public function __construct() in php7 -- Way beyond my grasp - php-7

I'm absolutely lost here.. i've read through previous questions and answers but all i do is break the code even more.
This obviously no longer works in php7, so i'm trying (and failing) to get this to work. It's probably a slap-head for most of the folks here, but how do i get this to work in php7? Thanks.
public function __construct() {
$arrConfig = include './config.php';
$this->objDB = mysql_connect($arrConfig['db']['host'], $arrConfig['db']['username'], $arrConfig['db']['password']);
mysql_select_db($arrConfig['db']['dbname'], $this->objDB);
results in the following error.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()

I hate to say "RFTM", but it's sound advice in this case. If yer having problems with a function, the first thing you should do is read the documentation on it.
Here they are:
In a highlighted box at the top of the page it says this:
This extension was deprecated in PHP 5.5.0, and it was removed in PHP 7.0.0.
It then goes on to give advice of what to do instead, which is:
Instead, the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extension should be used. See also MySQL: choosing an API guide and related FAQ for more information. Alternatives to this function include:
Have a read of the docs, they'll steer you in the right direction. Come back and ask further questions if you get stuck on your revised solution.


'TypeError: express_jwt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default(...) is not a function' when trying to leverage express.jwt to auth required sign-in

Hope the holidays are treating everyone well. I'm a beginning coder working on a full stack application. Currently I'm trying to build a back end skeleton leveraging MongoDB, Express, and Node.js. Everything seems to be going well but for using an express json web token to authenticate a required sign-in method. What's odd to me is the error references '. . . Webpack imported module 2 . . .' . I am using Webpack and Babel as compilers etc. but don't have the experience to connect the relationship between Webpack and express-JWT. My guess is that one of the modules I'm working with is out of date and thus not compatible with the others but am not sure which one. Of course, there could be an error in my code but I've tried to debug based on the error message to no avail. Would greatly appreciate your insights and help - thank you!
As mentioned, I'm a beginning coder but have tried the following: a) the two stack overflow threads below seemed to point me to documentation or updated syntax and I've tried variations of both but to no avail.
express-jwt got TypeError: express_jwt__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default(...) is not a function
TypeError: Webpack imported module is not a function.
Given the suggestions to review documentation I reviewed Webpack, Express, and even React (plan to use react on the front end) documentation but again, I didn't see, what in my mind, could be related subject matter. I think someone with more experience would prob know exactly where to look in the documentation but I don't seem to be able to put the pieces together given the little coding experience I have. Guidance on where to look in the documentation would be great as I'm eager to get more comfortable reviewing primary reference material. Regardless, appreciate the help and plan to pay it forward one day soon - thanks again!
Screenshots below: respective code truncated for relevance, package.json file
[respective code truncated for relevance] (
package.json file

I get errors serving lit-element with the nollup development server

When serving lit-element components with nollup then I keep getting the following error in the browser console that I am not able to track down:
toast-messages.js:56 Uncaught TypeError: modules[number] is not a function
at create_bindings (toast-messages.js:56)
at toast-messages.js:57
at Object.48 (toast-messages.js:365)
at create_bindings (toast-messages.js:56)
at _require (toast-messages.js:141)
at toast-messages.js:249
at toast-messages.js:251
Can anyone point me in the right direction? (I can share my rollup.config.js if required)
This error means that a module has been requested, but there's no module with the specified id (number) included in the bundle. This can happen for a variety of reasons:
There's a call using require passing an invalid id.
Passing a string or something other than a number into require.
Using a library that was compiled to CommonJS but was not transformed to ESM.
It's likely that you're missing the CommonJS plugin, or if you are, then the CommonJS isn't able to catch the require call and convert it. The latter can happen because of obfuscation in the library code. CommonJS plugins work by using static analysis. It would be very difficult for the plugin to transform the following:
var r = require;
Without executing the code, it would be difficult for static analysis to track this. A best effort attempt can be made, but there will be always a situation where it could fail.
So here's the following steps you should take:
* Confirm that the CommonJS plugin is being used.
* If it is, check the file in node_modules for unusual patterns.
* If there is, file an issue with the CommonJS plugin maintainer and see if it's possible to solve, and if not, you might need to contact the maintainer for the toast-message library.
I do realise I'm posting this very late, but better to answer later than never! To avoid this vague error in the future, in 0.10.2 of Nollup I've added a user friendly error that list some things to check for.
Hope this helps!

Geo.Lua function GEOMETRYFILTER and Redis

I'm trying to figure out how to actually do a call to GEOMETRYFILTER function in geo.lua since documentation is not very clear to me:
What exactly do these parameters means and how do I call this function from Redis-cli? I was not able to find any example on google.
geo.lua's author here - IIRC it involves first creating a polyhash to describe the filter and then providing it along with the geoset to the library. Performance is quite horrible as everything is done in Lua.
FYI - that library is no longer maintained.

custom error pages for IBM Domino iNotes

we're currently customizing iNotes for a customer (platform currently is Domino 9). We almost reached our goals, but one thing that's on our todo list I can't really figure out: they want us to also customize any possible error pages; see the following example screenshot:
This and other similar pages seem to come from the central Forms9.nsf which I'd love to leave as it is. We so far tried domcfg.nsf mappings, but as this is an iNotes internal error it obviously can't work; I also tried to figure out a way to put seomething into our customized Forms9_x.nsf but without any hint this is too abstract for me.
So my questions are:
has anyone ever done this?
what options do we have (apart from "hacking" Forms9.nsf)?
Many thanks in advance...
After continuing to play with domcfg mappings I suddenly saw a first result; not sure what's the difference to the first attempts, though; maybe moving the error form to Forms9_x.nsf did the trick? I'll keep investigating and post an answer if I can find one...
Alright, this has been an afternoon of wild guessing and hacking along, but finally I think I found it:
first of all, my playing around with domcfg mappings didn't have to do with solving the problem; instead, I just by chance had put my error page form into my Forms9_x.nsf and named it $$ReturnGeneralError (that's simply the name used in Forms9.nsf...; I completely had forgotton about those 4 pre-defined form names back from Domino 5 times).
What did not work was the old method of simply including a text file named MessageString to display the exact error message returned from the server; obviously iNotes is handling those error strings differently.
After a few hours of testing, and comparing codes between the standard iNotes error page and mine I finally found it: include some iNotes specific computed text into the page, in my case that is
#{{MessageString}; html}
See this document for some details (last row in the table)
Hopefully this can help someone else as well...

internal error markers

Theoretically, the end user should never see internal errors. But in practice, theory and practice differ. So the question is what to show the end user. Now, for the totally non-technical user, you want to show as little as possible ("click here to submit a bug report" kind of things), but for more advanced users, they will want to know if there is a work around, if it's been known for a while, etc. So you want to include some sort of info about what's wrong as well.
The classic way to do this is either an assert with a filename:line-number or a stack trace with the same. Now this is good for the developer because it points him right at the problem; however it has some significant downsides for the user, particularly that it's very cryptic (e.g. unfriendly) and code changes change the error message (Googling for the error only works for this version).
I have a program that I'm planning on writing where I want to address these issues. What I want is a way to attach a unique identity to every assert in such a way that editing the code around the assert won't alter it. (For example, if I cut/paste it to another file, I want the same information to be displayed) Any ideas?
One tack I'm thinking of is to have an enumeration for the errors, but how to make sure that they are never used in more than one place?
(Note: For this question, I'm only looking at errors that are caused by coding errors. Not things that could legitimately happen like bad input. OTOH those errors may be of some interest to the community at large.)
(Note 2: The program in question would be a command line app running on the user's system. But again, that's just my situation.)
(Note 3: the target language is D and I'm very willing to dive into meta-programming. Answers for other languages more than welcome!)
(note 4: I explicitly want to NOT use actual code locations but rather some kind of symbolic names for the errors. This is because if code is altered in practically any way, code locations change.)
Interesting question. A solution I have used several times is this: If it's a fatal error (non-fatal errors should give the user a chance to correct the input, for example), we generate a file with a lot of relevant information: The request variables, headers, internal configuration information and a full backtrace for later debugging. We store this in a file with a generated unique filename (and with the time as a prefix).
For the user, we present a page which explains that an unrecoverable error has occurred, and ask that they include the filename as a reference if they would like to report the bug. A lot easier to debug with all this information from the context of the offending request.
In PHP the debug_backtrace() function is very useful for this. I'm sure there's an equivalent for your platform.
Also remember to send relevant http headers: Probably: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Given a sensible format of the error report file, it's also possible to analyze the errors that users have not reported.
Write a script to grep your entire source tree for uses of these error codes, and then complain if there are duplicates. Run that script as part of your unit tests.
I know nothing about your target language, but this is an interesting question that I have given some thought to and I wanted to add my two cents.
My feeling has always been that messages for hard errors and internal errors should be as useful as possible for the developer to identify the problem & fix it quickly. Most users won't even look at this error message, but the highly sophisticated end users (tech support people perhaps) will often get a pretty good idea what the problem is and even come up with novel workarounds by looking at highly detailed error messages. The key is to make those error messages detailed without being cryptic, and this is more an art than a science.
An example from a Windows program that uses an out-of-proc COM server. If the main program tries to instantiate an object from the COM server and fails with the error message:
"WARNING: Unable to Instantiate
UtilityObject: Error 'Class Not
Registered' in 'CoCreateInstance'"
99% of users will see this and think it is written in Greek. A tech support person may quickly realize that they need ro re-register the COM server. And the developer will know exactly what went wrong.
In order to associate some contextual information with the assertion, in my C++ code I will often use a simple string with the name of the method, or something else that makes it clear where the error occured (I apologize for answering in a language you didn't ask about):
int someFunction()
static const std::string loc = "someFunction";
: :
if( somethingWentWrong )
WarningMessage(loc.c_str(), "Unable to Instantiate UtilityObject: Error 'Class Not
Registered' in 'CoCreateInstance);
...which generates:
WARNING [someFunction] : Unable to
Instantiate UtilityObject: Error
'Class Not Registered' in