager could be helpful (found in, documented at
Test snakefile, test_run_log.snakefile:
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
rule all:
rule test_run_log:
with open(log[0], "w") as log_file:
with redirect_stdout(log_file):
print(f"Writing result to {output[0]}")
with open(output[0], "w") as out_file:
Running it:
$ snakemake -s test_run_log.snakefile
$ cat test_run_log.log
Writing result to test_run_log.txt
$ cat test_run_log.txt
My solution was the following. This is usefull both for normal log and logging exceptions with traceback. You can then wrap logger setup in a function to make it more organized. It's not very pretty though. Would be much nicer if snakemake could do it by itself.
import logging
# some stuff
rule logging_test:
input: 'input.json'
output: 'output.json'
log: 'rules_logs/logging_test.log'
logger = logging.getLogger('logging_test')
fh = logging.FileHandler(str(log))
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
try:'Starting operation!')
# do something
with open(str(output), 'w') as f:
except Exception as e:
logger.error(e, exc_info=True)

Any specific problems running (linux) BCP on "too many" threads?

Are there any specific problems with running Microsoft's BCP utility (on CentOS 7, on multiple threads? Googling could not find much, but am looking at a problem that seems to be related to just that.
Copying a set of large TSV files from HDFS to a remote MSSQL Server with some code of the form
bcpexport() {
echo -e "\nRemoving header from TSV file $filename"
echo -e "Current head:\n"
echo $(head -n 1 $filename)
echo "$(tail -n +2 $filename)" > $filename
echo "First line of file is now..."
echo $(head -n 1 $filename)
# temp. workaround safeguard for NFS latency
#sleep 5 #FIXME: appears to sometimes cause script to hang, workaround implemented below, throws error if timeout reached
timeout 30 sleep 5
echo -e "\nReplacing null literal values with empty chars"
NULL_WITH_TAB="null\t" # WARN: assumes the first field is prime-key so never null
sed -i -e "s/$NULL_WITH_TAB/$TAB/g" $filename
echo -e "Lines containing null (expect zero): $(grep -c "\tnull\t" $filename)"
# temp. workaround safeguard for NFS latency
#sleep 5 #FIXME: appears to sometimes cause script to hang, workaround implemented below
timeout 30 sleep 5
/opt/mssql-tools/bin/bcp "$TABLE" in "$filename" \
-d $DB \
-t "\t" \
-e ${filename}.bcperror.log
export -f bcpexport
where $DATAFILES/$TARGET_GLOB constructs a glob that lists a set of files in a directory.
When running this code for a set of TSV files, finding that sometimes some (but not all) of the parallel BCP threads fail, ie. some files successfully copy to MSSQL Server
Starting copy...
5397376 rows copied.
Network packet size (bytes): 4096
Clock Time (ms.) Total : 154902 Average : (34843.8 rows per sec.)
while others output error message
Starting copy...
BCP copy in failed
Usually, see this pattern: a few successful BCP copy-in operations in the first few threads returned, then a bunch of failing threads return their output until run out of files (GNU Parallel returns output only when whole thread done to appear same as if sequential).
Notice in the code there is the -e option to produce an error file for each BCP copy-in operation (see When examining the files after observing these failing behaviors, all are blank, no error messages.
Only have seen this with the number of threads >= 10 (and only for certain sets of data (assuming has something to do with total number of files are files sizes, and yet...)), no errors seen so far when using ~7 threads, which further makes me suspect this has something to do with multi-threading.
Monitoring system resources (via free -mh) shows that generally ~13GB or RAM is always available.
May be helpful to note that the data bcp is trying to copy-in may be ~500000-1000000 records long with an upper limit of ~100 columns per record.
Does anyone have any idea what could be going on here? Note, am pretty new to using BCP as well as GNU Parallel and multi-threading.
No, no issues specific to the BCP program being run in multiple threads. You seem to be on the track of what I would say your issue is, system resources. Have you monitored system resources while increasing the number of threads? If anything, there is likely an issue with BCP executing properly when memory/cpu/network resources are low. Regarding the "-e" option, it is meant to output data errors. login errors, bad table names... many other errros are not reported in the file created with the -e option. When you get output using the "-e" option, you'll see info like "value truncated" and such... will give you line numbers and sample data that was at issue.
TLDR: Adding more threads to run concurrently to have bcp copy-in files of data seems to have the affect of overwhelming the endpoint MSSQL Server with write instructions, causing the bcp threads to fail (maybe timeing out?). When the number of threads becomes too many seems to depend on the size of the files getting copy-in'ed by bcp (ie. both the number of records in the file as well as the width of each record (ie. number of columns)).
Long version (more reasons for my theory):
When running a larger number of bcp threads and looking at the processes started on the machine (
ps -aux | grep bcp
seeing a bunch of sleeping processes (notice the S, see as shown below (added newlines for readability)
me 135296 14.5 0.0 77596 6940 ? S 00:32 0:01
/opt/mssql-tools/bin/bcp TABLENAME in /path/to/tsv/1_16_0.tsv -D -S MyMSSQLServer -U myusername -P -d myDB -c -t \t -e /path/to/logfile
These threads appear to sleep for very long time. Further debugging into why these threads are sleeping suggests that they may in fact be doing their intended job (which would further imply that the problem may be coming from BCP itself (see From and
A process in S state is usually in a blocking system call, such as reading or writing to a file or the network, or waiting for another called program to finish.
(eg. writing to the MSSQL Server endpoint destination given to bcp in the ODBCDSN)
Your process will be in S state when it is doing reads and possibly writes that are blocking. Can also happen while waiting on semaphores or other synchronization primitives... This is all normal and expected, and not usually a problem... you don't want it to waste CPU while it's waiting for user input.
2. When running different sets of files of varying record-amount-per-file (eg. ranges of 500000 - 1000000 rows/file) and record-width-per-file (~10 - 100 columns/row), found that in cases with either very large data width or amounts, running a fixed set of bcp threads would fail.
Eg. for a set of ~33 TSVs with ~500000 rows each, each row being ~100 columns wide, a set of 30 threads would write the first few OK, but then all the rest would start returning failure messages. Incorporating a bit from #jamie's answer, the fact the the failure messages returned are "BCP copy in failed" errors does not necessarily mean it has do do with the content of the data in question. Having no actual content being written into the -e errorlog files from my process, #jamie's post says this
Regarding the "-e" option, it is meant to output data errors. login errors, bad table names... many other errros are not reported in the file created with the -e option. When you get output using the "-e" option, you'll see info like "value truncated" and such... will give you line numbers and sample data that was at issue.
Meanwhile, a set of ~33 TSVs with ~500000 rows each, each row being ~100 wide, and still using 30 bcp threads would complete quickly and without error (also would be faster when reducing the number of threads or file set). The only difference here being the overall size of the data being bcp copy-in'ed to the MSSQL Server.
All this while
free -mh
still showed that the machine running the threads still had ~15GB of free RAM remaining in each case (which is again why I suspect that the problem has to do with the remote MSSQL Server endpoint rather than with the code or local machine itself).
3. When running some of the tests from (2), found that manually killing the parallel process (via CTL+C) and then trying to remotely truncate the testing table being written to with /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -Q "truncate table mytable" on the local machine would take a very long time (as opposed to manually logging into the MSSQL Server and executing a truncate mytable in the DB). Again this makes me think that this has something to do with the MSSQL Server having too many connections and just being overwhelmed.
** Anyone with any MSSQL Mgmt Studio experience reading this (I have basically none), if you see anything here that makes you think that my theory is incorrect please let me know your thoughts.

BigQuery bq command with asterisk (*) doesn't work in Compute Engine

I have a directory with a file named file1.txt
And I run the command:
bq query "SELECT * FROM [publicdata:samples.shakespeare] LIMIT 5"
In my local machine it works fine but in Compute Engine I receive this error:
Waiting on bqjob_r2aaecf624e10b8c5_0000014d0537316e_1 ... (0s) Current status: DONE
BigQuery error in query operation: Error processing job 'my-project-id:bqjob_r2aaecf624e10b8c5_0000014d0537316e_1': Field 'file1.txt' not found.
If the directory is empty it works fine. I'm guessing the asterisk is expanding the file(s) into the query but I don't know why.
Apparently the bq command which is located at /usr/bin/bq has the following script:
exec /usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/bin/bq ${#}
which expands the asterisk.
As a current workaround I'm calling /usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/bin/bq directly.

How can I inspect a Hadoop SequenceFile for which I lack full schema information?

I have a compressed Hadoop SequenceFile from a customer which I'd like to inspect. I do not have full schema information at this time (which I'm working on separately).
But in the interim (and in the hopes of a generic solution), what are my options for inspecting the file?
I found a tool forqlift:
And have tried 'forqlift list' on the file. It complains that it can't load classes for the custom subclass Writables included. So I will need to track down those implementations.
But is there any other option available in the meantime? I understand that most likely I can't extract the data, but is there some tool for scanning how many key values and of what type?
From shell:
$ hdfs dfs -text /user/hive/warehouse/table_seq/000000_0
or directly from hive (which is much faster for small files, because it is running in an already started JVM)
hive> dfs -text /user/hive/warehouse/table_seq/000000_0
works for sequence files.
Check the SequenceFileReadDemo class in the 'Hadoop : The Definitive Guide'- Sample Code. The sequence files have the key/value types embedded in them. Use the SequenceFile.Reader.getKeyClass() and SequenceFile.Reader.getValueClass() to get the type information.
My first thought would be to use the Java API for sequence files to try to read them. Even if you don't know which Writable is used by the file, you can guess and check the error messages (there may be a better way that I don't know).
For example:
private void readSeqFile(Path pathToFile) throws IOException {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, pathToFile, conf);
Text key = new Text(); // this could be the wrong type
Text val = new Text(); // also could be wrong
while (, val)) {
System.out.println(key + ":" + val);
This program would crash if those are the wrong types, but the Exception should say which Writable type the key and value actually are.
Actually if you do less file.seq usually you can read some of the header and see what the Writable types are (at least for the first key/value). On one file, for example, I see:
I'm not a Java or Hadoop programmer, so my way of solving problem could be not the best one, but anyway.
I spent two days solving the problem of reading FileSeq locally (Linux debian amd64) without installation of hadoop.
The provided sample
while (, val)) {
System.out.println(key + ":" + val);
works well for Text, but didn't work for BytesWritable compressed input data.
What I did?
I downloaded this utility for creating (writing SequenceFiles Hadoop data)
, and got it working, then modified for reading input Hadoop SeqFiles.
The instruction for Debian running this utility from scratch:
sudo apt-get install maven2
sudo mvn install
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
edit "sudo vi /usr/bin/mvn",
change `which java` to `which /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/bin/java`
Also I've added (probably not required)
PATH="/home/mine/perl5/bin${PATH+:}${PATH};/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/"; export PATH;
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/
export JAVA_VERSION=1.7
to ~/.bashrc
Then usage:
sudo mvn install
~/hadoop_tools/sequencefile-utility/sequencefile-utility-master$ /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -jar ./target/sequencefile-utility-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
-- and this doesn't break the default java 1.6 installation that is required for FireFox/etc.
For resolving error with FileSeq compatability (e.g. "Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable"), I used the libs from the Hadoop master server as is (a kind of hack):
scp root# ~/
sudo cp ~/ /usr/lib/
scp root# ~/
sudo cp ~/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
One night drinking coffee, and I've written this code for reading FileSeq hadoop input files (using this cmd for running this code "/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -jar ./target/sequencefile-utility-1.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar -d test/ -c NONE"):
Path file = new Path("/home/mine/mycompany/task13/data/2015-08-30");
reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, file, conf);
long pos = reader.getPosition();"GO from pos "+pos);
DataOutputBuffer rawKey = new DataOutputBuffer();
ValueBytes rawValue = reader.createValueBytes();
int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 1024;
DataOutputBuffer kobuf = new DataOutputBuffer(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
int rl;
do {
rl = reader.nextRaw(kobuf, rawValue);"read len for current record: "+rl+" and in more details ");
if(rl >= 0)
{"read key "+new String(kobuf.getData())+" (keylen "+kobuf.getLength()+") and data "+rawValue.getSize());
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("/home/mine/outb");
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos);
} while(rl>0);
I've just added this chunk of code to file src/main/java/eu/scape_project/tb/lsdr/seqfileutility/ just after the line
writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(fs, conf, path, keyClass,
valueClass, CompressionType.get(pc.getCompressionType()));
Thanks to these sources of info:
If using hadoop-core instead of mahour, then will have to download asm-3.1.jar manually:
The list of avaliable mahout repos:
Intro to Mahout:
Good resource for learning interfaces and sources of Hadoop Java classes (I used it for writing my own code for reading FileSeq):
Sources of project tb-lsdr-seqfilecreator that I used for creating my own project FileSeq reader:
stackoverflow_com/questions/5096128/sequence-files-in-hadoop - the same example (read key,value that doesn't work) - this one helped me (I used reader.nextRaw the same as in nextKeyValue() and other subs)
Also I've changed ./pom.xml for native apache.hadoop instead of mahout.hadoop, but probably this is not required, because the bugs for read->next(key, value) are the same for both so I had to use read->nextRaw(keyRaw, valueRaw) instead:
diff ../../sequencefile-utility/sequencefile-utility-master/pom.xml ./pom.xml
< <version>1.0</version>
> <version>1.3</version>
< <version>2.0.1</version>
> <version>2.4</version>
< <groupId>org.apache.mahout.hadoop</groupId>
> <groupId>org.apache.hadoop</groupId>
< <version>0.20.1</version>
> <version>1.1.2</version>
< <version>1.1</version>
> <version>1.1.3</version>
I was just playing with Dumbo. When you run a Dumbo job on a Hadoop cluster, the output is a sequence file. I used the following to dump out an entire Dumbo-generated sequence file as plain text:
$ bin/hadoop jar contrib/streaming/hadoop-streaming-1.0.4.jar \
-input totals/part-00000 \
-output unseq \
-inputformat SequenceFileAsTextInputFormat
$ bin/hadoop fs -cat unseq/part-00000
I got the idea from here.
Incidentally, Dumbo can also output plain text.
Following the anwer of Praveen Sripati, here a small example of from Hadoop the Definitive Guide by Tom White.
Data are in HDFS, in this position : user/hduser/output-hashsort/ and the file is
In eclipse, in the Arguments folder I've written this string :
and this is part of the output, with the debugger

Nano hacks: most useful tiny programs you've coded or come across

It's the first great virtue of programmers. All of us have, at one time or another automated a task with a bit of throw-away code. Sometimes it takes a couple seconds tapping out a one-liner, sometimes we spend an exorbitant amount of time automating away a two-second task and then never use it again.
What tiny hack have you found useful enough to reuse? To make go so far as to make an alias for?
Note: before answering, please check to make sure it's not already on favourite command-line tricks using BASH or perl/ruby one-liner questions.
i found this on just today. it's very simple, but clever. i felt stupid for not having thought of it myself.
### Handy Extract Program
extract () {
if [ -f $1 ] ; then
case $1 in
*.tar.bz2) tar xvjf $1 ;;
*.tar.gz) tar xvzf $1 ;;
*.bz2) bunzip2 $1 ;;
*.rar) unrar x $1 ;;
*.gz) gunzip $1 ;;
*.tar) tar xvf $1 ;;
*.tbz2) tar xvjf $1 ;;
*.tgz) tar xvzf $1 ;;
*.zip) unzip $1 ;;
*.Z) uncompress $1 ;;
*.7z) 7z x $1 ;;
*) echo "'$1' cannot be extracted via >extract<" ;;
echo "'$1' is not a valid file"
Here's a filter that puts commas in the middle of any large numbers in standard input.
$ cat ~/bin/comma
#!/usr/bin/perl -p
sub commify {
local $_ = shift;
1 while s/^([ -+]?\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/;
return $_;
I usually wind up using it for long output lists of big numbers, and I tire of counting decimal places. Now instead of seeing
-rw-r--r-- 1 alester alester 2244487404 Oct 6 15:38 listdetail.sql
I can run that as ls -l | comma and see
-rw-r--r-- 1 alester alester 2,244,487,404 Oct 6 15:38 listdetail.sql
This script saved my career!
Quite a few years ago, i was working remotely on a client database. I updated a shipment to change its status. But I forgot the where clause.
I'll never forget the feeling in the pit of my stomach when I saw (6834 rows affected). I basically spent the entire night going through event logs and figuring out the proper status on all those shipments. Crap!
So I wrote a script (originally in awk) that would start a transaction for any updates, and check the rows affected before committing. This prevented any surprises.
So now I never do updates from command line without going through a script like this. Here it is (now in Python):
import sys
import subprocess as sp
pgm = "isql"
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print "Usage: \nsql sql-string [rows-affected]"
sql_str = sys.argv[1].upper()
max_rows_affected = 3
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
max_rows_affected = int(sys.argv[2])
if sql_str.startswith("UPDATE"):
sql_str = "BEGIN TRANSACTION\\n" + sql_str
p1 = sp.Popen([pgm, sql_str],stdout=sp.PIPE,
(stdout, stderr) = p1.communicate()
print stdout
# example -> (33 rows affected)
affected = stdout.splitlines()[-1]
affected = affected.split()[0].lstrip('(')
num_affected = int(affected)
if num_affected > max_rows_affected:
print "WARNING! ", num_affected,"rows were affected, rolling back..."
ret_code =[pgm, sql_str], shell=True)
ret_code =[pgm, sql_str], shell=True)
ret_code =[pgm, sql_str], shell=True)
I use this script under assorted linuxes to check whether a directory copy between machines (or to CD/DVD) worked or whether copying (e.g. ext3 utf8 filenames -> fusebl
k) has mangled special characters in the filenames.
## dsum Do checksums recursively over a directory.
## Typical usage: dsum <directory> > outfile
export LC_ALL=C # Optional - use sort order across different locales
if [ $# != 1 ]; then echo "Usage: ${0/*\//} <directory>" 1>&2; exit; fi
cd $1 1>&2 || exit
#findargs=-follow # Uncomment to follow symbolic links
find . $findargs -type f | sort | xargs -d'\n' cksum
Sorry, don't have the exact code handy, but I coded a regular expression for searching source code in VS.Net that allowed me to search anything not in comments. It came in very useful in a particular project I was working on, where people insisted that commenting out code was good practice, in case you wanted to go back and see what the code used to do.
I have two ruby scripts that I modify regularly to download all of various webcomics. Extremely handy! Note: They require wget, so probably linux. Note2: read these before you try them, they need a little bit of modification for each site.
Date based downloader:
#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
Day = 60 * 60 * 24
Fromat = "hjlsdahjsd/comics/st%Y%m%d.gif"
t = Time.local(2005, 2, 5)
MWF = [1,3,5]
until t == Time.local(2007, 7, 9)
if MWF.include? t.wday
`wget #{t.strftime(Fromat)}`
sleep 3
t += Day
Or you can use the number based one:
#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
Fromat = "http://fdsafdsa/comics/%08d.gif"
1.upto(986) do |i|
`wget #{sprintf(Fromat, i)}`
sleep 1
Instead of having to repeatedly open files in SQL Query Analyser and run them, I found the syntax needed to make a batch file, and could then run 100 at once. Oh the sweet sweet joy! I've used this ever since.
isqlw -S servername -d dbname -E -i F:\blah\whatever.sql -o F:\results.txt
This goes back to my COBOL days but I had two generic COBOL programs, one batch and one online (mainframe folks will know what these are). They were shells of a program that could take any set of parameters and/or files and be run, batch or executed in an IMS test region. I had them set up so that depending on the parameters I could access files, databases(DB2 or IMS DB) and or just manipulate working storage or whatever.
It was great because I could test that date function without guessing or test why there was truncation or why there was a database ABEND. The programs grew in size as time went on to include all sorts of tests and become a staple of the development group. Everyone knew where the code resided and included them in their unit testing as well. Those programs got so large (most of the code were commented out tests) and it was all contributed by people through the years. They saved so much time and settled so many disagreements!
I coded a Perl script to map dependencies, without going into an endless loop, For a legacy C program I inherited .... that also had a diamond dependency problem.
I wrote small program that e-mailed me when I received e-mails from friends, on an rarely used e-mail account.
I wrote another small program that sent me text messages if my home IP changes.
To name a few.
Years ago I built a suite of applications on a custom web application platform in PERL.
One cool feature was to convert SQL query strings into human readable sentences that described what the results were.
The code was relatively short but the end effect was nice.
I've got a little app that you run and it dumps a GUID into the clipboard. You can run it /noui or not. With UI, its a single button that drops a new GUID every time you click it. Without it drops a new one and then exits.
I mostly use it from within VS. I have it as an external app and mapped to a shortcut. I'm writing an app that relies heavily on xaml and guids, so I always find I need to paste a new guid into xaml...
Any time I write a clever list comprehension or use of map/reduce in python. There was one like this:
if reduce(lambda x, c: locks[x] and c, locknames, True):
print "Sub-threads terminated!"
The reason I remember that is that I came up with it myself, then saw the exact same code on somebody else's website. Now-adays it'd probably be done like:
if all(map(lambda z: locks[z], locknames)):
print "ya trik"
I've got 20 or 30 of these things lying around because once I coded up the framework for my standard console app in windows I can pretty much drop in any logic I want, so I got a lot of these little things that solve specific problems.
I guess the ones I'm using a lot right now is a console app that takes stdin and colorizes the output based on xml profiles that match regular expressions to colors. I use it for watching my log files from builds. The other one is a command line launcher so I don't pollute my PATH env var and it would exceed the limit on some systems anyway, namely win2k.
I'm constantly connecting to various linux servers from my own desktop throughout my workday, so I created a few aliases that will launch an xterm on those machines and set the title, background color, and other tweaks:
alias x="xterm" # local
alias xd="ssh -Xf me#development_host xterm -bg aliceblue -ls -sb -bc -geometry 100x30 -title Development"
alias xp="ssh -Xf me#production_host xterm -bg thistle1 ..."
I have a bunch of servers I frequently connect to, as well, but they're all on my local network. This Ruby script prints out the command to create aliases for any machine with ssh open:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'dnssd'
handle = DNSSD.browse('_ssh._tcp') do |reply|
print "alias #{}='ssh #{}.#{reply.domain}';"
sleep 1
Use it like this in your .bash_profile:
eval `ruby ~/.alias_shares`