Yii2: Setasign fpdi - pdf

I am creating an application and used fpdi for the printable documents. But when I ran the code, it returned an error: setasign\Fpdi\PdfParser\PdfParserException . What are the possible causes of this error?

As you can see from the code, parser tries to find PDF keyword in the file header. But does not find.
PDF file is corrupted or empty.

Add this line to your code.


expected identifier or )

I have a project that contains several header files, when the project imported into Xcode and compiled, on of the header files caused the following error:
expected identifier or )
would you please suggest some solution to fix this issue, there are similar questions about solving the same error, but it does not address my issue.
also,why do you think I receive such an error despite the path to the header file does not contain ")" sign?
Because the error is in what is being included not in the file name.
would you please suggest some solution to fix this issue
In Xcode open the file reporting the error then select the menu item Product > Perform Action > Preprocess "<file>". This will produce you a "flat" view of the file with all files included and all processing tokens expanded. The view will contain lines starting with # which indicate the files the various lines originally came from. In this view locate the point at which Xcode shows the error in the original file and then examine the lines preceding that point. You should locate what is causing your issue. You can then open the original file containing the error and fix it.

Can't get PDFBox CreatePDFA example to work - Color profile not found

I'm trying to get the example for creating a PDF/A document with Apache PDFBox up an running (CreatePDFA.java).
For this I copied the example class as is into a project module that includes a maven-dependency on PDFBox in version 2.0.0-RC3. I only changed the method signature and used a fixed font, filename and message instead of args[].
When trying to run the code I get an NPE in Line 107 because it cant't load the color profile (InputStream is null) When I check the included library in the project details I can see the resources folder, but it does not contain the expected file, namely "pdfa/sRGB Color Space Profile.icm".
Unfortunately, google-ing the problem only turned up more references to always the same example implementation, but after a while I acutally found what seems to be the needed file on apache.googlesource.com
I copied the file to our own resource directory and then used this line of code instead:
InputStream colorProfile = CreatePdfA.class.getResourceAsStream("/pdfa/sRGB Color Space Profile.icm");
This finally stopped the NPE - the file is apparently found - but now I get another exception which says:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid ICC Profile Data
Here, I'm stuck. I had hoped that this would work just out of the box, but it seems like I am missing something. Any ideas?
You already answered one part of the problem yourself: put the file into your resource directory.
The second problem may be a bad repository mirror or a transfer problem (binary to ascii). Here's the official repository URL with the ICC profile from the example:

Responsive website screenshot with Pageres with URLs from a text file

I am trying to use pageres(https://github.com/sindresorhus/pageres) module to take screenshots of my website in different resolutions.
It works fine when I provide the URL and the size in command line but it doesn't work when I have my urls in a text file. It takes a screenshot of only the last URL in the file. I use the following command to run pageres:
pageres 640x768 < urls.txt
URLs in the text file are newline separated so they look like this:
So it basically takes a screenshot of only apple.com and throws the error below for each of the screenshot above it.
The error I get is:
TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object <evaluating 'options.windowSize.width'>
and the file it points to is webshot.phantom.js line 13.
Am I running the command incorrectly or something? I use it the way it is mentioned on their site.
Thank you for your help.
It might have been a bug at some point, but it works fine in the latest version. Just tested.

<Error>: FT_Open_Face failed: error 85

I am trying to install a custom font into my iPhone application. When I add the 'Fonts provided by application’ key into my info.plist file I get the following error ': FT_Open_Face failed: error 85.’
I am not sure what the problem is as I have successfully been able to use custom fonts in the past.
Any help will be appreciated.
If you leave the first element in your font array in the plist (index 0) blank, you will get this error.
PostScript fonts cannot be used with UIFont directly. You can use them only with CoreText or CATextLayer.
This can occur if the font in question is a Font Suitcase format. Open your application package, and if the font .ttf file shows a size of "Zero bytes", it's probably a font suitcase.
Files of this type can be converted using Fondu.
When running Fondu, I had to specify not just the suitcase file, but the resource fork inside it:
fondu mysuitcasefont.ttf/..namedfork/rsrc
This will extract any fonts in the suitcase to the current directory. It is these extracted files you will want to include in your iOS project and reference from the .plist.
I received this error when using a .ttf font. I was able to correct it by removing the file extension from the filename in (a) the resource in xcode and (b) the "Fonts provided by application" array in the .plist file.
Hopefully this will help.
I was trying to use Google Signika font on my App, and got the exact issue.
I solve the issue by using the .otf version of the font
Accepted answer is totally wrong and unnecessary. Probably you made a mistake when writing your font name.
Thats rules for that.
First Step : Write font name before .ttf extension. Example: For FFFTusj.ttf => FFFTusj
Second Step : Write - and after font style. Example: Bold or Medium etc. Example: #"FFFTusj-Bold"
And also dont forget add your font file to your project.
Check this link:
If your font is REGULAR dont write -Regular at end of font name.

zend_pdf can't read existing pdf

I'm using Zend_Pdf to generate PDF files, based on existing PDF templates. The problem is, I can't read any of the templates - I get a "File is not a PDF." error because the first 4 characters in the file are "%???" instead of "%PDF" (I used "head" to check this).
Is this a character encoding problem? I believe the templates are in ISO-8859-1, must I set something in Zend_Pdf_Parser to handle this?
to answer my own question, I moved to Perl PDF::Extract and it's working.